Anything Health Related

While out on one of my walks the idea of starting a page on here that gets into anything health came to mind and since we post health related videos on the comment wall all the time I figured why not start a health discussion page. All our welcome as usual to post on here. 

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  • It is a fact that ascended beings possess physical bodies that require proper nourishment, while being able to vector interdimensionally, using merkaba and also technology....In fact DNA has aspects that exist on the higher planes, as well as physicality....

    Do ETs eat foodstuffs containing starches, carbohydrates, sugar and all the Earth type foods, which can cause obesity and illness...?? The answer is, they digest only quality foods, containing what we can approximate to the ketogenic diet, BUT, can eat "bad" foods, including very sweet fruit, or alcohol, while not having to digest such food, using a technology that was developed within the GFL star nations, millennia ago and originally designed to allow diplomatic protocol with planetary tribes and ancient cultures, across the universe, including Earth, which might involve the tribal chief, or King, offering local food, to his guests from the stars....The Mayans, as one example among many, visited by offworld civilisations, engaged in diplomacy......
    Offerings made to "gods," by the ancient Sumerians and others...Albeit, those temple offerings were never eaten by the ET guest, simply dematerialised, while the priests were not present...

    The food offfered might be impure, or contain bacteria, or toxic plants, carbohydrates and starches..It might have been prepared with unclean hands, in an unclean kitchen....(no disrespect to Sumerians, Mayans, Toltecs or Aztecs..)
    It might have been cooked, leaving some parasite.....such as tapeworm...There have been events in which deliberate attempts to poison ET guests, have been conducted.

    What I'm suggesting is that in modern times, ETs are still visiting backward planets, in which diplomacy may be practiced and the necessity of consuming officially gifted food, may be required of star nation representatives...

    It is well known on Earth, not to refuse such food, lest one offends the host...As it is on other worlds, also...
    Yet, star nation diplomats are still required to follow the protocols and eat of the offerings.....So how can this be done, safely and healthily, in all circumstances....?

    The answer is a technology which has long been in existence and is even used to allow private parties to be conducted safely, by star people, among themselves..
    This also explains why some of Sheldan Nidle's accounts, suggest that ETs, such as the Arcturians, may enjoy the flavours of starchy fruits....Something that would not normally be digested, but could be eaten....The answer is simple and was provided to me today, in conversation....

    The name of the purplish fruit, with an orange pith and stone, eaten by M'Zupa, is the "gorad." It is starchy and has a very sweet succulence...She did confide in the young Sheldan (when he was a boy and asked her,) that she had a weakness for this "favourite" flavour...
    But what she did not tell the young Sheldan at the time, was that although she enjoyed the flavour and could extract vril directly through the tongue, of this fruit, she could swallow it, without it entering her stomach, using a device used by the diplomatic shiratars of her homeworld...And being a medical team professional, it was of importance that she kept herself healthy, in spite of what she ate, or appeared to eat and enjoy....

    The technological device is very similar to the "sonic shower," that has been mentioned before, in that it can dematerialise targeted atomic structures, including molecules forming the compounds that comprise certain foodstuffs...including any hidden bacterias, viruses, moulds, fungi, parasites, bugs, toxins, et al....

    And the device is worn as a compact amulet on a necklace, so around the neck and adjustable, analysing any food entering the esophagus and dematerialising it, as it moves down towards the stomach...Thus it never reaches the stomach...and so, is never digested....

    The Sirian name for this technological marvel, is "modarin gurixiter." And like the sonic shower process, it removes all targeted impurities, in this case, food stuffs eaten, but not consumed....

    These food protection instruments allow diplomatic missions to backward visited cultures, to proceed safely, keeping diplomatic missions healthy and free of complications...And is also used by ETs when they wish to eat produce, such as something that "tastes good," without actually consuming said produce...

    Our current medical technology could label this as a type of gastric bypass...Albeit, no surgery and ill effects result....Food may be consumed, freely, while wearing the mentally activated modarin gurixiter....
    In practice, most ET star people do not use such devices for private consumption of food, simply because of some craving for that flavour...However, there are moments of childish admissions, made to young and interested minds, as with young Sheldan, when a joyful and infrequent pleasure may be admitted to...As with M'Zupa and her gorad....And I'm told that she does find her admission to be somewhat frivolous, at the time of revealing it, albeit, possesses a small kernel of truth....But, only by using the modarin gurixiter, is she able to maintain a slim stature....In fact I have never seen a fat ET....Not ever...And now you know why....;-)

    The device described in the Sirian language, as a "modarin gurixiter," is a small and silver, metallic sphere, with a rod passing through it, horizontally, on a necklace chain, which resembles a silvery grey, flexible cord....It glows when actively analysing and dematerialising...within the sonic field actuation....
    Primarily used by star nation diplomats, it can also be used by star people engaged in private parties, in which they may enjoy eating and drinking produce, which they do not seek to digest, as well....Which means an ET wearing the modarin gurixiter, could drink 50-shots of cognac, scotch, or vodka and still retain complete sobriety and explains how some ETs visiting Earth humans offering wines, spirits and beers, can be sociable, while maintaining their good health, free of any ill effects...
  • Getting into weight loss here and why some people have trouble losing weight. Along with Dr. Bergs advice I would also say get some long walks in if you have time. In conclusion what helps is fasting, exercising, and if possible a healthier diet Keto diet or Carnivore diet.
  • The Dutch government has many individuals who are definitely going to be in the next Nuremberg trials.
  • This gets into the con that is the plant based diet and how the powers that be don't want us eating meat. The powers that be have already made it clear they want us eating bugs so of course they will go after meat and try to make it seem like it's bad for us.
  • More benefits of fasting as seen here. This gets into how fasting helps when dealing with infections.
  • Good to see the Covid scam continues to be exposed. Kansas Attorney Genereal Kris Kobach is taking action against Pfizer and is suing them for misleading claims. As we all know these vaccines are dangerous and these companies know they are as well, but they continue to lie to us everyday and they keep trying to force them on us. ttps://
  • Fasting and how it combats all autoimmune diseases.
  • There is a rather childish notion being circulated, by uneducated new agers, who are uninformed, that ET ascended masters (those on cosmic degrees,) do not eat food and instead "absorb light," only..Or, they only eat fruit and "absorb light"....(Note that vril/prana can be gleaned from certain types of seed fruits and vegetables, but that is not digested, to obtain, but sparks directly into the neurological system, via the tongue.) However, fruit alone cannot sustain life, as the body needs essential fatty acids and essential amino acids, with which to maintain function..Bodily structures and hormones, also, which are made to order, if the correct raw materials are provided...

    So absorbing light, or eating fruit alone, is incorrect, as any ascended being will still require the need to manifest a form, or mayavirupa, body, with which to interact inside the creation...One that works..

    Only the devic higher forms, of elohim and archangels, may absorb energies, directly....a parallel kingdom of evolution to ourselves and all ascended galactic humans....
    However, when spiritual evolution takes the cosmic initiate to a level beyond the arahat athersata grade, then a form life is no longer used and only then can "foods" be a former experience, placed in effective obsolescence....As, at that stage one achieves monadic self-sustaining status, within a self-sustained spiritual whole....Immortal, in the true sense and beyond any form requirement, that was once needed...Think of the magical symbol of the energetically self-sustained, self-eating oroboros...a circular snake eating itself and totally self-contained....

    Ascension does not mean that a being no longer eats food.....That is a myth....And the food eaten should be of high quality and even including complex amino acids, derived from animal proteins, albeit, provided by replicators, in which an ancient food source animal, a templated food, provides continuing sustainance, over generations of replications....So no need to farm or hunt, using ET technologies, BUT, there is still a need to consume animal products, which are not possible to obtain from plants alone.....A good example is retinol, which is the active form of vitamin A....
    Carrots won't provide it to satisfaction, as the conversion factor is too small, for bodily requirements....The beta carotene to retinol, conversion...

    I recommend that all potential ascendees keep themselves healthy, by taking cod liver oil, each day.....

    Also, there may be Vegans from the Vega star system, but there are no dietary vegans in cosmos, with functioning brains and bodies....That is an Earth human fad and glamour, only....And it is promoted by the dark cabal, to weaken the human reproductive potential and cause illness...

    And to complement these comments, here is a little vid, by Dr Berg anent the usefullness of cod liver oil...

    "Why You Need To Start Taking Cod Liver Oil Now - Dr. Berg Reveals The Surprising Truth"
  • Bird flu lies continue to be exposed as seen here. It's simple if they say there is a deadly virus that's gonna kill us all that actually means they're full of s##t and they're lying just like how they lie about everything else.
  • If they end up pushing for vaccines again just like they did with the Covid scam my advice would be stay far away from their vaccines and don't fall for their BS. Gates, Tedros, the WHO, etc all need to be brought to justice soon.
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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS  Sunday Call 3/20/2022 (Ashtar, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY Ashtar and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages were given during…

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