On God´s Love

If there is any God I believe in, it is an all - loving God. And by that I mean an all loving one. He´d allow the soul of a serial killer to go to Heaven, he´d be that all loving. It wouldn´t matter much to him who goes to Heaven or who goes to Hell. It wouldn´t matter to him if you were Freddy Kruger or Jason Vorhees - the point is, an all loving God is simply interested in knowing about love, and expressing love.

Why the heck does that have to be such a difficult concept to understand?

Why do so many of you people of this planet put limitations on who gets to go to your Heaven?

You say ´we don´t want Charlie Manson to go to Heaven because he killed Sharon Tate´- you say that to Charlie Manson and say ´Charlie Manson we don´t want you to go to Heaven because you killed Sharon Tate´- no.

It´d be ridiculous if I said that Charles Manson is a serial killer because the mainstream media says he is, or because the Establishment wants me to think he is - the point is, I don´t have to believe that - and even if I did, he´d still be in Heaven. Sharon Tate would still be in Heaven, and everyone else, and the more go to Heaven who just want to go there.

It´s kinda like a ride........

Charlie didn´t kill Sharon Tate the personality - her body got disposed of - so in a sense if I got shot at, my personality still remained, so who killed me? Nobody!

I guess that God´s Love works like business - like in business you need to invest in something to give it any worth, and to charge interest on it - love works like that.

So if love becomes useless to you then that means that you´ve abandoned love.

That´s the point with this God´s Love thingy - to keep God´s Love, to believe in an All Loving God, and it doesn´t matter if you call God Satan or whatever - the point is, if it´s an all loving God then YOU become all loving.

Keep that in mind next time people blame God for a stupid decision they made themselves.

Nature has a right to claim my life, because I am guilty, and nature has a right to claim your life, because you are guilty, and so if there is anything which unites us, it is our sense of our guilt - only if more people knew that.

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  • Is it realized that love can't be bartered? It exists and is the most powerful life force that each of us is capable of expanding to top it off and conquer the world with love... If we love enough, we are likely going to be living much happier lives and things will change for the better. Imagine... If our president had his heart set on love for everyone, all the world leaders had love, and they seriously used it to do good things and only good things, we'd have nothing to worry about :)

    just sayin.. lol :)

    I love you all :) Glad to know the world in each of us has a future of love :)



    • Love can also hurt. Just because we love all of the time, doesn't mean that it will always serve us the way we want it to. It's not a controlled emotion. IT's something we feel when we are around those we want to be around in the 3D. That sometimes is hard as well.

      I mean we live our 3D families when are kids, and then we move out in the world. Why would we want to get into one huge family again, where we are all like Love, when we got out of the home to be on our own in the first place.

      Rambling thoughts

      Bless the Nite,


  • Luke if you think no one is guilty you don´t understand the meaning of guilt.

    Guilt is what unites us, guilt is who, what we are.

    I agree with your view on that we don´t live in a random universe.

    My thought on God is that God is female.

    • In my opinion Apis, guilt is like shame, it is the last thing people stuff down into their conciousness when they cannot see the perfect divine expression in all and to see it in the present moment where the point of power resides and this is because they are distracted by fear and what they may have said or done and with that, the feeling of guilt arises and when that happens, it pervades their energy field and it goes out into the farthest reaches of the Universe and it is picked up by every living being..

      Guilt is the final wedge, the last gasp of a conditioned data program that has been installed and drilled into us that we are somehow seperated from the divine and that we exist in a duality when in reality we are One and that is what it means to be united, unity conciousness which means One. A unit is One. The best way to see it is like it has already happened, we are already unified, everyone is already enlightened.    

      Guilt is the last wedge that is driven in when we are a hairs breath away from surrender to Gods unfailing Love but we just cant seem to let go, so we excercise the old illusion of guilt.. ''oh well, what a shame, shame on you, have you no shame, dont you feel guilty? you should feel guilty, admit it, you are guilty'' etc etc etc...

      the meaning of guilt is to feel a remorseful awareness of having done something wrong when in reality, there is no wrong therefore it is a limited perspective.

      Guilt is closely tied to blame, shame, vulnerability and humiliation, all of it is fear based and designed to amplify a notion or idea that boosts a feeling of less than a perfect expression the divine spark that we already are and always have been, a divine aspect of Prime Creator, Source, God, Love or just simply each other.

      Guilt is really like a 3D term, it is invisible in the higher levels. Guilt is not who I AM .. I AM all love, all life , all power and all present.

      By stating that you are guilt, it shows that you are currently going through feelings of remorse and it may not be apparent yet there is nothing to feel guilty about even (and I wouldn't recommend it) if you have done something painfull to another, remember, we all choose what we do in order to learn and serve.. this is a divine plan indeed and if your theory of guilt uniting us, then I take it you mean your own feelings of guilt that is uniting you, yourself with God.

      Some souls take guilt to the extreme. Throughout history we have observed many who have chastised themselves on a bed of nails, under the lash, whipped their bodies and all of it through guilt in order to get closer to the divine creator when they could have just as easily sat down and had a cup of tea instead and there are still millions who still carry out such ridicules actions, go ask the Indian holy man who is currently rolling around India for the rest of his life on his belly !

      Each to their own because everyone creates their own life blueprint and all beings have a reality selection mechanism built in, so each one can choose to feel the unlimited Joy over the limited illusionary perspective of guilt. we co create Heaven according to our own pictures of reality and it can only arrive on an individual level, one by one, one soul at a time and its not guilt that will unite us, it is Love.

      This all ties in with the reality of perfection everywhere now but many of those on a lower vibration arn't ready to grasp it yet, but they will eventually. In a nutshell, the opening of our hearts to one another and sharing our Love with each other is far more unifying that feeling remorsefull.

      Of course God is a girl.. I have to say that because hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.. just ask April or Anja.. lol.. but God is both probibly... so God is a hermaphrodite.. of sorts.


  • Tears are coming to my eyes now as I write, because it was so beautiful. I felt so loved, and I felt such a great love for myself. It felt so good, and I remember just basking in this love, for God knows how long. I must have fell asleep, because I don't remember what happened after.


    At least I can say now, that I've experienced Gods love for me, directly. I don't just talk about it, it doesn't exist simply as a mental concept for me, but is something I truly experienced. And it's not something you can put in words really. You have to experience it to really know it. And ever since then, I've been trying to get back to that place! I get glimpses of it, I have fleeting moments of it, but never quite like before. But I know, we are all destined to get to that place, of pure unconditional love from our creator. We are destined to get back to God. It's what life is all about.
  • Well God is a loving God, and the type of love God has for us, is so pure, so divine, so real..that nothing on Earth could compare. I've experienced Gods love for me already, at a time when I was in a spiritual crisis, in deep deep despair. Everything in my life was going wrong, I felt like an absolute nothing, and all the crap I been through in life all seemed to culminate into that one moment, lying there on my bed crying.


    My heart cried out to God, "Oh God, I'm a good person, why does my life have to be so hard!" And suddenly...I was thrown into a state where I viewed myself, and all of life, through 3rd person. I viewed myself and the world, like I was looking down from above. And I saw my whole life, past, present, and future...all in one moment, it was a state of no time. Everything just was, in that moment. I saw myself as a child of God, just trying to grow up, just trying to find God once again. And I saw everybody that way. We are all just children of God, trying to live life, and find our way back to God.


    And I felt such a great love, a pure love, an unconditional love...that wraps itself around you and embraces you totally, where you feel totally safe and secure, you feel like everything is perfect and divine. I felt that, so strongly, and it was a beautiful experience. I knew then...that no matter what happened to me, no matter what people go through...that love is always there, and we are always safe, we are always in Gods love, even if we aren't aware of it.

  • Nice post but in my opinion, I dont think anyone is guilty of anything... I think everything happens in the right place, at the right time for a reason and I think what unites us is recognising the Love in each other that is ever present, everyone is divine.. everyone feels guilty at certain moments in their life for whatever reasons yet there is perfection everywhere now and everything is planned out by us before we are born, we make aggreements with each other before we are even born.

    An an example is the death of John Lennon, he was a great spark of the divine who united many people through his words and music only to be shot dead at the age of 40 by a so called crazed fan named Mark Chapman.

    Now I generally put the breaks on when I read the information given by certain people who ''Channel'' because there is so much disinformation out there, yet I read one article from someone who was reputed to have channeled John Lennon some weeks after his death, apparently Lennon had injured Chapman in a previous life and they had made an aggreement before either of them were born that this would take place, that Lennon was part of a drama and because he was a star in the public eye, it would cause much greif and sorrow for a brief amount of time but in the bigger picture, it would serve to unite people even more as part of the divine plan, as the grief of millions around the globe would be replaced with the opening of their heart chakras and this apparently was acknowledged by both of them before they were born.

    So in other words, Lennon says to Chapman, ok, I'll injure you in one life and then I'll choose to be famous by uniting people through music and then  you come along and end my life quickly so that millions of souls may raise their conciousness.

    So, perhaps that is the way things play out, I dont think we live in a random Universe.

    anyway, thats just something I read ages ago, so.. ''dont shoot the messenger'' <----- no pun intended :)


    • We are guilty, when we make bad choices on things. That we are guilty for, we can ask God to forgive us, but he didn't make us do these things. \

      We have all done something in our lives that we feel guilty over. 

      Ehhhh that was a messed channeling Luke. Seriously, you really don't think that John Lennon would ask someone like Chapman to shoot him like that in this lifetime. Dam, that doesn't give Chapman the freedom either to shoot John Lennon in this lifetime. That is just plain eh. Doesn't even make any sense.

      Sure things happen for a reason in this life, and sometimes it's called Karma. Luke, when you commit an act like that there are no  excuses. John Lennon was shot out of selfish reasons then, and that wasn't John Lennon's choice to end his life, someone forced his way out of there.

      Is this how you reason with things Luke? Someone gets killed, because they had asked for it in there past lives? Is this how you really see things? 

      Bless the Nite,


      • April .. go climb a tree or something.. April.. go boil a cabbage.. April.. go talk to God.. April.. you are all full of  resentment and word twisting manipulation tactics, yes you are a TROLL so go crawl back under the rock you crawled out from under - you are not needed in my Universe oh sweet heavenly sister..  yuck.
  • nice post

    I like all loving G_D

    we all deserve that


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