More Light anchoring within, more DNA Activations, more Divine remembrance, Heart Chakra Expansion, New Soul abilities and skills coming online, New Information about your Soul Mission are some of the few things that are currently happening which wil
violet (8)
This past week has been full of Light downloads/upgrades and I know many of you have experienced them in your own unique ways. Some have heard high pitched frequencies, some have felt them through their chakras, some saw them through their inner visi
The gift of self-awareness and the violet flame
(image source from
Call in support of Fukushima and the whole world, with new 'Violet Fire' practice.
With Ashamarae & Saint Germain
Recorded live Dec 12th 2013
Please have an amethyst crystal with, if you have one, for this broadcast.
Also we recommend to arrange to be in
Dissolving your negative thought patterns is ESSENTIAL not just for your ascension but for your overall spiritual health which also effects your physical health to various degrees. The more you practice using the flame the more understanding you beco
MEN Represents The Evolution Of Individual Consciousness Into Planetary Mind
This Process Is Symbolized By The Eagle, Whose Vision Calls To Memory Your Part In The Activation Of The Planetary Miracle. MEN's Vibration Is The Root Tone Of Compassion. H
"Attachment and aversion by sense organs for respective objects are natural; let no one come under their sway; they are his foes…notions of heat and cold, of pain and pleasure have a beginning and an end, are impermanent in nature…bear them patiently
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USA is truly leading with common sense!"
RandyFirstContact Be safe on your mission. God knows we need wisdom and GFL assistance with these insane false flag attempts as well. Yet another Chernobyl false flag act of absolute depravity. -
Andromedaner Z thanks for the info, don't forget to enjoy the time on the mission ;)
Justin89636 We will hold down the fort till your return. See you soon :)
Have readers noticed that this often used, Sirian word "zau," means both "light" and "spirit.....?" A double meaning, for sure...
In the Sirian's…"