David Claros Paredes's Posts (472)

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  1. There is a very intelligent principle that says: "A Man can fight long and

to transform until reaching union with God; up to there it progresses, but after God

manifests there is no more advancement, progress, it has already reached God".

If you want to progress you have to go backwards, throw the stone into the water, and when it comes back to life

that stone, then, is more powerful, more penetrating, extraordinary.

There are men who have done it up to seven times, but more than that it is dangerous, you can fall into a curse.

I have done it three times, no more; it is too painful, it takes centuries to get up through painful karmas and terrible bitterness; after much suffering is that the Philosophal Stone

 is about to be reborn again.

In 1978 it will be up again, but at what price? It cost all races to get it back up again.

get up; it is a very dangerous process.

There are adepts who intentionally "come down" to take a wife when it is already forbidden. Without

ejaculate the seminal liquor and under the direction of a guru they work with all the rules of the Arcanum

AZF. They lose the stone because they had prohibited the sexual act, but after a while, under

the direction of the same guru they give life again to the stone and do a Great Work,

It is more powerful than before.

You have to differentiate between a fall and a descent. Important: My three cases were falls, not

downs. The first, as I said on a previous occasion, was in the lemur race. the second was

on the Moon of some planet, and on the same Moon I got up. The third was in the Central Asian Plateau; I committed

the same mistake as count Zanoni, I put love to a beautiful ineffable lady, I took her for wife

even though I had been banned and that led to a fall.

But after the experience of centuries I am about to finish a Great Work.

  1. I know such simple phenomena... anyone can see them... they are physical, material,

they are in view of the whole world, and yet the people seeing them do not see them.

They could tell me - and rightly so - or they could demand that I speak more clearly: "If that is so

Why don't you even mention one to us?"

Reasons: If I mentioned any of these phenomena to you, you would see them immediately.

They are visible to the naked eye. But you would die because it turns out that all these phenomena

currently correspond to forces and wonders and are jealously guarded by certain

very strong elementals, which, feeling discovered, would cause the death of the curious.

Since I don't feel like creating a pantheon on my own, I feel the need to keep quiet. Thus, it is necessary to wake up, if you want to perceive the great realities of the

life. But it is only possible to wake up knowing how to live.

  1. I'm going to tell you something else. I am talking about phenomena that happen to us

around and not noticeable.

If you enter the churches, sometimes you find women or men in , such a way,

many times one finds a sanctimonious woman who is praying. And that one has resembled someone

holy one of those that are made of marble, stick or whatever; very similar, so similar that it amazes; that what

he may have observed anyone entering the church. I have observed it; you see one

person there praying suddenly dressed in a habit of the Virgin of Carmen, but it does not look like a

statue that should be in a church.

Well, one comes to believe that that person there in the temple is flesh and blood; but not

is, because there is a well-known phenomenon since the Middle Ages and since ancient times: it is

that of the living statues, because in reality the statues are loaded with vital fluids

of the devotees, of the fanatics, and they are charged so much that they become impregnated with the vital power of

the devotees; They even manage to acquire mobility and even physically escape from the place where they are.

 and can occupy a place, for example among the devotees sitting and kneeling and praying and

All those things. And then return the statue, return that figure again to take its place, and the

people who see that person there crying and all that stuff, it turns out that it is not a person of

true, it is a statue.

What I am saying is common, that is why there are many traditions that say that the Virgin of

Lourdes constantly runs away; Well, there are times when it slips away.

The Jews of Prague knew how to do this at will, they made a stone statuette, they

magically prepared and even came to handle it or order it to do such or such

things to other places, they even sent her to steal. This is the phenomenon of the Prague statuettes

in the Jewish neighborhoods.

The statue is loaded with vital fluids, it acquires mobility and there are magic moments

 in which he escapes and takes his place among the faithful, and they say: "That person has a resemblance

to a statue, to a saint." Yes, sir, it is the statue of the saint, but it does not occur to anyone to think that

it is the statue of the saint, no one thinks of it. Why don't they think of it? Because they are

deeply asleep in their consciousness. I have discovered them, they don't hurt me, but it is true that all the members of the

church before one of those statues, kneeling, and the place of the statue has been left empty, and no one

of the members of that church have realized that.

I am not talking about a phenomenon from another dimension, but about something physical. If I had in

At that time, a photographic machine could have photographed the event;

. That class

of germs has elemental guardians and if they realize that one is giving away that secret,

they can strike down one, I couldn't deliver that.

It has happened to me that being in the church there is a person similar to the statue, praying,

 it was the same statue that had escaped for a moment and was there.

It normally happens in the third dimension. I am afraid I have said too much, because suddenly

you are going to discover one of those things in a church, and when you discover them well...

These phenomena are only perceived in a millionth part of the physical phenomena that

happen around you.

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  1. On some occasion they told me about a mountain where unusual things happened.

Whoever dared to climb to the top of that mountain fell, let's say they fall into a kind of shock, because someone

apperar, that they saw a dead person at midnight, etc.; so, that no inhabitant dared to go up there. I said to myself, "Okay, this is with me, I'm going to see what's going on."

I resolved to go up at midnight.

When I got to the mountain I said to myself: "Why do people fall here  into such a state and they find them here as dead, that they have to pour water on them, and so other things, etc? We are going to

see what happens. Well, I'll go see what's up."

So I found such character. He looked, he was standing, he had gray pants, a white shirt, he was pale,

completely pale, and he looked at me, he wasn't breathing, his eyes were like those of a sleepwalker, his feet

slightly suspended above the ground, it was not perched entirely on the ground, but

slightly suspended above it. I said: "No way, what happens is that this man is dead,

this is a deceased materialized here physically", he looked at me but did not attack me; well. I prayed to him

everything I knew, I prayed the Conjuration of the Seven, the Conjuration of the Four, I blessed him and a thousand things

more, but he remained the same, his eyes were like those of sleepwalkers: "This is the deceased who

It scares people so much, wow, wow, wow".

I went on my way, he didn't mess with me, I didn't mess with him either, but I did see that status

somnambulistic in the eyes. This is how the deceased are after death, they walk like sleepwalkers;

as in life it never occurred to them to work on themselves, they never awakened their conscience,

they were always one hundred percent mechanical creatures; after death they remain

sleepwalkers as always.

245 245. Something very important comes to my memory. One day, being on the shore of the

sea, it occurred to me to investigate something about sex in Lemuria. I asked my Father who is in

secret to give me permission to do the research and he granted me permission.

I entered what is called the Akashic Archives of Nature; already in those it was not difficult for me

invoke a guru great friend of Lemuria.

"Let that family of lemurs come here," I said. Such a family showed up, a group of

giants, their bodies were so tall that their size would not fit in a common room, their

head through the roof and something else. Dressed in the Lemurian style, dressed in their robes of that

period and its cloaks and its strange metallic hats, etc., etc.

Said giants at my command sat down; I asked one of them, or all: -Who is the boss here of all? One of them, the head of the family, said:

-It's me.

-Very well. You are going to answer me how they reproduced in Lemuria in your time,

Did they spill or did they not spill the Cup of Hermes Trismegistus?

Yes, they spilled it.

-But that's a crime, gentlemen, ..

-We did it with a lot of respect, and we only had sex when we wanted

beget a son and nothing else and with deep reverence.

-But you were in a bad way because you spilled the Cup of Hermes. You are from the seventh

Lemurian sub-race and therefore they are already fallen or stained; your ancestors, those of

the third Lemurian sub-race, reproduced by the power of Kriyashakti, and I am going to demonstrate it to you.

I made a big call and a venerable old lemur about four meters tall arrived, a

full giant. He had on his head not only a cloak, but a multitude of hats.

of different nationalities. I told:

- Why do you have those hats on your head? Those are thought forms, you come

asleep, you are seen to be fallen, dissolve those thought forms. Aren't you sorry to load that?

He concentrated for a few moments and dissolved them instantly, in milliseconds. 

I looked at his eyes and he was in a kind slightly state, indicating that he currently has

body somewhere on planet Earth, but it is fallen in these times; not at that time

was down.

I tell him:

Well, how did people reproduce in your time during the Third Lemurian Sub-Race, when

people had not left Eden? How did they reproduce?

-We never spilled the Cup of Hermes, the reproduction was by Kriyashakti and the

copulation was carried out exclusively inside the temples.

"Are you willing to testify to that?" I said. Answered:

-I am willing. -You already see the two sexual acts: the one of the fallen and the one who is not fallen.

-We understand, they said.

I left that great hall, we saw a  five-story building, representing the five races

that have existed in the worlds, that is, the Polar, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean and Aryan races.

Observing the fifth race I saw that it was the most degenerate of all. The fallen of the Lemurian, or

be those fallen Dhyanys, or fallen Elohim, or fallen bodhisattvas, of the seventh sub-race who

they were then degenerate; however his degeneration did not reach the point where

they only had sexual intercourse, they made the mistake of spilling the sacred sperm, but

they only did it when they wanted to father a child and were already considered degenerates by

such reason. The lemurs of the seventh sub-race were already degenerated.

  1. About thirty years ago, on a certain occasion I was talking in the superior worlds with the

angel Anael about a certain quality that I thought I possessed and that I still did not possess.

Anael, with just reason, after a certain observation made me see my mistake, but I was

still used to earthling-style discussion and so I made a bit of objection,

I appealed to all the dialectic there was and for having,. Anael

He listened to me without saying a single word. When I finished my speech, when my

"Ciceronian catilinaria" had concluded, prostrated himself reverently, turned his back and withdrew. Did not say

single word.

He had said what he had to say and left me to say what I wanted; I talked everything

Which I liked, of course. How many things did I tell him? Many. But he respectfully

he kept silent, listened to me decently, turned his back and left.

  1. Right now a certain instruction received at last nights comes to mind

 There in the Astral World I had to live a very interesting scene, it made me feel like a

pursued, although I was conscious, but some Venerable ones caused a chase scene. Suddenly, shut up in a certain house, I was visited, and all of them, the venerable ones of the

Occult Fraternity, singing they instructed me deliciously. They told me to chase

of the Law, not referring to earthly laws but to the laws of Karma, only comes to

happen when one is not well dressed and in a nice car.

Well, if you are well dressed, with a magnificent car and with good money in your pocket, you know

the persecutions ended. I am speaking in a language that can be understood. To

What chariot do the venerable ones refer to? To the chariot composed of the four bodies: Physical, Astral,

Mental and Causal; this is the car.

When in Kabbalah one hears of the Chariot of Mercabah, it refers to the four bodies. Good

dress. What is meant by a well-dressed character? In a rich chariot in Kabbalah? That one

that has manufactured the superior existential bodies of the Being, and even more, has christified it, that is

the well-dressed subject.

And if you have money in the pocket, in your wallet you are affirming that you have Cosmic Capital; such capital is achieved

doing good deeds, working for humanity.

It is obvious that to one Count Saint Germain, Jesus of Nazareth who is going to persecute them. The lords

of Karma persecute the unfortunate man who is poorly dressed, on foot, who is badly dressed and without money,

beggar, who has not manufactured the Superior Bodies of the Being, that is, everyone. Go

from here to there, always in disgrace, they are born without knowing how and die without knowing why. 

they marry, they are filled with children, they live in the most unfortunate poverty, always unhappy, always


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  1. Once we have created the astral body through mercury, we will no longer be miserable

ghosts in the world of the dead, abysmal shadows, no.

The memory of Homer comes to mind at this moment when he said: "It is better to be

a beggar on earth and not a king in the Shadow Empire."

Whoever has an astral body is no longer a ghost; stands out as God of the Earth and as God

of the mind; here he figures as a sacred man, in each one of us, he has his name there; the

name that I use is Samael Aun Weor; It is not a capricious name that I have put on

chance, no, I have not given myself that name; I remained so called through all eternity.

From age to age, from mahanvantara to mahanvantara, I have always been Samael Aun Weor; that

name belongs to Him, to my Divine Monad, it is a name that comes to represent the King of Fire,

Of volcanoes, undoubtedly.

As Muhammad said: "Allah is Allah and Muhammad is his prophet." He is perfect, I am not.

I understand that his son is not perfect, because there is only one perfect and it is the Father who is in


  1. During these days a young man disincarnated there, a good son, someone who saw his mother,

 apparently of noble sentiments, etc. After investigating him in the internal worlds,

 I wanted to follow his post-mortem trajectory; how great was my surprise: I found it in the

Fifth Dantesque Circle!, within the submerged mineral kingdom, in the Greek Tartarus, in the

Hindustani Avitchi, in the infra-dimensions of the earth. There I found it, it was involuting

in the time; however, he had good feelings, obviously he was a good son.

Of the case that I am citing here I do not mention his name, I will limit myself exclusively to recounting the

fact, without mentioning the subject's name.

That's where it goes into involution but why? Many will say, "How is it possible that it enters the

Tartarus? How is it possible that it is found in the submerged region, as an involuting creature,

being so noble and good-natured?" His time had expired, his 108 lives, and

had never had a single atom of spirituality, had never felt the longing for

self-realization of the Being, rejected everything that had a spiritual flavor; his only religion was

the money.

After its time, after 108 lives, just like any other creature in the world, he got into involution.

One could therefore condemn him to live there for a whole Mahanvantara. at most it will pass through that region  seven thousand to eight thousand years, until reaching the Second Death. He went to the pantheon to leave his

corpse; within the bowels of the earth will have to leave another corpse, the Ego, the I, the multiplicity of wrong creations of the ego-mind

The essence will finally manage to escape to start on the face of this world -which for

then it will be already transformed-, a new evolution, and it will have to be restart from the .

mineral kingdom, passing through the vegetable, continuing through the animal, until finally conquering the

humanoid state that once lost it.

  1. On a certain occasion I was addressing my Divine Mother Kundalini; She, the Sacred Serpent of

the Great Mysteries, was coiled in a column keeping its human-like head.

I begged her forgiveness, since she was obviously fighting for the revaluation of certain ethical principles in

myself, for the revaluation of certain mystical values, for the regeneration of the Spiritual Gold.

Her response was definitive: "You are forgiven, my son, I forgive you, I have already three times

forgiven." Indeed, on ancient Earth-Moon, during the Mahanvantara of "Padma" or

"Golden Lotus" had already been forgiven. On the continent of Mu, once situated between the

raging waves of the Pacific ocean, I had been forgiven, and now for the third time I needed forgiveness.

But the Sacred Serpent added: "In one of those, the second time I forgave you, (referring to

continent Mu), your karma was frankly so serious, that even though I forgave you, I didn't

 dared to enter the palace of the Lords of Karma, for I would have been trampled by the

Lords of the Law; however I forgive you"...

"Thank you, Mother," was my reply.

  1. In the world of Natural Causes, we know the entire chain of effects and

causes, of causes and effects. Every cause has an effect. Every effect becomes a cause at the

time. Each word we say can cause many effects, a whole series of effects.

On some occasion, being in the Causal World, I listened to a Man who spoke, who

taught a lecture. I intentionally interrupted that Man to make an objection to

one of his words. That Causal Man kept silent-he did well, of course-but I saw in

followed how a result of my words, of my objection, appeared.

So that meeting ended immediately, because the Causal Man withdrew, and at the

end that meeting, each person came out saying something, their concept, and the concepts in turn

they produced other results, and those other results produced others, and others and others.... So,

I found that the interruption I had made had caused a whole series of consequences.

I had said it intentionally, for the purpose of investigating the Law of Cause and Effect, and the

result was that.

  1. In some meetings of the World of Natural Causes, one is quite astonished

when the different incarnated adepts are found gathered in the agora and all civilly dressed,

 as we dress here in the Physical World. I don't want to say that this is so


Of course, inside the temples, the adepts put on their sacred vestments; but in certain

meetings, in certain assemblies, let's say, all these masters who in the physical world have

body, they attend dressed civilly, like gentlemen, decently, as if they were in the

physical world: they wear a tie, a well-groomed suit, a wrist watch, etc., etc., etc., and "many other

herbs"... Why is this about? For that is the region of the Man, of the Real Man, of the

True Man, the Region of the Causal Man.

  1. Outside the physical body I was taught the mysteries of Life and Death.

On some occasion I was made to feel death in advance. I was made to leave the physical body;

already out of the form I was made to advance in time to see myself dead. What I saw? A corpse. What was in that coffin? A body. Which? Mine. who were

before the coffin, in the room full of flowers and crowns of the deceased? Relatives, among my relatives

My mother was there, I approached her, kissed her hand and said: "Thank you for the body you gave me;

That body served me a lot, it turned out wonderful. Thank you!" I walked over to all the other

relatives, saying goodbye to them. I left that abode and plunged into the bosom of the

Nature, convinced that I was disembodied...

What was there? Nature: deep valleys, mountains, oceans, clouds, air, sun. And my

relatives what? That was in the past, I no longer had relatives. the names and

surnames, my lineage, my people, my language, what had been left? Things of the past! Now

I was immersed in a wild nature, absolutely wild. And then my dear

family what? I could only exclaim: "I don't have a family anymore!"

And the beings that surrounded me? That was in the past; now I'm alone, terribly alone.

I am just a creature of Nature, a Wild Nature. What there are some valleys,

some mountains, a land wet with rain!

And my house? Which house? I no longer have a home. And goods? Much less earthly goods. Of

where am I going to get them? So, who are you? A particle of nature, a savage nature

 that has nothing to do with family issues...

Conclusion: My family is all humanity, or all humanoids, or all planetary worlds,

 humanities, and that's it...

However, I felt a bit sad when I realized that the "Silver Cord" was still not

had broken. I wanted to break it, but it remained intact. I had no choice but

to return. I thought that I was already completely detached from the physical form, and it was my turn to

Come back again. And I came back, yes, I entered my body.

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  1. Being precisely in the superior worlds of Cosmic Consciousness, I had to request

to the Father to show me the synthesis of my most recent works in the burning Forge  of

Vulcan; then the Father took me to a great city, one of those Jinas cities,( in fifth dimension ) magical cities

 of which there are four important in Europe. There is another in Yucatan,

founded in ancient times by the Tuatha of Danand, who were, among other things, great Jinas travelers.


Well, there I found many adepts, adepts of different degrees of splendor; I even found

Adeptus Excentus. Do you know what Adeptus Excentus is? It means Adeptus Excentus of Karma,

that they owe no karma; in esotericism it is said Adeptus Excentus.

Of course, among all of us we organize an excursion to the top of a mountain of the Being; great it was

such an excursion, in the superior worlds of Cosmic Consciousness one goes through the transcendental experiences

divine, formidable. When we managed to reach the top with the spirit of

meeting Yod-Heve, the Ancient of Days, we were pleasantly surprised to find him

transformed into a towering palm tree; the palm is the symbol of victory, of the victory of

Crestos, Christ. All the adepts prostrated themselves on the ground to worship Yod-Heve. You knew that

that palm tree was my Real Being, the Ancient of Days, that is, the Interior of my Interior, to

speak this time in the language of the Pistis Sophia, in an esoteric, allegorical language.

Of course, I advanced, and since the astral body has a certain elasticity, ductility,

it was not difficult to increase its size to take that palm tree here, as they say by the

neck, grab it tightly to my chest and caress its leaves, its branches. I know Those venerable, looked at me with terror, there was only a clamor

they were astonished to see how I took the Ancient of Days in nothing less than that way; plus

then that palm tree became a great tower, the Tower of my Inner Temple; of my own

cathedral, that tower corresponds to the head of the Divine. It was all tattooed, full of precious stones,

 had arms and hands, the fingers were conical and full of precious stones, distilled

myrrh and happiness.

Surprisingly, the Great Face, the Mercy of Mercies, the Ancient of Days,

He handed me a pen with his right hand and said: "Write these things." I replied: “Yes, yes.

My Father, I will obey you.” "Write all this for the good of humanity."

The adepts fell, they did not dare to utter a single word, but they were perplexed,

amazed at the unusual.

"Heaven is taken by assault." Undoubtedly it takes tremendous steps to achieve the

King Solomon's Cup, no matter what it takes, even if the world comes crashing down.

Those who remain only worshiping, but do not grasp the Palm of Victory with

Strong determination, they fail in the Great Work.

  1. In the Old Testament we discover a very interesting passage from Daniel. It is says that

King Nebuchadnezzar cast Daniel into the lions' den; however none of them

dared to harm him, rather they licked his feet. Astonished, Nebuchadnezzar did take out

Daniel from that pit.

That is an esoteric test, such a test must be passed by every Initiate.

In the name of truth, I must confess that several times I had to go through such a tremendous test and

Several times I failed at it. At last one of those many days I was subdued in the superior worlds

of cosmic consciousness to such a test: I saw myself again as Daniel in the den of lions, but

this time full of love I opened my arms to those beasts saying: "Now I am not afraid of them,

devour me if you want, brothers, there is no fear in me, because I love you!" Before my eyes those lions were transformed into men, it was a group of masters of the

White Brotherhood in disguise, and the most venerable of them, approaching, gave me an esoteric hug

 and told me: "It is for you to see what the force of love is. You have triumphed in the

test, we congratulate you".

Since then, I really know what the force of love is, it is a terrible power with which

one can dominate the most frightening beasts in the universe, there is no beast, there is no feline that

can resist the force of love, it is therefore not a weakness, nor a simple emotion, but a

 force of cosmic, universal order, a force with which one can fight the scariest monsters

 in the world.

So there is no one weak after having dissolved the ego, rather, there is enough

strong enough to dominate the worst adversities, enough to defeat the worst enemies.

  1. On a certain occasion it occurred to me to go to a cinema, many years ago. the movie was

very romantic: A couple of lovers who loved each other, who adored each other and I was very interested in

seeing that pair of lovers, those poses, those words... What looks!... I am delighted

looking at them there; At last the movie ended and I went home very calmly.

Being at home I felt sleepy and went to bed, then that night I went to the world of the mind,

there I found a woman like the one I had admired in the movie, she was up

pretty and was in front of me; I sat down with her at a table to have a drink. Came the

sweet words, very similar to those in the movie by the way. In conclusion: well, I did not arrive

even chemical intercourse or anything like that, but there was no lack of kisses, hugs, caresses,

tenderness and fifty thousand things like that.

I am narrating a story from twenty years ago, it is not from now, because now I do not go to the cinemas,

but at that time I did go to a movie.

Conclusion: The scene was not very good, a little erotic. Suddenly the landscape changed

and I descended from the world of the mind to the astral world (they are two different worlds). At get to

astral world I was inside a great temple and I was able to verify that a master had

been analyzing me. Of course, inside I said to myself: "I screwed up." I withdrew a few steps to wait to see what would happen, and suddenly that master sent me a

paper with the guardian of the temple. I read the paper and it said: "Remove yourself immediately from this

Temple, but with Inri!” (Inri is "conserving the fire"). Since I had not fornicated,

Not I went from tenderness.

Well, so, I said to myself: "No way, this is bad, this is serious."

And very slowly I left, I advanced through the corridor of the central nave and before leaving the temple

I realized that it was the Temple of Mental Representations, of mental effigies...

Before leaving the temple, I humbly knelt on a prie-dieu asking for compassion,

have a little mercy on my insignificant person, who had   screw up. So I was in my prayers, when suddenly the Guardian comes

back to me and said, "Sir, you have been ordered to stand down!"

 "Of course", I told him, but it was that I wanted to talk to the master to expose

my reasons." Then he replied: "The master is busy now, he is examining other

effigies of the Mental World".

That's when I came to realize that who I had been with was with a mental effigy

created by myself, I had created it in the middle of the cinema, that effigy had taken on a life of its own in the

mental world, she was a woman exactly like the actress I had seen in the movie; so

that in my poor mind I had reproduced it and now in the world of the mind I had

found face to face with the effigy created by myself. The master continued to examine

other effigies of other initiates, I had no choice but to leave the temple, I returned to my physical body.


All the next day I was very sad, regretting having gone to the movies. "What a screwed up -I said- I should not have gone”. See what I was to create: a mental effigy

That is to say that I was very so sorry, I waited for the night to come to see what we were up to,

I asked forgiveness fifty thousand million times to Christ, to the Intimate Christ, because He is the only one who

 can forgive me for that screw-up.

The next night I asked with all my heart that they repeat the test, that I felt capable of doing it.

 come out victorious, no more tenderness or caresses for that mental effigy, etc. They certainly granted my request for proof. They took me in my mental body to the same

place, at the same table, I met again the lady of dreams, the actress who

had seen on the screen; The tenderness was about to start again and I remembered the question;

I immediately unsheathed the flaming sword and said: "With me you can't, you are no more

that a mental form created by my mind!" And right there I made use of the flaming one and turned into

pieces that mental effigy. It turned to dust...

After that, then I was called to the Astral Temple again, I entered the Astral Temple this time

victorious, triumphant, they received me with a lot of music, a  party; then came the

 instructions  telling me not to go back to theaters because I could lose the sword.

They took me to the astral to show me what cinemas are, which were full of mental effigies,

the effigies left by spectators. Everything that one is living there on screen,

specially when it is morbid, everything is reproduced in the minds of the people, the same figures, the

same shapes. Those who leave the place leave multitudes of mental forms in those dens of black magic.

In conclusion, I was told that instead of going to theaters I should review my previous lives, which is

more useful than going to those cinemas. I complied with the order and it is clear that I stopped going to theaters.

But what was it that harmed me? Well, having identified myself with that movie that was

proyected; I thought she was so interesting, and that lady seemed so beautiful to me at that time,

that I myself came to feel like the heartthrob and not the one on the screen, but me. Result: failure. This

It happened 20 or 22 years ago, but I haven't forgotten it.

Listening to the message and living it is the most indicated at this time. Those who want to wake up

his conscience must listen and live this message.

  1. Any Dhiani Boddisattwa, not only me, has created the existential Superior bodies

 of the Being in other periods of cosmic manifestation, not precisely now. My case

it is not particular, it is not the only one, it is one of the many cases that there are, let's say, in the Megalo-Cosmos.


Although we know that cosmic days and nights exist, all worlds have

activity times and rest times. That I have created the superior existential bodies of the Being in a world that has already disappeared, there is nothing unusual or strange about that.

 I gave them life in the same way that you can here on planet Earth do.

I am only saying, then, that my existential bodies are not created on planet Earth, therefore

as Inner Man I am not from planet Earth. On planet Earth I am a foreigner, I am

original from another planet.

As for my guru, he was the one who instructed me in an ancient world; I venerate him

profoundly, he is basically the author of all the self-realized and independent, autonomous parts,

 of my own Being; therefore I venerate him; thanks to him I was able to learn the science that

allowed me to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.

Read more…



  1. An extraordinary case happened to me. After having put my physical body in a state

Jinas (Put the physical body into the 4th-5th dimension) according to methods and procedures that I have taught, suspended in the atmosphere of the

world I flew over some regions of South America. Suddenly, passing over a

farm I felt attracted by a special magnetic force towards the house of that farm. To the

set foot on the ground I was able to verify the concrete fact that certain working neighbors of that

property prayed ardently conjuring me, believed those naive creatures that I

possibly it would be some sorcerer; it is obvious that they wanted to eliminate me, destroy me.

Already on land I saw them advancing on my insignificant person wielding machetes, looking at me

with terrible anger. I saw a separate room and I went into it taking cover behind a table, then

taking a few steps back I collided with the fence or wall; in those moments they reached

hit me with a stick, injuring my arm, but I made a great effort and put my body

within the fourth dimension, then I crossed that fence that was no longer an obstacle for me

 and floating in the environment I returned home again.

I lasted several days with the swollen arm, but in the end it healed definitively.

I want you to know that not all the time the atmosphere is in the same

conditions, there are special cosmic instants determined by the radiation of the planets

during which the things and objects of jinas usually become visible and tangible before the people

of the three-dimensional physical world. This was my case, so it is obvious that I was seen by those

farmers; as they possess an extraordinary faith in all their rites and prayers

they could easily get me down there. In those moments my body was

totally saturated with the radiations of the astral world; Obviously I just needed to do a

great effort of will to re-enter the fourth dimension.

Since this case was so serious, I had to do it and I did it with magnificent results.

  1. In the causal world I contemplated with mystical astonishment the Great Catastrophe that

is coming, and since that is the region of ineffable music, the vision was illustrated in the

sound stream. A certain delicious tragic symphony resounded among the deep depths of the sky of Venus. That amazing score, in general, for greatness and majesty and for the
inspiration and beauty of his trace, for the purity of his lines and for the color or nuance of his wise

and artistic illustration sweet and severe, grandiose and terrifying, dramatic and gloomy at the same time.

The fragmented melodic pieces, leitmotivs that were heard in the causal world in the different

prophetic situations, are of great expressive power and in close relationship with the great

event and with the historical events that will inevitably precede it in time.

There are in the score of that great Cosmic Opera symphonic fragments related to the

Big World war; delicious and baleful sounds, horrifying events,

frightening radioactivity throughout the earth, famine, total destruction of the great

metropolis, unknown diseases, revolutions of blood and brandy, unbearable dictatorships,

 atheism, materialism, unlimited cruelty, intellectualism devoid of all

spirituality, complete loss of organic shame, drugs, alcohol,  prostitution of higher levels, pedophilia, zoophilia ,infamous exploitation, new systems of torture, concentration camps, mortal hatred

, multiplication of borders, religious persecution, mystical martyrs, etc., etc., etc.

Interspersed with unprecedented artistry, chilling themes related to

the destruction of the mighty metropolises.

  1. I have my temple, I have it, and you in the astral if you intend to visit my temple

you can do it. But do not forget that when you enter that temple, you have entered my

consciousness. It is clear that the temple here is projected in the upper worlds. in what way

is projected? Like a cathedral, really. If I tell you that in that cathedral all the

objects are gold, I'm not exaggerating; obviously it is.

Anyone can visit the Cathedral of Master Samael Aun Weor in the astral body, they will find

there, there it is. Not missing, of course, on the altar, the chalice. And it will never be missing on the altar of a

master the chalice, which is the Hermetic Vessel itself. If it were missing. How could the Holy Grail be missing from the altar? I think some of you know what it is.

Hermetic glass. Even in the temple of the gods is the Holy Grail.

Read more…

Samael's anecdotes: Chapter Eight-Part 5



  1. The masters of the Blue Galaxy, led by universal love, have been concerned

a lot for our earthly humanity helping us incessantly from the deep darkest night

 of the centuries. They were really the ones who instructed the architects of the

pyramids, those who taught the Secret Doctrine to the Atlanteans and the Egyptians; those who

they established the glorious mysteries of the mighty civilizations of Chaldea and Assyria.

I have to inform you that the blue men live in an underground city under the ice

of the South Pole. The organisms of the blue men are similar to ours that is obvious.

The men of the Blue Galaxy do not have houses of ice, like the Eskimos, or anything for the

style; they possess an underground city, made within the very entrails of the


If there is ice on top of the rocks and the ground in general, it does not affect the submerged city at all.

The weather problem does not exist for the blue men; it is ostensible that if

they were able to conquer infinite space they possess formidable advances; it's not hard to understand

that they have been able to create their own climate within their mysterious city.

This underground city where the blue men live is ancient, it was made before the

past glaciation. This means that such a city has many millions of years of existence,

that comes from the archaic times of the earth, which was always the secret abode of blue-men.


The blue men are helping humanity with favorable telepathic procedures

for some, and it is clear that in a few years these extraordinary men will have

to publicly take to the streets to admonish the people, to call them to

repentance and the urgency to awake consciousness. The king of the city, his majesty, I know him, and I solemnly tell you that he belongs to the

solar dynasties, he is a true enlightened person, a master of perfection who does not need

gendarmes or armed soldiers to make their people obey. everybody respect him,

 because it is terribly divine.

I have visited the city, I do not deny it. It is clear that when spiritually visiting that mysterious

city, I first had to ask his majesty the king for permission, without the permission of that monarch

who governs the city, I would not have been able to walk quietly through the wonderful streets

of that mysterious city.

That splendid city, built within the very bowels of the earth, is very different from

all that we currently know in this troubled world in which we live.

A winding road leads to the city gates; the streets and avenues are

illuminated as is natural by wonderful lamps that make that gigantic cavern

something luminous and radiant, because it seems like a splendid day. I could say that they handle

light and darkness perfectly. They have seventy splendid rooms distributed in the

different places in the city; in such enclosures they celebrate their assemblies or carry out their studies.

It is worth telling you that within this great city the sphinx shines, a living symbol of

Initiation wisdom.

The members of that blue race certainly dress with elegance and distinction; they wear robes of

antique style, beautiful cloaks, very classic style sandals, etc., come and go along the

city streets, along sidewalks. They are of medium height and handsome

continent. They are transported on foot or in cars other than those we know,

powered by electrical energy.

Their staple food is seaweed that they collect from the oceans around the planet,


 Their ships allow them to transport themselves wherever they want in time and space; however

It is clear that from their galaxy they bring many other foods with which their nourish themselves. Keep in

account that they are not imprisoned within the city, that they have freedom to travel in their ships

wherever they want, that's all.

A blue lady who always stays with the king told me the following: The people who live on the surface of the Earth believe that

all those cities and material things they own will last them a lifetime; stick to the

things and that is absurd because everything they have is going to be destroyed.

The blue men will fulfill a gigantic world mission in the most dire moments

that are coming, they will fight to make us return to divinity, they will worry about

show us the way of salvation.

  1. At home we had a small black kitten, I decided to earn his love and it is

ostensible that I succeeded. One night I wanted to do a metaphysical transcendental experiment.

 Lying on my bed I placed the innocent animal by my side. I relaxed my body

correctly and then I concentrated deeply on the aforementioned feline, begging him to

get me out of my physical body.

I confess without hesitation that such concentration was long and very deep, possibly it lasted

for an hour. I drowsed slightly through intensive concentration, but

I certainly had to go through an extraordinary surprise. That creature seemed to increase from

size and then became a giant of enormous proportions lying on the edge of my

bed. I touched him with my right hand and he seemed to be made of steel, he radiated electricity and his face was black

like the night. There is no doubt that his entire body was the same color, yet he had left the

animal form assuming instead the human figure, with the exception of the face that, although

gigantic, it was still a cat.

This was something unusual that I did not expect; I was terribly surprised and a little scared

I conjured with the Conjuration of the Seven of the Wise Solomon. The result was that that charm

ceased, moments later next to me was again the innocent creature in the form of a kitten.

Very worried I walked the next day through the streets of the city; I thought the fear had been

eliminated from my nature and behold, now that such experience had given me a tremendous scare.

However, I was by no means resigned to losing the battle and encouraged myself,

anxiously awaiting the night to repeat the experiment.

I placed the little creature back on my bed and to the right as on the night before. I relaxed

my physical body leaving no muscle in tension and then I concentrated deeply

in the feline, keeping deep in my heart the intention of not letting myself be frightened again. Warned soldier does not die in war, and I was obviously already informed

about what had to happen; thus, the fear had been frankly eliminated from within me.

After an hour or so had elapsed, in deep concentration, exactly the same thing was repeated.

Same phenomenon as last night. The elemental of that kitten, it is obvious that it came out of the

body to take a gigantic and terrible human figure.

Lying on my bed I looked at him, it was frightening in a great way, terrifying, certainly his body

so enormous it did not fit completely in the bed, for which its legs and its feet surpassed my humble

litter. What amazed me the most is that such an elemental, upon abandoning its dense body, could

materialize physically, become visible and tangible to our senses, because we could touch it

with my physical hands and it seemed like iron; I could see him with my physical eyes with a tremendous face. But this time I was not afraid; I set out to exercise complete control over myself

And of course I did.

Then, speaking to him with a slow and firm voice, I demanded that he take me out of the physical body.

telling him: "Get up kitty from this bed!". Saying this, the giant stood up.

Then I continued ordering him: "Get me out of this physical body now, take me in astral!" To the

Saying the latter, that extraordinary giant answered me with the following words: "Give me

your hands"; it is clear that I raised my hands, moments that the elemental took advantage of to

pull me out of the physical body. That strange being was endowed with terrible strength, but

radiated love and it is ostensible that he wanted to serve me. Such are the elementals of Nature.

Already standing in my astral next to the bed and having this mysterious being as a companion, I took

again the word to order him thus: "Take me to the downtown of the City!".

"Follow me," was the response of that colossus. He left the house walking slowly and I

step by step after him. We walked through different parts of the city until we reached in any corner, we stopped for a moment.

It was midnight and I longed to bring the experiment to a successful conclusion. I saw a group of gentlemen

in a corner talking, they were in the physical body and therefore it is unquestionable that they did not

they perceived me, however I wanted to make myself visible and tangible before them, such was my purpose.

Addressing myself to that giant, this nahual of wonders and prodigies, in a sweet tone

but imperatively I gave him a new order: "Pass me now to the world of three dimensions, to the

physical world!" The elemental  then put his two hands on my shoulders in time

which put some pressure on these. I felt that I was leaving the astral world and entering the physical world; I remained visible and tangible before that group of gentlemen who in this place

where they were talking-.

Approaching them, I asked thus:

- What time do you have, gentlemen?

-It's half past twelve at night.

-Thank you, gentlemen, I want to tell you now that I come from the invisible regions and that

I wanted to make myself visible and tangible for you.

Weird words right? Those men looked at each other strangely and I continued telling them:

-See you later gentlemen, I return now again to the invisible world. I begged the elemental

the one who passed me again to the supra-sensible regions and it is unquestionable that the creature

 obeyed immediately. I managed to see the astonishment of all those gentlemen, they felt
horror, dread and they went away from that place.

New orders given to the giant elemental were enough for him to bring me back to the

House. Returning to the room, entering the bedroom, I saw that that mysterious gentleman lost

its gigantic size and penetrated inside the small feline body that lay on the bed,

precisely through the pineal gland located, as is known, in the upper part of the brain. Me

I did the same, I put my astral feet on the mentioned gland of the physical brain and I felt

then inside my dense body to wake up between the bed. I looked at the kitten, I did some

caresses, I thanked him and told him: "I appreciate the service provided, you and I are friends".

With this kind of elementals any occultist can learn to go out in the astral plane conscious and

positively, the important thing is not to be afraid; a lot of courage is needed.

  1. A very special case comes to my mind right now: I once came to a

town and looked for a hotel, but all the hotels were full, there was no hospitality for

no one; however, I got a room in the guest room, there were many beds there

where many guests slept; I paid for the last of these beds that were free

and in it I lay down to sleep. However, it happened that around midnight a man knocked on that house requesting

also accommodation; the owner of that business took him to our room saying: "I don't have

beds see, see, they are all taken". The passenger protested saying: "There are no

hospitality, I will resolve to sleep in this room even if it is on the floor, you put me in it

I step on a, carpet or mat and a pillow for my head because I am very tired”.

The owner of that guest house, moved, willingly agreed to what the man asked.

I was awake seeing and hearing all that, the aforementioned passenger going to bed

on the floor he proposed to fall asleep. I observed details, while the man was awake,

he moved from one side to the other as if wanting to accommodate himself to the hard floor. Suddenly stopped

move and then I saw with astonishment an ovoid grayish cloud that was coming out from between its pores

All over the body. Such a cloud floated for a few moments over that tired body, and for

the latter, standing upright, assumed the form of the pilgrim. He stared at me and

then he left that room walking normally.

This is what always happens in this state of transition between wakefulness and sleep.

Such a pilgrim turned away from his dense form; you all do the same but fit

In unconscious way, I do not want to tell you with this that that gentleman of yore would have made a

conscious exit; however, the same can be done at will, positively conscious.

  1. Comes to my mind some very important episodes related

with the Jinas states. When I began that apprenticeship I certainly had to suffer a

little bit. I lay quietly in bed with my head resting on the palm of my left hand;

 I focused on my Mother Nature and on the Christ begging her with all my heart.

to take me with body of meat and bone to remote places of the earth; when I felt in

state of lassitude, when I began to doze, I would gently get out of bed and go out into the

patio of the house, and there  I take long jumps with the intention of floating in space, many times

it was raining and so I had to endure the water and the cold, dressed in night clothes, and

then seeing that I did not float, I returned to bed to repeat the experiment over and over again,

tirelessly throughout the night; my efforts were enormous, my body was

losing weight, my face was pale and my eyes were full of large dark circles from so much sleeplessness, but

I was stubborn and one of these many days I was successful. In a state of drowsiness I got up from my bed and great was my astonishment when I found three ladies

inside my bedroom, one of them helped me get out of bed, while the other two before

a table they cast lots with some cards to see which of them would take care of my insignificant

person. It is ostensible that luck fell on the one who got me out of bed, she helped me

leaving the room, led me along a corridor that led to the street, opened the gate

 of the house and took me out into the street; then I saw many other people who were equally

engaged in the same work in that town, where they lived at the time.

The lady in question told me that I could float in the environment and by doing so I felt great joy,

I admit that there was a certain lack of prudence in my actions, because as soon as I was full of joy,

launched into the clouds as I rushed to earth to fly over the houses, the towers of the

churches, etc etc

The lady took me to New York, there was a gentleman there who was also working

In the same way, that woman also helped him and took him out of his apartment, so that

We were two travelers of the fourth dimension. We crossed the Atlantic Ocean and then

we flew over Europe passing through different cities in ruins, because we were in the Second

World War.

That man told me: "I don't know what I see in you, but the only thing I know is that within yourself there is

a lot of philosophy and a lot of occultism". I replied: "Certainly I am an occultist and

esotericist and my name is Samael Aun Weor".

The gentleman warned me about the dangers that existed in the lands of Europe; told me that

we were very careful because if we were to get out of the fourth vertical, we would fall into

those countries without documents of any kind, for which they would assassinate us or put us in jail.

"You are right, I replied, in no way should we abandon the fourth


During the journey we stopped for a few moments to enter a dressmaker's house, the lady who

was driving us, she expressed her desire to help some people who lived there,


we stayed inside the next room talking.. When we get out of that

house with our guide, we continue floating over the sky of Europe to reach the place that

we proposed. Having made the required investigations, I said goodbye to my guide and the

friend and so I returned home.

You see, distinguished friends, how with will and patience you can learn to put your

physical body within the fourth dimension.

  1. My friends, it is good that you know that there are enchanted lands, regions of

"The Thousand and One Nights" and that all this belongs to the fourth dimension. Nature has

wonders and prodigies.

I remember that in one of my trips that I made through America, I arrived at the house of a

child who was very sick; crows, buzzards, etc.,

 stood on the roof of that house. Doctors had previously predicted that the

child would die

What astonishes is that such a bird, which evidently unfolds in the Ray of Saturn,

guess so correctly and know with absolute precision the place where one creature was going   to die;

 It is not superfluous to assert that in reality such a child died without medical science being able to

save him. There is no doubt that these types of birds from the sky fulfill a beautiful mission, cleaning the

nature of all rot. It is clear that they have faculties that allow them to know the

place where someone has to die. All this invites us to reflect on the powers of


  1. On a certain occasion I had to leave the physical body at will, it is clear that I know

Unfold myself and therefore this is not a problem for me. I moved myself to the Secret Order of

Tibet, this congregation has its monastery in the fifth dimension.

There I was engaged in esoteric work together with the other brothers of the Order. However

It happened that the physical body that I had left asleep in the bed, here in the capital city, since he had been sleeping for many hours, he exhausted his

deep sleep state staying awake. However, I could not return to the physical body

 because in no way did I want to interrupt my work in the monastery, I was very

occupied; I continued to support myself there in Tibet by force of will, since it is obvious

that the awakened body attracts the soul.

However that situation was a bit embarrassing for me, because Well, it didn't stop

interfere in my activities  within the monastery, I was left with no choice but to concentrate

in my Mother Nature and beg her to take out my physical body that was lying in the other side of the planet and

brought it to the Secret Order of Tibet. My Mother agreed to my requests by taking the physical body out of the bed and putting it inside

the fourth dimension, transporting it to the monastery in Tibet. In those moments in my Astral body

 I was talking with other brothers of the order, when I began to feel about

my shoulders a strange pressure, this was for me the signal that my physical body was

 coming, and it certainly was.

I did such an experiment for the purpose of not being hindered in my esoteric work while

I worked in the Far East.

Who learns to unfold at will, can carry out this experiment by himself, move away

of his physical body and then invoke him from wherever he is.

Mother Nature always helps us, when we really know how to love her.

  1. There is a law in the world of the fourth dimension, and it is that all things return to their

original starting point; many Jinas people spend the whole night away from home with

body of flesh and blood and floating in the atmosphere they return to their home when it is already scratching the

dawn, when it is already dawn.

The interesting thing about the case is that when it returns to its bed upon returning to his bed, the body remains in the same

position it had before getting up


On a certain occasion, when I left my house with my physical body inside the fourth

dimension, I had to open the door to go outside, normally this one should have

remained hermetically closed, but as an exceptional case, such a door was left open. Yet

I have not explained the reason.

On another occasion I took a pot from home in which there was a beautiful plant, the pot returned

on its own to the original starting point. I want you to be practical, I want you to become Jinas people, I want you to be

true occultists, not mere theoreticians.

Read more…

Samael's anecdotes: Chapter Eight-Part 4



  1. I was still very young and her name was Ángela, a very unique girlfriend today

dead. One day I decided to get away from her without saying goodbye. I went to the shores of the Atlantic

and I had to lodge in the house of an old lady, a noble woman who did not deny me her


I did not stop protecting myself with a very thin and transparent pavilion.

One night I was lying in bed dozing, when suddenly someone knocked three times on my door.

rhythmically; moments when I sat down to get up and go to the door, I felt a couple

of hands penetrating through my pavilion, they approached me dangerously caressing me

the face. But the thing did not stop there, in addition to those hands a whole human ghost appeared

 with the obvious semblance of that girlfriend who frankly did not interest me.

The anguished ghost cried, telling me phrases like these: "Ungrateful, you walked away without

say goodbye to me, and I loved you so much and adored you with all my heart", etc., etc., etc., and

other herbs.

I wanted to speak, but everything was useless because my tongue got stuck; then I mentally ordered

that ghost will immediately withdraw.

New complaints, new recriminations, and then she said: "I'm leaving, then," and slowly walked away,

Slowly; when I saw that apparition was leaving, a new thought, a

special idea, arose in my understanding; I told myself. “This is the moment to know

what is a ghost, what is it made of, what is real about it”.

It is obvious that by thinking like this in this way the fear disappeared in me and my tongue was untied;

then I was able to speak and ordered the ghost like this: -No, don't go, come back, I need to talk to you. The ghost replied:

"Well, I'm going back, that's fine then."

It is not superfluous to affirm that the word was accompanied by action and the ghost came again

towards me

The first thing I did was examine my own faculties to see if they were working.

correctly. I'm not drunk, I told myself, I'm not hypnotized, I'm not the victim of any

hallucination, my  senses are correct, I have no reason to doubt. Once i could

verify the proper functioning of my five senses, I then proceeded to examine the ghost.

"Give me your hand," I said to the apparition; it is ostensible that she did not refuse my demand and

stretched out her right hand. I took the arm of the singular figure that I had in front of me and I could notice a

normal rhythmic gait as if she had a heart. I perceive  to the liver, spleen, like protoplasm ones etc., everything was fine.

correctly, but the quality of that matter seemed more like protoplasm,

gelatinous substance sometimes similar to the touch of vinyl, I did that examination under the light of a

bulb properly lit and lasted something like half an hour.

Then I dismissed the ghost saying: "You can go now, I am satisfied with the

examination”, and the ghost saying multiple recriminations left weeping bitterly.

Moments later, the mistress of the house knocked on the door, believing that I had disrespect the

house, came telling me that she had given me hospitality alone and that she was surprised that

was bringing women into the room.

“Excuse me, madam”, was my reply, “I have not brought any woman here, she has visited me

a ghost and that's all. It is clear that I told her the story. That lady, remained

convinced and shivered terribly when she felt a frightful cold inside the room.

 in full hot weather, this confirmed the truth of my story., , and later, when I met that girlfriend, I related my
history. She limited herself to telling me that on that night and at the time I had mentioned she slept and dreamed

that she was in a place on the coast and that she was talking with me inside a room. It is clear that I said to myself: “The lady went to bed thinking of me and her ghost

 visited me.” The curious thing was that several months later that lady died, and one night I

resting in my bed the phenomenon was repeated, but this time that ghost decided to lie down

next to me, full of tenderness and affection; however this was getting pretty ugly,

I had no choice but to order her very severely to leave forever and that would not

 never bother in existence. The ghost did so and never came back.

  1. On a certain occasion a poor young woman arrived in the city, in a terrible economic situation;

 She was an honest girl and she asked me for a job.

I had no problem giving her work as a maid at home and she turned out to be very industrious,

Unfortunately, after a few days of working at home, a series of phenomena occurred

extraordinary psychics, which not only disturbed my relatives, but also the people of

the neighborhood.

In her presence, the dishes rose into the air to crash on the floor and

become fragments, the tables, the chairs, danced alone and stones fell into our


It was not very pleasant for us that in the precise moments of eating

stones, dust, etc., fall into the food.

The young woman had on her right hand a mysterious ring with an inscription that literally

It read like this: “Remembrance of your friend Luzbel”. The most interesting thing is that although that woman

was in disgrace (economically speaking), she did not stop receiving from the aforementioned friend

some coins that were enough to eat; such money came through the air and she

 just picked them up.

The girl recounted that her aforementioned friend told her that he lived in the sea and that he wanted to take her away

to the bottom of the ocean.

Many times we made conjurations to drive away his invisible comrade, but he returned with

more force returning to his wanderings, and the people, as is natural, did not cease to be alarmed.

Some young men fell in love with her, but when they tried to approach their lady, they

stones on them and horrified they fled in terror. Later, that girl moved away from all these environments in the city, what was done?

we don`t know, what we could verify is that his such friend Luzbel was simply a

 elemental of the ocean. There is no doubt that she had much of an elemental nature, so we

said his eyes, his look, his body, his way of being, etc., etc.

  1. I have known very extraordinary cases of materialization. Some years ago when

Master Gargha Kuichines visited these lands, we witnessed

one of these really unusual cases.

It happened that we were both walking along some avenue, when on a corner we saw a

Licensed friend, who was dedicated to the practices of Hata yoga.

We approached him, I personally shaking his hand very attentively

 The three of us were talking in such a corner; people, not to

bumping into that friend, they took a little detour. We said goodbye, the lawyer continued

by the aforementioned avenue. As a strange thing he wore a hat

white with black ribbon, something that did not stop calling our attention, because he never in his life used


 I clarified by saying that such a lawyer held the position of judge and that

was once with us studying gnosis. Then we continue on our way.

Days later I met some another friend in the town and told him what had happened. Great was my surprise when my friend let me know

that the aforementioned lawyer with whom I had met on such avenue,

He had already died several days ago.

Then he put some emphasis in order to explain the case to me: "You met a

died", Alejandro told me, "you spoke with a deceased", when this happened, on the day of such

meeting, that man had died in a car accident outside the city, in the north of the country.

As you will see, it is another materialization and I think that the former personality of that deceased was

really what became visible and tangible at noon before all the peoples and in the light of the


  1. I want to tell you, with great emphasis, that there are fish men who lived

between the deep seas of the planet Venus, were brought to earth in cosmic ships by the

Venusians and deposited at the bottom of our seas. I always sensed that there existed at the bottom of the oceans intelligent men- fish, creatures

 and it even seems to me that this is related in some way to the famous fish

Oans of the Chaldeans. I do not want to take other deeper allegories from such a fish, I just want

Emphasize the idea that such a symbol also corresponds to the profound mystery of the


In deep meditation, my priestess wife and I resolved to take a spiritual journey,

 with the purpose of investigating everything related to fish-men; it is obvious that

we succeeded and that when dealing with metaphysical type perceptions they obviously gave identical


Out of the dense form, our souls plunged deep into the Atlantic ocean,

very far from any mainland. In the name of truth I must say that we certainly entered into

direct contact with fish- men.

If you ask me what kind of figure these men have, it should be clearly answered that

They have the form of fish with sizes very similar to those of any human person, some

larger, others smaller, others medium, etc.

We found in the living bottom of the ocean the city of fish- men. riddles? It is obvious that

the mentioned city is not of a physical type, it does not correspond to the world of three dimensions; is about

a town located in the twilight zone. The houses, the temples, the shops, the

restaurants, streets, things, etc., have been created by the fish- men in the fourth dimension,

in what we could call "etheric space".

In the name of truth we must say that they live simultaneously in the physical world and in

the etheric region. It is clear that the soul of fish- men knows that it has the body of a fish, but

since they also live in the unknown dimension, they do not ignore that they are men

 able to live as such in the fourth dimension, while simultaneously moving

Among the waters like simple fish.

There is therefore a double life in them: the first as fish, the second as men, however

they combine both, they are processed simultaneously and harmoniously, beautifully coordinated... A very wise king governs these creatures; he is a very venerable fish-man. Is clear

that this old king is loved by all his subjects and that he does not need armies or police

to be obeyed. He is an ineffable being of the solar dynasties.

My priestess wife passed the threshold of one of those etheric shops in the mysterious town

located in the unknown dimension, I observed it but did not enter; something she saw or looked at

depth. On leaving I asked her questioning about what he had seen, the answer

was: "I saw a group of fish- men sitting at tables in a beautiful restaurant;

They talked about various topics.

In the etheric world, said creatures have the physiognomy of men, but in the world merely

Physical material, his face and his body are all fish.

However, very soon they will be rescued by the shipowners of Venus and returned to their world of

source.. It is

It is clear that nuclear explosions will pollute the waters and endanger their lives if

they are not returned to the maritime waters of the planet Venus.

With the sixth sense I went ahead in time to see such an event, and then I perceived

amphibious ships of Venusian origin submerging in the Atlantic Ocean to rescue the

fish-men. At that moment, psychic laments reached my ears, tears and anguish of

those mysterious creatures; they were taken away from this planet Earth, because this race of intellectual animals

 who populate the face of our world is not really prepared to understand

such sublime beings; In other words, I must tell them that we do not deserve them.

They have some very strange objects in the twilight zone, I beheld something

similar to a circle, a kind of bracelet so mysterious that I frankly could not understand.

One of them, one of those wonderful men talking to my priestess wife, told her what

following: "Blessed are you who are always close to the master", it is obvious that I was moved.

In its metaphysical, etheric town, solemn peace is breathed in the great oceanic depths

 one feels clean, pure, infinitely happy. How far are the people from

understand all this! My friends, after making this story I am not sure that you have understood me; I know that

all is a matter of consciousness



Read more…

Samael's anecdotes: Chapter Eight-Part 3



  1. Finding myself outside the physical body, in moments when it slept soundly between

the bed, I invoked a certain disembodied person who in life was a family member, by the way,

near. The deceased appeared dressed in a certain gray suit that he had worn in life; he came laughing alone,

He really seemed like a sleepwalker, talking nonsense, something he had heard from

someone... Useless were my attempts to make him recognize me; the unhappy man slept soundly;

he certainly did not see me; Deep down, he truly perceived exclusively his own mental forms.

 and laughed like a raving madman, like an idiot. The deceased one projected his own

thought forms, he dreamed of them, he was absolutely fascinated with them, and he didn't even

perceived me.

  1. As I write these lines, some unusual reminiscences arise in my mind.

Many years ago, a certain unwelcome guest dwelt in my house; seemed to have no desire to

leave... I consulted the case with Ejecatl, the God of the Wind, and it is obvious that the subject hastily

left my house...

Fortunately I had in my possession the sum that Ehécatl demanded of me for the service, nothing is given to us

given away, everything costs... These Elemental Gods are paid with cosmic values; who

has what to pay with goes well in business...

Our good deeds are represented with cosmic currency; always doing good is a

good business, so we will accumulate "cosmic capital" through which it is possible to negotiate

of this kind...

  1. Recently I had a wonderful contact with the supermen of the starry space.

Many times I have recounted it, and now I am going to do it again, because one must bear witness

of what he has seen and experienced for the good of humanity. I will never be ashamed

to testify before the solemn verdict of the public conscience.

I found myself, I have said many times, in the desert of the Lions, in the Federal District, when

a cosmic ship landed in a forest clearing; moved by curiosity I approached that

place and found a cosmic ship perched on a steel tripod. I approached the tripod ship, I wanted

that aliens took me to another planet.

A marvelous hatch opened and a extraordinary man climbed down a metal ladder.

 Behind him came others and two ladies of indecipherable ages. I greeted the captain with a "good morning", he answered me in perfect Idiom  and extended his hand which I shook

lovingly. I could not help but be amazed to see an alien speaking in perfect


Observing them well, I could notice their coppery skin and their blue eyes where the starry space was reflected; they had broad foreheads, straight noses, thin and delicate lips, small collected ears,

 medium height, neither too tall nor too short, a little thin. there was no

obese. Those space crew were great.

They advanced towards some trunks that were on the ground, so I begged the captain to take me to the

planet Mars.

-Where do you say? To Mars?

-Yes captain.

But if that's just there arond the corner

-Thank you, captain, but I would like you to take me. The captain was silent.

The space crew continued until they sat on the logs. after everyone

They had taken their seats, one of the ladies rising said:

-If we place a plant that is not aromatic next to another that is, it is clear that the one that is not

aromatic will be loaded or impregnated with the aroma of the one that is, right?

"Certainly," I answered, "it is."

"Well," continued the lady, "the same thing happens with the worlds of infinite space, worlds in

that humanities that were bad before, were impregnated little by little with the aroma, with

the radiation from the neighboring worlds that are doing very well now; but we have reached the planet

Earth and we see that the same thing does not happen here. What is happening on this planet?

The lady in question was perplexed, our world seemed very strange to her, with people who

they make wars and destroy each other, with so much hatred, so much sexual degeneration, etc. She was

alarmed, what I could see on her face. "Where have I arrived?", the lady would ask herself. "What place is this, what the hell?" This

question she asked me was tremendous, I didn't know how to answer her. At last I said:

-Well, it is that our planet Earth is a mistake of the gods. But then I solved

round off my concept a little better, to say thus: "It is Karma of the worlds".

The lady nodded with a head movement, with tremendous respect. The other lady did the same

 and then the entire crew. I thought those aliens were going to say something else, but

 they say a little and the few saying say a lot

Convinced that they would return to their ship, I reiterated my demand to the captain.

-Captain -I told him-, I am a man who speaks to you with all the sense of responsibility, I am

writer, I write for humanity, you can take me to another planet in space so I can

show evidence to terrestrial humanity, I would like to bring proof of the existence of life in other

planets as Earth scientists are very skeptical, unbelieving and materialistic.

The captain was silent.

-Captain, it is not for me that I make this request but for humanity, my  I

think of humanity.

These words moved the captain. Raising his index finger he said:

-On the way we will see...

Such an answer was convincing for me, I know that they never deceive anyone and that they always

 keep their word, whatever it takes; they speak little but they say a lot and when they say something

they comply, they are not earthlings.

Thus I understood the path, the path of wisdom, the path of perfection. "I will fight for

eliminate my psychological defects". The captain advanced towards the ship, immediately the crew, climbed the thin ladder and opened

the hatch penetrated his craft. I withdrew to a prudent distance in order to observe

What happened; the ship turned on its axis and after swaying a little in space it was lost in

the unalterable infinity.

Read more…





  1. On a certain occasion, my Real Inner Being, my Immortal Monad, took me out of the physical body

to give me instructions about a certain disciple. Finished these I had no problem

in addressing the Intimate Lord with the following words:

-I'm tired of having a body, what I would like is to disincarnate. In those moments the Lord of

Perfections, my Inner God answered with a solemn voice:

-Why are you protesting? I have given you bread, clothing and shelter, and you still protest? Do you remember the

last days of your past existence? You walked through the streets of Mexico barefoot, with the suit

broken, old, sick and in the most appalling misery. And how did you come to die? In a filthy shack

 So I was absent.

In such moments the face of the Lord shone, in his blue eyes the infinite sky was reflected,

his white robe of glory reached to his feet, everything in him was perfection. -Lord, I told him, I have come to kiss your hand and receive your blessing. The Adorable blessed me and

I kissed his right hand.

I then returned to the physical body and went into meditation. Certainly, my dear brothers, when

the son goes badly the father is absent and then he falls into disgrace.

  1. In these moments, memories of something unusual come to mind. About some several years ago, finding myself in a market in the Federal Colony with my priestess wife Litelantes,

at a time when we claimed a watch that she had sent to a watchmaker to repaired it,

we were suddenly shaken by a violent explosion of dynamite.

Horrified, Litelantes asked me to return home immediately. It's obvious that my

answer was frankly negative; in no way did I want to expose our lives to a

second explosion that I knew would happen. Useless were their pleas... at such moments

The sirens and bells of the "smoke swallowers" or firefighters resounded.

Those humble and martyr servants of humanity rushed to the place of

explosion... "Of all these firefighters who have just entered the theater of events

none will be saved, they will die." Such were my words. Litelantes, horrified, kept

silence. Moments later a second explosion terribly shook the city of

Mexico. The result was the death of all those humble servants; they disintegrated

In the moment, since not even the corpses were found; only the boot of a


Frankly, I was amazed at the degree of unconsciousness in which such

Firemen they found themselves; if they have been awake, they would by no means have perished.

I still remember the tears of the women who fled from that market and of the children who

horrified they clung to the skirts of their mothers.

If I had not been awake, I would obviously have perished because in the place where I was supposed to

taking the bus, so essential to return home, lot of people died. I still have not been able to forget so many corpses, lying on the shore of the

sidewalk on the street lay covered with newspapers.

Unquestionably, those victims were due to curiosity; it was about curious, people

unconscious, asleep, who after the first explosion had happened to contemplate the spectacle. If such people had been awake, they would never

 have attended the scene of the events as curious. Unfortunately they slept

deeply, that was how they met death.

When we returned home, our neighbors were alarmed;

they assumed we were dead. They were certainly amazed that despite being so close to the

place of the catastrophe, we could still return alive. I have seen the advantage of being


We have to wake up, friends, and learn to live alert from moment to moment, from instant to


  1. At this moment a very special case comes to mind that I am going to relate: A

night of so many I entered through the doors of a wonderful mansion; silently I went through a

beautiful garden until reaching a lavish room. Moved by an inner impulse, I spent a little

further and boldly entered a lawyer's office. In front of the office I found sitting a

a lady, gray hair, pale face, thin lips and a blunt nose. Was that

lady of respectable appearance and medium height. His body was not very thin, but

not too fat either, his gaze rather seemed melancholic and serene.

In a sweet and calm voice the lady invited me to take a seat at the desk. in such moments

something unusual happens, I see two glass butterflies on the buffet and they had their own life, they moved

their wings, they breathed, they looked, etc., etc., etc. The case certainly seemed too exotic to me and

rare. Two butterflies of glass and with their own life?

Accustomed as I was to dividing attention into three parts, first I did not forget myself; second, I did not identify with those glass butterflies; third, I observed

the place carefully. Seeing such glass animals, I thought to myself: "This cannot be a phenomenon of the

physical world, because in the three-dimensional region of Euclid I have never known butterflies of

glass with a life of its own. Unquestionably this may be a phenomenon of the astral world.

I looked around me and asked myself the following questions: Why am I in this place? Why

I came here? What am I doing here?

Turning then to the lady, I spoke to her as follows: "Ma'am, let me go out for a bit.

moment to the garden and then I will return”. The lady nodded with a movement of her head and

I left that office for a moment. Outside, in the garden, I took a little long jump with the

intention to float in the surrounding environment; great was my astonishment when I verified for myself that

I was really outside the physical body. Then I realized that I was in

Astral plane.

At such moments I remembered that it had been a long time, several hours, that I had abandoned my

physical body and that it was unquestionably now resting in his bed.

Having made the singular verification, I returned to the office where the lady was waiting for me. Then

I wanted to convince her that she was outside the physical body. "Ma'am, I told you, you and I are

outside the physical body; I want you to remember that a few hours ago you went to sleep in the

bed and now you are talking to me outside the physical body; Well, it is known that

when the body sleeps, the conscience, the essence unfortunately stuck between the ego, walks

outside the corporeal vehicle.

Having said all these words, the lady looked at me with the eyes of a sleepwalker, but she did not understand me

I understood that that lady's conscience was asleep... Not wanting to insist any more,

I said goodbye to her and left the place.

Years passed, many, maybe thirty years, forty, 

Later I had to go personally to a town very rich in silver mines,

I had to meet there with a certain gentleman, to whom I was in those days

helping him to heal from a hemiplegia that had given him and that had paralyzed half of his side. I went there with that intention to help him, and I helped him; I think he was even fine, he was healed; 

I made him walk, by the way, with magnetic treatments and he managed to walk without a cane after

having half a side paralyzed; I gave him directions, but I advised him to move around a lot, because 

he spent his time sitting down and that impaired his healing.

In order not to make the story so long, I tell that I crossed the garden of a very beautiful house, then

I crossed a room and recognized it immediately: it was the place I had gone to so many years ago!

and finally I entered an office.

A lady was waiting for me in the room, I recognized her immediately, it was the same one I had seen in the

Astral plane years ago, and she said, "Go on, sir," and I went inside where the office of

lawyers; the only difference was that this time I did not find her at the desk, but her

husband. .

He stood up to welcome me, sat me down at his desk, introduced me to the

patient who had to heal, we talked about magnetism, because of course, there I was going to use the

magnetism to heal that patient, and of course, around the subject of magnetism, of the

Prana, of psychic cures, there was also talk about astral departures, unfolding,

distance healing, etc.

The talk was very interesting. That gentleman had a certain disposition for that kind of psychic studies

 and some information, although very incipient, but enough so that

understood something about astral unfolding.

I told him:

-A few years ago I came here in the astral body. Total that the man was amazed, stunned,

perplexed. I told him: I also know your wife -and I narrated the case, the talk we had,

etc. Then I told him:

-Look, on that desk there were two glass butterflies, what's going on? Where are those butterflies?

Then he quickly replied:

-Here are the butterflies, right here, you can see them. He picked up some newspapers that had

on top of the desk and certainly there were two very beautiful glass butterflies. Sure, he was surprised that I knew about those butterflies. Then I told him:

-But something else is missing, I am seeing a candelabrum with seven branches, but there are two, where is the

another?, what was done?

"Here's the other one, see it here," the man from the office replied; took some papers and

newspapers that were there and certainly took out the other candlestick, appeared to confirm yet

more my statement. Sure, the man came to amazement. Then I told him:

-You know that I know your wife, but when I came here, your wife was in the

desk. Well.... the man was amazed.

When it was time for dinner, all seated around the round table in the room,

then the lady in front of him tells me:

-I know you, sir, I've known you for a long time, I know you but I don't remember the exact place.

where I met you, but that I know you, I know him. You are not unknown to me.

Total I told the gentleman:

-Are you already convinced? Have you convinced? And I said:

-To the satiety, totally convinced.

That man had enough evidence because the tests for him were definitive.

I narrate this so that you realize the procedure to awaken consciousness, and it is explained to them

with living stories.

Read more…

Samael's anecdotes: Chapter Eight-Part 1


                                                                                                                    CHAPTER VIII

  1. On a certain occasion, while I was in meditation, I was able to clearly verify the meaning

intelligent of the language of birds. I clearly remember a certain bird that perched on the

 tree top argued with another; the first one was very quiet when it was suddenly interrupted

by the arrival of the second; the latter perched threateningly on the top of the tree, making

many recriminations at first.

I was alert listening in meditation to what was happening; I clearly remember the insults

of the threatening bird: "You hurt my leg a few days ago and I have to punish you for that


The threatened creature apologized saying: "I'm not to blame for what happened, leave me in.

peace"... Unfortunately the aggressor bird did not want to understand reasons and biting hard at

his victim incessantly reminded him of his injured leg


  1. On another occasion, finding myself in deep interior meditation, I could hear the barking

of two neighboring dogs; the first told the second everything that happened to him in his house.

He said:

-My master treats me very badly, here in this house they constantly beat me with sticks and whips, and the

food is lousy; everyone in general insults me and I live a very unhappy life.

The second answered with his barks saying:

-I'm doing much better, they give me good food and treat me very well.

The people who came and went down the street only heard the barking of two dogs, not

they understood the language of animals; for me such language has always been very clear.

  1. On one occasion a neighbor dog warned me that a great failure would await me if 

I was making a certain trip, the aforementioned animal shouted saying to me: “A

failure! a failure!”, and I didn't want to listen to him.

In those days, when I arrived at a certain town very close to the Sonoran desert, I told the driver

of the vehicle in which we were traveling that it was essential to look for a hotel, because in no way

I wanted to continue the journey that night.

However, that good man, with his conscience asleep, did not want to listen to me, 

I warned in the following way: “You will be responsible for what is going to happen, warned

You are..."

Hours later the car overturned in the desert and there were injuries, there were no deaths; Then 

I reminded that gentleman of the mistake he had made in not listening me... There is no doubt that

that man recognized his crime and asked for forgiveness; but it was all too late, the fact had happened.

Unfortunately, this is how people with an asleep conscience are, this is how they have been around the world since

They are born until they die.

  1. I remember a very interesting case. I once warned a lady of the abyss

the following:

-For the involutionary path that you are following, you will have to disintegrate in the ninth sphere, become

cosmic dust, this is the second death"

That lady replied:

-I do not ignore it, we know it and that is precisely what we want. The demon that accompanied her, enraged attacked me with his infernal psychic powers and

I had to defend myself with the flaming sword.

Jahvé has made a mystique, a religion, of this entire wheel of Samsara, and his henchmen are

Faithful to him.

When one talks with Jahvé, one can verify that this fallen angel has a sparkling

intellectuality with which he can totally seduce anyone. All the talks of Jahvé

they begin speaking against the cosmic Christ; this demon is terribly wicked and hates

mortally to the Solar Logos.

  1. It happened that one night, no matter the date or day or time, finding myself

outside the physical body, in a completely conscious and positive way, my Real Inner Being, the Intimate came to me. Smiling, the Blessed One told me:

-You have to die! These phrases from the Intimate left me perplexed, confused, stunned.

With a little fear I questioned my Inner Being (Atman) saying:

-Why do I have to die!?, Let me live a little more; I am working for humanity.

I still remember that moment when the Blessed One, smiling, repeated to me for the second time:

-You have to die.

Later, the Adorable One showed me in the astral light that which had to die in myself. Then

I saw the pluralized ego formed by a multitude of dark entities, a veritable swarm of subjects

perverse, psychic aggregates of different kinds, living demons personifying errors.

So it was, my friends, how I came to know that the ego is not something individual, but a sum of

psychic aggregates, a total of multiple quarrelsome and screaming egos.

  1. Another day, being in deep meditation in accordance with all the rules that the

Jnana-Yoga, I entered into something known as Nirvi-Kalpa Shamadí; so i abandoned all

Supra-sensible bodies and entered the world of the Solar Logos converted into a Dragon of


In such logoic moments, beyond the body, the effects and the mind, I wanted to know something

about the life of the Great Kabir Jesus. It was precisely at that moment that I saw myself

become Jesus of Nazareth, doing miracles and wonders in the Holy Land. Yet

I remember that moment when I was baptized by John in the Jordan, I saw myself inside a temple

on the banks of that river. The forerunner was dressed in such a beautiful robe and as I approached him

staring at me, he exclaimed: "Take off, Jesus, your garment because I am going to baptize you." I went to

inside the sanctuary, and pouring on my head the anointing oil and then a little

water, prayed and I felt transformed.

What happened next was wonderful. Sitting in a room I saw three divine suns, the first

it was the blue of the Father, the second -the yellow- of the Son and the third -the red- of the Holy Spirit.

Here are the three Logos: Brahama, Vishnu and Shiva.

Coming out of that static state, returning to my physical body, my confusion was tremendous. Me

Jesus of Nazareth? I the Christ? God help me and Holy Mary! A wretched sinner, a

worm of the mud of the earth that is not even worthy to untie the sandals of the Master,

Became Jesus of Nazareth just like that?

Quite worried about all this, I decided to go back into meditation and repeat the mystic experience.

 changing only the reason for it: now, instead of wanting to know something about life

of Jesus, I became interested in John the Baptism of the Nazarene.

Then came the previous mystical state, I abandoned all supersensible bodies and stay again in the logoic state. Once I returned to such a state, I fixed my attention more

intensity in John the Baptist, and behold, I then saw myself converted into John doing the

Precursor stuff, baptizing Jesus, etc., etc., etc.

Losing the ecstasy upon returning to the physical body, then I understood that in the world of the Logos,

in the world of the Christ, there is no kind of Higher Self or Lower Self. It is urgent that

everyone understand that in the Christ we are all one and that the heresy of separateness is the

worst of heresies.

  1. I want to tell everyone that I have a bet with the devil and this can

surprise you a bit...

On a certain occasion, no matter the date or time, the two of them sitting facing each other at a table,

I heard from the lips of my own Intimate Lucifer the following affirmations.

-I will defeat you in chastity, and I will show you; you can't with me

Do you want to make a bet with me?

"Yes," answered Satan, "I am willing to hunt the wager."

-For how much do we hunt the bet?

-Therefore, it's done.

I distanced myself from that character who is nothing more than the reflection of my own Intimate Logos,

I really treatied him a little badly...

In the name of truth, I want to tell you, my friends, that until now

I am winning the bet, because the devil has not been able to with me; has in no way succeeded

make me fall into temptation, although I have had to wage tremendous battles with him.

  1. Something very interesting comes to mind. It happened that one night I was called

telepathically by a group of masters of the Venerable Great White Lodge. I abandoned the

physical body, and all the parts of my intimate being integrate and covered with the existential bodies

 elements of the Being had to attend the call.

Floating in space I landed gently on the roof of a large building, I was received by the

Adepts of the Occult Fraternity with exclamations of joy saying: "The

Archangel Samael! he has come”, and after the usual hugs and greetings I was questioned in the

following form:

-You, as Avatar of the New Aquarian Age, must answer us about the convenience or

inconvenience of delivering the cosmic ships to terrestrial humanity. is of great

responsibility for your response. Down on my knees, I then saw with my spatial sense the use to which earthlings could make

in the future with such ships. Dhajma's eye then allowed me to see inside such ships the

immediate future: merchants, prostitutes, dictators, etc., traveling to other planets of the system

solar, bringing discord to other corners of the universe, etc., etc., etc.

Feeling in those moments the responsibility that weighed on my shoulders, I addressed to my

Father who is in secret saying: "My Father, if it is possible, take this chalice from me, but not my will but yours be done" Those words vibrated in the nine heavens, from sphere to sphere., from world to world.

Years passed and everything was resolved. My Father who is in secret gave the proper answer.

Selection of the human personnel, giving those ships to certain very select groups of the

humanity. It is worth telling our friends that certain isolated human groups

They have that kind of space vehicles.

In an inaccessible region of the Himalayas, where the communist invaders will never be able to reach,

there is a community of lamas who received a number of such cosmic ships, with the

which travel to other worlds in space

Read more…

Samael's anecdotes: Chapter seven-part 4



  1. Many times, moving out of the physical body with the eidolon, I have opened

certain rocks or stone fragments to study those multiple creatures that inhabit

the higher mineral kingdom.

I can say, without fear of exaggeration that such innocent creatures are beyond good and evil. On one occasion, when I opened a piece of rock, I could see many ladies and gentlemen

elegantly dressed, who would be at most 5 to 10 centimeters tall.

There is no doubt that these small mineral elementals like to dress up with our

humanoid clothing.

Traveling through different roads  in the automobile, I have seen with mystical amazement

certain superior elementals of the rocks, which have warned me about dangers or have

Caution advised on the roads.

This second type of mineral elementals is unquestionably more advanced than the first.

type and assumes figures very similar to those of the intellectual humanoid, although they wear garments with

the color of the rocks they inhabit.

A third type of more advanced mineral elementals is that which is known by the name of

gnomes or pygmies; this class of creatures look like true dwarfs with long white beards and

gray hair.

There is no doubt that this last class knows the alchemy of metals thoroughly and cooperates in the

work of nature. There is no doubt that the advanced mineral elementals enter the vegetable real.

  1. Many times dressed in the Eidolon I have entered the paradisiacal temples.

To quote something, I want to refer now to the sanctuary of the orange groves. I found within the Sancta of

said plant family many innocent children, they were busy attending the

teachings that their Guru Deva imparted to them. That instructor, dressed in a wedding dress,

she looked like an exquisitely spiritual feminine beauty.

I have made similar visits to other vegetable temples located in the promised   land, in that land

where rivers of pure water flow with milk and honey. The advanced elementals of the plant kingdom enter later in the various departments

of the animal kingdom.

Read more…

Samael's anecdotes: Chapter seven-part 3




  1. I had to appear before the Third Logos; Shiva, my Real Being; my own

Super-individuality, Samael himself.

Then the Blessed One assumed a different figure, different from mine, as if he were a strange person

; he had the appearance of a very respectable gentleman. The venerable asked me to make a

Chirosophical  study on the lines of his hand. The line of Saturn in his Almighty right hand seemed to me very straight, surprising, marvelous; yet somewhere it seemed to me

interrupted, damaged, broken...

-Lord! you have had some struggles, sufferings...

-You are wrong; I am a very lucky one, I always do very well...

- Well... I see a little damage on the line of Saturn...

-Measure that line well, at what age do you see that damage?

-Lord!... between the age of fifty-three (53) and sixty-one (61) you had a time


-Ah!... That's the beginning... but then what about?

-Eight years go by very quickly and then... the triumph that awaits you...

Concluding the study, the venerable one was able to stand up and said:

-I like these chirosophical studies but sporadically. To my wife (Devi

Kundalini) also likes them and soon I am going to bring her. Ah, but I have to pay him for his work.

Wait for me here and I'll pay you again...

The Blessed One walked away and I stayed waiting for him... in the distance I saw two of my daughters, now adult; but they still seemed small; I was a little worried and called them...

It is indubitable that at that time of my present existence I was the usual fifty-five

three (53) years old... in the hand of the Blessed One I had seen my own future...

  1. One night, no matter which one, I had to find a frightening character

inside a beautiful chamber... Imposing "Prometheus-Lucifer" supported on legs of

beast instead of feet, looked at me threateningly... Two frightening horns looked terrifying on its

sinister forehead; but he was dressed like an elegant gentleman...

Approaching him serenely, I patted him on the shoulder while telling him: -You don't scare me, I know you very well, you haven't been able to defeat me, I'm victorious.

The colossus withdrew, and sitting on the soft, scented mahogany bed, I waited a while.

moment... Later, a dangerously beautiful female entered the bedroom; naked it

lay down on the bed... Almost fainted from lust, the beautiful wrapped me in her impudent arms

inviting me to the pleasures of the flesh...

Lying next to the beauty I showed my powers to the Devil; I dominated myself...

Then I got up from the bed of pleasures; the beauty that almost died of lubricity,

feeling let down, she looked at me uselessly...

Then a resplendent boy entered the room, a terrifyingly divine radiant creature.

... The sublime infant richly dressed in a beautiful priestly robe of a black color

very special, he crossed the exotic enclosure... I recognized him immediately, and approaching him

Very softly, I told him: “It is useless for you to continue disguising yourself; I always recognize you. oh

Lucifer... You can never defeat me...!

That sublime creature, terror of the ignorant, then smiled with infinite sweetness...

Unquestionably he is the "Divine Daimon" of Socrates; our special trainer in the

psychological gym of life.

  1. The case of a friend who disincarnated a long time ago comes to mind right now.. That was a convinced Gnostic, however he did not manage to manufacture their existential bodies

  of the Being, I could evidence this in the region of the dead, in Limbo. out of the

physical body I found him, he had a gigantic aspect and his spectral face was certainly of

pantheon or cemetery.

I walked with him through different places, through different streets of a city, unquestionably under

Euclid's three-dimensional region, in Limbo. "You are dead," I told him.

-How? Impossible! I'm alive. Such was his reply.

Passing near a stately mansion, I made him enter with the purpose of looking at himself in the mirror, the

he obeyed my direction and then I saw him very surprised.

"Try to float," I continued telling him, "give a little jump, so that you will be convinced that you are already dead.

. That ghost, obeying, wanted to fly, but I saw it rush headlong instead of ascending

like the birds. In those moments he assumed various animal forms. "Do you now have the form

horse, dog, cat, tiger”, so I told him according to his different animalistic facets

 stood out.

Certainly that ghost was formed by a set of quarrelsome and screaming egos that

they penetrated and interpenetrated each other without becoming confused. In vain were my efforts,

that disembodied person could not understand me, he was an inhabitant of the region of the dead, a sum

of selves personifying psychological defects.

  1. I remember a pathetic case of a poor loader of heavy loads; his ego walked

after death carrying a load, bundle on their backs. when i wanted to do it

understand his situation, when I gave him to understand that he was already quite dead and   that he didn't have

why be carrying heavy loads on his body, he looked at me with the eyes of a sleepwalker, he had the

consciousness asleep, was unable to understand me.

  1. Those times of youth come to mind. So I also went to

the great feasts where it shone, in the midst of the noise and the party, stormy nights and

orgy that only left bitterness, remorse of conscience, etc. etc etc. after one

of those parties I was taken to the third horrific Dante`s circle: Absolutely conscious, dressed in my

astral body, I sat at the head of the fatal table at the demon party. Crude reality of a frightening materiality, whose mere memory moves the most

intimate of my soul. The table was full of bottles of liquor and very dirty food.

special for gluttons. In the center of that table was a large tray on which

a pig's head stood out. Horrified by this macabre, horrifying feast, I looked with

pain the place of the orgy.

Suddenly everything changed, my individual Real Being, the Intimate, that Angel of the Apocalypse of St.

John who has in his hands the key to the abyss, holding me tightly by one arm

took me out of that room as if by magic and throwing me on a white mortuary sheet that

there it was on the filthy muddy floor, with a big chain he whipped me just in time

He said:

-You are my bodhisattva, my human soul and I need you to deliver the message of the New

 Aquarius era to humanity. Are you going to serve me or what? So I, brokenhearted

I replied:

-Yes sir, I will serve you, I am sorry, forgive me then.

That's how it was, friends, how I came to hate liquors, feasts, gluttonies, drunkenness, etc., etc. Of

all that filth, the only thing that results are the tears symbolized by the rain of that

horrible region; those pestilent waters of bitterness and the horrible mud of misery.

  1. I still remember a very curious case. One of those many nights,  in my 

astral body stuck within that tenebrous region of Tartarus, before the counter of a luxurious store (mere

thought form of a submerged merchant), I had to call Bael. That terrible magician of the

darkness dressed in a blood-colored tunic and a red oriental turban, came towards me sitting

in a car. Behind, his henchmen brought him pushing his carriage; the left character, fallen angel, light of the firmament in former times, looking at me with hatred, he threw himself on me

biting my right hand.

It is clear that I conjured him and finally that ghost was lost in the darkness of the horrible

Pluto's abode Oh friends! One is amazed in those regions to see so many

exploiters of bodies and souls. There lottery and card players, there many

priests and hierarchs, mystics who insatiably covet the goods of others.

  1. In the fifth Dante`s circle, the ironic, furious people unquestionably stand out,

the arrogant, haughty and proud. I saw in those submerged regions a lot of mud,

stagnant waters and supreme pain. I still remember with horror a certain desperate creature

who, submerged in that silt of bitterness, desperately tried to hide from the sinister gaze

 of certain horrifying monsters, who in the very depths of their own psyche were

selves personifying violence, parts of herself.

Fleeing from themselves? The self fleeing from the self? Awful! Awful!

Consciousness before itself confronted with the Machiavellian torment, impossible to describe with


  1. Moving in the astral body in a conscious and positive way in the region of the seventh horrific

Dante`s circle, I was able to evidence the violence reigning in such a frightening zone of bitterness.

I still remember two very notable demons whom I approached diplomatically, with

the purpose of not hurting susceptibilities and provoking unnecessary psychological reactions. They

pronounced  against the Cosmic Christ, emphatically denied him feeling

perversely satisfied with their miserable satanic condition.

Everywhere violence reigned among the submerged bloody atmosphere. Look here, there and

beyond unnecessary destruction, frightening blows against things, against people, against

all. I felt as if the Saturnian influence with its definitely centrifugal forces was

proposed in this region to disintegrate everything, reduce to cosmic dust people, furniture,

doors, etc., etc., etc.

I was very amazed to find there a very respectable creature, whose eyes still hurt the

soft daylight. It was about a very famous doctor, a true Samaritan who in life

He has only proposed to cure the sick with true love and without any exploitation.

What I am saying would cause astonishment, many could object by saying: How is

that possible that being a good one will end up in the region of the bad guys? It could also be argued

on the question of life and death. That good gentleman of yore obviously still

lives, still breathes under the sun. So why does he dwell in the seventh Dantean circle? If we think about the multiplicity of the ego, it is not strange that any of these psychic aggregates

 related to the crime of violence against nature is living in the

corresponding submerged region, although the personality still lives on the face of the earth.

Obviously, if this doctor does not dissolve the pluralized self, he will have to descend with the involutionary wave

 among the entrails of the world, to stand out very especially in the seventh circle.

  1. Come to my mind in this moments a meeting in the submerged worlds with

Karl Marx. I found it in those dark regions; that subject had woken up in evil and for evil and

For the worse, however, he was a fallen bodhisattva.

Lenin followed him like an ominous shadow, unconscious, deeply asleep.

I questioned Marx in the following words:

-Many years ago you disincarnated, your body turned to dust in the grave, and yet, I find you alive in these regions. So what was your materialist dialectic?

That subject, looking at the wristwatch he wore on his wrist, did not dare to give me an answer

 turned his back and walked away, but a few meters away he gave a horrifying sarcastic laughter. Through intuition I managed to capture the living essence of such laughter; in it was

the answer that we could summarize with the following sentence: "That dialectic was nothing more than a

farce, a dish to deceive the unwary".

It is curious to know that when Karl Marx disincarnated,he received religious funeral honors from Great


In the First Communist International submit, Karl Marx stood up saying: "Gentlemen,

I am not a Marxist". There was then astonishment among the attendees, shouts, screams and

many political sects from that meeting born, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, anarchists, anarcho-syndicalists, etc., etc.

So it is interesting to know that the first enemy of Marxism was Karl Marx. In an older Paris magazine we can read the following: "Through the triumph of the world proletariat,

we will create the Universal Socialist Republic, with its capital in Jerusalem, and we will take over

all the riches of the nations so that the prophecies of our holy prophets may be fulfilled

of the Talmud."

Certainly these cannot be phrases of a materialist, of any atheist; Marx was a fanatic

Jewish religious.

  1. I remember with complete meridian clarity something unusual that happened to me in my present

existence. After having concluded all the esoteric-initiatic processes, I was subjected to

many tests, but there was one in which I failed unfortunately. I want to refer to

emphatically to the sexual problem.

At that time, many years ago, the inevitable always happened to me: I failed in the

decisive moments and unfortunately I swallowed the apples of the garden of the Hesperides.

In the physical world I kept the most absolute chastity; disaster always happened to me outside the

body, in the superior worlds; in the presence of many ineffable ladies I failed.

My case was truly unfortunate and in all those erotic scenes under the tree of the

science of good and evil was not master of myself, a demon got into my mind,

it took possession of my senses, it controlled my will and thus it unfortunately failed. I suffered it

unspeakable, Anfortas's wound bled in my side and the remorse was horrible.

It happened to me that finally one day, mortally wounded in the depths of my soul, I cried out to my Divine

Mother Kundalini requesting help and this one did not wait...

One night, my adorable Mother took me out of the physical body and took me to court.

of objective justice. Great was my terror when I found myself in the presence of the judges in the

Court of Karma. Many people filled the room and there was fear on all faces and anguish

in all hearts. I advanced a few steps in the room of Truth-Justice and the judge opened the book and read,

crimes against the Moon goddess, adventures of don Juan Tenorio, Casanova, the time of the medieval troubadours

and knight errant of the feudal cities. Then with a tremendous voice

pronounced the sentence of death and commanded the cosmic executioner in an imperative way that

 will execute immediately.

I still remember the unspeakable terror of those moments, my legs trembled at the precise

moment when the executioner unsheathed his flaming sword, directed it threateningly against my

defenseless person.

In those seconds that seemed like centuries of torture, all the sacrifices went through my mind.

for humanity, my struggles for the Gnostic Movement, the books I had written, etc., etc.,

etc., and I said to myself, and this is the fate that now awaits me? So much so that I suffered for the

humanity? Is this the payment that the Gods give me? Oh! Oh! Oh!

Suddenly I feel that inside me something moves and shakes violently, while the

executioner pointed the point of his sword at me. Then I see with mystic wonder a demon

terribly perverse lustful, which exiting my body through the spine takes the form of

a neighing horse. The executioner now directs his sword towards the evil beast and it

plunges headfirst into the bottom of the black precipice, its legs and tail sticking up and .

finally the whole body of that frightful abomination penetrates completely under the epidermis

of the planetary globe to get lost in the dark entrails of hell.

This is how it was, my friends, how I was freed from that lustful ego that in the Middle Ages I created it

when I walked as a fallen bodhisattva, on a regal horse on the cobbled roads

who took me from castle to castle through the lands of the feudal lords.

Already free of that abomination of nature, I felt happy; I did not fail the sexual tests again,

I was master of myself and was able to continue along the Path of the Razor's Edge.

Behold, ladies and gentlemen, the great good that the cosmic executioner did me...

Read more…



  1. Experiencing is something very important so that our beloved readers can

understand the gnosis wisdom better

listen to me. One night, no matter now the date or the day or the hour, splendidly

dressed in the "Wedding Suit of the Soul" I left the physical body at will...

Experiencing in all the presence of my Cosmic Being a certain exquisite spiritually voluptuousness, I floated with complete smoothness in the aura of the Universe. In supreme well-being I had to

 pose my plants as if I were a celestial bird on the mud of the earth, under the green foliage of

a taciturn tree. Congratulations, I then cried out with a loud voice invoking the adepts of the

Occult Fraternity... I was unquestionably assisted.

The brothers kindly led me to the wonderful temple of the transparent walls

... The Mahatma sat at his desk as if attending

to many people...

"I want to know," I said, "what is it that I need" The Venerable, taking from among one of the

drawers of the firm certain secret book, consulted its pages and then replied:

-You need fifty-eight (58) minutes. You have to present here thirty-six

(36) dollars of twenty-three (23) kilos each. And the eight (8) initiations received must be


-Thank you, venerable master. Later I left the temple with infinite humility and


Kabbalistic analysis of this question:

58 minutes: 5 plus 8 equals 13. This arcane means death of all subjective elements.

that constitute the self-the ego.

36 dollars: 3 plus 6 equals 9. Break chains and shackles in the submerged worlds of the

nine planets... very intense work in the "Firing Forge of Vulcan". 23 kilos: 2 plus 3 equals 5. The liberation works must be perfect under the splendors

of the flaming five-pointed star.

Before the authentic resurrection each of the eight initiations must be qualified. This is

processes in eight years during which we have to experience the book of the Patriarch Job, in

all its crude realism.

The perfection of the master's degree only comes with the transcendental esoteric resurrection...

  1. There exist in the esoteric path transcendent and transcendental cosmic intervals.

After having entered the temple of the Twice Born, I had to go through one of


I want to refer emphatically to a sexual suspense, to a period of abstention that lasted

several years. In the interim I dedicated myself with absolute exclusivity to inner deep meditation.

Objective: to dissolve the psychological I, the myself, the ego, which is certainly a knot in the cosmic energy, a lock that we must reduce to cosmic dust.

Thus, little by little with this didactic, with this "modus operandi", I managed during that pause

To eliminate fifty percent of those subjective, subhuman elements that

We carry inside and that constitute the ego, the psychological aggregates.

This work became very difficult when I had to face the

oldest sub- humans elements. Unquestionably my Divine Mother needed more superiors weapons, I remembered the Spear of Eros, the marvelous emblem of the

transcendental   sexuality, but I was in a pause. To do?

When I wanted to search, investigate, inquire about the origin of such sexual forces and powers, I

I found myself face to face with the Elemental Magician, with my Divine Mother Kundalini in her Fifth

Appearance. I had certainly seen her most beautiful, the size of a gnome or pygmy, very

Small... She was wearing a white tunic and a long black cape that trailed on the ground; her head was

Covered with a very special magical headdress. Next to one of the two symbolic columns of the

Occult Freemasonry, the Adorable had ordered me a new descent to the "Ninth Sphere" (the

sex). Unfortunately, I had believed that it was some test and therefore continued

in disobedience; I was certainly slow in understanding and this was stalling me.

After some time of mortal struggles against a certain very infrahuman psychic aggregate that

violently resisted disappearing, I had to appeal to the spear of Longinus.

I had no other solution. I appealed to transcendent sexual electricity; I begged my Divine

Mother Kundalini during metaphysical copulation, I eagerly begged her to grasp the spear of Eros.

The result was extraordinary. My Sacred Mother, then armed with the Holy Pike, with the

 Divine lance, with sexual electrical power, was able to reduce the horrifying monster to cosmic dust., to the psychic aggregate that I had tried in vain to dissolve away from the chemical coitus.

  1. Talking in the forest of mystery, three wandering friends arrived slowly,

Slowly, slowly, before the sacred hill. Without the slightest fear, we then witnessed

of something unusual and; narrating it is urgent for the good of our beloved readers.

A pristine ancient rock suddenly opened up in the rock, as if it had split exactly

into two equal pieces, leaving us perplexed and amazed...

Before there was time enough to assess that, without hesitation, as if attracted by a strange force, I approached the mysterious granite door...

  Without impediment, bravely I crossed the threshold of a temple; in the meantime my friends, serene,

They sat down in front of the gigantic mass that closed in front of them...

Any extraordinary glossary would be frankly insufficient if we tried to describe in

meticulous detail all the portents of that subterranean sanctuary.

 Animated by the living flame of the spirit, I advanced through a narrow corridor until I reached

a small room... That exotic room was more like a law firm, office or office of

attorney. Sitting before the desk, I found a Lord of Destiny, an indecipherable character;

hermetic Judge of Karma; mystical  dressed as elegant modern gentleman. How wise was that Lawyer!, sublime predictor! infallible! and terribly


With deep veneration I approached his desk; the Sacred Fire shone in his


I immediately felt its profound significance directly. Thank you, venerable master!

I exclaimed with infinite humility...

The austere Hierophant, in a sibylline tone, took up his parable and said:

-So and so" -referring ostensibly to one of the two friends who was waiting for me

he's the ragged guy; will always live in misery.

-Then-referring now to my other friend- is the Samuro type.

-How Samuro?. He repeated:

- Samuro. Fighting and spiritual friend like the progressive Samurai Buddhists of the Empire

of the Rising Sun. Finally, turning to me, he said:

-You are the military type because you will have to drag crowds, to, start the New Aquarian Age. Your specific mission is to create men, teach the

people to build their Astral, Mental and Causal bodies so that they can incarnate their Human Soul .

Later he got up from his desk with the evident purpose of searching his library for a

of one of my works, and as he held it in his hands,  with ecstasy, he exclaimed:

-The book that in good time you sent by mail to So-and-so,  liked it very much.

What happened next is easy to guess. With infinite veneration and great humility, without rubbish

Of no kind, far from all vain infatuation, I said goodbye to the venerable one and left the temple.

  1. Once, while on vacation in the port of Acapulco, on the shores of the

Pacific, Mexico, I had to enter the yogic state of Nirvi-Kalpa Shamadhi. I wanted then

know something about the Monads that after having passed through the three thousand revolutions of the wheel of the

Samsara, they had already lost all cosmic opportunity.

Completely submerged within the "sound current", between the sparkling ocean and

immaculate of the Supreme Parabrahatman Atman, I entered through the gates of an ineffable temple.

It was not necessary to interrogate, scrutinize and investigate; in all the presence of my Being I could

experience the tremendous reality of such subliminal Monads, they are beyond good and evil. Tiny innocent creatures, flashes of divinity without self-realization, beings

happy but without mastery. Those noble creatures floated deliciously among the whiteness

immaculate of the Great Ocean, they entering or getting out, praying and prostrated themselves before the Buddhas, before

the Holy Gods, before the Mahatmas...

Unquestionably, such divine Monads see the masters in the same way as the

ants see men. The Agnivastas, the Buddhas of compassion, the Hierophants, are

for such kind of Monads without Mastership, something that cannot be understood, strange beings, enigmatic

terribly divine...

In the Sanctas or Churches of free life in their movement, the aforementioned Monads obey the

Holy Gods and serve them with infinite humility..

Unquestionably, those divine Monads radically excluded from mastery, already for

intentional rejection or simply because they failed in their efforts to achieve it, they suffered the

unspeakable in the painful valley of Samsara and in the infernal abode of Pluto (the mineral submerged kingdom), after turned three thousand times the wheel of Samsara.

This last fact demonstrates the infinite divine mercy and gives meaning to the state of elemental happiness

 that such Monads possess within the Universal Spirit of Life.

  1. On a certain occasion, being in Eastern Tibet in a monastery, I had the

idea of telling my Divine Mother Kundalini the following: -You and I talk and we seem to be two different people and yet we are the same Being.

It goes without saying emphatically that the response was indeed extraordinary:

-Yes, my son! You and I are the same being but derived.

  1. One day, happy in the world of Atman, a Judge of the Law of the

KATANCIA (Higher Karma) came to me. He sat down at a table, and I, with great respect and veneration,

 then had to answer charges:

"You have criticized many in your books," said the Hierarch.

"I am combative by nature," I answered emphatically.

"He is sentenced to seven days in prison," such was the sentence.

I have to confess frankly and unequivocally that when I heard the sentence I was a bit cynical.

It seemed to me that this question was a silly police case, like when a boy fights

with another his own age and they put him in jail for a few hours.

However, already in full compliance with the sentence, I felt that this punishment was terribly

painful. Seven days between the terrible dungeon of the mind and after having emancipated myself...

Seven symbolic days of bitterness inside the terrifying prison of the intellect...

Oh! Oh! Oh!

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                                                                                                                   CHAPTER VII

  1. Some time ago the guardians of the Holy Sepulcher told me: "We know that you are leaving,

but before you leave you must leave humanity with the maps of the road and your words".

  1. Thirty times I had seen the autumn leaves fall in my present reincarnation, when

I had to work consciously and positively with the doctrine of the Jinas or Janus.

Any night of wonders, Litelantes, my priestess-wife, made me a sublime invitation.

I found myself resting in the nuptial bed, with my body relaxed, face up (decubitus

dorsal). I must assert with some solemnity and for the good of the great cause, that in those moments

I was in a state of alert novelty, alert perception.

I dozed attentively and vigilantly, like a lookout in times of war; obviously thirsty longed

infinite something extraordinary.

After the usual invocations of rigor, I felt as if another human being was perched on

my relaxed body, exactly on those blankets, that deliciously

They protected me from the cold of the night. Unquestionably it was Litelantes, I recognized her by the voice

when she vehemently called me by my first name.

-Let's go! she said to me, "Come on! Come on!" And I who with infinite longing had always kept this

Instantly, I hurriedly got up from the bed.

It is obvious and evident that by getting up thus helped, I actually crossed the barrier of the

speed of light, then standing by the bed of a penitent and an anchorite, with the

physical body well submerged within the fourth dimension. I left my bedroom with a firm step

and decided, I crossed a small patio, I went to the street.

Giving way to me with much reverence, a certain group of very old ladies bowed

reverent before my insignificant person. I appreciated their special courtesy. I left the city closely followed by that group ´of Jinas people, I headed towards the mountains


I felt as if I had sunk into a remote ancient sublunary past; I understood that

I had penetrated into the lower cosmos.

I was subjected to tests of courage by making me step over deep precipices...

Floating in the surrounding environment of the fourth vertical, accompanied by Litelantes and all the

entourage of "Jinas" people, I crossed the stormy ocean and arrived at a certain secret place of the

old Europe. I courageously entered a certain castle where I was to contemplate with astonishment a

strange symbol under which there was a crucifix...

The return to my mansion was relatively easy, since it is a law in the fourth dimension that everything

returns to its original starting point.

Litelantes and I discussed all this very happily. Obviously we had achieved a

wonderful win.

Days later we continue with these experiments; we learned to put the physical body inside

of the higher cosmos...

  1. Ridiculous scenes from those bygone times when I walked through the world of Kali

Yuga as fallen Bodhisattva.

Outside the physical vehicle, in the astral body, under the three-dimensional zone of Euclid, I had to

enter the underground world... What happened next was frightening in a great way: they appeared

claws, teeth, horns, trunks, darts, labrums, tails, serrated wings, piercing rings that

They threatened to annihilate me like a tiny worm.

In those moments many horrifying sounds, ballads,

howling, whistling, neighing, screeching, mooing, cawing, meowing, barking, hissing, snoring, and

crocotarts. I found myself submerged in the mud of so much misery; anguish seized me; waited

anxiously a balm to heal my aching heart... Suddenly, something unusual happens more

beyond the muddy waters of Acheron; turns on its steel hinges the horrible door that

gives access to the Abode of Pluto...

Intensely moved I shudder, I sense, I see that something terrible has happened. I'm not

wrong... I see her, it is her, the Unmanifested Kundalini; has crossed the threshold where they dwell

lost souls...

Magnificent Madonna, excellent, extraordinary and terribly divine; walks closer to me

masterly; I don't know what to do, I'm confused; I feel fear and love simultaneously...

Cosmic Reminder? Recrimination? The Adorable speaks with a voice of paradise, she blesses me and

then she continues on her way like someone going towards the frightful walls of the city of Dite.

In no way did I - want to become one more inhabitant

from the city of pain.

Fortunately, I had the immense joy of being able to leave the bowels of hell to

appear in the sunlight...

  1. One day Isis, Adonia, Tonanzin, came to me faster than the breath of the Euro. She didn't have the

face of a mortal, she had a beauty impossible to define with words, she looked like a sister

of Phoebus Apollo...

I saw myself before her loving immaculate arms; the Adorable seemed a sorrowful one like that

of the biblical Christic gospel... I was hungry and he gave me food, thirsty and he gave me drink,

sick and healed me. Impossible to forget his words:

"My son, you without me, at the hour of death, you would be completely orphaned." then continued

saying: You without me would be in the world totally alone. What would your life be without me?

Later I repeated:

-Certainly, without you, My Mother, I would be an orphan. I fully recognize that without you

presence at the hour of death I would be truly alone. Life becomes a desert when one has died in oneself. Without the help of our

Divine Mother Kundalini in all the presence of our being, we would then find ourselves

internally orphaned...

  1. It happened many years ago that on a full moon night I was transported to a

extraordinary monastery of the White Universal Fraternity.

How happy I felt in the mansion of love!... Certainly there is no greater pleasure than that of

feel the soul detached... in those instants time does not exist and the past and the future

get in ones within an eternal now.

Following my friends through royal chambers and galleries, we came to a very cool patio,

that it was a miniature of the lions of the Alhambra.

Charming patio in which murmured, among flowers never seen or heard, several fountains of

waters like those of the Divine Source Castalia...

However, the best looked in the center of the patio, and I contemplated it with the mystical astonishment of a penitent and

and anchorite. I want to refer emphatically to the "Stone of Truth". It had then

human divine form... Sexual prodigy of the Blessed Goddess Mother Death; funeral Wonder,

spectral... Third aspect of my Divine Mother Kundalini; living stone sculpture; tremendous

representation of that which scares mortals so much...

Without ambiguity I confess before the divine and before the humans that I embraced the terrible Goddess

Death in full Dionysian inebriate. It was essential to reconcile myself with the law, so

the brothers of the Order of Saint John had said to me, those venerable ones who in themselves had

already accomplished the Hyperborean Mystery...

After that cosmic festival, I then had to meet with some ladies and gentlemen of the

Holy Grail in the refectory of the monastery. With much secrecy and great enthusiasm, all the

Brothers, we discussed the extraordinary event over dinner. Hekate, Proserpina,

Coaticlue in living animated stone, seemed to me as if it had sprung from the "Field of

death" or from some Carnac tomb.

  1. On an autumnal night I resolved to drink of the wine of meditation in the cup of perfect

concentration. The reason for the meditation was "My Mother Nature Particular", the fourth aspect

of the igneous serpent of our magical powers.

Praying is talking to God, and I talked to the Adorable One begging her with a silenced verb.

be taken with a physical body to the earthly paradise (the fourth dimension).

What then happened on the night of the mystery was amazing: assisted by the ineffable. I got up from

bed... When I left my home and went out into the street, I could see that my physical body

 had entered the fourth dimension. She took me to the deepest woods of Eden,

where the rivers of pure water of life flow with milk and honey...

Virgin Lady of wooded peaks! Everything is silent before you: the uneducated Iberia, the Gaul who, even

dying, grim challenges, and the ferocious Sicambro that at last laying down his arms, humiliated, respects you.

The face of my Mother Nature was like that of a paradisiacal beauty, impossible to describe with

human words... Her hair seemed like a waterfall of gold falling deliciously on

her alabaster shoulders... Her body was like that of mythological Venus... Her hands with her

very beautiful conical fingers and full of precious gems, they had the Christic form...

In the forest I talked with the Adorable and she told me things that earthly beings are not given to

Understand .. Sublime my Mother shone in the etheric world, in the fourth vertical,

in the fourth dimension...

So, then, nothing is relief for the aching chest, neither Phrygian marbles, nor resplendent purple,

It is better that you take refuge in the delicious bosom of your particular, individual Divine Mother Nature...

Although suffering bends your soul, stand firm, oh disciple!, and humbly surrender to

your Mother Nature...

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  1. The nemesis of life had to put me back in touch with those values that were once reincorporated in the personality of Brutus... I allowed a certain gentleman, return of such values, do some work in the temple... Many people listened to him and he even seemed very full of sincerity; He talked about gnosis and the people applauded him... But suddenly something unusual happens, one day he enters the Sanctuary with aggressive attitudes... It sounds! Thunder! He flashes! He becomes an insulter; I then limit myself to forgiving and blessing; then he withdraws threatening... That ego had returned to its old adventures; once again his usual calumnies and threats... Such nonsense in defamatory falsehoods had as a background certain dreams without rhyme or reason in which I saw myself along very dark paths, committing unfounded crimes... It is obvious and manifest that that perverse spirit that he saw in his absurd dreams was an ego created by himself since ancient Rome... Such an ego of Brutus assumed under his infra-conscious impulses my own form and figure. It is not superfluous to comment that one of those other selves, assuming a certain Jesus-Christian form, entrusted him with the mission of assassinating me; This is what he stated in the public square... To get rid of such an ancient enemy, it was necessary to put the case in the hands of Anubis, the Chief of the Lords of Karma... Since then Brutus has moved away from me, it's been a long time since I see not him in this physical world. From what has been said about Brutus and his dreamlike visions, it follows that no one can truly become a competent investigator of life in the higher worlds until he has dissolved the psychological self and all the subjective elements that condition perceptions... Ungrateful to his benefactors, with a lot of work as a gentleman, however Brutus accepted the gnosis and the sahaja maithuna... Without inhibiting himself in the knowledge of a cause, but turning his back on the Guru (master), he worked in the Forge of Vulcan uselessly because Devi Kundalini never rewards traitors, murderers, adulterers, rapists and perverts.
  2. One starry night, while talking in the superior worlds with my great friend, the resplendent Angel Adonai, who now has a physical body, I had to receive extraordinary news... "So and so (Brutus) -said the Angel- has awakened in evil and for evil". I verified this a few days later when I met him in the superior worlds...
  3. I once asked my guru the following question: - Is there any difference between your divine monad and mine? The Master replied: -None, because you and I and each one of us, is nothing more than a bad snail in the bosom of the Father.
  4. In one of those many corridors of an ancient palace, no matter the date or time, drinking lemon water in delicious glasses of fine baccarat, together with a very select group of Elohim, I said: "I need to rest for a while between happiness; I have been helping humanity for several Mahanvantaras and I am already tired". "The greatest happiness is to have God within", replied a very friendly Archangel. Those words left me perplexed, confused; I thought in the Nirvana, in the Maha-Paranirvana, etc. Living in regions of such intense happiness, could any creature not be Happy? How? Why? Because I didn't have the monad inside? Filled with so many doubts, I decided to consult the old sage "Jano", the living God of science "Jinas". Before entering his abode I made a secret greeting to the guardian; I advanced before the vigilants and greeted them with another greeting and finally I had the joy of finding myself in front of the God Jano. "There is another greeting missing", said the venerable one. "There is no better greeting than that of a calm heart", thus I answered, while devoutly putting my hands on the cardia. "All right," said the sage. When I wanted to ask him questions that would dispel my usual doubts, the old man, without speaking a single word, deposited the answer in the depths of my consciousness. We can summarize such a response as follows: "Even if a man dwells in Nirvana or in any other region of infinite bliss, if he does not have God within, he will not be happy; however, if I lived in the infernal worlds or in the filthiest prison on earth, having God inside I would be happy".
  5. A long time ago something unusual happened to me on the path of life. Of my very interesting esoteric works outside the physical body, I had to approach the gigantic city of London with the eidolon. I remember with complete meridian clarity that when passing through a certain place in that city I could perceive with mystical astonishment the resplendent yellow aura of a certain intelligent young man I entered a very elegant cafe in that metropolis and sitting at a table I discussed the aforementioned case with a person of a certain age who was slowly savoring the delicious content of that arabesque drink in a cup. Suddenly something unusual happened , a character approaches us and sits next to us; observing him carefully I was able to verify with great astonishment that it was the same young one with a resplendent yellow aura who had amazed me so much before. After the usual presentations I came to know that such a subject was nothing less than the one who wrote Faust in life; I want to refer to Goethe. In the astral world marvels, extraordinary facts, prodigies happen; it is not uncommon to find one there with already disembodied men; with characters like Victor Hugo, Plato, Socrates, Danton, Molliere etc. etc. etc. So, dressed in the eidolon I wanted to talk with Goethe outside of London and on the shore of the immense sea; I invited him and it is obvious that he in no way declined such an invitation. Talking together on the shores of that great British island where the English capital is located, we could see some blood-red mental waves floating on the stormy ocean coming towards us. I had to explain to that young man with a radiant aura that these mental forms came from a certain lady in Latin America who desired me sexually. This did not fail to cause us some sadness... The stars shone in infinite space and the angry waves, terrifyingly roaring, incessantly hit the sandy beach. Talking about the cliffs of Pontus, he and I, exchanging ideas, decided to ask him questions point-blank: Do you now have a physical body again? The answer was yes. Is your current vehicle male or female? Then he replied: "My current body is female. In what country are you reincarnated? "In Holland". Do you love someone? "Yes," he said. "I love a Dutch prince and I plan to marry him on a certain date" (excuse the reader I didn't mention the latter.) I thought your love was strictly universal: loving the rocks, I said, the mountains, the rivers, the seas, the bird that flies and the fish that glides in the deep waters. Is human love perhaps a spark of divine love?". This type of answer by way of a question pronounced by the one who in his past reincarnation was called Goethe, certainly left me stunned, perplexed, amazed. Undoubtedly the distinguished poet had told me something irrefutable , introvertible, exact.
  6. . When it comes to transcendental metaphysical experiments, it is not superfluous to affirm solemnly that I have been fully satisfied with the intelligent use of the Eidolon. Without boasting in any way with certain discoveries of an esoteric order, simply I am going to humbly tell you about a certain remarkable intimate event: It happened on any given night, the Master Litelantes and I we decided to contact the Temple of the Zodiac.. It is notorious and evident - and anyone can understand it - that finding such a sanctuary here in the three-dimensional world of Euclid would be more than impossible... It is not, therefore, something strange, unusual and, the fact that for this type of investigation experimentally we used the Eidolon. In no way do I want to boast of being wise, I only propose now to clarify that such contact was wonderful... The Sancta Santorum Zodiacal, virginal, shines gloriously among the fiery rhythms of the Mahavan and Chotavan that hold the Universe steady in its march. Cosmic Temple, basilica of zodiacal light with twelve shrines, sidereal house of the divine... Sublime circular church of irresistible charms: opposite "Sanctas" that complement each other placed face to face. Projecting us into the future, beyond our present reincarnation, Litelantes resolutely penetrated into the "Sancta" of the bright constellation of Libra. On the threshold of that shrine was an effigy with the likeness of an angel; with one hand he held the scales of cosmic justice and with the other he wielded the sword. Litelantes, advancing a few steps inside the enclosure, finally stopped, placing herself on a venerated stone. -Are you going to continue with Libra? -Yes! -But notice that the stone of that constellation is very cold!... -It doesn't matter! So answered the initiate. Since this adept lady is currently preparing to fulfill a very special mission with a masculine body, it is obvious that the constellation of Libra will be very favorable to her, especially when her work will have to be in the field of law. For my part, full of profound recollection and tremendous veneration, I resolutely got into the sublime "Sancta" of the Leo constellation. The threshold of that shrine shone adorned with a pair of brilliant lions of pure gold... Ecstatic I had to lie down silently in supine position on a delicious divan whose tawny arms shone. My intention was to wait within that sanctuary for the sublime Lords of destiny. It is ostensible that they manipulate the Antakarana (the thread of life) connecting it to the fertilizing zoosperm. When every living being dies, the seed atom of their physical body is carried beyond death. The Lords of Karma deposit such an atom in the fertilizing zoosperm so that we can reincorporate ourselves. At death, the angels of death cut that silver thread and then it is obvious that we can no longer return to the physical body. I, advancing in time, was not unaware of any of this and patiently awaited the lords of the law, longing to reincarnate under the constellation of Leo. But reflecting a little, I said to myself: “What am I doing here? I must await orders from my Father; furthermore, I have been told that during this Mahanvantara I will no longer have a physical body.” Reflecting thus I got up and left that sacred place. It is ostensible that the masters can choose at will the zodiacal sign under which they are going to reincarnate. There is no injustice in this matter of return; Karma masters choose the zodiacal sign of those who sleep.
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  1. One night, I decided to investigate the disembodied Rasputin directly. As I thoroughly know all the functions of the Eidolon (astral body) of the authentic man, it was not difficult for me to perform a magical unfolding. Dressed then, with that sidereal body that Felipe Teofastro Bombasto de Honheneim (Aureola Paracelsus) talked about so much, I abandoned my physical body to move freely in the fifth dimension of nature, the astral world. What I saw with the spatial sense (with the eye of Horus) was terrible. It is not superfluous to affirm emphatically that I had to enter a frightful tavern where only barrels full of wine could be seen, through which slithered here, there and yonder, multitudes of horrifying creatures in the likeness of men. I was looking for Rasputin, the Sacred Devil, I wanted to talk with that strange monk before whom so many princes, counts, dukes and marquises of the Russian nobility trembled. But instead of one I saw many selves and all of them constituted the same ego of the monk Gregory Rasputin. So I had before my spiritual sight in all the presence of my cosmic being a bunch of Devils, a pluralized I within which there was only one worthy element; I want to refer to the essence. Not finding a responsible subject, I went to one of those abominable grotesque creatures that passed near me. -This is the place where you came to end up, Rasputin. This was the result of your messy life and of so many orgies and vices. -You're wrong, Samael -answered the monstrous figure, as if defending or justifying his sensual life, and then added- You need the line of intuition. -You can't fool me, Rasputin; were my last words; then I withdrew from that gloomy den located in Limbus, in the Orc of the classics, in the vestibule of the submerged mineral kingdom. If Rasputin hadn't done so many charitable deeds in life, at this hour he would be regressing in time within the submerged worlds, under the earth's crust, in the abode of Pluto.
  2. A long time ago, when I had not yet reduced the ego to cosmic dust, I made a formidable magical invocation. I called out to a certain great Master, saying, “Come! Come! Come! Prophet of Ra... Jor... Ku. Come to me! Want to fulfill it! want to fulfill it!  want to fulfill it! AUM... AUM...AUM... (Intoning this last word properly by opening the mouth on the "A" rounding it with the "U" and closing it with the "M"). It is worth clarifying that the environment was saturated with infinite harmony, charged with "OD"... The result of this invocation was immediate and the great prophet came towards me. The kabir assumed a symbolic figure, formidable, that I could see, hear and feel in all the presence of my cosmic being. The venerable one seemed divided into two halves: From the waist up he shone gloriously, his forehead was high as the invincible walls of the Celestial Jerusalem, his hair like white wool falling on his immaculate shoulders, his nose straight as that of a God, his deep and penetrating eyes, his precious beard like that of the Ancient of Days, his hands like gold rings set with hyacinths, his lips like lilies that distill fragrant myrrh... But in the lower part of his body, from the waist down, I saw something unusual; horrifying: bestial forms personifying errors, red demons, devil selves, within which consciousness is bottled. -I called you to ask for enlightenment! Such was my plea (it is obvious that the answer was in its form of presentation). The old man put his right hand on my head, and told me: - Call me whenever you need me and I will give you enlightenment!... then he blessed me and left. With infinite joy I understood everything: only by throwing away these animalistic creatures that we all carry inside and among which the conscience sleeps, enlightenment comes to us.


. 167. Reviewing old chronicles of my long existence, with the tenacity of a clergyman in the cell, Eliphas Lévi emerges. One night, out of the dense form, I went everywhere invoking the soul of that deceased who in life was called Abbe Eliphas Lévi . I found him sitting at an old desk in the august hall of an ancient palace. With great courtesy he got up from his chair to respectfully attend to my greetings. -I have come to ask you for a great service -I said-, I want you to give me a key to instantly to go out in the astral body whenever I need it. "With great pleasure," replied the abbe, "but first I want you to bring me the following lesson tomorrow: "What is the most monstrous thing that exists on earth?" -Give me the key right now please... -No! Bring me the lesson and I will gladly give you the key. The problem that the abbe had posed to me turned out to be a real puzzle, since there are so many monstrous things that exist in the world, that frankly I could not find a solution. I walked through the streets of the city observing, trying to discover the most monstrous, and when I thought I had found, then something worse arose. Suddenly a ray of light illuminated my understanding. Ah! I said to myself, I understand. The most monstrous has to be, according to the law of analogies of opposites, the antipodal of the most grandiose. Well, but what is the greatest thing that exists on the painful face of this afflicted world? Then came to my translucent the mountain of skulls, the Golgotha of bitterness and the Great Kabir Jesus dying on a cross for love of all suffering humanity. Then I exclaimed: Love is the greatest thing that exists on the face of the earth! Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! Now I have discovered the secret: Hate is the antithesis of the greatest. The solution to the complex problem was obvious. Now it is indubitable that I had to contact Eliphas Lévi again. Projecting the Eidolon again was a matter of course for me, since it is clear that I was born with that precious faculty. If I was looking for a special key, I was doing it not so much for my insignificant person, but for many other people who yearn for conscious and positive unfolding. Traveling in the Eidolon or magic double, very far from the body, I traveled through various European countries looking for the abbot; this one did not appear anywhere. Suddenly, in an unusual way, I felt a telepathic call and entered a luxurious mansion; The abbot was there but... Oh surprise! Wonderful! What is this? Eliphas turned into a child and tucked into his cradle. A truly unusual case, right? With deep veneration, very softly I approached the baby saying: “Master, I bring the lesson: the most monstrous thing that exists on earth is hate. Now I want you to fulfill what you promised me. Give me the key...” But to my astonishment, that boy was silent while I despaired without understanding that silence is the eloquence of wisdom. From time to time I took him in my arms desperately, begging him, but all in vain, that creature seemed the sphinx of silence. Finally, feeling cheated, I left the little boy in his cradle and left that old manor house very sad. Days, months and years passed and I continued to feel cheated, I felt as if the abbe had not kept his word pledged with such solemnity; but one day the light came to me. Then I remembered that phrase of the Kabir Jesus: "Let the children come to me, because theirs is the kingdom of heaven." oh! I understand, I told myself. It is urgent, it is indispensable, to reconquer childhood in the mind and in the heart: "Until you are like children you will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven". That return, that return to the original starting point is not possible without first having died within oneself; the essence, the conscience, is unfortunately bottled up among all the psychic aggregates that, as a whole, make up the ego. Only by annihilating such left aggregates can the essence awaken in a state of primeval innocence. After I had thoroughly understood all these processes of the human psyche, the abbot in the superior worlds gave me the second part of the royal key.

168. Traveling here, there, everywhere through all these countries of the world, I had to dwell for some time, at the foot of the mountains of Monserrate and Guadalupe. Around those times, very close to the Second World War, I was introduced to a very unique friend in that city, and traveling he had also come in search of university knowledge from a certain Atlantic port to the Andean summit. With this friend from other times, everything was very curious, even an unusual presentation. By the way, the meeting place was not very beautiful: a seedy shop with a small room. And after all the formalities of presentation we enter into matters of discussion. He claimed to be the founder of some theosophical lodge and frequently quoted HPB, Leadbeter, Anie Besant, etc. In the exchange of ideas, it is undeniable that he shone making pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occult expositions. If it hadn't been for his fondness for hypnotism and exhibitionist desire, that meeting of friends would have ended peacefully, but behold, the Devil sticks his tail wherever he wants. It so happened that this friend took to making demonstrations of his hypnotic power and, approaching an older man who was sitting near another table, he very politely begged him to serve as a passive subject for his experiment. When dealing with issues related to hypnology, it is worth emphasizing the idea that not all subjects are likely to fall into a trance. That friend, with his exhibitionist self, clearly did not want to look ridiculous, he needed to demonstrate his power and therefore he made superhuman efforts to plunge the gentleman into a hypnotic sleep. But everything was useless; While such subject was fighting and even suffering, that good gentleman in his heart thought the worst. And suddenly, like a bolt of lightning on a dark night, what had to happen happened; the passive gentleman jumped from his place, scolding such friend, treating him as a thief, swindler, bandit, etc. etc. But our well-known friend, who was not a meek sheep either, thundered and flashed. And tables flew into the air, and chairs and cups and plates, and the owner of the business cried out among that great mess asking for the bill to be paid. Fortunately, the police intervened and everything was calm; poor man had to pawn his luggage to pay the debt. One day, after many years, the aforementioned friend invited me to eat and after dinner there was a conversation about hidden treasures; Then it occurred to me to narrate the following case: "I was sleeping in my bedroom," I told him, "when I was suddenly awakened by a strange underground noise that ran or circulated mysteriously from the Northwest to the Southeast." "I felt somewhat startled by such an unusual sound to see what was happening from my bed." "Then with great surprise I saw that in a corner of my bedroom the earth opened up." "And the ghost of an unknown woman arose as if by enchantment, who in a very delicate voice told me: I have been dead for many years; here in this place I buried a great treasure; you take it out, it is for you." When such friend heard my after-dinner story, he vehemently begged me to take him to the scene of the events, and it is clear that I did not want to deny him this service. Another afternoon he came to tell me that he had contacted the owner of that house -a very famous doctor from the city- and he begged me to investigate if that character was really the owner of said property, because he had his doubts. I confess plainly and with the most complete frankness that it was not difficult for me to carry out the astral unfolding; I simply took advantage of the transition state between wakefulness and sleep. In moments of beginning to doze I delicately got up from my bed and went out into the street. It is ostensible that the physical body fell asleep in bed. Thus the unfolding of the Eidolon was carried out with complete success; I still vividly remember that remarkable psychic experiment. Flying, floating in the astral environment of planet Earth, I walked through several streets looking for the doctor's medical office... I begged my elemental intercessor to take me to that office and it is obvious that I was assisted. Arriving at a certain house I understood; three steps led to the sumptuous portal of a mansion... I entered those doors and found myself in a waiting room; I went a little further and resolutely entered the consulting room... I examined in detail the interior of the latter; I saw a table and on it a typewriter and some other things; a window allowed to see a patio of the residence; the doctor was seated and in his aura I could see the usual property... I returned to my physical body very satisfied with the experiment. The Eidolon is certainly extraordinary... Very early in the morning my friend came to learn the result of my psychic experiment. I narrated to him in detail all that I had seen and heard; then I saw my friend's face with astonishment, he knew such an office, and the information he gave him was exact... What happened next is easy to guess; Sucre the friend  not only managed to get that doctor to rent the house, but also -and this is the most curious thing- he made him his partner. In those days I decided to get away from that city despite the pleas of that friend, who insisted that I cancel my trip... When I returned later, after a few years, to that place, everything had already changed, that house had missing. Then I found myself in arid, horrible, rocky, terribly boring terrain. And I saw high-voltage electrical installations and double-pump motors and machines of all kinds and well-paid workers, etc. etc. etc. That friend of narrates, living right there in a room that looked more like a trench on a battlefield, would go in, out, give prevailing orders to the workers, etc. etc. etc. This room was protected with gigantic rocks and in its walls you could see here, there and many small windows that could be opened or closed at will. Through those shutters such friend watched what was happening around him. Such peepholes were "supposedly" very useful to him. From time to time at the slightest noise from outside he would take out his pistol or his rifle and then those openings could be seen from the outside already opening or closing or the muzzles of rifles or pistols peeping through them. This is how things were when I came back; then my friend explained to me that that treasure was highly coveted; that it was the famous golden calf that had so disturbed many people in the region and that therefore it was surrounded by greedy mortal enemies who had tried to assassinate it. Good God and Holy Mary!, I said to myself... At a bad time I went to tell this friend about this vision of the treasure... it would have been better to have kept my mouth shut... Another day, full of optimism He confessed to me that certainly at a depth of twelve meters he had found a baked clay doll and that inside the hollow head of the whipper he found a parchment on which the entire map of the treasure was traced. In the doctor's laboratory, such parchment was carefully removed from between the head of the puppet, since it is obvious that with time and humidity it had stuck too much... According to the plan there were four deposits located one to the other at a depth of twelve meters. East, another to the West, a third in the North and the last one to the South... Such plan gave precise signs and data and at the end it had a sentence signed with initials of name and surname: "Whoever finds my treasure that I buried in deep wells will be persecuted by the patron saint's church and before twenty days they do not know who got the profits that I buried for myself". By those days the Second World War was already well advanced, Hitler had invaded many European countries and was preparing to attack Russia. My friend was a hundred percent Germanophile and believed very seriously in the triumph of Hitler. It is clear then that influenced by the tactics of Hitler who today signed a peace treaty with any country and the next day attacked it, he did not want to work according to the indications of the plan. Sucre said to himself: "Such indications are a  mislead"... "The treasure is many meters under the doll; the aforementioned four deposits do not interest me..." So, he left the facilities and went deep; when I looked into that hole, I only saw a precipice, black, deep, frightening... -Friend Sucre, I told him, you have made a very serious mistake, you have left the treasure above, in the four deposits- and have gone at the bottom. Nobody buries a treasure so deep... It is obvious that such words pronounced by me carried the fragrance of sincerity and the perfume of courtesy... However, we must speak bluntly to emphasize the self of greed. Unquestionably the latter stood out exorbitantly in my friend, combining with cunning, mistrust and violence. In no way was it unusual for me that such friend then thundered, flashed lightning, yelling and even indorse on me things that I had never thought of. Poor Sucre!... He threatened me with death, he believed for an instant that I "said" was very much in agreement with his well-known enemies, perhaps with the purpose of stealing his treasure... After all, and seeing my frightful serenity he invited me to his "trench shelter" for coffee... Before leaving definitively that Hispanic city once known as Nueva Granada, that friend made another request of me: he begged me wholeheartedly to study his underground work with the Eidolon. It is evident that I also wanted to do an astral exploration in that depth and for that reason I agreed to his request... And it happened that on an exquisite full moon night I lay down very calmly in supine position (face up) and with my body very relaxed. .. Without any concern I set out to watch, spy on my own dream... I wanted to use that transitional state between wakefulness and lethargy for my astral exit... When the dreaming process began, when the images of the dream began to emerge , delicately and feeling spirit, I made an effort to eliminate laziness and then I got out of bed... I left my bedroom as if I were a ghost, walking delicately and then I left the house... Through the streets of the city I floated deliciously full of an exquisite spiritual voluptuousness... It wasn't difficult for me to orient myself, soon I was in the place of events, in the field of facts... Before that black and horrible hole that already had  more than seventy meters deep an old dwarf, a pygmy, a gnome with a respectable white beard looked at me innocently... Floating in the atmosphere I descended gently to the watery bottom of the disastrous hole of greed... Touching with my sidereal feet slime of the moist and gloomy earth, I gladly made one more effort and penetrated into it under the very bottom of the well... How gently I descended with the Eidolon under the black seat of such a den from which much water flowed ...! Examining carefully each granite rock submerged under the chaotic waters, I entered very deeply under that subsoil... It is clear that my friend of the past had left the fabulous treasure up there, as we have already said in previous paragraphs... Now and in these abysmal regions I only saw before me stone, mud, water... But suddenly something unusual happens, I am in front of a horizontal channel that leaves the land that goes towards the street... What a surprise! Sucre the friend nothing He had talked about this, he never told me that he was thinking of drilling horizontally at such depths. Once the astral exploration was over, I returned to my physical body; the investigation was obviously wonderful... Later when I communicated all this to my friend, I saw him very sad (this man suffered unspeakably, he wanted gold, emeralds, riches, greed was swallowing him alive) When I left that city I took the resolution never to intervene again in those motives of greed...

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  1. Later in time, I had to appear before the brotherhood of another monastery of the White Lodge, to receive certain instructions and sign some important documents. I was going to work intensively in the lunar atomic infernos disintegrating the three daughters of Mara, and it is ostensible that for this reason I had to be first instructed and admonished. I was warned and advised with the following words: -You must take good care of the lunar cold -as if telling me "don't abandon sexual magic"-. You have the ego quite dead, but if you make the mistake of falling back into the animal generation, then the ego will be resurrected little by little. In a state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi I was taken by my Divine Augoides to the lunar world; then I was wisely advised. My soul was moved to its innermost depths to find there the old man from the temple of the Twice-Born; our dear principal The sacred old man seems to have all the psychological characteristics of the lemon, but it is ostensible that he radiates infinite love... I understood that in order to have the right to ascend to the lunar sky, I had first to go down to the selenite hells and courageously face the three furies. When I wanted to climb the symbolic ladder of Jacob, the sacred old man of the temple plucked a delicious branch from the tree of knowledge and made me smell it; that fragrance was nirvanic, paradisiacal. "Always smell this branch so you can climb up." Such were the words of the adept. We must nourish ourselves with the delicious fragrance of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but not eat it... that is the law. In the abysses of Selene my work with Judas, the demon of desire, the theosophical Kama-Rupa; It is unfortunate that many ignorant people confuse this first traitor with the sidereal astral body that the twice-born manufactured in the Fiery Forge of Vulcan. The Goddess with the Head of a Scorpion -the third cosmic aspect of my Divine Mother Kundalini-, walking inside the passionate monster disguised as a mysterious scorpion, rained down her cup of destruction on him... Behold, the gods who helped me tore the chest of the first fury. The hideously divine lion-headed goddess immobilized his limbs and stripped him of all bestial strength he possessed. Thanks to the help of my Divine Mother, the horrifying demon of desire, the evil Judas, was reduced to ashes. A little later I had to continue my work with the demon of the mind that brings us so much bitterness, the abominable Pilate of all time. And I cried out with a great voice like when a lion roars, calling my Divine Mother Kundalini with all the strength of my soul, and seven thunders repeated my voices. "The gods of the vast earth are leashed. Go, disgusting Pilate, the, Lord of the region of the dead, detests you! This sinister fury in its terrifying decline came to take the presence of a child... Vain shadow reducing slowly his figure, a monster that embellishes itself, loses its original size, is reduced to a point and disappears forever. That was the end of the fatal Pilate that tormented me. Then I continued my work attacking Caiaphas, the third traitor, the most detestable of all the furies. I saw the demon of ill will go up the stairs of my dwelling, it had a caesarean aspect. Unfortunately, the unfortunate one was not to blame, I myself had created him and to make matters worse I even made the mistake of fortifying him with tyrannical atoms when in Rome I was called Julius Caesar. Glorious ages of the Roman eagle. In that age I set the stage for the people of the fourth Aryan sub-race and was killed by the evil Brutus and his minions. What deep meditations!... my God...! oh! -I said to myself- I must eliminate from my intimate nature this perverse rebel who has never wanted to obey the Father... "The gods grant me your throne! Oh Ra!, as well as your glorious body. " I travel your route, and at dawn I reject the demon of ill will that arrives concealed behind a curtain of passionate flames, and in the narrow and long corridor of esoteric tests it attacks me unexpectedly". Oh! What would have become of me without the cosmic help of my Divine Mother Kundalini? Venus, Adonía, Isoberta, Rhea, Isis, wielding the lance of Eros in her right hand, fought against the horrible beast... The third fury died after of receiving several lances in the body..., none matched her horrible appearance; none had so many snakes in her hair; her own sisters feared her, the unfortunate woman carried in her hands all the gorgonian poisons of hell. I was able to verify with complete clarity that amazed, the whole process of death in the three furies... Those shadows have died distilling in my insides the fragrance of life, a certain percentage of my conscience that was bottled up among them...
  2. Blessed is the knight who, after the hard struggle, celebrates his betrothal with the Queen of the Jinas...... Accept me in graceful honor as a servant and slave that I am of you. I know, my beloved, that I am not worthy of you... But noble divine lady, I dare not ask you but to allow my surrendered service.... See... surrendered to you, with all my eagerness and zeal I give myself entirely to your will...! The few wise men who have been in the world are not unaware that you are my adored one and that I am your adorer... I am not going to seek any remedy for your trials. Your subject I am... and you my queen. I proclaim it out loud and I glory in it. In truth, dying for you must be the greatest joy. One night of indisputable delight I had the good fortune to find my beloved in the secret spot of a mountain. My fiancée's carriage slowly advanced along the lonely path. The triumphal chariot of my beloved stops in front of a shining porphyry castle, of the wealth and splendor of the East, the walls and coffered ceilings shine. The splendid vehicle parks in front of the gleaming bronze doors that frighten with such majesty. The carriage is soon seen there surrounded by gracious choir, distinguished gentlemen, noble princes, beautiful ladies, and dainty children. Someone gives a signal and I obey, I advance towards the chariot of love, I see my Valkyrie through the crystals of happiness... Dressed in her bridal gown, the wedding garment of the soul, my fiancée has arrived in her resplendent car for the betrothal. Marry before the Holy Ara with my Twin Soul, the theosophical Buddhi! What joy, my God!... However, I was told that I should wait a little longer... The virile supplier of strength from above postponed me and I suffered with infinite patience... I had to plunge deeply into the sacred mysteries. I worked intensely in the super-darkness of silence and the august secret of the wise... I had to wait for a time and times and a half... however I sighed for Guinevere, the Queen of the Jinas... One night... the stars shining in the all-encompassing space, seemed to have a new aspect... Far from the madding crowd I was in samadhi; the door of my bedroom remained hermetically closed... Then I was able to celebrate the Alchemical Weddings; she entered me and I lost myself in her... In those moments of bliss the Solar Logos shone intensely at midnight... Then I saw myself converted into a Messenger of the New Aquarian Age, teaching humanity a doctrine new and so revolutionary... (yet so old). It goes without saying that after this great cosmic event the wedding ceremony had to take place in the temple... Many people attended this great festival of love...
  3. I thought that after the alchemical wedding with my beloved, I would enter fully in the paradisiacal honeymoon. Not even remotely suspected that among the submerged lairs of the subconscious hide the left and tenebrous Mara, the Father of the Three Classical Furies, was hiding among the submerged lairs of the subconscious, a gigantic monster with seven subhuman heads, bitterly personifying the seven capital sins. I of the I, horrifying spawn of the abyss within which a good percentage of my conscience was bottled up. Fight the Dragon after the Wedding? What a surprise, my God! Strange is what happens to me. And the great beast roared terrifyingly as when a lion roars and the powers of darkness shuddered with horror. The Dragon of Darkness and my longing soul, ran against each other protecting themselves with their shields and the abyss was filled with noise... The monster wielded the fearsome spear of Longinus with his sinister hand. Three times he tries to hurt me in vain; Desperate, he throws the Holy Antler against me; I elude the blow of the hard pike; My Divine Mother Kundalini intervenes in those precise moments; seizes the singular relic and with it mortally wounds the abominable spawn of hell. Little by little the Red Dragon loses its gigantic stature, it shrinks frighteningly, it is reduced to a mathematical point and it disappears forever in the gloomy den... Terrible are the secrets of the old abyss, gloomy ocean without limits, where the first-born night and chaos, grandparents of nature, maintain a perpetual anarchy in the midst of the rumor of eternal wars, sustaining themselves with the help of confusion. Then something unusual, wonderful, extraordinary happens. That fraction of my consciousness, previously embedded within the enormous body of the abominable monster, returned to the depths of my soul...

163. The day was ending slowly, the delicious night air invited the living beings that populate the face of the earth and I only cared about sustaining the battles along the way and about the things worthy of compassion that my memory will write without fail. My deep sleep was interrupted by a thunder so loud that I shuddered like a man who is violently awakened; I got up and, directing a look around me, fixed my eyes to recognize the place where I was; I saw myself in a lonely house by the dark road. Sitting in a rough chair by the window from which the steep path could well be seen, I then evoked past times... Certainly in other ages I had been there, in the mansion of the abyss and facing the same road... Nothing of this seemed new to me; I understood that I was recapitulating mysteries, Rising from my chair, I opened the old door of that dwelling and walked slowly... slowly... down the lonely road... With a single glance, and traversing with my gaze a space so far away as is possible to the penetration of spiritual sight, I saw that sad, devastated and gloomy place... The floor was damp and I had to stop unexpectedly in front of a certain electric cable that lay stretched out on the ground... A copper cable? loaded with high voltage? What horror!... and I was about to step on it... "It is preferable to die being free, than to live being imprisoned". This is how the voice of silence cried out in the night of mystery... And I, who was alarmed and tried at those precise moments to go back, felt comforted. I advanced resolutely through those sublunary places along the tortuous abysmal path... Horrendous path between the terrifying bowels of the pale Moon; mysterious path of the past great cosmic day... Deep reflections terribly moved the most intimate fibers of my soul while I silently walked along that submerged path... Meanwhile, my planetary body, here on earth, lay in deep rest. The steep lunar path, veering unexpectedly to the left, penetrated into some very picturesque hills. In them I saw something like a national park on a Sunday; a motley array of human creatures seemed to delightfully enjoy the prairie... To the amusement of many, some street vendors came and went here, there and there selling colored balloons... Living symbol of profane life, that is how I understood it; however, it is ostensible that I wanted to live all that with intensity... I was very absorbed in all that, contemplating the usual crowds, when suddenly, behold, something unusual  happens; It seemed to me as if time really stopped for a moment... In those moments of terror a bloodthirsty wolf emerges from the undergrowth, ferocious and with a wicked look trying in vain to grab its prey; before him, some cackling hens flee from the merciless Grim Reaper... Extraordinary occult Symbology: Poultry, pusillanimous, cowardly, timid. Bloodthirsty wolf, cruel, ruthless... Dread! Terror! Terrible!... human subconscious states of the human infra-consciousness, and I, who had died within myself, was unaware of the existence of those animals within my own atomic hells. Fortunately, never in the hard fight did I throw my Holy Pica; Thanks to my Divine Mother Kundalini I have been able to exceed many in strength and skill with the spear. Having already fallen the main abysmal demons, vile representations of my infrahuman defects, they epically concluded my lunar labors killing many other infernal beasts with the holy pole. Needless to say, I had to collect very rich spoils of war after many bloody battles... I want to refer with great emphasis to those multiple precious gems of my own consciousness embedded among the deformed abysmal bodies. One night of glory I had the greatest honor that can be given to a human being: I was visited by the Cosmic Christ. The adorable one was carrying a large book in his right hand as if telling me: "Now you are going to enter the sphere of Mercury." Seeing the Master I could not help but exclaim saying: -Lord!, you have arrived sooner than I thought. I was not waiting for you yet." The Living Christ replied sweetly: -Sometimes I take time to arrive when I have to come in the month of March. You still have to die. How can I still die? -Yes! - the Adorable replied, you have to continue dying, he repeated... What happened next was prodigious. The Master rose slowly towards the midnight sun, later detaching himself a little from the star King as if to bless me and forgive my old mistakes

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  1. Infinity and I are face to face. And it was like a herd of reports, dogs chasing a cloud of titans, the divine clouds of the west. In the background of scarlet purple ineffable things occurred... Suddenly the dark frieze was illuminated by the sun, and the internal and delicate gold, sidereal and pure, broke into exquisite dazzles with the mysterious paleness of the moon and very slowly slipped into a peaceful vision of opal and silver... Then I left the dense body and dressed in the Wedding suit of the Soul I entered the superior worlds; what happened in those one thousand and One Nights regions the gods know well... I saw myself lying deliciously in a regal nuptial chamber; it was time for love; all the waves of the rivers, of the fountains and the seas, an ineffable choir preluded a rhythm of the Song of Songs. The blessed incense of the perfume exhaled from all the flowers, floated like a charm radiating in the zephyrs that the love of their wings rehearsed a concert of kisses and sighs... it was the nuptial hour. Nature coming out of the chaos still dazzled, inebriate by youth and beauty, virginal and sacred, veiled in a mysterious smile... “Kiss me, my love”, the Eve of Hebrew mythology, Kundrigia, Herodias, the woman of the symbol, told me ... “I will kiss you with a sacred kiss, like a sister; I abhor animal passion, you know it”. The dense forest sensing the day populated its grove of rumors, the happy and playful water fled between trembling reeds and reeds, the angel of mist shook the miraculous drops of his wings on the flowers... It was the nuptial hour. The Land of the Thousand and One Nights slept, like a delicious virgin under the chaste veil, and the divine sun, surprising it lover, lit up the sky to kiss her saintly... Bathed in splendor, full of dawn, I left the royal nuptial chamber and I went out with her... We walked slowly... slowly... to the edge of an old precipice... “Be careful!” exclaimed the maiden-wife. “Fear not!” I answered, “the danger is not here; he already passed and was there inside, in the Nuptial Chamber”. "It is not the end that you should fear, but the beginning, the result of which is this abyss." Saying these words in a voice that astonished myself, the maiden-lover of the delicious taste disappeared by enchantment. And then the Beloved One (Atman), my Real Being, the Intimate, the Secret Master, came to me. The Blessed One happily advanced towards me as if to teach me and congratulate me at the same time. The venerable one came dressed in the sacred dress of the principalities, his steps were preceded by (Buddhi), my Spiritual Soul, which was also dressed in the same dress... I, the poor Human Soul (the Causal or Superior Manas of Theosophy), I happily embraced my twin sister (the Buddhi). The Blessed One looked at us and smiled. Ah! I said to myself, I must eliminate from my inner nature the frightening demon of Bad Will, the horrifying Nebt of the Egyptian mysteries; only in this way will I be able to earn the right to wear the sacred garment that I see in my sister and in my Beloved. What shall we say of the horrendous Caiaphas? I saw mine one climb from step to step up the steps of my dwelling; it is unquestionable that he had a caesarean appearance, imposing, terrible. Only with the power of the Divine Mother Kundalini, the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers, is it possible to reduce the perverse demon of ill will to cosmic dust. It is indubitable that it was necessary for me to carefully study all these hidden concomitants. It is ostensible that it was urgent for me to penetrate many times to the region of natural causes -in the World of Conscious Will-, with the evident purpose of investigating mysteries and I navigated through the deep chaotic waters of infinite space; and I saw and heard extraordinary things that the poor rational animals it is not possible to understand. It is clear that in a state of perfect lucidity I received direct information about the work. I fully understood the displeasure of many people, they are angry with me unjustly, it is said, because I do not accept their theories, poor creatures! In very deep Samadhi I saw many boats with many sails adorned with multiple diamond symbols, crosses, rocks, diamond stars adorning the mystical ships of the deep ocean. Solar boats, Mahatmas, Diamond-Souls, Givamukta, Mahatmas, navigate through the waters of chaos. "When one is very close to God, one must be very prudent." Whoever eliminates the third traitor of the Hiram Abif becomes Soul-Diamond.
  2. It is pathetic, clear and manifest that the pluralized self (Seth) can resurrect as a Phoenix from its own ashes... Those theogony that paint us as punished those Divine Logoi who made the mistake of falling into sexual degeneration after the Lemur race separated into opposite sexes are not mistaken in any way. That they sacrificed themselves, like Prometheus, to endow man with a conscious spirit of the infantile primitive paradise? Lie, ignorance, absurd! I was a spectator and actor at the same time of the genesis of life, and in the name of truth I tell you that there was no such sacrifice. We Lemurians liked sexual intercourse, we fell for pleasure into bestial degeneration. For the knowledge of our readers, I say: In some secret places of the world many immortal lemurs still live. My Holy Guru, whose sacred name I must not mention, still retains the same physical body that he had in Lemuria. I myself, after the fall in Lemuria, it is obvious that I repented and returned to the mysteries of that old continent; then I received the elixir of long life. In the name of that which is the Real, the Tao, the Divine, I tell you that I lived with an immortal physical body for thousand of years.
  3. In these instants such interesting reminiscences come to my memory... One certain delicious night, no matter which one, in that Zen state, known as Satori or Samadhi (ecstasy), I entered the doors of the temple joyfully on the wings of longing. ... And as other adepts sat, I sat, and listened to such delightful chants... What those golden voices said, deeply moved even the most intimate fibers of the soul. All of us then praise the Emperor, that Divine Monad of each one that before the Dawn of the Mahanvantara moved among the chaotic waters of infinite space. A spiral staircase, spiral, led to the top floor of the temple. It is ostensible that this stairway ended exactly at the foot of the sacred altar of the Emperor. The tabernacle shone gloriously on the sacred altar and the fire burned between its lamp... some vases wonderfully complemented that precious charm. It is obvious that the flowers put an exquisiteness wherever they are. However, there was something else, something unusual, a strange set of figures skillfully carved in wood. Such figures placed exactly before the altar, on the mysterious divine stairway, represented in fact a serious inconvenience, a tremendous obstacle to reach the Inner Lord. I, then fighting against the third traitor of Hiram Abif, had to deeply study the symbolism of those hieratic figures of mystery. Variegated and picturesque set of strange wooden beings on the polished steps of the holy ladder... It was essential to focus my attention on such artistic representations. The royal art of nature is not something dead, it has life and it has it in abundance. In no way should the attentive reader be surprised if I told him that by concentrating my attention on those exotic figures so finely carved, they came to life. And although it seems incredible, everything is possible in the unknown dimension. I looked and saw something unusual. In a certainly unusual way, one of those figures suddenly appears, it has the appearance of an old man dressed in an exotic way; the voice of silence informs me that it is the Lord of Time; I am told that I must eliminate the useless rubbish of the past. I understand everything and the old man walks carrying in his right hand a strange container full of rubbish... I fully understand the profound significance of such an allegory; the dirty reminiscences of the past, the rubbish of many yesterdays must be forgotten... The Elder digs a grave in the vault of the dead and then buries those useless remains there. Once his symbolic work is done, the old man returns to his place. Then another figure emerges from the strange set, I am taught that Lucifer works in time; I am told that through memories it is possible to resurrect the dead egos... and Lucifer walks among the tombs of time, looking for the segos buried in the dust of centuries, he wants to bring them back to life, I, absorbed, contemplate him ... How cunning is Lucifer! He awakens lustful, sinful memories in one so that the dead egos can resurrect. Then I fully understand the need to live from moment to moment, from instant to instant... Oh, my God, the Ego is time. Yes! However, the Being is timeless, that is always new... Finished its illustration, the luciferic figure returns to its mysterious place... Then I concentrate my attention more intensively and I see something that stands out; a fatal flame; it is clear that such sinister fire assumes a terrible masculine form; the voice of silence tells me that Lucifer controls the three traitors of the Hiram Abif and the remnants of the ego after its final disintegration; That's how I understand it, I approach Lucifer, I tell him that I'm his friend, he laughs at me and then speaking to me makes him understand that I'm his enemy; It is obvious that he has not made a mistake in this, that diabolical fire... Amazing! Even after the ego is dead, Lucifer continues to control even the seeds of the ego!... What horror! Remember, dear reader, that the self can also rise like the Phoenix from its own ashes.
  4. In these moments that I write these ardent lines, a certain transcendental memory comes to my memory. Once, during a incorporeal journey, in a state of ecstasy or Samadhi, I dared to question my Divine Mother Kundalini in the following way: - Is it possible that someone in the physical world can self-realize without the need for sexual magic? The answer was tremendous: -Impossible, my son! That is not possible. And she said it so vehemently... that frankly I was moved.

158. One day, no matter the date or the day or the hour, I was visited by the Kether of the Hebrew Kabbalah, the "Ancient of Days", my "Father who is in Secret", the hidden of the hidden, the goodness of goodness, mercy of mercies. He said: -As you are working, you are doing very well, you must continue with your work... Time passed and I died from moment to moment... ... to understand and eliminate was my task... It is written with burning coals in the Great Book of Splendors, that those who have died in themselves will be received in the world of the deceased... My case was not an exception to the funerary rule. Dressed in those funeral clothes that I always used to wear after each disincarnation, I then lived happily in the hidden abode. 159. It is ostensible that we, the brothers of the Secret Order, were quite dead, however we wanted to enter a superior work. We suffered full of intimate yearnings, we wanted reduce   to cosmic dust those three classical furies that Dante saw in the infernal abysses. We were told in the temple that we should wait with infinite patience for the Abbot of the Monastery, but it is obvious that the hours seemed long, boring... the venerable certainly did not seem to be in any hurry. It is unusual and unusual to see those adepts of the White Lodge quite tired, annoyed and grumpy. Some very respectable brothers moved everywhere, here, there and everywhere protesting the singular delay of the Superior. There are cases that surprise in life, and one of them was the surprise entry of the abbot in the Temple. All the brothers of our order were stunned, dumbfounded, since they had already given up hope of seeing the master. In front of the sacred brotherhood the venerable spoke saying: -You, brothers, need two virtues that this brother has. He said this, pointing to me with an index finger... Then, in a sweet and imperative way at the same time, he told me: Tell them, brother, what are those two virtues! -You have to know how to be patient, you have to know how to be serene. So I spoke in a slow and clear voice. –You see? Are you convinced? Exclaimed the abbot. All frightened and amazed at the same time, they chose to keep a tremendous silence.... It is indubitable that all the brothers had to be postponed for the superior work, since only my insignificant person emerged victorious in the tes














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  1. In the sunny country of Kem, during the Khafre dynasty, I understood the need to return to the right path, to shape my own heavenly path. Recapitulating the mysteries of the sacred land of the mighty Nile, I was able to recall dire difficulties. The path of the razor's edge is full of dangers, inside and out. The path of the revolution of consciousness turns away from the paths of evolution and involution. I, an old Tibetan lama, entered the Egyptian mysteries after much suffering. oh! How much pain the death of my brother caused me; that was something decisive for me... My poor little boat, broken between rocks, without sails and without direction and alone between the waves! Fortunately I was helped and studied hard. I entered the Priestly College like any neophyte, and after successive exaltations I was a hierophant. That I was a doctor and a priest at the same time? That is something I can never deny! Daily I traveled on my camel carrying many remedies for my sick; doctor's noble mission... Impossible to forget my abode in that Sacred Land of Hermes. Old manor house surrounded by ancient walls... Litelantes, as always, was my priestess wife, she is not unaware of that, she still remembers it. I have the high honor of having been the educator of Pharaoh Khafre. I was that boy's tutor and it doesn't bother me because later he became a great sovereign. I remember terrible things... Those who violated the vow of silence and divulged the Great Arcanum were sentenced to death, their heads were cut off, their hearts were ripped out and their ashes were thrown to the four winds. The execution was carried out in a paved courtyard surrounded by terrible walls, on which crocodile skins and mysterious hieroglyphs were seen. In the deep night of all ages, the words of the Priest of Sais still resound: - Solon, Solon! Oh, my son, the day will come when men will laugh at our sacred hieroglyphics and say that we ancients worshiped idols!
  2. When the mind is still and silent, the soul escapes to sink into the great Alaya of the Universe. Many years ago I experienced this truth during meditation; unfortunately, at that time I had not yet dissolved the pluralized self and terror damaged the experiment. I felt definitively lost in the void of Buddhist annihilation, infinite ocean of incomprehensible light beyond the body, the effects and the mind, radical forgetfulness of myself. Freed consciousness of its egoic condition, it was lost like a drop in the sea... the void seemed to become deeper... frightening abyss... I ceased to exist... I felt be worlds, flowers, birds, fish, radiant suns, humble plant and gigantic tree, insignificant insect that only lasts one summer afternoon and rebellious eagle... That ocean of my being was still expanding; the impersonalization seemed to be more and more profound... of my human form not even the memory remained; It was everything and nothing at the same time. One more step and what would become of me? Oh, what terror!... and that ocean of my being continued to spread terrifyingly... And then my dear individuality what?... It is ostensible that I was also condemned to death... Dread, fright, panic! , fear! Suddenly I felt myself withdrawing into myself, I lost my ecstasy, I went back to the bottle like Aladdin's genie! I entered time; I was trapped between the ego. Poor Mephistopheles, the wretch was trembling cowardly! So is Satan.
  3. Relatively recently, while in deep meditation, I witnessed something unusual. Certainly and with mystical astonishment I saw two adepts, who after having achieved a full identification with Para-nirvana, reached the final liberation. Dressed in their white linen tunics and their heads covered with the immaculate white cloak that reached down to their feet, these brothers entered the Absolute Abstract Space. Frankly, I still haven't lost my sense of wonder; I felt amazed, stupefied, surprised; I accompanied them to " the ring it not be pass "... (the porter`s lodge of the Universe). I saw them penetrate into the uncreated light of the Absolute, full of infinite humility and veneration. They passed beyond gods and men and became Paramarthasatyas; however, they immersed themselves in it as simple apprentices... It is that in the Absolute there are also successive mystical exaltations that are beyond comprehension for us.
  4. A long time ago, in an old palace I found a dungeon, inside was a venerable old man. His haloed beard had thirteen strands; his white hair had thirty-three ringlets. This was the Ancient of the Days, the goodness of goodness, the hidden of the hidden, the mercy of mercies. His neck was like a tower of ivory; his eyes, like the pools of Jeshbon by the gate of Bat-rabim, his nose, like the tower of Lebanon, always looking towards Damascus. I fell on my knees biting the dust of the earth! I cried out in anguish and with the dagger in my hand I exclaimed saying with all the strength of my soul: I killed him! I killed him! Strange vision... the years passed, the days of crazy youth were gone and I finally understood. It is written with letters of fire in the book of the law, that the fallen Bodhisattvas enter the cycle of terrible necessity accused of three crimes: First, having murdered Buddha, second, having dishonored the Gods, third, many others, various common and current crimes. I was a fallen Bodhisattva, yes, yes! It is unquestionable that if I had not repented I would have had to enter the submerged Involution of the Mineral Kingdom. Have you heard of Count Zanoni? I also had an immortal physical body. In the old continent Mu after leaving Eden, I re-entered the mysteries with a contrite heart... I swallowed earth!... Yes! Yes! My body was buried, the Gods know that. After three days the initiatory resurrection came; I used the fourth dimension to escape from the grave... The holy women treated my Lemurian body with many drugs and aromatic ointments. Through more than ten thousand years of incessant earthquakes and erupting volcanoes, the old continent of Mu was submerged in the stormy waters of the Pacific. I continued to exist with my immortal body on the Atlantis continent; I led many pilgrimages that sometimes went to Yucatán or Tehotihuacán, etc. I confess that at that time I especially liked to live in a beautiful valley now covered by the stormy waters of the Gulf of Mexico. It is unquestionable that it was precisely in the Eastern world during that brilliant Aryan-Atlantis age that I made a mistake very similar to Count Zanoni's. There is no doubt that said count fell in love with a beautiful Neapolitan artist; the result was hideous; He was guillotined during the French Revolution. Count Zanoni was a Chaldean immortal; He received the elixir of long life in ancient times and it is clear to understand that sex was already forbidden to him. My case was similar; I, an ancient lemur, with an immortal body, also fell into the arms of Kundri, the Eve of Hebrew mythology, the woman by antonomasia, and the result was the fatal loss of my precious lemur vehicle. It is evident that my capital error was to have accepted Cupid's gift in full youth. I tell men and gods to avoid immortalizing the young body. When the civilization of the first Aryan sub-race flourished on the central plateau of Asia, I tried to revive it; So I very humbly entered the Holy Order of Tibet and became a true lama. It is unquestionable that I had to recreate the solar bodies through the Sahaja Maithuna. It is written in the Akashic Archives of Nature that I then conquered the Second Birth. Unfortunately, I made some serious mistakes when I wanted to help the queen of my country with the Sacred Key . Because of that I was expelled from the revered order and continued to be in Samsara. During the dynasty of Pharaoh Khafre I returned to Egypt and achieved much, but not everything. Today, after having suffered a lot, I have returned to the right path; Now Today, after having suffered a lot, I have returned to the right path; Now I'm on my feet again. I thoroughly know the path of the Revolution of the Consciousness and because of that I am the Avatar of the New Aquarian Age. All intellectual homunculi mistakenly called men, only want to get rid of death; but they do not know how to get rid of life.
  5. One night, my own Intimate God, placing a crucible full of liquid mercury on the ground, tried to verify an alchemical transmutation, but since there was no fire under the crucible, it is obvious that he failed in his attempt. He then gave me to understand that I needed to carry out such an alchemical operation in order to crystallize a new too subtle organism. I thought that it could possibly be about creating the famous Sambogakaya, which according to some high initiates is said to have three more perfections than the ineffable vehicle of the Nirvanakayas. Well, I am a Nirvanakaya... and it is clear that getting to possess the precious vehicle of the Sambogakayas was something too tempting for me. "I have failed due to lack of fire", my Real Being told me; then he added, “lend me a match” (spark match or candle). I understood that I had to do a work of sexual magic. It is unquestionable that this left me perplexed, confused, astonished. But is it perchance lawful for a twice-born to return to the Forge of Vulcan? What is this? What? It is clear that I did not fall into the test; some fell, others did not... That the Internal God himself submits one to tests is certainly rare and amazing. It clearly stands out that the Beloved wants to be sure of what he has; He needs Diamond Soul (Vajrasattwa). The reception at the temple was formidable; The Venerable ancient of the Days (my monad) and I, poor suffering soul, each one of us wields with the right hand, he the scepter and I the cross. We both entered the sanctuary dressed in our sacred garments. I knew that I had murdered the old man, but he had resurrected in me: "The King is dead, long live the King!" And yet, it was not I soul of pain who had murdered the Ancient of Days. The three traitors, Judas, Pilate and Caiaphas, killed him, yes. Yet it is obvious that Pilate always washes his hands. How horrible is Hai, the demon of the Mind! Inside the temple and before the altar the old man of all ages and I prayed. The old man put out a Buddhist bowl full of coins. These in themselves are the capital of good deeds. It is clear that my good deeds were enough to pay the old man and achieve forgiveness. The host was a glorious master of the White Brotherhood. Some trees within that beautiful enclosure were crowned with laurels. Those little bushes looked very pretty in their pots; they looked in the room. The guests all arrived dressed in mourning and with great respect; it is obvious that they had to celebrate the feast of the deceased... the horrible demon Hai had died and this deserved a celebration; soon the room was filled with people. I received many guests... the host Master welcomed many others. The delicious music and the tables full of people gave the place a very special note of cosmic joy. I felt happy talking with the great hierophant. Now I no longer have the lunar mind, however I can think; I use my solar mind, the one I made in the Forge of the Cyclops (sex).


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  1. It is a gloomy fate for me to contemplate an igneous trace of that which was! I was in the fights, I knew about tests, I knocked like others at the doors of the temple. That seductive beauty of the oriental temple put a spark of life into my suffering soul like the lightning that colors the cloud that cries, the rainbow that joy. Sacred image of the pleasant and radiant temple, it was like a wandering star or like a fast meteor, the lightning that opened in my night a fiery furrow of gold. That ineffable sanctuary of Tibet is the lantern and the torch, the breath that blows and the storm that stirs, the calm of the spirit that recreates and the storm that whips. Unfathomable mystery, sweet and strong harmony, severe and serious. God grants me to obtain you as a funeral lyricism, honor and glory of blood, flower of the abyss, mourning and glory of death. Upon this black river of profane existence, the austere and grave truth shines like the silence of the stars above the terrible crash of the waves. And I was subjected to unspeakable tests within those sacred walls, in the sunny courtyard of the temple. How many memories!... May the afternoon fold its golden wing in the void, may those esoteric reminiscences come to my mind for the good of my readers, may the stars twinkle, may the nocturnal birds tell me many things in secret! And in that courtyard of mysteries, an adept lady after so many and so many frightening and terrible tests in a great way, sinisterly showed me the emaciated and horrible figure of death, a bony skull between its two crossed shins... Let me live a little more ... I am working for suffering humanity... I will pay everything I owe, sacrificing myself for the great orphan. Have pity on me. "If you had been prepared you would die in the presence of this figure." This was the answer and then came a terrifying silence. I, vile worm of the mud of the earth, standing next to one of these solemn undefeated columns of the sanctuary... Woe to me! Oh! Oh, tremendous memories came to my mind... I was inside the Sacred Order of Tibet, but this was not new for me, I remembered that in other times I had been there, in that same place, standing next to the same revered column. In the courtyard, around the sacred table, a group of Nirvanakayas were sitting. Oh God! What beautiful robes, garments of paradise! What divine faces! It is obvious that some Sambogakayas were not lacking among them, which -as is known- have three more perfections than the Nirvanakayas. Allow me to say a few words... In these moments, the memory of other times comes to mind. It has been many centuries since I stood here in this very place and next to this column. "If you had not been here before," answered a venerable old man, you would not have knocked on the doors of this temple again. I advanced a few steps, withdrawing from the column to place myself reverently before the table of the saints; the old man who had spoken on behalf of all the elect, rose to make some just recriminations. What a majestic face! He looked like a living Christ, many cosmic days and nights were reflected in his eyes, his sacred beard was a living representation of the universal verb of life, and his immaculate hair falling on his ineffable shoulders reminded us of the old man of the days of the Hebrew Kabbalah. He spoke and said terrible things; he mentioned a woman I had met after the submergence of the old Atlantis continent. "Do you remember Jane Smith?" "Yes, venerable master, I remember her." Clearly I had failed for her in the old days. "Do you remember that another Jane Smith?" "Yes venerable master, I remember her." Then the living memory of a Tibetan queen came to mind. In Central Asia, in the very heart of the Himalayas, on one side of Tibet, there existed a marvelous kingdom about a thousands of years ago. The inhabitants of that ancient country were the result of an Aryan-Atlantis mixture. Every esoteric knows very well that the first sub-race of our current fifth root race flourished in Central Asia. I lived in that old country and knew the aforementioned queen, the one that the Master reminded me of in a recriminating way. She came to me when I was a priest of the Holy Order of Tibet. The unhappy woman suffered and told me her tragedies. The monarch, her husband, was in love with another woman and it is natural that the unfortunate queen had fallen into despair. I wanted to help her, I did what I could for her but I made serious mistakes. Assaulting the mind of others is a crime and it would be absurd to deny my own mistakes, I used psychic powers in an obviously negative way and I even made the mistake of receiving some money. The royal treasurer paid me the sum, at the expense of the queen. The husband abandoned the concubine, the king and queen reconciled for the good of that country. Apparently I did well, but let's remember the words of Master El Morya: "Among the cadences of the verse crime is also hidden." To all lights it is clear to understand that I fell into the absurd, that I did stupid things and for that reason, despite being twice born, I was severely punished. There was the old man reminding me of all these things and it is clear that my moral pain was frightening in a great way. -Did you join the Order of the Garter? -Yes, venerable Master, I did, was my answer. How can I deny it? The look of that most sacred old man pierced my heart, impossible to hide from the divinity. I then remembered that old personality I had in old Rome. I was given the mission to establish a strong stage for the fourth sub-race of this fifth root race and so I used the human personality of Julius Caesar. I formed the Great Roman Empire, I fought like a lion in Gaul and everyone knows that I was killed by Brutus, the traitor. I had no need to join the Order of the Garter, the secret laws of the Great Universal Life would have helped me anyway without the aforementioned Roman institution. After those recriminations I felt ashamed of myself, embarrassed and with a heavy heart. An adept lady disguised in the costume of a ritual executioner resolutely advanced towards me with the sacred whip in her right hand, I immediately understood that I had to go through the evangelical flogging. I walked toward the interior of the temple, slowly... along that ancient patio surrounded by archaic walls. Go dead! Go dead! Exclaimed the lady just as she was actually whipping me with the sacred whip. Yes, that is what I want, to die, to die, to die; and those lashes, instead of producing in me that frightening pain of torture, entered me as if they were electric rays, benefiting me, because I felt inside me that those entities that constitute the pluralized I were struck down to death. Many years of my life have passed and I have never been able to forget this cosmic event that occurred in the heart of the Himalayas.
  2. So many things come to mind... One night, in deep intimate meditation, I abandoned the illusory world of Maya, and freed from those shackles of bitter existence, I submerged myself during samadhi in the world of the spirit. There is no greater pleasure than that of feeling with the soul detached from the body, the affections and the mind. Immense is the ineffable joy of those Diamond Souls who were lost among the Great Alaya of the Universe. And inebriated by ecstasy I entered through the doors of the temple with transparent walls and with the open Eye of Dagma, with that spiritual vision of the Adept or Jivanmukta I looked down, in the depths, and then I saw at the bottom of the abyss of the mind many loved ones. Oceans of the cosmic mind, precipice, cliff, frightening depth... who suffer. Oh!... do not desolate me like this, have mercy on me, stop our diversion now, eyes that give me anguish, eyes that look like dew-soaked leaves. And those shadows dilated melancholy and strangely, taking on mysterious traces of smoke that extinguish inks of flame. Murmur of confused words, vague and with deep sadness in the soul... Poor shadows! Various forms of the world of the mind! Just as the furious sea inclemently whips the beach with its waves, so does the world of the mind, the sea of understanding as whip the threshold of the temple with transparent walls. Litelantes, the lady adept, exclaimed indignantly: "Those women are very annoying, they try to get here!" and unsheathed her flaming sword, I did the same. These swords whirled for a menacing instant, spewing devouring fire everywhere. And those vain shadows of the universal mind, terrified, were lost in the frightful abyss of Maya. In the absence of body, effects and mind, we come to directly experience that which is Truth.
  3. One night, no matter what, neither the date, nor the day, nor the hour, I talked with an adept of the White Brotherhood in the Parallel Universe of the Fifth Dimension; the conversation was indeed soft and delicious and flowed slowly like a river of gold under the thick forest of the sun. Suddenly under the sublime foliage of the tree of life, I questioned him thus: - Do you have a physical body? Are you aware? It is obvious, ostensible, that the answers left me fully satisfied. -Yes, I am awake, I have a physical body, but right now I feel that my Consciousness begins to fall asleep by degrees, slowly, little by little, as my dense vehicle attracts me towards what is called a waking state. The most interesting thing was that ineffable moment in which the adept, floating ecstatically in the sidereal environment, beatifically joined his two feet in such a way that the soles of these made contact with each other; then, it is evident that it seemed to grow stronger; his consciousness regained lucidity. It is clear that I imitated his example and the adept explained the key to me saying: -With this secret, you will be able to resist the magnetic attraction of the dense body and thus you will be able to remain outside as long as you want.
  4. After having died in myself I was confirmed in the light, so I entered the temple and signed my documents. Ascending to the first lunar-type heaven was the next step; the adepts taught me to protect myself from the fatal attraction that the sub-lunar hells exert on one. I was given a branch to smell that exerted something very special on me. That delicate fragrance really had the flavor of sanctity. "With this perfume you will be able to defend yourself against lunar attraction", exclaimed the adept who was instructing me. I really know that adept, he is none other than the senior instructor of the Temple of the Twice-Born; its character is like the lemon, but it radiates infinite wisdom and love without limits or shores. Who wants to go up must first go down, that's the law. Every exaltation is preceded by a humiliation.
  5. Returning to the old Tibetan monastery was always my greatest wish; I returned to that holy place after having suffered much. I needed, yes, according to ancient uses and customs, someone who would answer for me, a charitable soul, a godfather to introduce me to the order, and it is obvious that I had him, thank God! He paid my entrance fee, or better we would say re-entry into the venerated order, with esoteric money unknown to the human multitudes. For the return there are no parties; This is how it is written and the divine and the human know it. Simply and without any ostentation I resumed my position within the order and continued in the work that I had once abandoned when I strayed from the straight path. I restarted my work doing charity; it was necessary to help a poor soul inside the monastery who had knocked on our doors looking for the light. "Ask and it will be given to you, knock and it will be opened to you" That is Love... The fire of charity works miracles. Unfortunately that supplicant was too sleepy; I really made enormous efforts to wake her up, but everything was useless. It is obvious that this suffering creature had not even begun to fight against Seth's demons (the Ego), his consciousness was totally bottled up within the self. Oh, old monastery protected by ancient walls! How much I love you! How can we forget that ineffable courtyard and that sacred table before which the Nirvanakayas of compassion sit? How can we forget those work rooms and all the multiple and varied ineffable corridors through which the adepts of the Light circulate and come and go?
  6. Now you will understand, conspicuous readers, why I was required to die. Only by eliminating the ego could I return to the Holy Order of Tibet. But, oh my God!, remember dear reader that there are no roses without thorns, you know it. How much pain I felt when going through all the towns and villages of Tibet! Everywhere, here, there and everywhere, I could see Chinese-communist troops that had treacherously invaded the land of the adepts. How dreadful are the profaners! See here the red soldiers at the very gates of the sacred pagodas, cynically mocking what they do not understand. To the divine Padma Sambhava, incarnation of the Lotus, protector of all conscient beings, I beg freedom for Tibet. To all the sublime Fathers and Mothers of the Buddhas of the five orders, I beg to ward off forever the barbarian hordes that have murdered the saints. Bhagavan Aclaiva, Master Protector of our Holy Order; drive away from Tibet the brutalizing hordes of Marxism. Ah! The Tathagata (Buddha) well knows how much I had to suffer when contemplating the terrible solitude of the Valley of Amitabha. What happened to those religious festivals that once cheered up the sublime valley? Now only the bloodthirsty hosts of Marxism are seen everywhere; How long will this bitterness continue? Fortunately, the monastery of the Sacred Order of Tibet is very well protected within the fourth-fifth dimension. –
  7. I am going now with an open soul to relate to you a transcendental mystical experience... Listen to me, please... The peasant night is wounding me in its chaste beauty with all its splendor of reason in principle. We -a group of Gnostic brothers-, holding hands, made a magical chain in the patio of the house. We prayed a lot, yes!, and then we made an invocation to Anael, the Angel of Love. Above the sober walls, swaying by the breeze, the limpid branches laughed deliciously, the graceful freshness of their laughter reeled off the silver of the stream crowned of lace. A clear and sweet voice disturbed my senses. Was it the voice of the siren or the lullaby of the sea? Look, look, look... the angel Anael is coming...! Yes! Yes! Yes! we all answered. Our attentive eyes rested on a handful of white doves that happily flew over our dwelling... I still remember the bird of silver and fire, so pure, so tender, so soft... that was the guide. Anael! Anael! Anael!... we all exclaimed... The night was sweet and peaceful, dim and fragrant... It tasted like roses... Then came a pause after so many shouts of joy; we waited... we sighed... those sublime birds disappeared in the mystery, and then... three measured and rhythmic knocks resounded solemnly at the door of the house; I myself hastily opened... There they are!... They are...! They arrived…!, so exclaimed all the brothers of the group. We all went out to receive the group of beautiful, terribly divine celestial children... It made me want to play... We were able to verify that those beautiful creatures came dressed in the wedding dress of the soul (the solar bodies). Within the soul of these angels so pure we find nothing that in one way or another could resemble the self of psychology. Within those children only the Being shines. It is obvious that those holy gods intensely love poor suffering humanity. It is ostensible that in some remote past these venerable ones worked in the Forge of the Cyclops. Their glorious bodies make them immortal in all departments of the kingdom... It is not difficult to guess that they radically eliminated the lunar bodies (the ego). I humbly prostrated myself at the feet of Anael, the Angel of Love... I needed to ask her something... The answer left me fully satisfied. Many years have passed and I am still meditating... Impossible to forget all this... Today, digging through rancid chronicles with the tenacity of a cleric in a cell, I write for others to read. We, the brothers of that group, still remember the presence of those ineffable beings, their enchanting voice, their majestic bearing... The light of the pure spirit touched our temples, wounding us with swords, glare, turning shadows into lights, step into dance, stillness in sculpture and the timid violence of the air in hair, clouds, treasures, joy...
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