“What about those who care for them? Will those who remain in this reality miss these people?”...one may need to move away from loved ones because of important commitments they have made, some of you may need to move away from loved ones because you
27 (21)
The most interesting revelation given by the Rothschilds is that Queen Victoria was actually the illegitimate daughter of Nathaniel Rothschild. That means Rothschild’s had managed to place family members at the head of the British, German and Russia
This is a short story and is fictional. Though I throw in relevant elements of my Life, very little to none of this story actually applies to me personally. In this story, I fully immerse myself in the point of view of this young Sirian adventurer, w
Before you move forward and advance even further it is important to have dissolved any negative situation that has been causing you upset or unnecessary worry...Any amount of disharmony will fog your journey and spiritual advancement...Ask and invoke
Bringing Awareness to the E.T., U.F.O. Phenomenon and cultivating truth within Disclosure. Opening the human consciousness to Spiritual knowledge and unlimited transformation. We stand UNITED with The Galactic Federation.
It has been shown conclusively, time after time, that agreements made in anger, frustration, or out of a sense of hopelessness or desperation cause grave resentment, and are never truly honored or accepted...Peace and prosperity can never be achieve
...no one can any longer claim to be unaware of the fact that something unusual is going on....The time for wars and conflicts of any kind is drawing rapidly to a close...( it is )...the “last hurrah” of those fearful, ego-driven, power-hungry remnan
Unam Sanctam - ....says that all of the souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and they do because no one has challenged their claim. Your birth certificate is the title of the soul that they own in their registries. They have regist
“…these ancient relics are said to contain information about the history of our planet and the future of mankind. Carved out of pure quartz crystal, and other crystals such as jade, the Skulls generate an energy field that activates human consciousne
...the leaders of the Japanese Yakuza groups have, in exchange for a promise of immunity, agreed to provide testimony against George Bush Senior, J. Rockefeller and their flunkies about a series of political murders carried out at their behest both i
The level of human consciousness will vastly increase in the coming months...YOU were not meant to walk the planet earth in containment, YOU were not meant to walk the planet earth in fear or in despair...
Brothers and sisters
Since 1999, I began a journey of my mind, body, spirit opening and since then I have believed that I am a part of something, something very spiritual and profound. Explaining something so profound and enlightening can be diffcult but I will do my bes
...this ring is for the Earth’s ascension, and this is an etheric ring. It is like an etheric halo, and this ring has a unique ability....the Ring of Ascension is serving many purposes, and one purpose is to allow the guides, the Ascended Masters and
As few already feel and know, religion will come to end, chains will be broken the same as hearts...The time to be warriors of true is here.
A message from Creator by Gabriela
Beloved ones Blessings to you all and live in
"We so dearly wish you could all have the perspective that we do, and we celebrate knowing that so very soon you will!"
-Channeled By Wes-
by Laura Tyco
You all know that it is essential for you to open your hearts in loving kindness, generosity, and compassion to all – without distinction – and ever-increasing numbers of you are doing this.
Channeler: John Smallman
The Process of Ascension
Beloved masters, first of all, we wis
The Cat's Out of the Bag - by Geoff West
Geoff West: University Will Not be Able to Hide the Truth Much Longer
"Geoff West is a graduate of the UN-mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica, w
Majestic 12
(also known as Majic 12, Majestic Trust, M12, MJ 12, MJ XII, Majority 12 or Mars-Jupiter 12) is the alleged code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, supposedly formed in 1947 by an execut
Lord Adama ~ State of Conditioning ~
Lit Corner | February 27, 2011
7 February 2011
State of Conditioning
Lord Adama Reflects on the Ease of Movement
From January through February 2011
We are in a state of conditioning. This conditioning process has
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Maybe it’s there, maybe it’s not.
That gold is owned by the American public! We want to know if it’s still there. - Elon Musk