Major flooding occurred in Kerala, India traumatizing thousands of people in August 2018. People were evacuated from their homes and put in relief camps for 8 days. When the people In Kuttanad came back from camp, everything was gone. The people ha
unity (30)
Hi everyone,
It has been a warm spring here in South Florida. Still looking to reconnect with my twin flame who might be very far away or nearby. How do you deal with the loss or trying to connect with your twin flame? It is ok I guess to enjoy a soul
Dear One,
I hope your heart is okay and that you are seeing that the light in you will carry you through to every next step of your journey.
The country is, at this moment, grappling with huge emotions and expectations. There are feelings of loss and
Please join the love chain family event and share your talents with the world. It has already traveled to many places including USA, Africa, United Kingdom and India. Create a video of your talent based on the message in the first video on the pinn
Here is a general, all-purpose chant we can do to help a friend, loved one, ourselves, the Earth, everyone on the planet, or everyone everywhere. You can simply focus on whoever you are concerned for while doing the chant. I have used this to 'pray f
Political Platform of GREAT UNITY SOCIALIST REVOLUTIONARY PARTY is Great Holiness - Great Unity Society Doctrine: - -
Great Holiness - Great Unit
When did human beings start considering themselves better than all other living species on the planet? When did we begin to consider other life forms insignificant or beneath us?
Our beautiful earth is, I shake my head as I type this knowing that
Throughout the years, December has always been a very uplifting month. This year, it is not letting us down either. Some of us are already feeling and experiencing the 12/12 portal. As I am writing this message, my left ear keeps pumping like a bass
Hello fellow Ashtarian frequenters. This is not really a informational post, but rather just me throwing out my heart strings in hopes that I can express my self and feel that I have been heard and seen. I am going through a point in my life currentl
MASTER by Dr. Ram Sharma
What is,
in the ownership,
of limitless treasures,
when he doesn`t have,
morality, love and compassion,
pity, patience and bravery,
without these things,
he is like a tree,
without roots,
which neither provide,
shade and shelter to bird
I have two letters written in February and March 2012 shown below. The first letter needs to be shared (actually it needs to go viral) so the second letter gets to the designated person. Once this happens, disclosure will occur (NESARA, sentient bein
Blessings as they are called in our society are a way in which the Divine speaks PERSONALLY to you. ♥
Blessings are your gift from the universal divine energy. Each blessing in your life that you can count today is a gift to you so thankfully love it,
Note: SanJAsKa is a Representative of the Pleiadian High Council & the Pleiadian Council of Nine.
The truth concerning our existence and the assistance we have been giving on your world can no longer be hidden, and revela
The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: Building Unity, Motivating the Public and the Original Intentions of Some Religions
-Channeled through Wes Annac-
The lightening vibrations you are beginning to find within yourselves are signaling the way f
New blog:
The last full moon of 2012 ushers in healing of the genders in relationship ~
I have to agree, it is definitely time to walk the talk!
New Blog at: