
Perhaps it seems as if your concerns are floating away...A wonderful new beginning for those of you who wish to claim the joy that is available to all...You are indeed one of the advance Lightworker team members who discovered the path...Now that the path is open and lit, do you wish others to suffer as you did?... Like salmon swimming upstream, you refused to deviate despite taunts and jeers...The next stage for advance Lightworker members is to greet the pioneers following your path and to teach them how to use their new skills...for your work cleared the thorns and brambles



Dear Ones,


Perhaps it seems as if your concerns are floating away. Or that solutions are popping up for the most difficult issues. Or perhaps not. But then, the seemingly easy solutions to difficult dilemmas may just be about how you are starting to perceive difficulties and thus allowing solutions to float into your realm.


Does our first paragraph – think good thoughts and they will happen – feel a bit like “pop” psychology? Such is true and always has been. It is just that in the Old Age good thoughts or feelings were most often negated by fear.


This week and forevermore in this New Age, rays of sunshiny joy are being dispersed throughout earth and the Universes. All you need to do to catch those rays is to think happy, positive or loving thoughts – all one and the same.


Again in the past, those who thought happy thoughts and had good feelings about everyone and everything were thought a bit odd. For your Old Age world was much darker and heavier than is now true.


Are you sensing the fun thoughts associated with, “Let the sunshine in?” We are having a great deal of fun today for we are encouraging you to open your life of joy. You have diligently cleared your pain and other needless clutter in your life. Now it is time to fill those spaces with joy.




A wonderful new beginning for those of you who wish to claim the joy that is available to all.


Some of you believe that because you are the advance Lightworkers, others are far behind in their enlightenment or whatever you wish to label the new you. Such is not true.


You are indeed one of the advance Lightworker team members who discovered the path. But now that the path is available, those who follow do not have to go through all the stages – or even pain – you found necessary to create that path.


Perhaps that last thought upsets some of you. Should not everyone suffer as you did? Similar to physicians who want medical students working as many hours in a hospital without sleep as was true when they were in medical school. Those unpleasant working conditions were not healthy for medical students nor their patients. But that does not stop “old-school” physicians from bemoaning that new physicians do not understand hard work.


Let us use that medical example for those of you in the advance Lightworker brigade. Why would you want anyone in pain one moment longer than necessary? For the more entities who move into love and joy, the more rapidly the wonderment of the New Age will be the lifestyle of all earth entities.


Now that the path is open and lit, do you wish others to suffer as you did? You are a courageous and strong group who volunteered to be first. Such is your nature. But you did not volunteer to be first so others would suffer. You volunteered so others could move into love and joy more easily. And so they are.


You have achieved an almost impossible task. You continued to light the way despite your fears and anger. Like salmon swimming upstream, you refused to deviate despite taunts and jeers – putting earth issues aside while you uncovered the path that is now being traveled by so many.


The path is now easily accessible because of your extremely courageous efforts.


Is your New Age role now complete? Of course not. If that were true, you would transition beyond earth and you have not. Your next role is even more exciting. Let us give you a brief preview before we close.




The next stage for advance Lightworker members is to greet the pioneers following your path and to teach them how to use their new skills. For now that your road construction responsibilities are complete, you will want to play with your new software and in turn, teach those skills to those starting on the path.


You built the road. Now you get to play with the pieces of joy that seem to be tumbling into your world. Perhaps not as rapidly as you want, but certainly in a string of events that makes your greatest concerns seem minor. It is time for you to play. And one can never fully play or enjoy life with worries or concerns in their being.


Play, laugh – find your bliss. You created the path. The pioneers following you will move more quickly than you anticipated – for your work cleared the thorns and brambles. As they move along the path, those pioneers will want to know how to laugh and play as you are starting to do.


Your new role is to create and accept so much joy in your life that you draw those on the path to you; as well as encourage those questioning their interest in finding the path.


You are indeed special leaders. You completed many tasks that no one was certain were possible.


Your new role is to live in joy. Begin that role by noticing every nuance of joy that comes into your life. For as you notice your joy, more will be available. The stars, moon, sun and Universes are showering you with the light of joy.



Accept that joy.

Bath in that joy.

Live that joy.

So be it. Amen.





Welcome to Brenda's Blog


Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


Summary of Brenda’s September 23, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: This week’s energies are moving you away from pain and closer to joy. Accept and expect joy at all levels. The more you notice the joys you experience – no matter how small – the more joy will be in your life.


The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: ”Explore Your Random Sparkle and Fun”


Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.




If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.



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  • thanks, that is a nice one...  lets all of us do it and not think in anything more.....

    L&L Alina
  • thankyou karma's helper, that was something that i keep reminding myself of

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