8 Akbal, 1 Xul, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We arrive! Your surface realm is now in the throes of a final struggle between the dark cabal and the forces of the Light. This seemingly never-ending battle has gone on for decades and centuries. Way back in the final days of Rome, the Anunnaki swiftly made a smooth transition from emperors to kings. It used its abilities to sway and influence these new rulers and maintain a degree of incendiary combat throughout Europe. The same was done in Asia, the Americas and Africa. This turmoil is how the dark operates. It loathes peace and despises anyone who wishes to change this horrendous game. Our earthly allies realize that the dark overlords are gone. What is left is a group of foolish minions, arrogant and stubborn, who continue their childish maneuvers as their only gambit. The dark knows many ways to engage our earthly allies. Nevertheless, this strategy is no longer applicable. All that it does is work the dark into a corner from which it cannot escape. This present dilemma is one that dooms the dark to its inevitable defeat.

We are presently seeing the signs of this doom at play. Before the treaty of Anchara, the dark cabal intended to drive the Anunnaki away, to complete its final defiance of Heaven’s edicts by mid 1996. The Anunnaki are gone as their overall leaders. What happened was a massive international war fought with money, impudence and overwhelming chicanery. This previously worked wonderfully, given the ability of the dark to manipulate any given situation. But this strategy began to fail in the second decade of this century. The Light began to comprehend how we were able to force the dark into failure after failure. The Light used these missteps to its advantage and reveal evidence that was legally used against the dark. In the last years, this led the dark to see its casino capitalism to be somewhat curtailed and the power of its fiat dollar diminished in value. Moreover, this strategy is backfiring as the truth behind its numerous lies is revealed and evidence to arrest them increases.

As a result, the dark cabal is at a crossroads. Its old successful methods no longer work. Its final strategies are quickly failing, and its continual attempts to start a war in the Middle East are not working. They are likewise unable to brew up a good-sized war in other potential global hot spots. In addition, the vast over-speculation in precious metals is also failing to prevent the rise of new global precious metal based currencies. The pressure to revalue a number of currencies has been held up for about as long as possible. The Light and its many agents are quickly causing the dark to lose large amounts of its many stock and commodity portfolios. The resultant “price fixings” are enabling the Light to force a number of serious investigations that are deeply worrying the cabal. Nevertheless, that is the least of it. Our legal-based emissaries set up the means to bring down these heinous rapscallions. The cabal’s crazy reaction is a sudden rash of odd “suicides” involving key members of the cabal-controlled large financial service corporations.

These acts are an outward sign of their pure panic, which is now causing them to strike out and hope that their actions can delay the inevitable. The global mind control net over the world’s governments is failing. Elements in the Light’s forces are making it quite clear that the old ways do not work any more. The many de facto regimes, long controlled by these fiends, are beginning to desert them. The schemes for permanent world domination are slipping away forever. The time for their surrender approaches. Our Earth allies are finishing various agreements that are on the verge of ending the long hegemony enjoyed by these dark ones. As governments prepare to leave them, many large multinational banks are desperately readying to surrender in order to save themselves from the coming new financial system and its inherent transparencies. As the police used to say to their respective bad guys, “surrender, the jig is up!” The time for your grand celebrations is drawing very, very near!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come here with more insights into what is now happening. Our various associates in Asia and Europe continue to make great progress in defeating the schemes of the dark cabal. Our associates are very close to a number of vital breakthroughs, which are to spell a blessed end to a number of attempts by the dark to start wars, spread disease and generally wreak havoc upon this most sacred realm. These actions are set to bring down the last key vestiges of this cabal and allow the Light to carry out a series of important projects. These developments are to permit the Light to make possible the funding of a number of humanitarian projects. These projects are to help stamp out future attempts by the dark to spread its vile pestilence across this globe. Another is to allow for a global currency reset and the rise of precious metal backed monies. These are just the start of what is to follow.

Changes to this realm are just the next steps that mark the final part of your journey to return Gaia and yourselves to your natural states of existence. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors were thrust into a dualistic realm, run by the Anunnaki. They inherently knew that this realm was to take just a brief turn toward the dark. This twist was a part of Heaven’s plan to bring peace to this galaxy. The Anunnaki, however, had another set of plans. These Beings dearly wished to somehow make the temporary dark twist more permanent. Heaven knew that this could well happen. Their answer was to begin to bring Avatars of the Light to these realms to ultimately foil the Anunnaki’s plans. We Ascended Masters are the last step in Heaven’s grand plan to counter the schemes of the Anunnaki and their faithful minions.

As you can see, Heaven and the Light succeeded in their strategy to seed this surface realm with followers of the Light. Consequently, you are on the verge of many great changes that are to set you divinely on your final journey to full consciousness. This coming time is when you are to be able to see a series of sacred events; events that are to transform the very way this reality operates. With Heaven’s guidance, our blessed task is to oversee the events that are already starting to manifest. At first, they will have a scattered effect. Then a veritable avalanche is to follow. The underlying aim is to heal Gaia and your societies of all the harm and deceit created by the dark. This bunch of rapscallions delayed your promised blessing by the use of lies, provocations and force. This time is over. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we explained what is happening. We ask that you remain patient. Events are ready to occur, to change your world and return it to the Light. This means a new financial system and new governance. This is to be topped off by a mass landing, which is a part of our first contact mission. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


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  • it is said that you know the absolute second you've won a fight ... when your opposition has run out of logic with which to battle, and the name-calling commences ...

  • If I were someone who channeled regular articles for a money-spinning website, with plenty of contributions from adoring fans, then maybe I could appreciate where you are coming from.....YET, I make no money from what I post here and also, other areas of the internet...Nor do I have millions of adoring fans, with chequebooks to hand, at my fan club sessions...I do not run webinars, nor have books for avid readers to spend their meagre incomes upon....


    I'm fairly low key, actually and rightly so....I have to be, for various reasons....


    I don't like publicity and shun attention.....You know nothing about me...Even the name I use here, is not the one used in day to day living...on my debit and credit cards...LOL


    If I were someone like Mike Quinsey, then maybe you would have a case and a possible motive for reasoned accusations...But, then I have never been someone who sets dates for predicted events and provides false channelings, akin to those like Quinsey, or Kathryn E. May....utterly failed prophecies, such as those made by Greg Giles....with donations nevertheless...


    Honestly, you are not obliged to pursue my material through peer pressure...I have no exposure on the BBC news, nor Sky News, nor the Daily Mail newspaper....


    I don't receive political donations for my cause...


    So get real and grow up soon.......


    If you don't like what I write, then please turn the other way and avert your gaze....Nobody is forcing you to follow me and dog my trail, here...




    P.S. This is my final reply to you...as you really bore me and I feel you are missing out on alternative experiences, by placing so much emphasis on me.....

  • You have no clue about the New Age movement Barry, as you have no personal belief, nor interest in it, at all...You are simply here to destroy said movement...

    You are a conventionalist in all matters...You seek to preserve the status quo at all costs....A small mind, to be sure... LOL


    People are asking the question, if I'm considered to be simply a "charlatan" by you, why do you visit this site and attack me, thus giving me an opportunity to present my case, further.....? You provide me with many opportunities to demonstrate the ageless wisdoms, far beyond simple talks about aliens.


    Tsongkhappa11 left this site, did he not...? Or, was he pushed....?? It does not matter which, as the law of cause and effect is still satisfied by his leaving....

    This is not about me controlling mods, but rather matters beyond your abilities to comprehend...


    If you examine historical records, you will find that all men of renown and moment, have at some time in their lives, gleaned the unsavoury title of "charlatan."

    My very own Master, the Count, was often named a "charlatan"....YET, as I said, it matters not to those with private means and independence of wealth, career and education....

    Like Master R I do not need patronage from anyone and so can be myself.....A reputation to one, may appear different to another, depending on their wisdom...

    To the common uneducated folk, a prince in rags, is but a beggar to be spat at in the street...But to the wise observer, the manner and bearing of the prince, will reveal his identity..in spite of superficial factors, that elude the less acute eye...



  • ~Sarcasm is a form of violence, Barry... & ultimately speaks volumes to the low-grade Intent that dominates most of your responses on ACC; as it's latest self-appointed critic. As you race around from post to post in your little sports car, with your petty & beyond predictable jabs... how's it really working for ya?... Beyond your egoic self? Is it adding to your illusory sense of self importance? Or merely feeding that empty place in your Consciousness that prevents you from adding anything of depth & weight to this community? I've always found sarcastic people to be enmeshed with the shadows & injured parts of their psyches they don't want to acknowledge. Sarcasm becomes one of the primary shields they use to avoid truly looking within... instead, relying on the homogeneous energetic signature of cynicism, to fuel their daily affairs. Do you really believe your observations about 'New Agey' circles are anything new to people who engage these kind of arenas, Barry? Far from it, my friend. They're as repetitive as the 'channeling's' you are criticizing ;-)  


  • Frankly Barry, it really does not matter to me what you think or believe....As I have said multiple times, I'm not here to glean "followers," nor to be paid for services.....

    I'm here to raise planetary consciousness and to share my insights and those of the GFL Ground and Flight Crews....


    Although you have mentioned both Wes and myself, using disrespectful tones, do not assume that it matters really, what you or anybody else thinks of us...

    We don't run for elections, require press endorsements, the favours of big business backers and people's votes...

    Anyone in the New Age movement who fears for their reputations, has no inner guidance, nor self-confidence....I have no reputation for you to bring down, Barry...So why continue to try to do so....

    To you I'm just a phantom on a PC screen.....so maybe it's time to get things in perspective...

    After all, you could end up exiting the website, as others have done before you, if you continue to frenzedly stir the pot, on all blogs you enter...??

    Ponder it....!!


    Also, I do answer questions from you, but find that you don't like the answers provided...Thus, the exercise lessens my interest in continuing.....as you will always seek conflict and never harmony.

  • "That's where we have a problem. Just because a certain part of a message "resonates" doesn't mean that it should be accepted if the message, on the whole is untruthful. That is like saying, I will only believe half your lie."

    Again I think it's very hard to really distinct what is a lie. A lie implies to me something that is deliberately with intent made up to hide truth and is all very much up to the individual to evaluate and distinct this. Some people have easier to see it more than others and of course it should always be encouraged to shine light on these things, because that's the reality of it! Information is Light, Lack of information is darkness.

    I'm speaking from own experience and yes I do see the problem with the false information going around with channelings, but at the start of my curiousity alot of the things helped me get a push in the right direction. While some of the things I believed and followed weere at the time considered false information by many, it nevertheless made me search beyond it while it lead me on to a path I otherwise would not have found. Therefore I am thankful for these messages hence why I say that part of these messages can actually be helpful to anyone in any way. It's not up to you and me to say and judge that just because some of the information may be made to decieve it CAN'T in any other way be helpful just because the larger part would then also be affected negatively. But of course it's as I said a really good mindset to expose the deception and wanting nothing but Light to be shown. But there's alos a middle path to walk, not always seeing everything in Black VS White. Everything needs to exist and it's up to us to find the balance.

    "They won't talk to you for long because they are scared of questions. They don't like questioning"

    I know Barry and there's a reason for this. I am myself a very honest person and I am careful to only share things I know I can back up when being questioned. Or If I get proven wrong about something I don't go all defensive and trying to cling on to my beliefs for dear lfe but actually see it as a way for myself to grow from another persons input. If I would share something my sole purpose would be that to someone it might be helpful instead of just making a name for myself. I have had my part of trying to be the messenger, but even back then I always came from the heart and answered peoples questions with whatever capability I had, I never tried to manipulate anyone. But when I realized alot of the things I stood behind and shared didn't actually come from my own inner self (being the messenger to another person) I saw how this wasn't a good thing to push and I stepped down. It was a good lesson for me, but I realized that if I let the ego be my controller I could go on for an eternity living in a false comfortable reality for myself and denying to see and accept the truth that was being presented to me.

    It's easy, those people that cannot tolerate being questioned in reacting with ignoring or defriending etc on this site is a strong marker that this person is being lead by his ego and not coming from the heart. I'm not saying this is always the case, but to me it's always a warning sign when a person don't have valid responses to valid questions. It's really easy to see the characteristics from someone coming from the heart or coming from the ego in the way they react. It's all about humbleness and authenticity, if there's a lack of this then there is reason to be skeptic.

    But these people also need help to grow, we are all in the same boat. I always ask myself what drives a person to be driven by an ego, to have the need to feel acknowledged, recognized, having a big name etc. instead of being happy with all they have within themselves and gladly just sharing it not having a thought of becoming famous or accepted.

    I think it comes from a deep yearning to feel loved as we all have, some people just fight for it alot more and taking more extreme approaches to make them all send out the message "I AM HERE, LOVE ME". We should all strive to help eachother through Love instead of fight eachother. There's enough for everyone, we all have it within us, we are made of it.

    • very nicely put .... but don't grow up too fast Ogdoo ;)) take your time ... ;)

      its very unpleasant to be in young body with the knowledge and wisdom of 70 years old ... ;))

      • On the other hand, someone of 70 with a young body would feel very pleasant I believe.

        • very true Drome, a small mishap in our DNA .... ;)) - i think we supposed to be that way ...  age very slow 'like wine' ... ;)) - now that would be nice ... ;))

          • Ara :) this is a constant reminder to me, today I am actually 23 years old. I reflect on how little time on this planet that actually is, and still it feels like forever. It's strange the perspective of time.

            But I try not to put too much attention to my age or anyone elses. Because I know we have a soul age when we enter our bodies that tend to shine through alot in how we live our lives, how much  wisdom we are able to tap into and put to use.

            It's not easy trying to fit into society, and I am happy that I am getting away from the teenage life, because I never felt like one for a very long time. Oh I just see the endless possibilites for growth and wonders from a larger perspective in a human life on Earth, but being a part of it with a narrow perspective can make you miss this fact and get you caught up in the moment ;).

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