If there was a way they could help us, they would, but so far nothing has happed.Unless they are bribed or “bought off”, they should be here to protect us and this planet 100% from the dark side.From what the Creation Lightship can tell though, it a
protection (9)
We have been exploring our capacity to visit and exist in parallel worlds. Not much is known about parallel worlds except that science believes that we live in a multi-verse or meta-verse that simultaneously holds billions of worlds that are merely i
5D Body High Vibration Protection Protocols
Worldwide Tele-Class on how to use High Vibration Protection as we transition from 3rd to 5th dimensionality
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Before we will commence on our journey into the realms of Power, we must first embrace the practice of protection. The pursuit of power without protection could be an invitation for untoward energies to infiltrate our personal energy system.
An exami
Power is stored or accessible energy. It can be wielded for the good of all, including you or the good of you, excluding others. It can be used to heal or empower others or to obtain power over others. To ascend from the rut of human enslavement, one
You may choose to emulate or do you own.
Before I start my car I pray to Archangel Michael that I am perfectly protected from all harm and all ill will today for my hi
PTE Mystery School
Special Project Awakening
Group Channeling Event
St. Germain’s Violet Bubble of Protection
Sunday, Jan. 30 at 3:00PM ET
Your help is needed. From time to time, there are circumstances that require immediate attention. We have an oppo |
"Attachment and aversion by sense organs for respective objects are natural; let no one come under their sway; they are his foes…notions of heat and cold, of pain and pleasure have a beginning and an end, are impermanent in nature…bear them patiently