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  • Hi! My twin flame is my supra-consciousness and my mate isn't a soul but Infinity!
  • Yeah and people also tend to not realise that not all 'twin flames' are actually even incarnated into human form..or they could be & living millions of miles away in another country even,married & happy living their own path & lives as they should be ..
  • I have learned much about my soul group, soul mate, rays and cosmic links, but have absolutely no idea who my "twin flame" is, or where she is...

    However I do have a doppelganger in Norway, a place called Tromso....He is identical, almost perfectly....Never actually met him, though.....Sirians informed me about his existence, to demonstrate a genetic norm of this particular phenomenon....which can even exist across cosmos...

    As for twin flames, this concept seems like searching for a holy grail.....Always out of reach, though a target for pursuit for some...Personally I won't bother, as it serves no purpose....
  • @LordAshtar..First step to guide you to her is for you to do your inner work,then she'll find you like your a beacon.. as you will be energetically aligned with her energies..
    • Generally it means looking at yourself from a level that is not in ego denial,or a false self,open yourself to healing & work your way up your whole chakra system one chakra at a time,starting with the sacral root chakra,cleanse & reignite your inner flame,..learn energy healing & clearing techniques to clear energy blocks in each one...the video may help start the process,it takes a while as its a journey..
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    • Your twin flame is within you stop searching outside yourself for a answer in your guidance quest.
    • False information totally..your twin flame is not inside of you at all, if that were the case no one would be seeking to find or connect to their twin flame at all... a twin flame is the other matching portion of a whole soul,its a split soul in a sense and one holds one portion of the whole soul essence inside of them and another person holds the other portion of the same essence in them... both souls have incarnated elsewhere in the world to fulfil their paths & mission.. so its like ying & yang there must be a energy alignment for the union to take effect on this planet,as the true reflection of your true authentic self mirrored to you within the twin flame connection. ..Whenever twin flames connect for the first time and spend time together, they feel the sensational bolts of energy run through them both. They feel the energy centers heat up its like a Kundalini awakening soul merge. This is one of the true twin flame connections,its not infatuation, its not soul mates either, a true twin flame union both partners have balanced active chakras and they unite hense the term 'twin flame'...
  • I didn't know what twin flames were until he left me. I met him in September of last year, and he left in February, sparking my awakening. Soul shock is no joke!

    I've accumulated a good bit if intel about the dynamic of it all. I may be of some assistance to others on the journey.

    Remember, if you're a flame, you're one badass mofo, because this journey is brutal and not for the feint of heart. That means Prime has recognized the strength within you to overcome!
  • It does not seem that there has been much activity going on in some groups, which I am sad to see. I met my Twin Flame back in the Summer of 2018. How about everyone else? Have you met your Twin Flame and how is it going??
    • The twin flame concept/experience is a demonic deception, like all of the new age movement, get out if asap.
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Twin Flame or Soul Mate?

Soul mates create strong energies together?I can become completely drawn to this person and am really good at noticing his energy even when I dont want to. We were walking near each other when i got this uplifting feeling. At first it'll scare me and so i usually let it go. This time i held on and once i got used to it i realized how uplifting it was.Anyone know what this is?

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Please shine your lights on the following.

Fifteen years ago we first met and fell in love, but there was a slight problem; he was and still is a priest and a very conscious one. He explained that when he made that choice, it was not for 5,10 or 25 years but for his life. The first 10 years we had so many 'fights' caused by frustrations because we could not do anything with the feelings we had for each other and each fight leaving both very miserable. It was always me that had to make up, because his friends came to me asking for it…

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1 Reply · Reply by Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። Dec 30, 2022

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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። replied to Rianne's discussion Please shine your lights on the following. in Twin Flames & Soul Mates
"Its a shame no one responded to this discussion and its been here since 2012..but maybe this book…"
Dec 30, 2022
Jose Ignacio Contreras posted a photo in Twin Flames & Soul Mates
Pendant cosmic sensor connect with the energy of all pyramids on the planet
Feb 22, 2022
Sirian Starlight replied to Someone Else's discussion The Reason for Separation from our Twin Souls in Twin Flames & Soul Mates
"Twin flames are usually assynchronis with events in their timeline that tend to line up…"
Nov 24, 2020
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla replied to Brett WONDER Addleman's discussion What if your twin flam is related to you??? in Twin Flames & Soul Mates
"Dear Brett,
I think any soul can be your Twin Flame...
Even animals , Birds, wild animals, or any…"
Feb 2, 2015
msamericanpatriot replied to Son of Sun's discussion Archangel Chamuel speaks on Twin Flame Reunions in Twin Flames & Soul Mates
"Is there anyone in here that CAN contact Chammuel or as I call him Uncle Chammy? I have some…"
Jun 10, 2014
Falling Feather (Jojo) replied to Irisinfiniti's discussion Anyone else out there who has already met their twin flame? in Twin Flames & Soul Mates
"I have met and know my twin. I first saw him in a series of dreams that started a little over a…"
Mar 5, 2014
latinoindigo2012 posted a discussion in Twin Flames & Soul Mates
Feb 13, 2014
In Betwena replied to admin - AshtarCommandCrew's discussion Twin Flame Experiences in Twin Flames & Soul Mates
"My experience is that living with my Twin flame is very hard...
I let go all the time and don' t…"
Sep 27, 2013