We are the Nephilim and we come to guide you through the next veil which is being dissolved upon planet earth...There are those who will trigger at our words, those who are blinded by the veils and who will continue to state that the new is outwith t
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Light is beaming down upon you now in frequencies and strengths never available to you before...Dance in the streets with joy and abandon...Throw back your shoulders and feel your new freedom. This will not be what you awake to tomorrow, my friends..
Energy in its natural state is love. If it moves a galaxy, it is love. If it moves a songbird, it is love. If it moves an electron, it is love... “All is perfection.” ...Each of you is beginning to expand in your awareness and words such as you are r
There are many different aspects that represent and define who you are. And each face that is you has to come into balance before you can find total peace and harmony...Within each of you are both good and dark sides. Both sides are to be recognized
As we move closer to the opening of the powerful gateways of this new month, we wish to urge everyone to begin to focus on their intentions for this opportunity...Release anything that bothers you still, and find within yourselves the love and forgiv
We can feel the frustration in much of humanity when many months seem to go by with [seemingly] no actual happenings...The unconscious parts of humanity are being prepared for mass disclosures with the publishing of many subtle articles of disclosure
This you have asked for...This you have always known...You will be changed...These frequencies have been building around you for many years, but the strength and frequency continue to build...approaching this month, your frequencies will begin to en
The dark knows that every day, more people are waking up and they know as well that the internet and various spiritual websites have been much of the reason for this awakening...They know that we are getting together on spiritual forums and discussi
Humanity is on course to awaken as divinely intended...Your destiny is to awaken, and so you shall. Release your fears, your doubts, and your anxieties that suggest you are unworthy because they only confuse and disturb you... you will find yourselve
It is time to talk about the month which is about to begin, dear friends...There is...the possibility for the...alignments and frequencies to bring out strong reactions from those not aligned with love and light...You now begin the full-on run to you
We are here to tell you of new mining techniques from the dark energies. These personal documents that you all are creating and saving on the boxes in front of you for later access are being retrieved through the guise of FREE SOFTWARE ...You dear be
In each day now, you will find evidence of the changing you, the you that is becoming more and more the self you desire to be. Let your focus and your joy be upon that realization. Revel in it. Focus upon it...begin each day looking for the new a
You are feeling new and powerful energies of light that have been gifted to your bodies and minds... You have felt this coming on, but you as yet have no real understanding of what this will entail...Things which you have worked hard to release, and
Our message today is for you to maintain your center during the coming three weeks...The alignments and energy which begins these for you now may cause some discomfort, but allow that to settle for you...The most important saviors of Earth are landin
The peeling away of the layers of the subconscious patterns that have been carried within you are now beginning to be dissolved and dissipated...which in turn brings up more layers that have been deeply hidden within you... Dear Ones, and being willi
To awaken into Reality is humanity’s divine destiny, and you are making it happen. During the time that remains before you awaken, keep reminding yourselves that what you are doing is absolutely essential to the process that is unfolding all around y
As the moment of your awakening approaches, many of you are feeling that continuing to hold the Light is draining your energy, because despite your faith you still have doubts and anxieties about the inevitability of this great event...The illusion w
The Eyes of Wisdom are yours Dear Friends, and in this amazing time, wisdom is received, for it has been earned...by you. You have come so far, and the lights of your true home are shining...You are now ready for the Ascension... and Human Angels, yo
Our ships vary in size and structure, and each and very Light Ship and Mothership of course is constructed uniquely to fit the wants and needs of the souls inhabiting such ships...we have also taken to purposefully constructing many ships that look e
On this day the bond between spirit and matter on your earth has increased, or more accurately, the veil has been lifted further...As you continue to release and clear fears, guilts, and angers from your lives, you will see vast changes occurring wit