





August 12

About Yourself

My name is Eddie and I am a young Crystal from Romania. I have started my ascension path since the moment I was born, as many of us have. I have always had some level of awareness. I used to receive images all the time about this utopic place with all these Beings that felt all loving. Of course, my child mind couldn't make sense of it, untill later when it all „clicked.” They represented light-codes for the New Earth, which is here, Now. In the recent years, I have started remembering who I am, my purpose and my connection to All That Is. Of course, it’s all very complex, since there are other individual or group missions, but my main mission it so be a wayshower for Humanity. I am here to assist during the shift from from 3D to 5D and beyond through intuitive counseling, energy work that consists of transmutation (energy alchemy) empathic healing, vibrational healing and act as a conduit for Unity Consciousness(aka Christ Consciousness).

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration


Eddie ~ AscensionGuidance posted a blog post
Lately, it has been brought into my awareness a topic that I kind of avoided to write about for obvious reasons, but I felt guided to write a few words about it now, especially because there’s a letting go of old belief systems theme and since many…
Feb 22, 2015
Eddie ~ AscensionGuidance posted a blog post
Hello, Fellow Masters!I am writing my message a bit later this week, because things have been quite chaotic, but Divinely Orchestrated nonetheless. Surrendering to the flow and embracing the Unknown with Faith and Trust in our Hearts, is definitely…
Feb 21, 2015
Eddie ~ AscensionGuidance posted a blog post
First of all, I’m sorry I haven’t wrote my last weekly message. I did not expect to be that busy. I know many others have been quite busy as well, not only because of the festivities, but because there were many energetic events in December and the…
Jan 8, 2015
Eddie ~ AscensionGuidance posted a blog post
More Light anchoring within, more DNA Activations, more Divine remembrance, Heart Chakra Expansion, New Soul abilities and skills coming online, New Information about your Soul Mission are some of the few things that are currently happening which…
Dec 21, 2014

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AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"would anyone guess at what year it is?"
4 seconds ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
8 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
8 minutes ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Happy New Year to the human, humanoid, and whatever else you may be in Milky Way!"
2 hours ago
AlternateEarth posted a discussion
Demolition-charges were installed on girders of each tower.    George Bush Jr's  brother was pres of operations for a security company responsilble for the towers' security at that time-
3 hours ago
ET Hugger left a comment on Comment Wall
"✨🕺 Thanks for the funxy beats 🎷✨"
3 hours ago
AlternateEarth commented on Malcolm's blog post Joe Biden Appears To The U.S.A. Public With What Looks Like A Bruise To The Lower Left Jaw .. QUESTION: was Biden about to do or say something the deep state didn't approve of?
"His wife tripped him?"
4 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Milky Way....."
4 hours ago