At this time upon and within planet earth the chaos that is the dissolving of the old 3d earth is now unfolding rapidly. At any one time you will be faced with BOTH realities, that is the reality that you are personally creating and the reality that
doonan (182)
Greetings beloved ones we are the BEings from SIRIUS A and we come to connect and to guide and to support as all now moves and shifts to a higher frequency and the higher dimensional timeline realities are birthed into the waking consciousness of the
We are the Creators and we come to guide and to support as the human race now moves in vibration and becomes more aware of ALL that exist around them...Events will unfold across and within planet earth that will show the depth of vibrational frequenc
Many are still holding on tightly believing all that their human eyes and ears can see and hear and ignoring the deep calling from their SOUL...For those who try to keep their dreamtime free from dreams we ask why?...the dreams that are contained wit
To understand the end of this year we have to understand that in many ways we are repeating history. We are repeating a cycle...Many of you have come from other Dimensions and other Planets to incarnate at Earth now and help the vibration rise to tha
Last week was difficult for many...This transition to joy is not easy for most...because you...have to let go of so much of your 3rd dimensional life...You wish to be in higher dimensions at all times – except for this activity or that person. It can
Every now and again doubt enters your mind, a constant dialogue of chatter that can be a true adversary...While the Ego remains in control, your spirit body has difficulty providing you with the fluid perception required to access your higher truth..
It is a time on earth in which many are now questioning the status quo. Awakening souls empowered with truth are asking serious questions of those pretending to have all the answers...You are graduating and are now beginning to realize that you are i
It is I, Indriel, and I am here to welcome you to your fifth dimensional ascended Eden...A magnificent array of ascended beings will begin making themselves known to you dear souls via your third eyes and all other chakras that are beginning to becom

You are in the flow so firmly now that you should be able to just allow yourselves to be carried along with the often as you can think of it, you ground yourselves firmly into the energies of your dear mother earth...feel the wonderful f
Many of you may now be in the midst of chaos and the midst of shedding layers of “who you thought you were”. This is vital in the transition process into the new earth...As the lenses that you have placed upon your inner vision are dissolved then yo
The beings that speak through compassion are with you. The beings that speak through love are with you. The beings that speak through peace are with you. The beings that speak through harmony are with you...All possible realities are being expressed
So many dear souls are searching somewhere, elsewhere to know of their soul purpose...when your present moment starts to feel perfect then you know you are living your soul purpose....You know you are already living your soul purpose when you finally

Many of you are now releasing emotion at levels you have never experienced before and we are here to help you address that which may be playing out within your human life experience. It may be that your eyes feel dulled to the sparkle of the new for
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