TOPICS: The key to freedom in not the ascension - Nirvana is not annihilation - The double illusion - Deliver the Living Word - Overcome the focus on self - Beware of the ego trap of turning the path into a struggle - You cannot lose by sharing your
you (20)
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Physical life is a learning hologram. No one who is alive is exempt from learni
The Creator Writings
transcribed by Jennifer Farley
The Creator Writings
I'm just observing all the different personalities in here and I thought Id ask the question .. why are you here? .. what brings you to this website ?
I am here because I like being in a Spiritual website where I can choose from a wide range of topics
I Love You This Much
I Love You to remind you to Love yourself when you decide to embody fear so to dominate me and everyone else you decide you want to deeply hurt.
I Love You so much that I choose to be a pacifist for the sole purpose to bring you
The wise knows that they don't know
And they listen more than they speak.
The truth in its entirety would crush us
Only pieces can be shown
But still eyes will advert
Because no one can ever
Make us see what we don’t want to see
It’s all or nothing
To abando
It's not really a blog, but I am just trying to creatively move away from this negativity I am feeling.
Cut through me
Though my heart is beating
I’ve stepped out of body
For a while I stayed
Caught up in the pain
Clench my fist
Grit my teeth
I’ll do whatev
When you are secure with who you are
It doesn’t matter what others’ choose to do with their lives
It keeps you busy with your own issues
Eventually you’ll be content with what it is you have
You don’t need to really bother with other people
They don’t nee
All you light-bearers – and if you read this you are a light-bearer – have been working diligently to help humanity to awaken, and your tireless efforts are bearing actually have your existence in Reality, in Heaven...You are stirring in
When you awaken, as you will, all sense of separation or aloneness will be gone, and you will recognize and experience the glory of Reality in which all are intimately and divinely connected...Your joy on awakening will transport you into the infinit
Have you noticed a change in your relationships with other people lately? Do you, at times, feel alone in your beliefs? Have you lost contact with any long time friends recently? You are not alone!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
We live in a society that rewards those who follow the flock and ridicules those who think outside the box. This paradigm is changing as evidenced by the uncovered atrocities of 9/11 as more and more people awaken to seek the real truth behind who th
Uriel's Message -- Why Are You Being?
Your 'being' is the concentration of your energy in a single moment of time and space. Within each moment you express your energy, inten |
I'm very happy to write this article about my book called "Love is in you". This one is in French and published by the Helios Editions in France.(
This book tell the story of a man who takes a p
Tuesday, 9 March, 2010 2718 views,
Beloved Blue Ray and Light Bearers, you are the most dedicated souls of the highest frequency and sacred lineage, though you may feel
"I AM YOUR FRIEND. (as we are All children, (brothers/sisters) from the same Source)
THAT’S ALL I AM. (I won’t pretend to be your saviour, we all have to do it our own way)
THAT ALL I ASK; IT’S ALL I CAN. (Do not doubt it, you