relationships (16)
Hi All,
This post is in response to a number of questions people have asked about Twin Flames – what are Twin Flames, are they the same as Twin Souls, Twin Rays or soul mates, does everyone have a Twin Flame, is there only one Twin Flame or can one ha
My Dad sent this too me after I broke up with my girlfriend once again (haha).
When making significant life changes, you should expect many of your relationships to be damaged or concluded.
This is true for any significant
Most people long for a better relationship. One that allows mutual personal growth and supports you in sharing your gifts with the world. For many people this level of support and intimacy remains a dream.
“Is it ^possible^ to love TWO people deeply in your life
at the same time
~Yes you can love more than One
at the same time unconditionally
respectfully, and multidimens
Do you wonder when – or if – you’ll be able to really let go of control, and completely surrender to the flow of life and tap a vast supply of love, possibility and creativity?
You sense that being in true partnership with the Divine is not only possi
I'm having a bad case of the mean reds. Mean reds are when you're scared. Sometimes I don't know why I'm scared, but tonight I know why. My heart is palpitating because I know why.
I had a draining day. I confronted a Melanie Hater (I don't like u
New blog:
The last full moon of 2012 ushers in healing of the genders in relationship ~
Spirituality means different things to different people. In general, however, most men and women will find that being spiritual means holding certain things in life sacred. While some individuals might pursue inner peace and harmony, others will try
The New Earth Energies July 2011
Beloved Family of Light, after the Great Shifts that were experienced in June, you are now in a process of integration and preparation. You a
ok here i go, see i'm writing a book called in the middle, life as a non severe aspi, now i got the out-lay it's going to be informational with little short storie's at the bottom of my experience to better explain things, also mentioning the more se
As we advance in life ,man begins to gain more clarity and ,and many of them move on to things of a spiritual nature and find peace with themselves and with the creator.Each and every moment of their lives.One of the most beautiful things about the c
The energies of this time of Awakening are highlighting Relationships.......especially intimate relating.
This is a key part of The Awakening now.
This is the mirror for growth towards self-love and self ACCEPTANCE.
What a true