goddess (20)
For too many centuries and up to the present moment, women have been like footnotes in history books that no one bothered to read. Confined to a secondary role, they have been cast aside to serve the needs of society and m
Dear Brothers and Sisters
My Dear and Magical girlfriend LQ (Lindsay Quayle) very much needs your help and support - She has been suffering with chronic pain for 10 months and has just now been diagnosed with stage 3 Hodkinson Lympoma - Treatable but
Were we abandoned by are Cosmic mommy and Daddy?
what do you think?
We are calling the sacred sisters (and brothers) who are here to help awaken and rebalance our world. It is time! And this free event is a portal into a new understanding of yourself and our time. Are you a being who recognizes it is time to access a
Intent: My higher self is typing all. Source.
As my eyes closed I began to deeply relax. While my body was listening to the gentle voice of Dr. May, a spiral stair appeared in my eye. Each octave that I was going down was being represented by one year
First hi to everyone!
I recently connected with Isis, the Egyptian goddess. I started experimented with her energy and lead me to the 'Ankh - the key of life' meditation, I feel wonderful when I do it.
If you like, here is the link where I share it.
This morning I woke up with my heart being a wildly productive area of creativity. It was like a golden ball of radiating light, unlimited love, radiating from my heart! My heart was like a sun.
We have delineated the origins of the Power. We have outlined some of the perils of acquiring power and how to protect oneself on that path. The Avatars have intended us to explore the nature of power as an aspect of the path to Ascension. We have al
- We live within the confines of nature and abide by her laws.
- The measure of life lived is creation beyond one’s self.
- Every event which has taken place will occur again.
- Given the infinite nature of time, every possible configuration will come to be
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the year 2012. This year has been anticipated, worldwide, in almost all cultures for decades, if not centuries. And through her grace, we are entering it on the coat tails of our beloved Divine Mother. She has scooped us up a
source website: www.wavesofbliss.com // www.nasrinsafai.com
September 2011
Dear Friends,
Our love and prayers extend to everyone who was impacted by Hurricane Irene. We ask every
The Mother Speaks
I woke up this morning in conversation, finally, with the Mother, the Mother of Earth, the Mother of All, the Mother of Creation. Its not often I get to speak with her, but I heard her clearly. She gave me downloads, as I call th
Dear Friends,
February is the month that we celebrate our anniversary with Metatron. As the Guardian of all Elemental Beings, Metatron plays an enormous role in reconnecting us with the Elementals, fairies, divas, gnomes, leprechauns and all nature
The Highest divinity is Unconditional Love, Supreme Bliss, Pure Enlightenment, Perfect Purity, Highest Love, All wisdom, All knowing, All power, Everywhere and Eternal. It is the creator of all things and Loves everything and everyone unconditionally
Prior to it's adoption by the Christians, the Pagan celebration o