www.shiftfrequency.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ManSkyRoadGrassLight.jpg?resize=400%2C271" alt="consciousness" srcset="http://i0.wp.com/www.shiftfrequency.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ManSkyRoadGrassLight.jpg?w=400 400x, www.shiftfrequency.com/wp
All Posts (48)
Many people have been experiencing unusual bursts of energy and are unsure what to attribute it to. It could be from solar flares and coronal mass ejections or it might be the energy being sent from the galactic center of our galaxy.
As we look at th
Hail O blessed goddess ATHENA-NEITH! How great are your works and wonders !.
They know the Gods and Sages that you are the divine Clitone of Atlantis submerged.
It is
Dr. Angela Barnett copyright 2016
Published by Create Space (originally published as Crystalai@cosmicdolphinmagic.com 20
Why some Lives are Filled with Problems - Part 5
In the fifth part of this six-part series we are told about the different forms of love that we can practice in our day-to-day existence and how practicing them leads us to a higher spiritual plane. Ag
Oh KEB! Genius of the earth; Mighty Lord of the world, sublime protector of the venerable mummies in the sunny country of KEM Hail! ...
What they hear my ears? Oh g
Is the earth Flat. If you can suspend disbelief and sit through a five minute video maybe you can tell me. Many people think a flat earth is nonsense, but is it?
As you all are aware, you have often heard the saying, may you burn in hell, when someone is very angry at someone. Firstly, i want to make this perfectly clear, Fire has nothing and never will have any thing to do with Hell what so ever and it has n
In this video you will get a in dept presentation about the Dracul Family. This introduction will make you understand a bir more about the coming videos about the Dracul Family as well as about Archange Lucien and the lies and propaganda spread about
There are many misunderstandings about the spirit, so in this video Luciela explains about the 3 oids groupd and about the spirit evolution, in a try to make misunderstandings clear once and for all
I got a request by somone on facebook asking me to add some teachings and journals in here, because she missed them. So I have been talking with Archangel Luciel and Archangel Michael and we have decided to share some teachings here as well from time
Blossom Goodchild
We have all heard about harm that is being done to us by dangerous drugs and medical procedures, doctors that turn a blind eye even when they are fully aware that certain drugs don't help, even worse that that like in case of chemotherapy, but little
If God wanted to tell U that He or Her loved U,,,,,,,, in this 3rd Dimension,,, how would He say it in Wondefullneses??
I think ,,, He or,,, Her Wonderfulness would say it from a GorJiss Singer with Vocals of YummyNesses,,,, I do
and She or Him would
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PETITION: We Demand Full Statistics on Sexual Assault, Rape & Gang Rape by Nationality and Ethnicity:…"
Play Show
Hosted by
Richard Syrett
Nick Bryant, Pete Shinn, Bart Sibrel
Saturday - February 24, 2024
Moon Landing Hoax
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Bart Sibrel’s "Moon Man" is a…"