guru (93)

I have written many articles on transcendental sound vibration, its difference from material sound and how it manifests in this world. Oddly

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"To err is human. To err is inevitable for all, being not perfect. Still, no one wants to remain imperfect. There is an element within all that is animate that tends towards perfection. If it were not so, we would feel no want at all. Our tendency to

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Subsequently in due course of time after the disciple has gradually advanced step by step from sraddha to sadhu-sanga to bhajana-kriya to anarta-nivritti to nistha to ruci and then asakti and achieves the requisite accreditation for entrance to the p

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Subsequently in due course of time after the disciple has gradually advanced step by step from sraddha to sadhu-sanga to bhajana-kriya to anarta-nivritti to nistha to ruci and then asakti and achieves the requisite accreditation for entrance to the p

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The Element Of Life
            Fine Modern Art For Fine Living

Name                         : MIRO
Address                     : 55, Waterloo Street,Singapore
H.P No                       : 8403 1475
Email                         : markandeyari
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Two Causes! (2)

Only two causes behind,

If Him, you fail to find.

One your Guru is incomplete,

The other you are incompetent.

**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Eternal Father Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
                             The True Guru's Grace Has No End!

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8108923852?profile=originalSubsequently in due course of time after the disciple has gradually advanced step by step from sraddha to sadhu-sanga to bhajana-kriya to anarta-nivritti to nistha to ruci and then asakti and achieves the requisite accreditation for entrance to the p

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In Mayapur on 9 February 1996, the holy appearance day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, two senior ISKCON devotees requested an appointment in the early evening to see Gour Govinda Maharaja. They inquired, "Why did Chaitanya Mahaprabhu stay

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Andromedaner Z left a comment on Comment Wall
"Trump announced plans to create a new government agency called the External Revenue Service (ERS) to collect tariffs and other duties from foreign nations."
3 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Trump has been talking about ending the personal income tax-I read somewhere that the US debt is really over $100 trillion-Trump wants to make bitcoin the US gov reserve currency-you can see where this might be going-obviously a huge payout to…"
3 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Moreover I have heard it mentioned, that the "Federal Reserve," aka, a private central bank, owned by Illuminoid familes, "would, or should be paid off," as in loan, paid off....I strongly suggest that these crime familes will not benefit from…"
4 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"I believe in this US constituitional concept, of zero taxation...The world and many Americans, are finding out, that INCOME TAX IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL...And when this truly comes into effect, there will be no demands from people, including the lefties,…"
4 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Trump and Musk are talking about huge tax refunds for all American citizens"
5 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Following lightning-swift negotiations, Panama will allow the US to transit the critical ocean-linked canal for was the case before former President Carter, reduced American say on the matter...around 1979...
In fact the "Panama canal…"
8 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Interesting was not expecting that about the Chupacabra. As for the Mothman I mentioned all I know is its a Humanoid like creature with a large wingspan that was spotted in Point Pleasant, West Virginia back in the 60s. There were even reports of…"
8 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Chupacabra is a chimera, created by bribed and compromised, dark cabal scientists, decades ago , by the C_A and deliberately released into the south American wild....It's a genetic splice of kangaroos from Australia, with timber wolves from…"
8 hours ago