999 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation By Anrita Melchizedek
999 I Am Presence Light Codes ActivationBy Anrita Melchizedek Beloved hearts, as awakened Souls and the Purity of God We Are, we have the ability to experience the highest frequencies of New Earth, as we expand into our Original Innocence…
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There is one piece of information that has been omitted from this project because at the time of publishing it was unknown. It is as follows: There is a transition period of 7 Great Times or 7 x 311,040,000,000,000 years before entering into the UR-Creation. https://youtu.be/Dm6gYmDUzb8?si=yx1G0ApmPe_EyJOH
"reform the financial system, give people money and the new toys (technology) and many will go along with the plan" - Agarther Z
I mean the changes will happen at so many levels, a true paradigm shift. I hope the Sirians have worked out a good plan, with steps, what happens first then second etc. so that people are not overwhelmed by the enormity of change of reality ;)
Those who witness the process might even think that these are actual Earth people pretending to be ETs.....But, it will come out that Earth people are all from one star nation, or another...genetically, spiritually.....
Another useful factor to calm the potential for angry reaction, among certain quarters, is the use of the ship's sonic tranquillisers....That flute-like humming sound in the sky, that will be heard by the ears and also, through clairaudience..in the mind...so even deaf people will be effected, if they are present...
People will marvel at the thing.....Any fears and angers will hopefully fade away...
Many will receive that inner knowing and calm, prompting acceptance of this life plan's culmination....Another feeling will be a déjà vu.....an inner knowing that all is well and this event was bound to happen...
It's party time for all ascendees......
My terrestrial family is split too.....My brother and his wife, inlaws and kids, are not speaking to us (myself, Movella and Merrtro.) We may not even see them at Christmas and have not spoken to any of them, for over a year, now....
We have also completed psychic readings on my sister-in-law and it was not pretty...
The world is becoming split between those who will inevitably exist in higher astral and beyond it and those who will phase out, at a certain point.....These are energies at play, not just people with emotions....
Example: UK politix is back to front and upside down....Much as everywhere else in the western block...The lunatics are in charge of the asylum..
Never interfere with an enemy, busily in the process of destroying himself..