The world has always been fascinated by the shadowy ambiguity of the Gypsy people, or Rom, as they call themselves. An ancient nomadic race, their origins shrouded in mystery, they have traveled the world perpetuating many myths about themselves for many reasons. Whether to gain sympathy, by saying they were of a certain following, or to further the mystery about them to enhance their qualifications for fortune telling.

Nobody is really sure at this time where Gypsies originated. However Romani people (Gypsies) are nomadic culture, some saying originated in India around 5,000 years ago.

Today Gypsies are everywhere on Tyrra and their close knit society and strange customs alternately fascinate and irritate the gaje, or non-Gypsy.

Local people usually regard Gypsies with curiosity and suspicion. History has seen the Gypsies persecuted for many reasons. Their roaming lifestyle causes them to always be the outsiders, belonging to no country, as well as vagabonds roaming the countryside. Additionally their close-knit, secretive aspect causes fear and confusion in those not of the Gypsies. Generations of Gypsies have endured persecution by the gaje (not of the Rom/Gypsies) as a result of their aura of strangeness. Political leaders have historically branded Gypsies as undesirables, making them scapegoats of gaje problems. In the past it was common place for anyone who gave them refuge to be punished, anyone who killed a Gypsy could keep his property, any local authority who did not arrest the Gypsies in his area would have to pay for any damage they did. This was the treatment in the past.


Gypsies are normally dark skinned with bold flashing eyes. However it is not unusual to find golden or crimson haired Gypsies, proud and independent, life loving and passionate people.

Gypsies are best noted for their occult skills, healing arts, and storytelling abilities, tarot, psychic, empathy, precognition, retro -cognition, and psychometry. There are some legend mentioned – levitation, astral projection by way of meditation and etc.


While many theories exist on the reason and time of migration, there is no question that The Gypsies are a race with a language of their own. They now live on all continents, but primarily in North Africa, Europe, and North America. Their language, called Gypsy or Romany, includes several dialects and is part of the Indo-European family. It is classified as Indo-Iranian, derived from Sanskrit.


While Hermes still walked the earth with men, he entrusted to his chosen successors the sacred Book of Thoth. This work contained the secret processes by which the regeneration of humanity was to be accomplished and also served as the key to his other writings. Nothing definite is known concerning the contents of the Book of Thoth other than that its pages were covered with strange hieroglyphic figures and symbols, which gave to those acquainted with their use unlimited power over the spirits of the air and the subterranean divinities. When certain areas of the brain are stimulated by the secret processes of the Mysteries, the consciousness of man is extended and he is permitted to behold the Immortals and enter into the presence of the superior gods. The Book of Thoth described the method whereby this stimulation was accomplished. In truth, therefore, it was the "Key to Immortality."

According to legend, the Book of Thoth was kept in a golden box in the inner sanctuary of the temple. There was but one key and this was in the possession of the "Master of the Mysteries," the highest initiate of the Hermetic Arcanum. He alone knew what was written in the secret book. The Book of Thoth was lost to the ancient world with the decay of the Mysteries, but its faithful initiates carried it sealed in the sacred casket into another land. The book is still in existence and continues to lead the disciples of this age into the presence of the Immortals. No other information can be given to the world concerning it now, but the apostolic succession from the first hierophant initiated by Hermes himself remains unbroken to this day, and those who are peculiarly fitted to serve the Immortals may discover this priceless document if they will search sincerely and tirelessly for it.

It has been asserted that the Book of Thoth is, in reality, the mysterious Tarot of the Bohemians--a strange emblematic book of seventy-eight leaves which has been in possession of the gypsies since the time when they were driven from their ancient temple, the Serapeum. Hermes in his Book of Thoth revealed to all mankind the "One Way," and for ages the wise of every nation and every faith have reached immortality by the "Way" established by Hermes in the midst of the darkness for the redemption of humankind.


Russian Cosmism also is clearly echoed in a course of lectures on Arcanology given by Georgiy Moebius in St. Petersburg in 1911-1912 (published later under the title Encyclopedia of Occultism), and also in Vladimir Shmakov's deeply researched The Sacred Book of Thoth: Tarot Arcana, published in 1916, shortly before the Revolution.

 The Major Arcana: A Horoscope for Humanity's Future
from The Secret Teaching of Christ
based on Sidorov's discussions
with Maria Vadimovna Dorogova

Introduction to Arcanology

The Major Arcana of the Tarot is considered to be the highest revelation from the highest spiritual center of Planet Earth. They are the quintessence of the ancient wisdom, where one who aspires to spiritual knowledge may distinguish the fiery signs of the Future.

The cosmic-initiatory path of humankind is encoded in the symbolic drawings, laid out from time immemorial in strict accord with the laws of esoteric geometry.

I say "cosmic" because humankind — and this was no secret to adepts of the ancient wisdom — is not enclosed in tight boundaries. Humankind is a cosmic entity.

The task that has always arisen before the keepers of the sources of the innermost knowledge has been to protect, at whatever cost, the guiding thread of the mystical tradition. During periods of global cataclysm, whether social or natural — times when the material wealth of civilizations was lost — the keepers of this knowledge have protected it, making sure that it would be there once again when needed by those whose spirits were not yet awakened.

Spiritual paths of humanity are marked with the luminous dotted lines of the Major Arcana, which actually are descended from the ancient Egyptian cryptography of the 22 Emerald Tablets of Hermes Trismigistus [or Thoth].

These 22 Letters of the Foundation are prefigured in the alphabet of ancient Hebrew. According to legend, this alphabet, in which every letter renders the outlines of certain constellations, was developed in Atlantis. Thus, in a way, the Major Arcana are no less than the esoteric horoscope of humankind! And so, deciphering them requires more than just penetration into the deepest mysteries of the sacred language. It also requires penetration into the deepest mysteries of sacred mathematics, and is thus inseparable from the work of Pythagoras.

We know now that it was Pythagoras who discovered that nine numerals lie at the foundation of Universal structure, giving order to all its yeasty chaos and harmonizing the cosmic processes (a decade, or "ten," being nothing more than a return to the "one").

The essence of Pythagorean numerology is that the esoteric root of any number may be derived from the number itself. In other words, any multidigit number may, by adding up the digits of which it is composed, be brought down to a single integer.

According to this same system of numerology, every letter of the initiatory language of humankind corresponds to a certain number that pertains to its inner vibration. Number and Word are indivisible!


The Tarot

The traditional Tarot is a deck of 78 cards which are divided into two main sections: a major arcana and a minor arcana. The major arcana is a set of 22 picture cards which are also called the greater arcana, trumps, atouts (from the Egyptian atennu (Wallis Budge, 1920) meaning a book or part of a book), or triumphs. These cards are pictorial representations of various cosmic forces such as Death, Justice, Strength, and so on, and contain archetypal symbolism. Fifty-six cards of the minor arcana are divided into court and suit cards. The sixteen court cards are comprised of a King, a Queen, a Knight, and a Knave (or Page) for each of the four suits of the deck. The remaining forty cards are divided into the four suits called: Pentacles (also known as deniers, coins, or disks), Cups (coupes), Swords (epees), and Wands (batons or scepters). The French terminology stems from the famous Marseilles deck which originated in the late fifteenth century (Giles, 1992). The suit cards are numbered from 1 (ace) to 10 for each of the four suits. The suit cards represent specific opportunities and lessons (Wanless, 1986). The minor arcana cards are used to represent people, relationships, finances, action, energies, and forces (Schueler & Schueler, 1987).

The Tarot has been called the oldest book known to man (Papus, 1970). According to legend, (Schueler & Schueler, 1994) the original cards comprised "chapters" in a book known as The Book of Thoth.

RAMA {by Eduard Schure - 'The Great Initiates'}

The Aryan Cycle

Zoroaster asked Ormuzd, the Great Creator,

"Who is the first man with whom you conversed?"

Ormuzd answered, "Noble Yima, the one who was in command of the Courageous. I told him to watch over the worlds which belong to me, and I gave him a saber of gold and a sword of victory."

And Yima moved forward on the way of the sun and assembled the courageous men in the famous Airyana-Vaeja, created pure.

—Zend Avesta (Vendidad-Sadé 2nd Fargard)


O Agni, Holy Fire! Purifying fire! You who sleep in the wood, and ascend in shining flames on the altar, you are the heart of sacrifice, the fearless wings of prayer, the divine spark hidden in everything, and the glorious soul of the sun!

—Vedic Hymn


The holy book of the Persians, the Zend-Avesta, speaks of this ancient legislator under the name of Yima, and Zoroaster in founding a new religion refers to him as the first man to whom Ormuzd, the living God, spoke


Among these priests was a young man in the prime of life; his name was Ram. Though he had been destined for the priesthood, his contemplative soul and penetrating mind rebelled against this bloody cult.


The young Druid was gentle and serious. Early in life he had shown remarkable knowledge of plants, their marvelous powers, the distilling and preparation of their juices, as well as the study of stars and their forces. He seemed to divine, to see far-off things. Hence his premature authority over the older Druids. A kindly greatness emanated from his words and his being. His wisdom contrasted with the madness of the Druidesses, those screechers of curses who pronounced their inauspicious oracles during convulsions of delirium. The Druids had called him "the one who knows," and the people called him "the inspired one of peace."

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  • Hey I'm a Romani. :D

    Great Article! I've also read a few things about our race having connections with the people of Inner Earth.

    Nonetheless we share great secret knowledge. Funny how just a few days ago I was reading the book of Thoth.

    • Hi Aranka ... ;) i have heard that too ... that there is a connection with subterranean realm. In some way it makes sense to preserve knowledge Romani people surface when it was needed so they travel and using form of Bards and storytelling as balance and healing tools without belonging to any country but the land itself.

      Anyway it's nice to meet you ... ;)

    • thanks atisha2, my personal introduction to Thoth started from "The Sacred Book of Thoth" by Vladimir Shmakov, unfortunately there is no english translation (none that i know). The description and explanation of the tablets were fascinating (especially for young mind) Plus it was an interesting version of esoteric without any 'division' in it. Just simple philosophical concept.

    • That is ignorant thinking.  Please look at yourself and how you are judging a RACE of people... do you think it was acceptable they were butchered along with the jews by the germans?  This is why the world needs to change.

    • there are people of every race and religion who act like you just described. 

      try to look at the mystery of it rather than just hating on some con artists who seem to think you are a sucker

      why are these people still nomadic, have no homeland of their own decribed by either their own stories or other histories, and also seem to be the only modern peoples, and i say modern meaning not living in the jungle tribal type stuff, anyway even though the "gypsies" are modern they still have connection to their spirituality as a culture more than any other culture as a whole . 

      these are one of those awesome stories and questions, why do the gypsies have no homeland.  its sort of like the jewish people, archaeologists have determined none of the story of exodus is true, so the jews dont really have a homeland either, cause there was already people living in the jewish holy land before it was given to the jews and renamed isreal, it was called palestine, and the people are the palestinians, but sort of like with the gypsies the jews arent really welcomed in many countries historically, many places they were tolerated and many not allowed at all, it is another one of those great mysteries, why do the jews also have no homeland.  what happened in the past to cause most places to reject these two cultural groups?

  • Well the truth is, we don't know. We can believe things, and speculate, but if we take away beliefs and speculation, we will be left with the sober truth that we actually truly know very little about anything. The only thing we truly know is what we discover within us, and what we directly experience and observe. Everything else is second hand information at best. That's keeping it real, that's as real as real gets. So I'm becoming very wary of anything that claims to have the truth yet provides absolutely no evidence for it. It just falls into the realm of information for me, to take or leave.

  • dd

  • Very interesting article.  Thank you.

  • Drexk is right again and wanted to add some more to this story about romanians , atisha2

    ~Edmound Bordoux Szekely, ( grandson of Alexandre Szekely who was eminent poet and Unitarian Bishop of Cluj, a decendant of Csoma de koros, who over 180 yrs ago compiled the first grammar of Tibethan language into English~Tibethan dictionary and wrote his unsurpassed Asiatic Researches book).......................related an encounter in his monumental book~In Search of Ageless, book 1 , during his own travels sponsored by Sorbone University in 1920's , with a race of people high up in the upper parts of Carpathian Mountains. After days of going up the mountains and wilderness he was surprised to stumble upon a vast community of many tribes living around the top of the region , who were about 6 to 7 feet tall on the average. Communities of them were mostly vegetarian and living off the land. After getting to know them closer, he learned that they are descendents of Roman soldiers stationed there almost 2000 yrs before ; they married local women and stayed there...........................................................

  • I always thought they where from a country called dalmatia ,it no longer exists as they lost it to invaders and went on the road with there dogs , the dalmation was bread by the gypsy's to be a coach dog ,you just gotta love the gypsy's.

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