



Cape Coral, FL


March 5

About Yourself

as a member of Avalon forum, and aticus 1 forums i have grown in alot of why since i was let go, last year.

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Ekhart tolle, Wyne Dyer, Deepak Shopra, Mooji, KJV bible, Moody bible instatute LA.

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  • having trouble finding my art page, any idea where it's at?
  • Just stopping by to say hello...I do drop in from time to time....I try to spread myself around, lol.....Have an awesome weekend, and I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving....Take care....


  • sʞuɐɥʇ puǝıɹɟ ɹnoʎ ǝq oʇ pǝɹouoɥ ɯ,ı


  • 5.gif

  • 8113682067?profile=original

  • Many thanks for your friendship, John. :) :)


    Much Love!


    Wes :)

  • dear John,thankyou for your friendship,and I am looking forward to shareing,and exchanging many insights with each other,have a very blessed weekend,filled with many rays of iridescent light,love,light,blessings eve.8114391888?profile=original

  • Hi im malic/matt :) im into making art.


  • Thanks for taking the time to enlighten the enlightened who tends to lose touch with their field of work from time to time.

    I also see myself and my life as a reminder to my fellow-sojourner, to keep them from slipping into the hands of the great money-spinners.

    Like yourself, I too get tired and need a fellow-traveler like yourself to provide me with fuel for thought to keep me fighting on.

    Can you perhaps tell me what malevolent unseen powers are out there that can put one's life into such a tail-spin that I find myself to have recurring experiences over and over, that I feel I'm about to lose my mind. Hence my avatar.

    Something out there knows who and what I am and what danger I, and souls like myself pose to their reign, and are doing everything in their power to sap my energy by keeping me occupied with mundane run-of-the-mill stuff.

    It's truly frustrating. How do I rid myself of whatever it is that's creating these insane patterns in my day-to-day life. 

    I know my presence here on Earth has always been a threat to those who seek to destroy Creator God's kingdom. We are here to return it God and 'they' want to drive us crazy if they can't outright kill us.

    You should know the feeling and should have some advice for me.

This reply was deleted.
John - Artist left a comment for John - Artist
"having trouble finding my art page, any idea where it's at?"
Feb 5, 2021
John - Artist replied to Marique's discussion Just stopping by, been a long time since I was here.
"Welcome back Tonto, sorry for your lose, had no idea.  I have also been away,  stroke number 8 last one was a dusy , i think it also think it kicked off ealy neuropathy in my right foot too. wwwwwwelllll, or old age.. he he he."
Apr 29, 2019
John - Artist commented on John - Artist's blog post Just wondering, what the story is behind your avatar on ashtar forum, or how it came to be?
"suiris, the human condition and our place in, it is not complete nor have we experience all that has presented itself to use. explanations don't always come with what's presented, could only be one piece of the hole.
But still is very interesting to…"
Mar 11, 2019
John - Artist commented on John - Artist's blog post Just wondering, what the story is behind your avatar on ashtar forum, or how it came to be?
"Joanna, thanks for your participation in this question behind your Avatar.
It helps our community while in ashtar to interact more like a family, more intimate if you will as we get to know each other and the very planet we all share.   
Truly we…"
Mar 10, 2019

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