calling upon you for prayers

This has been a very hard month for me.  I had to fly from my home in Florida to Maine because I got a call that both of my elderly parents were dying.  My dad was in intensive care and my Mom was in a nonresponsive coma.  It was a really trying time to say the least.  My mom came out of her coma the day I arrived in Maine and I had plans to go up to the town she was in the next day, as I was two and half hours away from her and did not have a car to get there (I am legally blind and do not drive).  The next morning I got a call that she had died in her sleep that night, and I never did get to see her before she passed.  My Dad was also in intensive care dying of Liver/colon cancer and I still was unable to get up there to see him either.  He is still living though, is in a nursing home and hanging by a thread.  I am asking that prayers be said for my 92 year old Dad that he will have a passing soon so as not to suffer any more.  He wants to be with my Mom, his wife of 72 years.....I am asking that prayers for his quick and merciful passing so he can stop suffering and go home with my Mom.  We can use all the prayers we can get.  I know you are all carrying some light or you would not be here, so please pray for my Dad ok?  I am beside myself with grief right now but am glad my Mom passed because she was at end stage of Alzeimers and it was a blessing that she was freed from her sick body and mind.  I know she is in a better place.  I just want my Dad to be with her, and  not have to suffer anymore.


Thank you for letting me turn to you.  I need all the light and strength I can get about now.


Love you all.

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  • Oh Marique, God bless you. It must be a difficult time for you right now, I can only imagine. I've dealt with a lot of loss in my life, but to have the prospect of losing both your parents, must be difficult. Try and be strong. I send you my strength and I hope it helps you somewhat. I hope that you can make peace with the situation as soon as possible.


    As we all know, death isn't the end of life, just the end of this life. They will be in a better place, they will be with God. Try to remember this, and remember the good times. Try to turn a negative into a positive, at least you had your parents for such a long time. A lot of people don't get to have their parents for that long, or don't even have a real relationship with their parents. Some people don't even know who their real parents are. Consider it a blessing that you had them for so long and were close to them.


    I always thought you were a very sensible person, Marique. Someone with a level head, and good common sense. I hope you can come to an acceptance and peace as soon as possible, and that this will only make you stronger in the end. I send you my love, my compassion, my respect, and my strength.

  • Hello my friend, you and your dad will be in my prayers.

    Try to be strong and know that we love you dearly.


  • My light is with you at this time of sadness.  My prayers are for you for your strength.  May your Dad pass swiftly into the loving arms of your Mom.  I have lossed both of my parents, my Dad from Cancer, and my Mom from a stroke.  I know in my heart they are happy and at peace and I wish for you to feel this way also.  Love and Light.

  • hi Marique


    Reaching out to you in love right now.  Must be a very hard time emotionally, I can't imagine how much you'd be so stretched at having to be the strong one.


    I hope and pray your father passes soon, this would be the best thing to get out of this Earth plane.



  • Dear Marique, I am sending loving prayers to you for strength, your father that he may have blessed release to join your mother and your mother that she may rest well.  Much love and many blessings to you and your family. x
  • Hey Marique I only this year lost a parent, my father and to be going through this with both in such a short space of time my heart goes out to you and your parents, and of course I shall pray with all my heart and soul for peace for your parents and comfort for you at this time. Sending you my love and I too shall light a candle whilst praying for a peaceful passing for your father, God Bless Marique my thoughts are so with you...<3
  • I love you, Marique.  You are a strong and compassionate woman, you've gone through so much but have such a wonderful heart and spirit.  I gladly give you my prayers, my Light and Love and the Lavender Flame of Lady Master Quan Yin, she is the Master of Compassion.  I will light a candle tonight for your mother and father and invoke peaceful passing into the higher realms. 

    If you need to talk, I am here for you... my thoughts are with you, I wish I was there to give you a big hug, but you'll have to settle for my invisible arms wrapped around you. 

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