



Sonoma County, CA


April 7

About Yourself

OK. Once upon a time, I was a hard core, right wing. first assy of god, bible thumpin', holy rollin', married, republican A$$, dedicated to proving to all the heathens, which to me included just about everyone other than a very few "real" christian churches. Mormons, JW's, Catholics, Bahai etc. ALL goin' THERE. 13 years ago I was divorced and kind of swaped a few other preferences in my life as well. Prior to that, I SLOWLY started changing my attitudes when my father yelled because we were watching and let our kids watch Star Wars. "`The force' isn't of god, so it's satanic". Then as I studied the bible, so I could of course show all those others where THEY were wrong, I found all the things the churches don't want you to know, find or ask about. THEN I started looking everywhere for real answers and the truth. So now, according to a few on line surveys I've taken, I'm an eclectic pagan, or a neo-pagan. I see only one law or rule that one needs to beware of or be aware of, and that is: No matter what you do, or what energy you put out, it's comin' back. Sometimes as light as a feather and sometimes as a ton of bricks directly over your head. I don't see or believe the christian 7 times, the Wiccan 3 times etc., just that "It's Coming Back" That, along with a real concern for all, has me careful to send love, light and good energy wherever and when ever I can. I am an empath and denied that for years until a great psychic told me WHY I was going through things and how to shield, AND how do let down a gross amount of shielding I'd built up even as a kid. I can not allow myself to get truly angry or things break or the person I'm that angry with gets hurt. I found that out the hard way and laughed when another psychic tried to tell me "you can't get angry" a few times and when I just said "I know", she stood up and almost yelled "You can't get angry or people get hurt". I again told her that I know, and the 2 examples I vividly remember. So... I KNOW the energy is out there (or HERE) and that we can all DO a lot. I know that what we truly believe has an effect and affect on US and those we know, love and even those we're not at ALL fond of. I do not fight, I do not "return" bad energy to the person sending it when I can ground it and be on about my business. Having discovered that sending love and light energy back instead tends to confuse the living daylights out of everyone. I COULD go on for awhile, but I'll be the few of you that do read this are thinking I should have left the original "I'll get something here later" here. :-)

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  • Thanks for your friendship, Dan:) Looking forward to reading more of what you have to say and getting to know you. Sending love light peace and healing to you too! Krhys
  • "Happy Birthday!"
  • I ditto what Peekay says, and I might add, it's so nice to have a friend on the West Coast...same time zone. It seems that most of my friends are in another time zone, and it's not quite as easy to connect.
  • Read all the james redfield books on the ninth tenth 11th 12th insights it has all the explinations you need in their.
This reply was deleted.
Dan replied to Malcolm's discussion Oprah Winfrey Tells BBC That Racists Have To Die In Order For Racism To End And Calls A U.S. Senator A Racist For Calling Obama A Liar
" If you buy a house and your real estate agent says that it's all looking good and you're in and can keep your house, and then the bank finds a loop hole and takes your house, did the agent lie to you or was that agent also mislead? 
  You HAVE read…"
Nov 19, 2013
Dan replied to Malcolm's discussion Oprah Winfrey Tells BBC That Racists Have To Die In Order For Racism To End And Calls A U.S. Senator A Racist For Calling Obama A Liar
"She said the OLD, Hard Core, Raised to hate, needed to die. As in OF OLD AGE.  Not that she wanted them killed, and the Senator WAS being racist and extremely rude.  Had any other president done the same, that would never have been said.  The…"
Nov 18, 2013
Dan replied to Krishna Kalki's discussion Bombshell! Barack Obama High School Classmate Reveals That He Was A Well Known Homosexual,massive cocaine user and a lying bum VIDEO & AUDIO)
"This is what I read was posted by Nancy:
"Liar, etc. is in the mind and heart of the beholder, first law of projection, and you know, from personal experience, that this is true."

Your Lovely Spiritual response,,,  Nancy didn't call you a liar, she…"
Nov 8, 2013
Dan replied to Pet Rock's discussion Politically Incorrect; US Socialist Propaganda Media Presenting Gov. Christie As Fat Man-11/18/2013 issue of Time ragazine
"OK Folks.  The cover of that magazine doesn't say anything bad about him, and in fact says he is what's needed for the party.  How he can win them over.  The only thing that COULD be seen as a reference to his weight is "What THEY (his rivals) will…"
Nov 8, 2013

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