if you lost your entire family in 1 minute.... and believed everything we do... how do you still keep faith in it...when no mercy has been shown to me... Im hurting inside so deeply.. im nto sure if I can stay on this earth anymore.... someone.. please reach out and.... give me somethign...anything...this is my one cry for help...please.

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  • Hugs xxx

  • Hi Andrew. I'm deeply sorry for your lose and I will not pretend that I know what you going through right now because I don't but I know that everything is happening for a reason. Even if we don't understand it, there is no such a thing as coincidence.

    There should be a lesson for you, learned from a pain and lose. Cry, let it all go out, take some time to be away from other people, go to a nature, in a woods, share your grief with Mother Earth. If anbody could understend you, that's HER. Be strong. You are not alone. You are never alone my brother. Namaste

  • I hope Comforting Angels ease your pain

  • Hang in there,you loved ones left there vessels,there body.There souls are with you.I know.I have lost.Hold your LOVE
  • Everyone.... i've held on over night... I cried, I cried mroe deeply than I have ever done before... I check this before i went to my room... and i saw nothing.... I thought "I wonder if this is really here... or is this just./..some site" yet here are you few that have reached out... and you have all given me stregth.. and Andrew... other andrew.. my brother.. Thank you... I believe you when you say you cried..because I cried reading it.. I cried reading everything all of you had to say and feel... I think lastnight I felt everything you put into this... Something in my head wanted to think and think...but instead I let love flow through my veins liek I have been doing... and again.. on a new day. I am here. I am living it. I want to thank you all so much for believing in me. For showing me that I am not alone anymore. But Andrew..something you said reached out to me and took my hand so to speak... I feel like I know you.. I am also your age... coincidence..? maybe... It just really sucks... cause I believe in this.. and i share it with everyone... everyone thinks im nuts... calling it an excuse and whatnot... btu my heart knows its true and loving. I just wish others would not alienate me. I wish I could have you great and kind people by my side, I know you are, I can feel it today.. I feel another presence around me... lifting my heart from deep within... I love you all with all of my heart. Thank you so much... you make my day turn around. I wish I could reach otu and hug you all and tell you I love yous, but I hope you see this msg and let me know, that you know i love yous. This world would be dim if it werent for people like you. By the end of this cycle.. I will be so honourd to know that I was priviledged enough to share this earth with you. My name is Andrew, and IAM (Canadian :P ) And about the Painting... if it takes 3 days.. Im staying at a palce in London, ON, Canada and it's called "the Ronald Mcdonald House of Southwestern Ontario... if youd like to msg me feel free to do so... if you have a FB add me search myemail it'd be easier ( i-ink-lives@live.ca )


    • Care not what another thinks of you Andrew. Many will cold heartidly try and judge you in the real world, or some might not have the loving capability to feel your pain or to see as you do.

      But those people have never counted through out life. Those are the ones with little love and compassion and are conductors of the dark thats already here on this planet. 

      Andrew times now especially will be hard but i always think about this. Regardless of Earth. Regardless of extrateressials. (Sp sorry) Regardless of all this n that is going on around you without your knowing there is still infinite possibilities of love and a happy life forever spinning around you just waiting for you to pluck them out of thin air.

      (Well, at I wish it were that easy because sometimes it seems like the opposite and god/life/destiny can take its power out on you on this world.) This world, life, experience is all Testing you to the very core. Pushing you to your limits to build you into one of the most powerful people who has gone through the most. Maybe this will take you somewhere. Lead you to a new life of giving people hope.  If you were to see yourself spiritually right now it would be like this powerful amazing spirit trapped in this limited tiny body with very little freedoms and "one" life to live here on this planet. With things sprialing downwards at times. But know when there is dark there will always be a light... just like the coming sun over the mountains in the morning... it will always be light for you again as long as you choose so because you HAVE THE POWER. 

      But enough of my philosophy I am very very happy you held through the night and had time to be alone and think and mourn. We all here have given a joint effort of strength and love your way and the beautiful thing is it worked in my eyes!

      I thought about this post and your situation literally the whole time the past day or so since i posted. At times it would just randomly pop in my head and i keep thinking how amazing it is that all these people from around the world somehow became connected with someone they don't even know and have been able to show how powerful love is and the power it can have just connected to the internet. 

      This is a stepping stone for one day.

      Light spreads more and more through this planet people start helping people, infused with the internet (and whatever else is to come in the next 500 days) the whole world can come together and i see that on the coming horizon because i feel it and i see it on this website and people are reconnecting. 

      Love n Light to you all who put your love on your sleeve and have given it here in this persons time of need. 

      Andrew I would love to connect on FB I have an email you can reach me at. 

      The painting would take me about 3-4 days to make and another 3-5 to ship depending on how US is with sending to Canada. But I am serious, i would do it because I know it would help and I already have a scene in my head. Anyways Peace n Light Andrew


    • I am so glad u found your special connection....my eyes weep joy for you.

      I have been living and feeling different all my life.......thank god for the internet...so say I...

  • Whatever doesn't kill you....only makes you stronger. So if this doesn't kill you...it'll strengthen your spirit 10 fold. Try to look at it that way, and keep in mind....it's all a test....it's all a lesson....everything happens for a reason. It's a tough thing to have to deal with, I could barely imagine....but I know, that God wouldn't put something in your lap that you can't deal with. Stay strong. Keep the faith. Trust in yourself. All of us here on AC are with you, and most importantly, God is with you.

  • IAMANDREW!!!!! litsen please wait! I hope you see this!!!! Listen - you were sent here to this page or I was, either way weve not technically "met". My name is also Andrew lol... Andrew Smick Black 21 years of age... hear me out man :)

    So i know you must be in the most pain you have been in your life. Not sure where to turn, who to talk to. Can ANYONE relate? Probably not.

    Could they understand, potentially.. could they see it as if through your eyes had seen it? NO-

    You are living your own dream here on planet Earth by the graces of god and NO one else will know what IAMANDREW truly knows deep down.

    But even though you are your own perspective and have your own pathway through life, you pathways have led you to certain devastating points in your life.

    Kind of like a movie right... Well my man god has brought you to the ULTIMATE climax of your entire life. Walls are closing in on you, family is missing (but you will see them at the end of the movie!), all hope is not but lost...

    but then you remember... this is just a movie... everything will be ok in the end...once the movies over, we all go home.. truth be we come here and birth, live, die and our souls sweep on like wind in the cosmos.  

    The only magical thing left though about this movie is you decide how the ending will always go. You ultimately have the choice, stay or go, but god put you on planet earth to TEST you TO YOUR LIMITS! and man when you have gone through the worst its only up from here.

    Sit imagine... 10 years later.... Your 30th birthday.. You have two kids, a healthy boy and a girl and your wife is with you by the fireside and they will ask you over and over to tell them about how you grew up, and when you do! Oh boy when you do that story alone will inspire them to want to be the best in their lives. To show dad how they can make you proud. And THAT ALL IS POSSIBLE for you.. Just like a movie it could happen, and when that day would come you would look back to now and realize how strong it made you. How powerful you soul has become after those event. 

    Manifest the next parts of your life man, Imagine yourself recovering,

    getting back on top of your game, stretching out to people, finding people who will become your family and want you to be happy.

    Like me. Consider me your new brother.

    If you lived in OHIO i would visit you and say hey other ANDREW im your new brother like it or I cried while writing this and i dont even know who you are. 

    But thats how powerful this stuff becomes.

    If you want me to paint you a picture and send it to your house... I could do it in like 3 days ... easy...

    would it mean anything to you? Who knows maybe it could. :) but the beautiful thing about art is it makes you feel. And that could help you a little bit through your hardest times. - Start drawing your thoughts man. Get it all out and down. Thats just something i think could help.

    IT is so easy to do anything with the power of the internet.  (In regards to sending paintings)

    Andrew I hope you can feel my love, no weirdness involved what so ever man

    I hope things turn around for you Andrew

    Peace, Light and Happiness

    A friend from a far,

    Andrew S.

  • hang on darling.....u will get through....go back to bed and sleep...go back to bed and listen to the world outside....go back to bed and cry......my safe place for relaxing is my bed....maybe this maloo relaxing method may work......Our new future is worth living through, we r living history.....think big.....think beautiful....


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