In April of 1956 Srila Prabhupada wrote an article in his BTG called "Godless Civilization". Quoting verses from the Bhagavad Gita about the demoniac nature Srila Prabhupada describes how the result of being occupied by increasing the material civilization is that we create the source of its destruction "the atom bomb" as well. Please read the pertinent excerpt from the article with the prediciton for this event.


<span> </span><span>GODLESS CIVILIZATION</span>


"By the grace of the illusory energy of Godhead we are now engaged more and more in the dangerous type of work in this machine-age. The machine-age is the result of dangerous type of work. When we leave aside the culture of spiritualism, we are entangled in the dangerous type of work. Nobody can live for a moment without work and therefore when finer elements are made to stop working, gross materialism occupies the devil's brain. The result is that we have now come to the age of nuclear weapons for the destruction of material civilization. <span>By the law of nature, the "nuclear weapons" have been produced for crushing the result of blind-materialism.</span>


The peace move of different powers of the world, by the false gesture of suspending the experiments of dangerous weapons-may be very much pleasing to the comparatively weak nations-but these temporary peace-moves will prove useless by the law of material nature. When the dangerous weapons are produced, they must be utilised for annihilation of blind materialism by the plan of the Daivi Maya or the external energy of Godhead. The problem can be solved when they are taught about their spiritual identity.


The soul-killing civilization is progressively taking to the dangerous type of work by invention of huge mechanical means. The illusory energy is creating this atmosphere for blind materialism and on the other hand she is arranging for their destruction also. Such opposite methods are called illusory energy. The human energy is thus misused for breaking the same thing which is produced by the same energy. It is something like blazing the fire and extinguish it by pouring water simultaneously-a sign of insanity or spoiling the valuable human energy meant for spiritual culture. History has been repeated so many times and many many leaders of materialism like Napoleon, Hitler and others now remain in name only without any sign of the material progress planned by them. De-Stalinisation has already begun in Russia. Nobody is enjoying the result of civilization created by atheists like Ravana, Kansa, Aurangzeb, Napoleon or Hitler. <span>Everything is in oblivion and this teaches us the lesson that the materialistic plans of the present age will also meet with the same fate"after a lapse of 50 years". Therefore blind materialism does not bring in any permanent relief in the world."</span>


Note that 50 years would mean 2006. Right now throughout the world there are many unstable governments with radical agendas for creating havoc in the world who either possess a nuclear bomb or are creating one. With further instability being created by revolutions throughout the world the specter of such an event as the use of nuclear weapons even on a small scale in the world is looming larger than ever before. Such an event could trigger a chain reaction of natural disasters that would turn the world inside out and make much of it unihabitable by the small population that is left. We need to take the practice of our devotional servce seriously.


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  • There is no NUCLEAR WAR GOING TO HAPPEN ON PLANET EARTH....You can say KRISHNA has answered your prayers and chanting by sending the GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT to disarm all Nuclear Weapons.

    Have a good night sleep and just CHANT AND BE HAPPY


  • UFO's over NUCLEAR PLANTS and you should know why they are there


    The Galactic Federation of Light will NOT LET ANY NUCLEAR WAR HAPPEN ON THIS PLANET EARTH...this is one of the reasons that thousands of their Spaceships are here NOW. Already UFO'S HAVE DISARMED NUCLEAR WEAPONS so this is not a problem NOW.


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