I have been meaning to write about the difference between Emotions and Feelings -between Thoughts and Knowing for a very long time. It is time that this process of returning to our "feeling" and "knowing" is made clear for all to see. In my previous blog, I wrote about Truth and Awareness and How to Get There which discusses the difference between an illusory truth and the one divine truth, and of course how to find it. This blog is about what your emotions mean and how to use them as the tools they are in finding that one divine truth -becoming a fully incarnate cosmic being.

All emotions are "good" emotions. It is that simple. Our emotions come from our more subtle lower bodies as part of our physical incarnate representation of "being" an expression of that higher aspect of ourselves. This Ethereal part of us constantly provides us with these signals to help us discern what we are truly "feeling" from our Higher Selves or our Soul, as through "being" an individual expression of prime creator. It is only when we choose not to listen to those emotions as the signals they are that we manifest these "negative" experiences. Each emotion is a signal to let us know that there is a lesson to learn. Some lessons are simple clarification. Others can leave us stuck in a repetitive cycle of stagnation in which we loop the very same emotions over and over. It is only until we can look beyond our emotions and to our "feelings" that we can then discern what our Higher Selves are showing us within our illusory physical experience.

Whenever we experience emotions, it is important to always go to our hearts -to find that "Feeling" within the Higher Self/Soul and then to discern from within the heart and Source will provide you with all the answers you seek. This is how you find your "Knowing" -that one divine truth beyond the physical experience -that one divine truth that never changes -that one divine truth that we all share as one.

To explain my statement, "All emotions are good" let me start with anger. Anger is only a massive influx of energy that does not have any direction or outlet to dissipate. As we go to your Sacred Heart Center as explained, one can find the real "Feeling" behind this emotion and then realize the "Knowing" of just what to say and how to act in kindness. This is the true nature and purpose of anger. With these steps, one can use that building energy for that of unconditional love. Fear is the other really big one. Fear, by its real definition is that which we do not understand. When experiencing uncertainties, concern, stress, unworthiness, etc… the habitual response is to put up our armor. This reaction only separates us further from that one source of all truth and love and unity with all. With a self-imposed barrier around the Heart, one can never reach that "Knowing" Understandably, it can be extremely difficult to finally let this false sense of security fall away from our physical illusory state of duality when it is all we have known for so ever long. This seems to be the final step in the awakening process, or achieving mastery. Beyond those programmed habitual responses, the real natural response is to surrender to the fear and again, go to the Sacred Heart Center accepting this emotion as part of you to ultimately transmute all these uncomfortable emotions to that of unconditional love. It is in the faith that all that which we do not yet understand will be provided for us through the law of attraction in that "Feeling/Knowing" we all so desire. It is the final step and essential ingredient in clearing out those remaining programs keeping us stuck in the duality of the matrix.

The conscious mind can think and create the most incredible things. However, our physical mind is just that; the "Free Will" aspect of our outer, most distant representation of this "knowing" as through the individual expressions of prime creator that we are. This illusory physical experience brings us further from source than we are comfortable, but the real magic of "being" physically incarnate is just that; our "free will" to either choose to separate completely, or to bravely surrender to the unconditional "Knowing" love of source found within the heart. This Unity Consciousness we experience as through the bridging between sub-conscious and conscious is the other half of the equation to returning home -returning to the unconditional love of Prime Creator/Source Energy, or our shared "knowing" that makes us all one.

As we continuing bridging these gaps more and more often and diligently between Thinking and Knowing, between Emotions and Feelings, we must never lose ourselves. It is only the doubts, the fears, the concerns, etc coming from our conscious thoughts and our incarnate emotions that separate us from that Source Energy/Prime Creator/God. It is within us all to choose to both maintain this bridge between our incarnate illusory expression and our "Feeling/Knowing" as felt and known through the Heart, as well as to continue on "Being" that representation of our "Free Will" selves. The difference between "Good and Evil" or "Positive and Negative" is all in our "Free Will" choices and ability to transmute those thoughts and emotions to that of the unconditional love which comes from the inner most aspects of our multidimensional nature. It is within us to stay humble in this process of becoming masters in our own right, and to retain this ability to learn from our students. We are all "Children of God" so to speak -all of us, teachers -all of us, students. In Unity, we are all one, but it is only in surrendering to the unconditional love of Source that we earn our wings and truly find freedom within. When we can live from this place of "Feeling" -from this place of "Knowing" -it is only then that we can truly LIVE freely in that unconditional love of "Being" a fully incarnate individual and multidimensional expression of that very source. BE in YOU(r knowing) -BE in YOU(r feelings) and realize your true I AM THAT I AM presence.

Read More About Becoming a Cosmic-Being at:  www.divinewillpower.com

Where the "Truth" is FREE as it is found within YOU(r Heart)!


Please Also Enjoy My 3 Part Advanced Guided Meditation Series HERE!

FREE MP3 DOWNLOADS of my Guided Meditations HERE!!!

  • Guided Meditation of The Highest Self - A Message to the Ground Crew
  • Guided Meditation of Empowerment - Grounding to the New Earth Frequencies
  • Advanced Meditation of Unity Consciousness - The "New You" Attunement 
  • Subscribe! There's MORE on the way! ! ! 

FULL Chakra Chart Unveiled! ! !


Enjoy my Blogs as written from Source:


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..love and gratitude,



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  • Dearest eva dey,

    Yes, I was able to receive this from source as I have been growing an incredible love felt and shared at the soul level with a soul mate over the past months. We have a shared remembrance of past lives together as well as this knowing of our deep karmic bond. As I said, it is through our experiences that we teach ourselves and through the heart that we retain this knowing. 

    I do need to clarify for you. You can experience unconditional love with anything of nature; an ant, a bee, a flower, a tree, and certain any human being. The difference is a "shared knowing" as we are all created in pairs and that is the knowing of twin souls that carries through between them whether in a romantic relationship or simply just great friends. It may be the ultimate goal to experience this, but both souls must be in a clear state of karma as well as a certain state of self mastery in order for it to work. This "shared knowing" is the only difference, but I can imagine it would be very magical to experience.

    I am very happy this has helped you! :) Thank you for all your very kind responses! :) 

    Email me anytime you want to talk through my site! :) 


  • Hi guys,

    Different words yes, but these are different ways of connecting as well. This will clarify more clearly for you if you are interested. There are many levels of our beings. You are accessing your feelings of the soul through the higher/inner mental and causal plane. However, it is through the heart that you will find your true knowing as expressed through the physical body. There is a LOT to it more than that, but your ARE both right. 

    The main thing is to enjoy the process and to allow it all to flow freely. I do not judge. We all have our own process and path to reach the same goal. We are all individuals learning in our own ways. Some learn through pictures -some through reading -some through touch. Thank you for being YOU! :) 

    What Is Truth? What Is Awareness? How Do I Get There?
    Each and every one of us contains our own individual truth in each of our own personal manifestations as part of this illusory duality we chose to pl…
  • Dear eva day,

    Isn't that THE question?! :) 

    1st -Yes, I speak from experience. My posts here are direct from my website blogs. I receive them through telepathy and as felt direct from source/spirit. This is NOT channeling. However, you are very accurate in that one cannot teach until they 1st learn this lesson for themselves. We are ALL on our way to self mastery, dear friend and fellow ground crew mate. It is true mastery when the teacher can learn in humility from the students though, yes? The blogs on my site as linked above will help answer those questions you are not asking formally here.

    Yes, we are born in divine perfection! If we were all raised in a non-hostile environment, we would retain this knowing within the sacred heart center and grow into the cosmic beings we all ARE! We are only in the process of remembering this. 2012 is all about the best of the best that came here willingly to "forget" both ourselves as well as Creator/Source and to then gain the experience and knowing to understand those others still stuck in these cycles of emotional self-torment. You will have the opportunity to teach them YOU(r knowing) next year. Many of us will choose to do this. 

    What happens in the 1st couple years of incarnation in an environment under the control the "dark ones" is the culture, through their belief system and co-creation of this programmed illusory duality, begins attacking any sign of light that arises. This is all done unknowingly as the programs run. http://www.cosmic-people.com will help a great deal in this understanding. Still, they are ALL still cosmic beings -everyone! It is only each and everyone's free will to choose to either stay in this cycle of programmed emotional torment, or to look to their heart for discernment to find their knowing. 2012 is forcing everyone to choose. You can clearly see who is making what choice at this time. It is as apparent as night and day at this point. Those who choose to allow Creator in their hearts will continue to improve exponentially, just as those resisting will continue to close themselves into a box quite literally. 

    I watched my younger brother in the astral plane take a pile of lumber into a garage and board himself inside. His dog was there with him barking profusely at him saying, "What are you doing?! I love you! I'm not sticking around for this!" You see, so many are so afraid to allow this love into their hearts that they are afraid they will lose who they are in doing so, but that is the trick of the programming -the "who they are" in this programmed state of duality is the furthest thing from "who they are" in reality as there is only one Truth and this truth is unbound by space and time -meaning it never changes. It is found through the heart as you feel your soul and regain this knowing of that one divine Truth/Source/Creator/God. 

    I hope that helps you.

    I AM ALWAYS available for FREE email support through my site.


  • Dearest eva dey

    I AM in the process of writing my next video project. The description of my coming video was just written/received last night. I hope you receive it well:


    I’d like to talk briefly about the nature of the heart. So many think that when you fall in love, there is a sense of completion in that moment of making this connection, but just as the mind is infinitely powerful, so goes the same for the Sacred Heart Center. It is an ever expanding container of love; both with the love of creator and with the love between the divine masculine and the divine feminine.

    So for the love of creator, the more you bring the light of the soul incarnate into the body, the closer you get to that source. There is ever more, ever expanding, ever greater love and light coming from this source; limited only by the doubts and resistance in surrendering to that faith in receiving this love.

    The love between man and woman grows ever more, ever expanding and ever greater just the same. There is no greater or more powerful force in all of creation than the unconditional love shared between man and woman when shone through at the Higher Self –Soul level. And even greater yet as through a Twin Soul, divine union scenario as this knowing of their love as felt together through Creator –Source of all is then included as a shared knowing in addition to those feelings felt through the individual soul expression.

    Love is much more like an ever expanding container. Think of a glass that will never overflow, no matter how much water or love in this case you pour into it; a glass that constantly grows in diameter and height.

    To love unconditionally, this container must have no barriers –no shields –no walls. Think of that same glass as there being no glass there at all –no container to restrain this love beyond the definition itself. Meaning that the love within is ever more, ever expanding and ever greater, but it is not contained by anything at all, other than the very gravity of this love itself. In unconditional love, there is both the safety and security to be held within this gravity as well as the freedom and allowance to be set it free. 


  • And I know how that process works too, and like MJ says, you can't force it, it just comes to you. You can't sit down and say I'm gonna write a great song, it doesn't work that way. It really just comes when you're not thinking about it.

    Like tonight even, I was eating pringles..and I eventually finished the can, and then subconsciously, I just started tapping on it, and made a beat...and it just comes to you. You feel the rhythm, which comes from the heart level...you don't think about it, in fact thinking gets in the way, it ruins the flow. You go into a state of no mind...where you're just being and doing. And I made a little song, totally original...just from my own inner rhythm.

    Art is heart lol It really is, true artistry comes from the heart level. That's why all great artists are very heart centered, and are very unique beings. And intellectuals aren't lol They're centered in their minds, most of them are carbon copies, they're not really connected to their inner being. And that's why no matter how great the intellectual, he'll always look at a great artist as the greater being, because art represents heart, and being, and true unique godliness.

  • Well that's the whole point, it's going within you so God can then put original creations into creation, through you. So, everyone's a conduit, a messenger. Some people just are more inner connected than others. Alot of people tend to look out there for something to inspire them or give them ideas, then they use their mind to tweak it, and that's like half creativity. It's not true creativity, which comes completely from within.

    Again, does God have that, can God look to some other God to get inspiration from...no, God's creations all are completely original and come from his being. God is the ultimate creator. But I know, at our level at least, I don't think there are any true creators. There's not any true beings...some are just more truer than others. 

  • And you know, it's good to see someone write from his own understanding for a change, instead of just post an article from someone else. It's good to see someone coming into their own and becoming a true master. There's so few people like that here, or in any spiritual community. There's alot of followers...alot of carbon copies...complete with buzz words and phrases, like namaste lol There's very few true individuals...very few true authentic creators.

    And that's what individuality is, our very own godness, our very own expression of God. Each individual is a little mini God, a little mini Creator...and well, God is the ultimate individual, God is all that is. God doesn't have anyone to compare to, all his creations are uniquely his. That's why all great artists have a strong sense of individuality, and uniqueness. They create from a unique space, they're innovators, they're pioneers, they're true creators. Think of Michael Jackson. A true individual, a true creator...and his musical ability was close to God like.

    So we really need to start digging within and coming into our own, as a unique expression of God, tapping into our own creativity and expressing our own unique Godliness.

    • Yet again John Jancar, you speak as well from your "knowing" as through experience. Your understanding of this also comes from experience as this is the only way. We can only truly heal ourselves, yes? We can be shone the light of healing, but we must accept it and understand it to truly heal, and so it is in this understanding that we heal ourselves. So many spiritual healers out there do not take the time to tell their students/clients this fact. Perhaps because they do not even know, but if all the healing community would explain what they are teaching rather than simply giving them another fish -so to speak, this world would change in such a more exponentially and expansive way! 

      “Give a Man a Fish, Feed Him For a Day.
      Teach a Man to Fish, Feed Him For a Lifetime”
      ~Lao Tzu
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Show a man your healing love, he’ll forever be in your worship(not good!).
      Explain how this love has always been there within his heart...
      And reunite them with the gift of enlightenment -the gift of creator.

      Yes, I completely agree! This is the primary message of my website, my friend. You said it perfectly! I have the greatest adoration for you, John. You are doing so much for Gaia and for humanity and for the empowerment of the so very oppressed Divine Feminine through YOUr understanding, YOUr light, YOUr soul YOUr expression of BEING and living from the heart -a true incarnate cosmic being(in progress). 

      2012 -So beautiful! So many souls coming fully down incarnate into their bodies this year! I AM overjoyed to see others expressing their ART as this IS their soul manifest! Every time anyone writes anything -draws anything -paints anything -sings anything -runs in joy -laughs in joy -dances -etc.. etc.. from their heart, they are incarnating their soul in to their bodies -they are healing their bodies -they are healing Gaia -they are planting seeds in others to do the same! 

  • Well you definitely can't love with your mind lol Your mind can't feel. Where else would love be found besides the heart.

  • You mean like a handyman lol I'm definitely no handyman, I can barely use a hammer lol

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