It occurs to me that many of us have forgotten who we are and our purpose at this time so I wanted to share with you a book that reminds us of these things. I've been reading The Book of Knowing and Worth: A Channeled Text by Paul Selig and it's help
know (6)
The wise knows that they don't know
And they listen more than they speak.
The truth in its entirety would crush us
Only pieces can be shown
But still eyes will advert
Because no one can ever
Make us see what we don’t want to see
It’s all or nothing
To abando
When you are secure with who you are
It doesn’t matter what others’ choose to do with their lives
It keeps you busy with your own issues
Eventually you’ll be content with what it is you have
You don’t need to really bother with other people
They don’t nee
I'm ready to be told
Time for secrets to unfold
It's our time to come of age
Time for truth to turn the page
Wanna be inside the dark
Live within a question mark
Be a friend or foe
Tell me now
Need to know
You say we must wait our turn
You say too much to l
There is an energy and a power that is "letting" tiny little bits of information out, a tiny little bit at a time. "IT" needs to stop holding the flow back and FLOOD the world.
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Maybe it’s there, maybe it’s not.
That gold is owned by the American public! We want to know if it’s still there. - Elon Musk"