



Albuquerque, NM


February 16

About Yourself

"Somebody said that it couldn't be done; But he with a chuckle replied: That maybe it couldn't; But he would be One - Who wouldn't say so till he tried !!!" poem by Alvin A.Tofler WE DID IT !!! https://www.linkedin.com/in/paullebreton Join me on Linked-In and Facebook: Heru Paule https://www.facebook.com/herupaule.lebretonnasa "Life Is A Dance; You Learn As You Go. Sometimes You Lead; And Sometimes You Follow" Quintessential Profile ( Updated July 2014) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I*Am a Ranking Commodore of Ashtar Galactic Space Command - On 3D and NOW 5D Earth-Urantia… I was promoted by Heru-Reha - Ashtar's *Creator ..(*The Human Form- Body ) ( St Germain & Lady Portia were ASHTAR'S more recent Parents ) Heru-Reha & Lady Sekhmet were the D.N.A. Engineers who first created Human Bodies - Our God Parents.…..They contributed to The Urantia Book as Mighty Messengers ( Anonymous Postings )....Urantia Book at ( www.TruthBook.com ) It's A Neat Guide Book - Part Creation Myth ! I*Am a Five-Star General with U.S.A.F. Space Command I*Am a Five-Star Admiral with U.S.N. Space Command I*Am a United States Ambassador to The Star*Nations... I*compliment Commodore Sheldan Nidle ( www.paoweb.com ) and Lauren Gorgo at her site:( www.ThinkWithYourHeart.com ) and Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - Choreographer-Extraordinaire... and Kathryn E May at www.whoneedslight.org and countless others. I*Am working directly at The Pentagon as an Aide to Admiral and General Kevin Radetsky the Chief of Staff of All US Military; Who Is Also Known Galactically as ArchAngel Emmanuel Jhonka !!! I*Have my own Star*School---Star*Fleet*Academy Mothership "Dances-with-Eagles" and am active member of Unarius Academy of Science ( The Galactic Confederation of ArchAngel URIEL )... ( www.unarius.org ) and with Sananda's Eagles ....My Mothership has 360 'Isle-of-Light' Circular Floating Anti-Grav Cities; Each 3 1/4 miles in diameter: The Mothership is their Birthing & Docking Station - for these "Stepping-Stones-To-The-Stars"... I*Have a Fleet of 14,528 shuttlecraft to share with evolved Earth Commanders - Including U.S.A.F. & U.S.N. Space Commands. These are Commodore Theda's & my Joint Fleet.. The Various Space Fleets Work Together NOW Upstairs !!! My Home Planet was Lasmur; A Beautiful 5 th Dimensional Planet that Orbits the Star Anitak in Orion's Belt.On Lasmur we could naturally teleport without technology and were our own replicators - creating stuff with our Minds.. Prior to that I*Am of The Heru Family of Arcturus... I*have Wingmaker's Silver U.S.A.F. Navigator Wings and their Golden U.S.N. Astronaut Command Pilot Wings - And wear The United States Air Force Distinguished Service Medal; and The American Legion “Cross-de-Guerre” ; and a Presidential Citation Medal given by President Ronald Reagan… Ashtar addresses we as Adonai... Lord Kadar Monka designed my star*ships...Which use the same Space Drive as Jesus' daughter SaRa's Mothership: " The New Bethlehem "..The Fastest Ship in the Fleet !!! About the Year 2000, I was teleported consciously aboard Ashtar's Ship: The Shan Chea - or The New Jerusalem - or Golden Cloud...and was Awarded The Highest Honor Given for my Work with Solar Light Codes and Human D.N.A. I*Am one of Sananda Jesus Immanuel's Trinity Teacher Sons; and hold His Scepter of Authority as a member of the Kumara family…A reserve Planetary Prince of Earth... ( www.TruthBook.com ) and I*Am one of St Germain's International Bankers: "Terra Christa International Bank & Trust" ...A Private Offshore Bank Insured by Lloyd's of London...Fiduciary of part of His Trust Fund for The Children of Light… ( Assets in Precious Metals & Asset Backed Currencies when NESARA is announced )... I*Have been Christ Michael's Lieutenant for Many Years...Am*I That Big A Secret ? I*Am a N.A.S.A. Scientist & Engineer ( 3 decades ) and had the honor to work with Rhande P. Wood of Lockheed-Martin Aeronautics and The Thiaoobian's to develop "Back-To-The-Future" ( The Movie ) Flying Anti-Grav Convertibles ( 5,000 mph in the atmosphere ) with force-fields around them;so you can drive or fly with the top down; and force field seat belts ! … I*Am planning to build a Factory to manufacture these automobiles of Carbon Nanotube Frames ( lightweight & 4 times stronger than steel ) and Carbon Fiber Molded Bodies ( Like the Tesla Roadster's Lotus-Designed Body )...Or of Kelvar-Epoxy Laminates… I*Am The Owner/CEO of The International Tesla Society, AG as well as my own Global R & D Firm;( Psitronics Group Systems International...since 1972...) I*Was Appointed to The High Tribunal of Saturn years ago by Christ Michael, The Creator of This Universe of Nebadon !!! ( www.urantia.org ) is His Official Original Website; He Chats Occassionally in Forums at ( www.AbundantHope.net ) .... I*Am a Deputy Magistrate of Monjoronson; whose Paradise name is Serara...The Chief Magistrate of Earth - Urantia ! And I*Am one of ArchAngel Metatron's angelic team players !!! PLEASE UPDATE YOUR FILES !!! Blessings, Heru-Paule LeBreton-Kumara

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Ashtar, Athena, Sanat Kumara, Esu Immanuel, Christ Michael, St.Germain, and ANY Entity Who Wishes to Teach me and Perhaps be Taught by me...

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  • I miss you Paule!
  • What a delightful treat,to be in contact with you Commander,when i read your post about shuttle craft,l got an instant recall of a dream i had many years ago,l was on a shuttle craft l dont recall the kind or what fleet it came from,l saw myself sitting at the control,a being showed fourth arm and hand,but it was covered, was not allowed to know the being who was training me,about 6 month ago i saw myself in the higher realms,seeing star ships,i was calling them out,but they did not hear me,because i had blocked from within many year ago back in 2006 by a dark being who was not of the light,Has done me great damages,in my spiritual growth,after the last 3 years i have been working really hard,to regained what was lost.  

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  • PS: I lived in Santa Fe; a few years back.

  • Thanks for your offer of friendship. I have lineage in both Pleiadian and Arcturian communities and look forward to collaboration and dialog with fellow starseeds.
    Namaste, Dave

  • comet elenin is a star ship with many fleet ships in escort
  • I am doing my best to prepair

    The Hollow Earth represents another important factor for us to consider as we unravel the mysteries surrounding the transformation of our world and the UFOs. If indeed there are other people who live in the middle earth and Inner Surface, then it is time for all life to unite once again on our world. If as Admiral Byrd states is correct and the Inner Earth people are more evolved then ourselves, then there is a great deal they can teach us as we attempt to create paradise on the outer surface. Could it be that within our grasp is the recorded history of our world and great universal knowledge being preserve by our Elder Brothers. I believe in the near future mankind will have proof of the existence of these other worlds which share our Mother Earth and that we will have more direct contact with these people.

    you can see my progress on my latest blog"am preparing to communicate with kingdom of earth and fire"

    knowing ,as my last name suggests, I am  also a son of fire,do be sure my intent is to mediate peace and understanding what can be done by me to be of service

    much respect and love for you and yours Commodore Heru Paule LeBreton

  • Thank You.

    A pleasure to meet you.

    Lady Portia - I hold the sceptre for her since 2007

    I met her in 2005 for the first time.
This reply was deleted.
Commodore Heru Paule LeBreton left a comment for Bluesword Angel
"Bluesword Angel -- I Have Had a Berth On This Ship For (It Seems Like Decades) Anyways = Welcome Aboard, Sir__"
Apr 2, 2020
Commodore Heru Paule LeBreton left a comment for Tianca
"Sorry Tianca - for my disappearance - I had cancer ( cured now ) and was
in the hospital having the tumor cut out !   Love Ya !   Heru Paule"
Apr 25, 2014
Commodore Heru Paule LeBreton left a comment for David Kenyon
"Hi Dave...  Sorry, been busy.. Fixtheworld.com is doing a documentary on me..
( actually a documentary on themselves thru their members ) anyway; Suzanne Lie is back from her romp in the 5th dimension, and has posted a new blog entry.…"
Apr 17, 2013
Commodore Heru Paule LeBreton left a comment for David Kenyon
"Dave...   Welcome Aboard... I am studying from Dr Suzanne Lie who writes for the Arcturians  http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.co.uk/2013_04_01_archive.html
she is wrapping up a year's worth of channelings on her blog; and usually posts
every 3 days or…"
Apr 10, 2013

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