Star Magic cosmic codes of consciousness, when used in a creative way, is very effective for rapid results that transfer to any facet of life which is ready for healing. We live in a ‘quantum’ energy reality where we can affect change with our willpo
pleiadian (53)
Dear Brothers and Sisters
My Dear and Magical girlfriend LQ (Lindsay Quayle) very much needs your help and support - She has been suffering with chronic pain for 10 months and has just now been diagnosed with stage 3 Hodkinson Lympoma - Treatable but
We quite enjoy connecting with humanity and giving you updates related to the ongoing evolution of your world, as you’ve existed under veils and limitations that enforce separation from the Divine realms of consciousness
The following is a message given by the Pleiadian High Council, which I read aloud during Maarten Horst’s ET-First Contact radio show. The PHC address the listeners, as well as the host of the show himself.
With greetings
Every one of you is a Divine channel for the energies of the higher realms to come through, and we’ve always wished for you dear souls to know this.
We‘ve always wished for you to understand that you come from brimming hig
Wes Annac: Hello on this beautiful evening, dear friends. Per a (not-so) recent discussion with a Galactic soul on a certain radio show, I’d like to request some more information about the healing and cleansing work you’re doing in our skies.
The Plei
Along your way of working to awaken the collective of humanity, you’ve met and will meet certain obstacles and things that seem to stand in your way of sufficiently anchoring the Light and spreading the truth you’ve have
You are learning to sharpen your focus as your perceptions begin to broaden quite exponentially, and along your magnificent Earthly journeys you’ve experienced the difficulty that we’ve long wished to assist you with in a
Note: It’s my twentieth birthday today (May 27). I give this message from the Pleiadians with exuberant happiness and Love.
The awakening of the collective of humanity is proceeding quite marvelously, though we know tha
We spend a vast amount of your “time” to borrow that term from our channel’s mind, working aboard our ships for your planet and for a plethora of other planets and realms actively involved in the ascension of the Universe
Your mainstream media will still not yet report the progress humanity as a collective is making with the purging of the dark souls from your collective society and influence, and this is because such media is still largel
Greetings, dearest souls, I am SanJAsKa speaking for our Council of Nine. You continue to make the strides and progress that you are becoming famous for, and as the Earth experience tests your faith and resolve we note th
The following is an automatic writing-based “interview” with the Pleiadian High Council.
Wes Annac: Greetings on this beautiful day, dear friends. Per your suggestion at the end of our last communication, I would like to ask you about the underground
Wes Annac: Greetings to you on this day, dear friends. I’m wondering if you could give us a general update in relation to the delivering of disclosure and the truth of your existence.
The Pleiadian High Council: With Love and admiration for each of y
Topics Include: reptilians ~ invocations ~ emotional vampiries ~ personal stories ~ healing advice
"When you begin to sense a bad “vibe” something happens on the physical level. It may be a slight soreness in your throat, a feeling of agida (coming fr
This hub has been greatly revised and updated for 2012 /2013. It includes a survey poll that allows the reader to record their responses, being that this hub gets
As you have begun to hear much about the technology you will be given and the technology onboard our ships as well, it is necessary to explain the abilities of some of these technologies that you have not quite yet heard
★ Beloved Ones, we wish to make you aware-if you are not already-that you have shifted into an era of instantaneous manifestation and answered prayer. The linear time frame between the setting of intent and materialization is scant now. This window
Continued from Part 2
A walk-in is a soul of the higher realms who arranges to come to the surface of the Earth without incarnating and taking a number of years on Her surface, and the arrangements that are usually made are those of a walk-in soul co
Continued from Part 1
I can remember and feel the impressions of the end of a Life which seemed to be very calm. I can remember myself as an old man, with a wife with whom I had been with for a long time. My musings tell me that this wife was my twin