


Pittsburgh, PA


August 9

About Yourself

From what I know so far. I am a Ancient Earth Soul or Star Seed from the planet Kudra which is in the Njsan Star System. I arrived here on Earth around 26,000 years ago to settle in Atlantis with others from Njsan. I worked with the Hadarian kings while in Atlantis. My appearance during that life was one with snow-white skin and hair, bright blue eyes, and "oriental" features. 

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Way to many to name so ill just list a few. My fellow lightworkers, Sheldan Nidle, and The Galactic Federation Of Light

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  • Yeh, thanks bro, for having my back...That Vlada guy seems to have gone, for now...he's as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit...Hehe....!! ;-)...Cheers again, Drekx
  • I haven't really looked into the Nazca lines, but from what I have seen, they are constellations of stars, made into different arrangements (such as a spider,) to the conventional ones the Egyptians displayed within the temple of Hathor, known as the zodiac of Dendera, in bas-relief.....And known today as the signs of the zodiac...
    The Nazca lines are a different cultural interpretation of the night sky, probably from meso America...But obviously, intended to be viewed from the air...So the Anunnaki would very likely be the observers, in those ancient, post-flood times...
  • Yes, after the great flood that destroyed Atlantis, those who survived it made a journey east and settled those western parts of Europe, among other places, to start building societies, again...They already possessed all the knowledge of Atlantis, offered them by their elders and with the help of the post-flood "gods" or Anunnaki, they set about constructing temples, stone circles and pyramids, all over the world...The group that arrived on British and Irish shores, later built Stone Henge and became the priestly Druids....All of which were keen architects and astronomers....
    (And notice the similarity between ancient Druids and ancient Egyptians, in their manner of dress)

    If you look at maps of the British isles and France, you will see that settlements and the building of stone circles, trend from west to east, rather than vice versa, indicating the flow of migrations from the "isle of Avalon," aka Atlantis....
  • I've had to obtain a little more data on the Pschats, as these leonine Sirians, from Sirius A, are the ultimate cosmic isolationists, following their original migration and settlement of the Sirian star system, 6.1 million years ago...Having made an inter-galactic voyage, from the Andromedan galaxy, to find a place of peace, refuge and sanctity...They call themselves "warriors of Heaven," but that term does present a degree of irony for a race of pacifists and isolationists, who truly do believe in the creed of "non-interference." (Lyrans and Draconians being the complete opposite, of course.)

    In consequence, when the Lyran colonists first arrived in the Sirian system, seeking their own refuge from the murderous cosmic wars with Draconia, the Holy Realm of A-E-O-N gave permission for the Lyrans to settle the planets of Sirius B, C & D and also, permitted the Pschats a unique homeworld of their own, named "Ishna," which is a waterworld with two massive continents, lush vegetation and wildlife, in which the Pschats were enabled an existence of monkish introspection and comfort, but working in friendship and co-operation with the Lyrans, who ultimately became Sirians, as well....

    This inter-species compromise was engineered, with the help of a great being known as; Lord Ananea the Compassionate, serving upon the "Throne of Creation," as one of the spiritual emissaries (kumaras) of Lord Surea, the Logos for this galaxy....

    Moreover, the divine plan of Surea, specifically required the Lyran people, rather than the Pschats, to fulfill their destiny of establishing enhanced workings of the divine will, through the Council of Nine and also the Galactic Federation of Light, which is a task well suited them and in contrast to the peaceful "warriors" who live lives of introspection and have not even visited Earth, contrary to what some may claim..

    The Pschats are associate members of the GFL and not involved with science and exploration, nor the cosmic politics, nor first contact with Earth...

    There are several uninhabited planets orbiting Sirius A, but due to the high radiation levels, only one that can sustain life...It's a blue star, one of the most energetic..:

    Planet Ishna, where the Pschats dwell in calm tranquility and isolation, is roughly the size of Solaris' Venus and the Pschats live on the surface and inner continent, with a protective firmament shield and extensive crystal cities. More expansive in size than comparable crystal cities, inside Samanet...

    Well, that's as much as we can say on them...They are a very private, though peaceful race.....Their political interests and defence, are provided by the GFL.
  • The Zeta greys are a product of a terrible radiation, through solar flares, which mutated them into sterility and absolute infertility....They were once humanoid and their original homeworld, along with the other planets within the binary system, were all disintegrated....A few survivors managed to escape and migrated to allied worlds in the Orion system......They have had to clone themselves, to maintain "manpower." And it has weakened their race, even more....And that is why the Bellatricians signed an agreement with the cabal on earth, to allow the Zetas to genetically reconstruct themselves, into healthy beings, once again...Of course, this transgressed spiritual laws, but has resulted in a new race of hybrids, which are fertile and able to function, again, as a viable species...
    At the time of the famous Betty & Barney Hill case..the Captain of that abduction ship, indicated their "homeworld" as if it was still settled, when in fact, they were basically cosmic nomads, then...They now live on a variety of Orion planets....and are accepted by the locals...
    The name of their origin world is not known to me, but I believe that it was destroyed several decades ago....and it and the star system itself, remain a place of cultural shrine folk memories, for the Zetas...

    The Zetas owe a lot to Earth people, now....
  • Hi friend,
    As for that Holloman USAF vid, it does remind us of the cabal's former alliances with dark Anchara star empires, which are all null and void, since the cosmic peace treaty of 1994....with the GFL....
    The Bellatricians have a grey scaly skin and bony crest on their heads...very tall, also..Note that they landed a scoutship of the beetle-lenticular type...with standard tripod landing legs (to maintain electrostatic charge, on landing.)

    They did not use their alternative scout, which I particularly like, as it has eight beam emitters and is "dew drop," in hull design....can travel as a mothership, while being a scout.

    But good reminder that the current dark cabal has no help from such offworld societies, as before..On their own and in panic mode...

    And this was a meeting about technology transfers, allowing human genetic experiments, to assist the biological defects in their allied species, from Zeta Reticulli....Bellatrix were renowned diplomats and negotiators, unlike the Zetas, who required representation...

    The 1964 conference was held to renew the ten year agreed period, of the previous conference, in 1954....President Eisenhower himself attended that earlier he had a majestic-level clearance....Later Eisenhower regretted what he had been a party to and his farewell speech of 1961 demonstrated that....He felt that the cabal's power had grown too far and threatened the national interests...and posed a danger to the entire Earth...(8:41 on the vid below..)
  • I agree with Drekx about such things as the polarization problem in the mainstream media and would like to refer to an incredibly hostile and negative treatment which Arnar Þór Jónsson´s Democracy Party has received by Icelandic media journals. The main reason for why he has received this treatment is due to having worked for Iceland´s Supreme Court which is regarded as hostile to Icelandic interests by Icelanders. Arnar has supported democracy and has written a number of articles in Icelandic describing democracy vs. media polarization.
  • Hi I don´t know how to properly discuss Deep State politics as I am researching English. Its cause I have not watched many enough videos on the topic. Was born in 1977.
  • He sent me a friend request, which I've accepted...I've decided to remain open-minded about him, for now...Diplomacy is always better, in the initial stages...We can debate with him and it need not become a conflict...Sometimes, we can win people over this way....cheers mate..
  • Hi Justin, glad you had a laugh over that video I sent...Me too..side splitting.. And in answer to what you suggested, I placed the message below on another member's blog, someone called "Sirian Starlight." If you read the full text, at the conclusion I suggest that a rising astral plane energy, should not only polarize humanity ("goats" and "sheep,") but finally cause the "sheep" to disappear from our reality, when we enter the higher astral plane...Many of these people will psychologically burn out and if they cannot evolve to sanity, they will physically become ill, or suicide....The astral is rising, albeit, we hover still at 4.3...But this will rise...Also, at the time of mass landings, there will be technologies, such as the one you mentioned, to halt any hysterics.....if some of them still exist on earth..
    I didn't mention the light chambers to that member, but they will be the primary transit utilised, for the shift to 5D..
    Cheers bro and read this:-
    Jai bashara e selamat kasijaram...!! 😁Try being joyful, rather than sentimental for a corroding orthodoxy, a globalist elite, who are in decline...We are all lights within a greater Light....Trump is simply following his orders from the spirit within him and within all of us....We are all leaders, not just "one man," as you assume...He will change America and through it, the world, too...As will others, working alongside him. Many, many others, worldwide...

    Trump was recruited by Earth Alliance in 2015, to run as US President...He is working for us..for we the people....His victory is our victory...What you are observing is the end of the old guard and the beginning of a new dispensation on planet Earth....A populism to replace elitism...Vox populi....Populism is not a dirty word, as the dark propagandists may tell you, it is the voice of the People...and people are spiritual beings having physical and astral experiences...moving towards a plan...a divine plan...

    Currently, we exist upon a tier of the lower astral plane, which has merged with physicality, back in January of 2020...However, it is an opportunity for growth, in spite of all the craziness the world has gone through, since that moment of transistion to astral...

    But in this lower astral plane world, gone mad, always remain a centre of lighted bliss, an eye of the the midst of the insanity, know everything, warts and all, yet, be sane, logical, powerful, self-aware and joyous...That is the path to take....Raised, mindful consciousness and love-wisdom, the mission of the root race and Solaris.

    Objective evidence remains plentiful, that we are all upon the lower astral plane, now....And upon this third astral aether, (4.3) we observe an increased human goodness, living alongside an increased human evil....We have seen massacres and mass murder before, BUT, upon this plane, they will be and are, much more frequent....Evil and insanity, to excess...Examples are everywhere, and not just in political schemes and contrived conflicts, such as the Hamas massacre/pogrom, or the destruction of the innocent, alongside the guilty, but even manifest in the hearts of evil, as we see in an increased threat of WW3, being promoted......A pure hatred for humanity....a dark plan for population reduction. Tyranny, censorship, sexual perversions, et al...

    We have seen these corruptions, killings and wars, in the past, but they abound with repeated frequency, as the astral energies effect minds and emotions, with great vigour...
    However, the astral plane also makes for better psychic skills and should aid us all in our navigations of it, to higher astral, where a calmer sanity, prevails..

    We have seen the mass murder of millions, by the elites, in manufacture of covid19, by the Chinese, with US money, as well as the big pharma produced covid vaccine "solution," with it's inevitable "sudden deaths" syndrome....A mass murder that is not being discussed freely, in Parliaments, without denials and lies...

    And so we see the evil monsters toy with humanity, from their ivory towers of wealth and power...The Soros plans to flood the west with third world migrants, many of whom are terrorists and criminals....And we see corrupt officials placing the needs of criminals, above the needs of the citizens. Or we observe monsters, such as Bill Gates and his latest attempts to kill the people, with bio-weapons of mass destruction...

    Yes, human monsters exist in plentiful supply, in this lower astral world and we must all be on guard.....So learn to distinguish between demons and angels, is my advice. Be inuitive and logical, both...As the salient characteristic of navigating the astral plane is POLARIZATION...And we have already observed such a polarization between the covid vaxxed and covid unvaxxed, across the world...I'm of the unvaxxed, as I trust God, rather than government, but many trusted and still trust, dark governance...However, many are waking to this and learning to go within, henceforth...But a distrust of the political and medical orthodoxy, should be laced with a good degree of common sense, also, as total distrust of everything, would be a mistake...There is an increasing goodness, alongside an increasing evil, in the world and upon the astral, in particular....Polarization....However, as we navigate, with sanity, and finally attain the middle tier, at 4.4 (there are seven tiers,) we will find that many people, who turned to evil, or were fooled by it, will simply disappear from our reality.....And at 5.0, all survivors of initiate status, will ascend to the manasic plane expression, in physical forms..

    But first, one must know the dark, in detail, before one fully merges with the Light, above the planetary degrees...

    🪄✨✨✨That is the way to ascension...thou Earthly child of heaven...👼🏻

    Col. Drekx Omega, GFL Ground Crew
    Our Challenge Ahead
    Hello everyone. I have not been an active member here or on any social media lately for a long time. I have mostly been in under intense meditation.…
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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything Health Related
"Redacted talks here about the US leaving the corrupt WHO. Also mentioned here will be some of the…"
7 hours ago
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"Redacted talks here about the US leaving the corrupt WHO. Also mentioned here will be some of the…"
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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in Houston, Texas, also just past a week ago."
18 hours ago
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"Sighting in Houston, Texas, also just past a week ago.…"
18 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in Littleton, Colorado, just past a week ago."
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"Sighting in Littleton, Colorado, just past a week ago.…"
18 hours ago
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"Trump is not messing around. Looking good on the executive orders so far and it's only day 2. I see…"
18 hours ago
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"Who knows maybe Hell freezes over and NASA is cleaned out and gets its act together. Most likely…"
18 hours ago
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"Good news as January 6th prisoners are now being set free. Hopefully soon we get the truth about…"
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"Nice! That's awesome news Ivy :) It's only day one and we are winning big."
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"Yeah I looked more into it Andromedaner Z. It is indeed a NASA program. With NASA being shady that…"
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"Speaking of Manned space missions again I thought I heard something about what they are calling the…"