8110739668?profile=originalThis is something we get asked continually, "When is Ascension?", "When is First Contact?", "When is The Event?".

I wonder if people have any idea how long these questions have been asked? This whole idea that a day or a series of events would come along to solve humanity's problems is ancient, it can be found in Zoroastrianism which predates Judaism. And this belief that it's all going to happen "soon", do you know how long people have believed this? It's part of the bible, so at the very least around 2,000 years, probably much longer.

For thousands of years this day has been predicted over and over and over again, and yet it hasn't come. Even today, we seem to get a new prediction of when "it" will happen at least once a week. It's a shortcut to popularity by predicting something will happen, people like that. We see the stats on our site, and we know how popular those messages are. People really want to believe this, and I wonder if they're conscious of the same patterns repeating over and over again?

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

We've watched more of these predictions fail than I care to count. Even now, I know there's at least one prediction of something happening sometime this week, and another predicting something 8 days from when I write this. So easy it is to just believe someone else and wait, but is that how real change occurs? How long have people tried this for?

His disciples said to him, "When is the Kingdom going to come?"
Jesus said, "It is not by waiting for it that it will come. No one will say, 'Here it is' or 'There it is.' Rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out over the earth, and people do not see it."
Gospel of Thomas 113

What's a better source of telling where humanity's consciousness is at? Looking at the way they actually behave, or believing a channeler? The fact that we rely upon channelers to tell us where we're at, instead of looking and seeing for ourselves, says a whole lot about where humanity's consciousness is at.

Is humanity ready? Well, ready for what exactly? I know a lot of people think ETs are going to come share advanced technology with Humanity, yet I don't believe the ETs are that dumb. You don't give a gun to a 3 year-old, and you certainly don't give something capable of far more destruction to a race of beings who demonstrate daily they're not ready for that level of responsibility. How many wars do you think are happening right now, how often do people still kill each other? The more naive might believe the world is at peace right now, or there's only a couple isolated wars. I count 43 wars that have had at least some killing since 2013, and there's around 20,000+ deaths from these in 2014 alone. Is this a race of beings ready for Higher Consciousness?

On the internet, we have the ability to search the whole world for news stories, and cherry-pick only what we want to hear. You can believe the people in countries like Egypt are "waking up", standing up for themselves and doing something about a corrupt government. We even reported about this on the Galactic Free Press. Now that they have a new government, do you know what it's up to? Have you heard the recent news? They're planning mass executions, how incredibly barbaric! An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and I do not have much hope for the new Egyptian government when they behave just like the old one. Revolutions are often like that, ones that make substantially progress instead of just keeping people spinning in circles seem to be the rarity. I wont even get into the horrors happening now in places like South Sudan and Syria.

Is this what it looks like when humanity is ready for "ascension"? I don't believe that, collectively you would begin creating Heaven on Earth, not killing each other and poisoning the Planet. Even now when the incredible corruption of the business, banks and governments has been revealed, they still get to operate like they're "above the law". Collectively, people have reacted with apathy. They don't want to look at the ugly reality of what humans are doing, they want someone else to come fix things. So many people are waiting for an honest politician to come fix things, religious people are waiting for God to come fix things, new agers are waiting for ETs to come fix things. Meanwhile, the mess grows bigger while everyone waits for someone else to come clean it up.

This whole myth of external salvation is part of what keeps people apathetic and complacent. Every day I see it though, people claiming someone or something is coming along with the solution to all our problems. Meanwhile I don't see much lessening of our problems, at least collectively. The world's drama goes back and forth, progression happens, but so does regression.

Part of this disease is people believing it's up to a single person to fix the whole world. Often people believe that they're the "Chosen one" with the "solution". I personally know multiple people who believe they're the second coming of Jesus, the new "world teacher" or the Matreiya. It's a common delusion, and one our society actually encourages. People want someone else to come along and fix their life, to tell them exactly what to do. This is a form of ignorance, it stems from people not wanting to take personal responsibility, yet all the unauthentic religious and spiritual teachers encourage it.

You're not going to fix the world through avoiding personal responsibility. The world you have now is a result of what this collectively creates. You are responsible for the way your life is, not someone or something else, and when the majority of people really understand this, they'll start creating the world they've always wanted. They'll realize what a beautiful Planet they're already living on, and human beings will reflect that beauty instead of working to destroy it.

To some, it may seem like I don't believe in ascension, but this isn't true at all. What I don't believe is that the current behaviors of Humanity are going to get them there. There is slow progress being made, but it's not the kind of radical transformation yet that brings people to God. Collectively you're still inching forward, and when people are truly ready for Peace, they will collectively be choosing Love, not the fear that's still being spread.

I'm not even sure what exactly is meant by "ascension" for most people, it seems to me this idea seems caught up in the Christian religion. People want this day to come when all the "evil" people get what's coming to them, and the "good" people rise up to Heaven. To me, ascension is the realization that you never left Heaven, and it's the reawakening into your own Multi-Dimensional Nature. You don't need to go anywhere or wait for anything, in fact doing those will just push Heaven further away. Individually, you can choose this for yourself right now, though don't expect it to happen overnight. It's a process, and it's far more about living your own Life than expectation or beliefs.

When people are ready for ascension they will actively be creating Heaven on Earth, they wont be just believe and wait for it to come. Waiting and believing isn't really change, it's repeating the same mistakes of the past over and over again. I wonder if it has occurred to people that perhaps the ones who don't want change are the ones telling people it's coming soon and they just have to wait for it? It's a wonderful recipe for slowing real change, even politicians use it. Remember when Obama was the "change we can believe in"? And yet the U.S. government is remarkably similar to what it was before, in some aspects even worse.

I wonder if the "new age" movements are even really growing now? I know when 2012 didn't bring the changes so many were spiritual teachers and channelers were promising, a lot of people got very discouraged. I often see people getting fed up and leaving after putting so much faith in a failed prediction. These types of things seem to create division just as much as they unite people. I feel much of the "new age" movement is working to create new religions and belief systems instead of real change.

On the Galactic Free Press we learn though, we don't just try to repeat the same failed patterns again. We've switched focus recently to the kinds of messages that encourage personal transformation instead of faith in some channeler and their predictions. As a result, we're quite a bit less popular, I've noticed people would rather be told when the "new world" is coming instead of how they can work to create it. This speaks volumes about whether or not people are really ready for the Higher Realms.

So when is "it" coming, this miraculous thing that fixes our lives? For the people that didn't just wait for it to come, for the proactive people, the ones who understand what it really means to be a human being, Heaven already Here. There's nothing keeping you away except for what you believe in your own mind, what you hold on to yourself, what you alone are responsible for.

When will it happen collectively? So long as humanity perpetuates the current patterns they're in, it's not going to happen. They could break out of those chains tomorrow, or it could take a thousand years, I don't really know. What I do know though is that repeating the same patterns isn't working, and that the spiritual community can do a whole lot more to help things along than just waiting and believing.

His disciples said to him, "When will the rest for the dead take place, and when will the new world come?"
He said to them, "What you are looking forward to has come, but you don't know it."
Gospel of Thomas 51


The Galactic Free Press
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  • Perfection is the Balance between: the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, unconscious mind and the high mind, when these 4 minds are joined together in balance this then creates the Monadic Mind. When we "let go" of the ego, we allow the birthing of the Monadic Mind and one becomes a fully conscious being, also known as "christed" - http://au.blurb.com/b/4541328-the-perfection-mirror

  • Ascension is coming when you heal yourself, thats the truth, go look in the mirror and you will see your "savior"

  • I have faith in Jesus. He will reach out to all who decide to loose their negative and be in their heart, loving. No UFOs, no fake messiahs, just the Son of God. Only he can "fix" this shit we're in. I have quit listening/reading to any New Age info, any channeling. I'm done with this as I see the deception, a very clever one. I've started to read the New Testament. It's proven to be amazing so far. Thank you God for that! People were tired from religion so chief of darkness Satan gave them an alternative, a new one. No thank you! The words Jesus put in that New Testament, are really powerful. A thousand times more powerful than any Sananda text i've read, which mostly sounds like some kind of juvenile PR. There is no ascension, no shift, no mass awakening, this is all a false New Age promise of some miraculous auto triggered mass awakening. There is the end of time we've been allowed to figure out, what we really are and what we stand for. And that shall be made after the Judgement Day. Watchout for Pope Francis and his ecumenical mission trying to unite all religions. Paving the way for the soon to come anti-christ. But don't worry, he will look very angelic, full of light. Just like Sananda! And billions shall fall for him and his authority. Don't be fooled my friends. Before salvation, there must be judgement, there is no other way!

    • Hi Paul222, I believe in Jesus too. You may find useful to handle these issues in a constructive way, if you look up somebody like Jean Riseman and RA-info. Wishing you to make life positive, love wins.

    • Thomas told you.  ......and also, look to the stars, the extra sun has already showed itself. .....the moon.  i am a moony [moon watcher].  no denying.  scared the heck out of a friend of mine.  good person, just needs to redress to grow profound.  ...christ michael's last message on Candices site, .... he tells it like he sees it.  ...right now, no one is more scared then NASA, and the National Weather Stations. 

  • I more or less  quit posting here and elsewhere due to people hanging onto the shirttails of some belief in the others, when in fact it is about the "self".  Folks seem to think first of our containers, our bodies and then look for a more romantic concept of the soul.  Like  I came from some exotic star.  Hell, just being here is exotic enough, it is damn dangerous to our bodies and the pain and good emotions are in the extreme.

    I and some others look inside for answers, we pay attention to our visions, our dreams and our intuition and less to what someone else says, whether that is from a channeling or just from self proclaimed self importance.  I read all this, but never put any of it on my mental calendar.  I have had dreams and then I have had showings.  Some of those showings were of an ascension, but symbolic in nature which is a fine thing.  It allows me to reach out and think for myself, to remain flexible.  I would share these, but certainly cannot assure anyone they will come to pass, nor will my intuitive interpretations be accurate for others.  

    Yes, I have seen a depopulated earth, been told there will be a separation of loved ones and a great  reunion after a time.  There will be an earth healing and an ascension of sorts.  This symbolically happens like an opening or gate, somewhat magic to ourselves.  In one it was an opening of a farm gate to a greater world beyond.  In another it was like a portal opening and select persons and animals allowed through.  

    In another I saw it as the masses uniting in mind as one and taking down the corporate/banking elite structure, initially killing those of the elite as they smugly believed themselves safe.  Then the world seemed to dissolve and all found themselves on a new world, one of the elite, a woman fell to her knees and cried at the beauty of it,  also transformed in spirit with the world.  So how the hell do you believe any of this, it is symbolic but  houses within some basic truths, transformation is as much spiritual and more than the physical, that is the only constant here. 

    A few times I was out of body, I found this 3 D reality to be more a mirage and less real then the other side.  Imagine walking up to a door and realize it did not exist and then walking through what we believe to be solid matter, it is not!  This world I believe can be transformed, it is malleable, it is energy only and is subject to our thoughts.  If mankind united in mind and soul this truth would be known.   A few years ago, I practiced telekinesis and got good at it.  When another was near me, they learned from our closeness, our communication on a higher level and could do the same as I.  When they were away in their homes, it stopped.  This sharing on another level frightens those whom controls.  One day, one of us will be the catalyst that ignites us all and then there will be the change we seek.

    In another more than a dream of late, I learned something else.  We, all of us need to gamble our beliefs and lives, we need to believe in our own power.  I was given great energy that night, then I flew and stopped all things from being used to kill others.  Joy ensued at that point, those whom were soldiers were rejoicing, stomping bombs into little pieces, throwing guns away.  We opened our doors to those whom were the enemy and found they were our brothers and our children, they were confused but ate with us as one.  Again, this is symbolic and is possible, but the power is within us, not others, it is us humans here on earth whom has the power for change.

    I have wrestled from a waking state with others while not in this body, been marked on one occasion.  Yes there is conflict on other levels and many of you perhaps have been there, you waken exhausted, staggering in the morning from your efforts, you are waging this conflict if you know it or not.  I was at the edge of our world, the fine line between our atmosphere and space and was being held back by another.  I got angry and backed this being off, he/it backed away. You see, we have power, we are also creators, but not so wise in the astral for we surly don't have our memories back in that state.  As a side note, I went into this out of body experience from the conscious, not a dream state.  To further this, I went further out and found a tangible barrier in space, one like Jello shimmering there, supported by small balls of energy which startled me so much my wife pulled me back into body for the second time that night.  I was told not to go beyond by my guide or someone else at this finding.  Some of us are trapped here for some reason, perhaps that is to transform or perhaps not.  So much is not known, but the battle is on many levels and yes, we are trapped here, but mostly in body, most are sleeping.

  • Blessings for your honesty and very clear explanation "Journey of the Heart" LOVE

  • When is ascension coming....??


    I suspect you mean, when is mass ascension coming....as ascension has been occuring on an individual basis for millennia....One famous example was the ascension of Djwhal Khul, the Tibetan, who ascended to the 5th degree, in 1875 AD....And as he chose the path of earth service, he returned to serve in that capacity, within Master KH's ashram...taking disciples under his wing, such as Alice Bailey...

    Ascension liberates the man/woman incarnated from planetary bondage and opens the doorway to cosmic initiations...There are four cosmic degrees above ascension.


    Ascension is one of five planetary degrees......the final one. Thus well symbolised by the sign of the microcosm, the pentacle...a single line of vision, comprising five stages of initiation....


    Now, for the first time since Atlantis, ascension is to be offered to humanity en mass.......An Aquarian group event...under the law of divine grace.....

    A grace which waives much karma, with divine mercy.....much as does the violet flame of my Master...


    The mass ascension will occure, when humanity is ready and that will be when humanity, en mass, has been relocated within this planet and awaits the divine moment, within LIGHT CHAMBERS....Then a mass ascension will be happening.

  • Excellent post Will!  I and obviously many others like me (according to the responses below) totally agree with you Will.  It's time for Humanity as a whole - to "step up to the plate" and start sending them "outa here".  Don't wait for someone else to come along and step in for you.  It's time too it together & for yourselves.  Rather than instantly reacting with hostility to what someone does or says - try and 1st listen - and then try and respond with a loving calm demeanor rather than with negative emotions and you will find - if you treat someone lovingly - aka - respond with love, as opposed to a hostile attitude - who comes at you with a negative attitude - the majority of the time they will return the niceness you're attempting to display to them.  OMG - that's the "Law of Attraction" = Nice attracts Nice!  Try it, the next time someone tries to be mean or inject negativity into any situation - if you react with positivity & love (no matter how hard it is to do - do it!), it will be nearly impossible for the other person to respond with anything other than the same.  Just try it - you'll be pleasantly surprised.  Go ahead, I dare ya!!!:)

  • the usual analysis repeated endlessly, confident that "we're not ready" and will not ever, to be ready and hassle are the so called people spiritual must hide for criticizing the humans to hold them and talk of their "evil"! The shame of spiritual beings unpunished ' and ' a vegogna much higher to all humans unaware handled used criminalized victims do not of themselves but of occult spiritual beings maneuvers without heart and without love! I don't think anybody comes to save us but I think if someone comes comes to sfruttarci is to use us to get the benefits from human exploitation, as they did from before 2000 years- God knows and if I am here it's because GOD wants it, you don't know but I have to tell you that: God is here AMONG US! who is it??? be if he wants you will present to you, however we know all know ' what you think and what you do, then I say is whatever it is, there is little to have a single, if return all BLOCKED NOW POWERS ALL HUMANS the SPIRITUAL WORLD's days are numbered ... .... and a spiritual world: angels, archangels, ASCENDED MASTERS (fleeing), Saints, PRIESTS, priests, knows well that humans DO NOT FORGIVE! for this reason you do not see ... ... ... we fear ... ... THEY FEAR OUR REVENGE! There will be definitely. GREETINGS

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