8110739668?profile=originalThis is something we get asked continually, "When is Ascension?", "When is First Contact?", "When is The Event?".

I wonder if people have any idea how long these questions have been asked? This whole idea that a day or a series of events would come along to solve humanity's problems is ancient, it can be found in Zoroastrianism which predates Judaism. And this belief that it's all going to happen "soon", do you know how long people have believed this? It's part of the bible, so at the very least around 2,000 years, probably much longer.

For thousands of years this day has been predicted over and over and over again, and yet it hasn't come. Even today, we seem to get a new prediction of when "it" will happen at least once a week. It's a shortcut to popularity by predicting something will happen, people like that. We see the stats on our site, and we know how popular those messages are. People really want to believe this, and I wonder if they're conscious of the same patterns repeating over and over again?

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

We've watched more of these predictions fail than I care to count. Even now, I know there's at least one prediction of something happening sometime this week, and another predicting something 8 days from when I write this. So easy it is to just believe someone else and wait, but is that how real change occurs? How long have people tried this for?

His disciples said to him, "When is the Kingdom going to come?"
Jesus said, "It is not by waiting for it that it will come. No one will say, 'Here it is' or 'There it is.' Rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out over the earth, and people do not see it."
Gospel of Thomas 113

What's a better source of telling where humanity's consciousness is at? Looking at the way they actually behave, or believing a channeler? The fact that we rely upon channelers to tell us where we're at, instead of looking and seeing for ourselves, says a whole lot about where humanity's consciousness is at.

Is humanity ready? Well, ready for what exactly? I know a lot of people think ETs are going to come share advanced technology with Humanity, yet I don't believe the ETs are that dumb. You don't give a gun to a 3 year-old, and you certainly don't give something capable of far more destruction to a race of beings who demonstrate daily they're not ready for that level of responsibility. How many wars do you think are happening right now, how often do people still kill each other? The more naive might believe the world is at peace right now, or there's only a couple isolated wars. I count 43 wars that have had at least some killing since 2013, and there's around 20,000+ deaths from these in 2014 alone. Is this a race of beings ready for Higher Consciousness?

On the internet, we have the ability to search the whole world for news stories, and cherry-pick only what we want to hear. You can believe the people in countries like Egypt are "waking up", standing up for themselves and doing something about a corrupt government. We even reported about this on the Galactic Free Press. Now that they have a new government, do you know what it's up to? Have you heard the recent news? They're planning mass executions, how incredibly barbaric! An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and I do not have much hope for the new Egyptian government when they behave just like the old one. Revolutions are often like that, ones that make substantially progress instead of just keeping people spinning in circles seem to be the rarity. I wont even get into the horrors happening now in places like South Sudan and Syria.

Is this what it looks like when humanity is ready for "ascension"? I don't believe that, collectively you would begin creating Heaven on Earth, not killing each other and poisoning the Planet. Even now when the incredible corruption of the business, banks and governments has been revealed, they still get to operate like they're "above the law". Collectively, people have reacted with apathy. They don't want to look at the ugly reality of what humans are doing, they want someone else to come fix things. So many people are waiting for an honest politician to come fix things, religious people are waiting for God to come fix things, new agers are waiting for ETs to come fix things. Meanwhile, the mess grows bigger while everyone waits for someone else to come clean it up.

This whole myth of external salvation is part of what keeps people apathetic and complacent. Every day I see it though, people claiming someone or something is coming along with the solution to all our problems. Meanwhile I don't see much lessening of our problems, at least collectively. The world's drama goes back and forth, progression happens, but so does regression.

Part of this disease is people believing it's up to a single person to fix the whole world. Often people believe that they're the "Chosen one" with the "solution". I personally know multiple people who believe they're the second coming of Jesus, the new "world teacher" or the Matreiya. It's a common delusion, and one our society actually encourages. People want someone else to come along and fix their life, to tell them exactly what to do. This is a form of ignorance, it stems from people not wanting to take personal responsibility, yet all the unauthentic religious and spiritual teachers encourage it.

You're not going to fix the world through avoiding personal responsibility. The world you have now is a result of what this collectively creates. You are responsible for the way your life is, not someone or something else, and when the majority of people really understand this, they'll start creating the world they've always wanted. They'll realize what a beautiful Planet they're already living on, and human beings will reflect that beauty instead of working to destroy it.

To some, it may seem like I don't believe in ascension, but this isn't true at all. What I don't believe is that the current behaviors of Humanity are going to get them there. There is slow progress being made, but it's not the kind of radical transformation yet that brings people to God. Collectively you're still inching forward, and when people are truly ready for Peace, they will collectively be choosing Love, not the fear that's still being spread.

I'm not even sure what exactly is meant by "ascension" for most people, it seems to me this idea seems caught up in the Christian religion. People want this day to come when all the "evil" people get what's coming to them, and the "good" people rise up to Heaven. To me, ascension is the realization that you never left Heaven, and it's the reawakening into your own Multi-Dimensional Nature. You don't need to go anywhere or wait for anything, in fact doing those will just push Heaven further away. Individually, you can choose this for yourself right now, though don't expect it to happen overnight. It's a process, and it's far more about living your own Life than expectation or beliefs.

When people are ready for ascension they will actively be creating Heaven on Earth, they wont be just believe and wait for it to come. Waiting and believing isn't really change, it's repeating the same mistakes of the past over and over again. I wonder if it has occurred to people that perhaps the ones who don't want change are the ones telling people it's coming soon and they just have to wait for it? It's a wonderful recipe for slowing real change, even politicians use it. Remember when Obama was the "change we can believe in"? And yet the U.S. government is remarkably similar to what it was before, in some aspects even worse.

I wonder if the "new age" movements are even really growing now? I know when 2012 didn't bring the changes so many were spiritual teachers and channelers were promising, a lot of people got very discouraged. I often see people getting fed up and leaving after putting so much faith in a failed prediction. These types of things seem to create division just as much as they unite people. I feel much of the "new age" movement is working to create new religions and belief systems instead of real change.

On the Galactic Free Press we learn though, we don't just try to repeat the same failed patterns again. We've switched focus recently to the kinds of messages that encourage personal transformation instead of faith in some channeler and their predictions. As a result, we're quite a bit less popular, I've noticed people would rather be told when the "new world" is coming instead of how they can work to create it. This speaks volumes about whether or not people are really ready for the Higher Realms.

So when is "it" coming, this miraculous thing that fixes our lives? For the people that didn't just wait for it to come, for the proactive people, the ones who understand what it really means to be a human being, Heaven already Here. There's nothing keeping you away except for what you believe in your own mind, what you hold on to yourself, what you alone are responsible for.

When will it happen collectively? So long as humanity perpetuates the current patterns they're in, it's not going to happen. They could break out of those chains tomorrow, or it could take a thousand years, I don't really know. What I do know though is that repeating the same patterns isn't working, and that the spiritual community can do a whole lot more to help things along than just waiting and believing.

His disciples said to him, "When will the rest for the dead take place, and when will the new world come?"
He said to them, "What you are looking forward to has come, but you don't know it."
Gospel of Thomas 51


The Galactic Free Press
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  • Finally a thread true to the heart and not to the masses. Its true in that this is not a group or world lotto winning ticket in to heaven or space utopia.

    I came into this world by my self. And there is only one in me not a world of people. Yet people act like there here to save the world thinking.. When you can only save you.

    A single stone on the road, is neutral till you notice it, stop -- and pick it up and add your thoughts to it. Its still neutral -- all existence is this way Neutral till the brain give’s it meaning.

    Our awareness is the evil that gets in the way of everything just being --- everything. Existence dose not need thought or awareness to exist.

    At the core, of existence what is has no NAME never did till the brain came and marked it. Like a wolf marks its territory we mark everything in our known world with words that some one else has mark as being this or that.

    Rather that seeing with the eye,, this is nice -- noticing its own divinity, Neutral to our labels (marking) existence.

    Buddha’s flower mediation, when he held a flower up before his students after many hours of staring at that flower, finally one just one a smile came across a students face -- he finally got it. EXIST. that’s all there is, un- limitless, existence’s with out Names or labels.

    When the brain marks it, it suddenly looses its neutrality in your reality, so schools, churches, governments, people teach there labels to children, how grow up and pass on the marking of other’s territory’s like the wolf -- marking, marking, marking, till the true meaning of life and existence is gone..

    Follow the leader, monkey see monkey do. Whistle down the lane, fare enough and no one agrees what up or down.

    So when this insanity has blinded people sense of existence as neutral and replace everything in the sight with labels totally blind to what existence is. They will follow anyone they think can see, as there sight has been remove with knowledge ( labels) .

    Do not partake of the tree of knowledge like eve did but go to the tree of life and partake of that witch is eternal, in you.

    Thousands of millennia have passed and we are still marking things. (our territory & and defend it to the death) because be do not respect other’s marking things different than our territory. (war’s un-ending ) opinions get stepped on., and so on.

    When you meditate your stepping into the Neutral Zone or getting back to all things exist …. Even with out our thinking getting in the way. And looking for a lotto ticket or ET or God to get us out from under the label trip we have forever been on is not going to happen. The way out of this is to go in with out thinking going with you. You cant take the world with you. You are in the world, but not of it. If you are the spirit driving in the car, when you get out of the car and go into the house, are you still the car?

    Then quit living like you are the car. You are in it. So quit identifying with it. Walk in spirit and you will be free of the car you have been lead to believe in as YOU.

    • one hand is the other.  but it is important to consider that we would not have been helpless, if it had Not been time for a stasis.  it is important, but would all of you cooperate, allowing all people equal to you?; as facts are facts even if a monkey tells you.   I say, because where are the Quakers is right; and the NAACP who were there in the 1950's, are bought these days, as in, who cares about the poor.  that the only thing for US WORLD CHANGERS to do, according to you, is to hide in our hidey holes.  i guess this is also, why it pretty much serves dark people right to be in hidey holes themselves, on the other hand. . Utopia means no where; but a NORMAL WORLD is honest only, is to be expected.   Confucius had folks in that era, just as he, who went to their hidey holes.  Confucius had at least one national leader listen.  He tried is better then pretending bad people win is all.  is defeating to just accept no use, and gives bad people too much power, they wouldn't have, if we have honest people working together.   ....Amusingly, Rush Limbaugh holds you and the guy who posted this article stance: "wouldn't it be great if we all went to sleep and woke up to a better world." [my husband listens to him on his car radio.]    .i wasn't waiting for such a thing, until i understood it is happening.  why is, we are the lucky generation turned into we are the waiting for magic generation?  either it is the end of the world or it isn't.  facts are facts only.  i have trouble understanding some of you guys.  sometimes, you don't have the right conversations.

    • Beautifully written and very pertinent...

  • Ben,

    In response to your article "When Is Ascension Coming?"  The answer is NOW if everybody is ready.  Please read the information below...

    We are able to create the world we want right now.  We must all join together in unity.  Please go to www.educationalhealing.wordpress.com and read everything on the site.  It explains how we can change our world right now!  The power of the collective consciousness is insurmountable.  Please watch the video on the site as well because it is for the world!  For more information, go to facebook.com/MakeYourDreamsReality.

    • i'd like to add how we should have known to protest like the dickens, 2002, and demand no war is EVER going to be allowed.  the lies that usa is in very grave danger, verses the fact that the government thus far, is not even discussing increasing wages, to living wages, but instead the few merely want to make their money by making war machines.   knowing better the problem.  ..........i feel our country would have had a better hope, if stasis wasn't going to occur; but since stasis is occurring, this help, [like Francis Perkins, who put in welfare at all, in usa, with FDR], did not occur; but instead played out naturally. ....  cooperation:  i don't see any, regarding society overall; it is bizarre really.   ....but getting back to what you wrote Vanaja, and the fact that we didn't know we had aliens to run off, or at least refuse power; nor did we note that the USA power struggle has/had monsters in charge.  rather, a new constitution not allowing their slanderous views to the poor, and free speech for real, would rid of their power; but better,  to smoke these overly powerful bad people out in plane sight.   just knowing who they are, and what they are about.  .....anyway, as my son and i always say, "thank goodness there is a stasis".  .........before i realized the stasis was coming, i figured this: sue Yale university for pathological lying; disband college.  as they rid of New Deal econ. facts, in exchange for the poor are crummy.  as if the poor are crummy is science at all.  dugh, it isn't.  rather, facts are facts only.  and of course, break up the press owner.  as it is almost just one guy.  only one guy has control over what we hear in my neck of the wood, right now.  congress knows is against the law.  anti trust lawsuit to break em up; and a 4th branch to ensure all people are heard, but well.

  • After being part of it, I think we've been duped with this ascension and new age movement. I just can't see this happen anymore without a high divine authority being in charge (Jesus). I also have serious reasons to believe that many if not most central figures in new age, like Sananda, Salusa etc, are in reality fallen angels and not beings of light which they claim to be. I believe that humanity has made to much harm to just deserve an ascension and all the bad karma generated will be inflicted on us first, before any salvation.

    • A history lesson Paul.  The same thing happened for the previous 50 years leading to American independance.  Folks found circulating the preposterous notion that the colonies were soon going to obtain freedom from the omnipreseent British Empire.  False starts - hopefull statrs that never happend........then one day  "the shot heard round the world.....did happen"

  • My opinion is that the external perception of the world is our best mirror of our inner world. External world can not be changed, but the inner world can be. With changing your inner world the picture of your external world will become different. The main thing to learn is to observe your own thoughts and emmotions and become concsious creator of your own life. Therefore if you feel imbalance when you receive question When is ascesion coming?,This is definately indicator that your time to do the change within self arrived.

    Love and Light

  • I do not believe that I have ever heard better advice to earth surface humanity Will






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