I know the whole self-love thing is being talked about all over the place right now, but most people still have no clue what that even means! It really means something different for each person, because we all have many different ways to show that we
self (52)
Personal Dynamics
It's About YOU, Your World, Your Universe
(Please read the Blog Post Found Below.)
I teach a class at the Omaha Library (Every Saturday) from 1 pm to 3 pm
The class is growing every week as demand for my book is growing exponentially!!^
Thou Art the Light & Love of God… Manifest!
How far-fetched does this sound? As far as you are, from the truth of it.
This is a representation of the energetic & astral construct of every human being. It is understood to the degree of a person’s lumina
Hi guys,
I had a thought when I was in the bath today and I was thinking, we all get given names on our experience of this third dimensional world. But do our souls have names? Would love to know :)
<3 <3 <3 Frazer
Your old human DNA is transmitting the old reality in every moment that you are unconscious and living in an exterior reality world.
The moment you go inward, you change your reality. Every moment you are conscious and shifting to choose from love,
By Tania Kotsos
You can learn to rise above your emotions. Your feelings may be subject to the swing of the pendulum but you need not be at their mercy. The Law of Polarity itself tells you that when you are sad, know that soon you will feel happy and
In the name of my Source Self, Higher Self, all my Soul Aspects throughout the universes, and my Self in this Now,
In the name of Mother-Father God-Goddess, Jesus Immanuel Sananda, Lady Nada, and my beloved Twin Flame,
I Accept, Appreciate, Attract and
So I am beginning this blog without anything specifically planned to say. As I write the words are flowing. I feel though, a need to write something, to share SOMETHING, like there is a message in my being waiting to get out. With a pause it feels li
The Creator Writings
transcribed by Jennifer Farley
(See bottom for more info about the bridge pictured)
Written by Wes Annac
“Don’t know your past, don’t know your future” – Ziggy Marley
This article has been a long time coming, as I’ve been working to recognize and Love every facet of myself, rather t
You are mathematically an infinite being connected vibrationally to everyone and everything thing in existence.
Since everything is a pattern of vibrations, you can literally change the vibrational pattern of your experience, causing the physical worl
I’ve discovered something important along my personal process, and this discovery has come-about on the back of my own, what I perceive to be difficulty or inability to enjoy a smooth and free-flowing existence. To be blunt about
Don't Just Except Another Agenda
A Channeling through my Higher Self.
Our growth has accelerated at a massive scale. the world is awakening more and more to the agendas of the dark and beginning to take back there own minds. taking control of yourself
Self Love : Your Personal Guide
By Sitara Ansari (B.A Hons)
Taking the Opportunity to self love everyday is purely inspirational!
- It is the reprogramming of your mind, body into positive creation mode
- whilst aligning to your soul, deeper with love!
I sing a song of brilliance
As far away as the sun
Complete and thorough knowing
Cumulated as a sum
The rise of light upon the earth
Brings new found days and ways to see
A seeing of new and brighter ways
Upon the wind I ride with thee
To the heights of mu
Galactic Federation:
The Multi Dimensional Consciousness
This very special book explains:
Multi Dimensions Spirituality & Science!
How it affects YOU
The Ascended Masters Teachings About it
Planet Gaia
The Pineal & Multi Awareness!
I would like to share two processes I have found really helpful as tools for personal development, both of which involve WRITING.
1) Letters into the ether ; )
I'm sure everyone is familiar with the idea of writing a letter to someone whose behaviour y
How to Know yourself to enhance yourself.
I had a question regarding this from a wonderful friend.
The following video discusses the concept of YOU creator-mastering your own reality by knowing yourself to enhance yourself in a easier way!
This is a BIG
by Tyler Steele
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I woke up today with great feelings of Self love! So I made a video about it. I hope you enjoy
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Maybe it’s there, maybe it’s not.
That gold is owned by the American public! We want to know if it’s still there. - Elon Musk