After importing illegals give them the right to vote immediately-illegal socialist tactic -no one addresses the problem that most of these people come from countries where the existing sociailista or comunista regimes won't allow the emergence of a strong and large middle class that would threaten the scumbags in authority-may all marxist scum burn in the pit of hell!!!

Democrats Plan To Win Elections With Illegal Alien Votes

The Obama Democrats have an audacious scheme for winning future elections. They just plan to import 5 million non-citizens and credential them as voters who will, in gratitude, vote Democratic.

The way this devious formula works is stunningly simple. Just get the new Republican Congress (under Speaker John Boehner and Sen. Mitch McConnell) to pass a full-funding bill for Homeland Security without any exception for the funding of Obama's illegal executive amnesty, which will allow Obama to give work permits, Social Security numbers and driver's licenses to 5 million illegal aliens.

Once the 5 million so-called undocumented persons are given those valuable documents, there is no way to stop them from voting. That conclusion is drawn from the testimony of voting experts such as Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who told the U.S. House Oversight Committee on Feb. 12, "It's a guarantee it will happen."

Kobach's warning was reinforced by testimony before the same committee by Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, who noted that the 5 million non-citizens would receive the "same documents that federal law requires the states to recognize as valid forms of identification for voter registration." And once an alien registers to vote, Kobach said, it is "virtually impossible" to remove him from the voter rolls.

A third witness, Hans von Spakovsky, suggested that Social Security numbers issued to the 5 million illegal aliens should contain a code (such as "N" for non-citizen) that would instantly reveal their ineligibility to vote. But that simple fix would happen only if the Obama administration sincerely wants to keep them from voting, which I doubt.

In case the illegal aliens need spending money, they can collect a special handout from the U.S. taxpayers called Earned Income Tax Credit, which was designed to help parents who are working to support their families. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told the Senate Finance Committee on Feb. 3 that as soon as the illegal aliens receive their Social Security numbers, they will be allowed to go back and claim the EITC for up to three previous years in which they worked illegally.

What about the employers who illegally hired these people? They will get off scot-free, even though documentation clearly exists to prosecute and punish them.

Opponents of amnesty were cheered by the news that a federal judge issued an injunction against Barack Obama's unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty. The judge ruled in favor of the lawsuit filed by the new Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, along with 25 other states.

Obama's outgoing attorney general, Eric Holder, has promised to appeal, and don't expect any help from Holder's replacement. His designated successor, Loretta Lynch, has already testified that she thinks Obama's executive actions are perfectly legal.

Meanwhile, Obama's 5 million amnestied illegals allowed to remain in our country can cash in on free health care plus schooling for their kids, including free lunch, breakfast and even dinner. I heard one public school superintendent complaining on television that he now has 40 languages spoken in his school, and nobody has yet added up the costs that this burden imposes on the taxpayers.

Of course, these illegals will become eligible for all sorts of America's generous welfare benefits. This includes food stamps, Obamaphones, Medicaid, WIC, Social Security disability and dozens of other handouts.

Most important is that the illegals take jobs from American citizens. The Obama administration brags that the official unemployment rate is only 5.6%, but that number is misleading because it doesn't include anyone who stopped looking for work four weeks ago.

As many as 30 million Americans are either out of work or extremely underemployed. If you work just one hour per week for a payment of at least $20, you can't be counted as unemployed in the official government statistics.

The 5 million beneficiaries of Obama's executive action would be added to the already high number of foreigners who enter our labor force each year. They include 1.1 million legal immigrants, 700,000 guest workers on temporary visas, plus roughly a half-million work permits, which the Obama administration has been handing out each year to various categories of non-citizens who are not eligible for employment under the law.

It's no wonder that the Center for Immigration Studies could report last year that literally 100% of all net new jobs in the past decade have gone to immigrants and foreign workers. Fewer working-age Americans are employed today than in 2000.

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  • I have nothing against anyone wanting to be a U.S. citizen, but my ancestors had to stand in line, be examined per health and answer any questions about past activities,  and wait their turn to be U.S. citizens.  People south of the border can do the same, regardless of which political party they may gravitate to. 

    • Right. Here are some PSYOPS they are using:  PSYOP # 1:  They keep on calling ILLEGAL ALIENS "undocumented immigrants' as if calling someone something else is going to change what they are.  PSYOP # 2:     "We're all a nation of immigrants".  NO, we are NOT "all a nation of immigrants", we are a nation of CITIZENS.  (SOME of us have come here as  immigrants).  The people who have come here LEGALLY are ANGRY about the fact that others haven't - and why shouldn't they be?  They came here the RIGHT way.   PSYOP # 3:  "What about the CHILDREN?" in regards to illegal aliens.   Always pulling on people's HEARTSTRINGS and EMOTIONALISM to CONTROL people.  It's a sad state of affairs. PSYOP # 4:   "Multiculturalism" CRAP.  They will call you the "r" word if you're against it to SILENCE and INTIMIDATE you, but it doesn't WORK in any country in the WORLD!   With "multiculturalism" you lose ALL culture - and that's exactly what they WANT! They want us all THE SAME for easier CONTROL!  They want all races BLENDED so a person's race is DESTROYED!    Each person's culture  and race  is BEAUTIFUL and should be allowed to exist! 

  • A country is defined by three things:  1.  It's borders  2.  It's culture  3.  It's language.  Our borders are open.  "Multiculturalism" has taken over the WORLD, and has FAILED in every country.  Press "1" for English, and "2" for Spanish - our LANGUAGE is gone.  What country do I live in?  I don't have the slightest idea.  This is all done ON PURPOSE I believe, to merge Mexico, America and Canada into the North American Union.  Such a sad state of affairs.  They NEVER listen to the people.  They just do what they want.  We were a great country at one time.

    • reagan did it too-

      what about the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the military-or who are maimed and scarred-to basically fight for american citizens rights? reagan was probably pressured by employers as is the bam but the socialists are desperate for the next election cycle and they will probably have a calling list and pester everyone of them to vote D, which is really S for you know what-as you know they lost big time in the last election across the nation-

      • You know what really gets me?  There are so many HOMELESS VETERANS, yet the illegals get health care, housing, food stamps, etc.  This doesn't make any sense to me. 

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