

Personality Test: Find Your Eye Color in the Picture

 - Read below what each color represent.
"The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul." – Ralph Waldo Emerson.


As each of us is different, so is the color of our eyes. An eye color depends on the amount and type of pigments in the eye’s iris. It is an inherited trait influenced by more than one gene. Eye colors can vary from the least common, green, to the most common color, brown. Unusual eye colors: red, black, or the appearance of violet is from rare genetic mutations. Others say that the color of the eyes could give you a hint of that person’s personality as some had associated it with meanings. Let’s now get to know what each color represent.

1. Blue Eyes

Those with blue eyes may indicate a person that is forceful and direct; has an enormous energy, and a gift for insight and observation.

2. Green Eyes

Those with green eyes can indicate a compassionate person that’s full of energy, and has enormous creativity as well as the gift of healing.

3. Gray Eyes

Those with gray eyes may indicate a sensitive and restrained person who is attuned to the unseen and whose ability puts them several steps ahead of the crowd.

4. Brown Eyes

Those with brown eyes may indicate a strong and independent person.

5. Hazel Eyes

Hazel is a combination of the compassion and healing qualities of green, the fluidity and sensitivity of gray, the inner strength and independence of brown, and the intense vitality of blue.  Hazel eyes indicate a person who can represent all of these qualities.

6. Black Eyes

Those with black eyes may indicate a clever, sensual, and secretive person.

7. Violet Eyes

Those with violet eyes can indicate a noble and refined person who is both a natural leader and seeker of spiritual truth.

Science of course has a different explanation about the eyes. It may vary in color and strength, but it has always been our best asset for it is the gemstone of the body, and the window of our emotions.


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  • Well, the normal and natural colour is grey, BUT, my eyes can also change colour, depending on circumstance....Blue, green and even VIOLET, as this link describes....
    That photo is not me, of course, but an attractive lady..With the exact shade of violet I have sometimes noted, especially in ET contact situations, when subject to ET technologies...

    Violet Eyes...? - It's A Bit Shocking, But Interesting
    Contact Report 5th November 2021
  • My eyes are grey and slightly blue

  • i would really like to see a picture of that, my good friend has hazel eyes that look like liquid gold, i can't even picure yours


  • i have gray eyes. This is very interesting to me, and I have never understood the eyes this way.


  • Third-Eye-Receiving.png



    • Yeah, Peter is great!

    • Stick:  LOVE Peter Gabrial, especially his video about "shedding my skin". Oh, my god!  He's an old man now!  Haven't seen him since the 80's.

  • “The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me;

    my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, One Love.” ~Meister Eckhart



    Temet Nosce Ashtar Massive!... Let Me Show You The World In My Eyes... 

    oh yeah, & mine are Brown ;-)

    ( ( ( UnityConsciousnessRising247 ) ) )  

    • cool tunes. Will check them out on youtube


  • 8114848294?profile=originalMy eyes in different light change colour (grey, hazel, blue) some people say. I know I have a yellow ring around the pupils and star shape smears.8114849069?profile=original

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