If you are someone who still doesn’t believe in the concept of ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’, please listen to this testimony provided by a Buddhist Monk who died for 3 days and witnessed both of them in his journey before coming back to warn all of us about it.See Video @http://beforeitsnews.com/spirit/2013/06/buddhist-monk-dies-for-3-days-comes-back-to-share-his-heaven-hell-near-death-experience-2478758.html

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  • dear Krishna Kalki,i dont believe the monk,i died from a physical death in 1993 while having a major operation,my heart went into cardiac arrest on the operating table,and i found my self in my etheric body floating in a void,i certaintly did not go to any hell,this is definitely Christian Propaganda for scare tactics as Piperon said.

    • Beloved Eve and everyone,


      Indeed I had a NDE experience myself too - I had stroke and went into a coma and admitted into the nearby hospital by the ambulance.  This incident scared the hell out of my mum (Sorry Mum!).  When I was in the coma, my soul left the body in a kind of drowsy form.  I was into a very dark tunnel but I was not afraid.  I felt the most peaceful and blissful moment of my life - it is like I AM FREE, nothing worry me anymore.  And I saw many beautiful lights flying towards me and through my so called "Light Body".  The hardest part is when I saw a huge light towards the end of the dark tunnel and that was the time I woke up on the hospital bed.  Frankly speaking, I do not want to come back to this mortal world full of pain, suffering and deception.  But I believe my lessons are not over yet and here I am. 


      PS : I was told later than if I passed over into the huge light, it will be difficult to get back to the mortal world.  Gees, I should had rushed into it and never returned.  Haiz!  Hahaha!

      May the LOVE be with you always.

      Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Player.

      • dear Piperon,thankyou for openly discussing your experience with me,it is indeed,a very blessed feeling to be in your etheric body,total freedom indeed,and in the void it is full of warm and serenity,many blessings to you eve.8113646671?profile=originalthis image is just a small reminder of memory of my experience i carry with me everyday.

  • Sorry guys, this is bunk. A good story but no more. While there are demon like beings in the spirit realms, and other dimensions, there is no "heaven or hell." This is totally religious and misleading. 

    Death is nothing to be feared. When your body dies, your spirit becomes aware that it has existed in the spirit world all along. You are greeted by your spirit guides, deceased family members and angel like beings. (I have net them, they are wonderful people, they glow with a golden light.)

  • i died may 20 for like a minute, went to heaven and told whoever i was talking to that im going back. going back into my body was the most painful thing ive ever experianced

    • Yes, this experience of a return to a painful body is commonly reported in genuine NDE cases.....I have studied many cases and another experience is that in the aetheric body, which often hovers near the dead physical dense, the sensory abilities are far better than via physical organs....One can think better too...and telepathy is even more powerful than it might have been...

      As soon as a return to the flesh is made, all the pain and trauma returns, plus the sensory lesser abilities...

  • This is not a true N.D.E. This buddhist monk sounds more like a born again christian.....Looks like Churchianity is pulling out all the stops to keep their Piscean age mindset in place...You can't help but chuckle at such nonsense.. :-)


  • rubbish.jpg

    LIES,LIES and more Christian fear filled Lies,besides there is no GOD,..and I should know I've died & left this planet before also & lived to come back & know the truths..Hmm so there!!..Blah to this total piece of video rubbish!..

  • This is pure Chirstian propaganda, using scare tactics to influence the readers.

    Here are some of my points :-


    1) If this monk really went to the hell, he would be in the hell cause he didn't believe in Jesus too when he was alive too - remember this - he was a monk too.  Why was him given second chance when others didn't?


    2) If becoming a Christian will go to heaven and not have your name in the hell book is really silly.  Christian had waged more wars since ancient than any religion on Earth.  Those who killed many during the religion wars still can go to heaven will be a very big surprise for me cause they had so much bloods in their hands.


    3) Everyone knows our Divine Creator is a very mercifull being.  In this case, let me ask you this question "Would such a loving and merciful GOD created a hell and have his children burned alive?".  Would you do this to your children?  This is plain silly.


    4) How could he change the path (from the wider NON-BELIEVER to the BELIEVE path) when he was in hell?  And if that was you and you saw the hell before hand and saw the sign later - would you still choose the non-believer path later?  Now, this is really silly and solid proof that this video is fake.


    5) His whereabout is not know - this is definitely a way to hide the truth from the public cause we will have no way to trace this person whether this is real or not.  A very clever way to cover their butts.


    I believe in Jesus Chris and God, but when I saw one Christian over the net cursing other non-believers and even Christian in this way "You will burn in hell eternally!".  So, I wrote to him telling to stop cursing people, spread LOVE instead of hatred over the net. And he asked me "Do you believe in Jesus Chris and God?".  I answered "YES!" and he called me brother.  And he asked "Are you a Christian?" and I answered "NO!  I am a Buddhist".  He answered "Then, you will burn in hell eternally too!".  Gees, is this the way Christian showed their love over the internet?


    Quote Gandhi "I like your lord Jesus Chris but I don't like Christians cause they are so difference from him".


    Another encounter - I was travelling on a cab and this cab driver asked me "Are you a Christian?" and I answered "No! Why?".  Then he relate his encounter the other day to me "I drove a Christian family to a Church and the son in the front seat slammed the door when he get out".  The cab driver made a causal remake "Do your son need to slam the door so hard?".  The dad was angered and pointed his middle finger at him and throw the money to the cab driver's face.  The cab driver was stunned and wondering how could people reacted in such barbaric ways?  Then he said "I was shocked when I knew they go to the church every sunday to pray to the lord and behaved in such way in their real life!".  I told him this "Uncle, not every Christian is bad, there are just bad behaviour people in every religion and culture, just forgive them and send them love!".

    When you get to the heaven, there will be a sign at the heaven gate and it said "THERE IS NO RELIGION HERE, PLEASE LEAVE YOUR RELIGION ON EARTH BEFORE YOU COME IN!".




    IMPORTANCE NOTE : Yellow fever and malaria are common diseases in Burma and easily treated. So his story about him being sent home to die, is complete BS.


    May the LOVE be with you always.

    Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Player.

    • I could not say it better Piperon! Well done!

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