Karma's Helper's Posts (1073)

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What in the World is Going On? (Short Version)






   This is an amazing time to be alive. But what is it that makes it so? What in the world is happening on the planet? For the sake of those who are awakening now to the fact that something unusual is going on, can we arrive at a succinct statement of it?

Yes, I think such a statement can be made.

We are living through a period that is unlike very many others in the history of the Earth. Every so often – and different people give different time spans – one age ends on Earth and another begins, bringing with it an opportunity for people to leave the environment they’re in, return to whence they came, and advance in the evolutionary spiral. And this is one of those times.

If you are a westerner, you might say that the Piscean Age is ending and the Aquarian Age beginning. An easterner might say that the Kali Yuga is ending and the Sat Yuga beginning. A Mayan might say that the Mayan calendar has reached its end and an entirely new age is approaching.

Whatever measurement of time you use, we have reached the end of the period in which we live in a particular form of separation called “duality” and we are invited to return to a world where “unity” reigns.

I personally am familiar with discussions of these events that go back to at least the 1870s, with the spirit writings of one “Imperator” through the Rev. Stainton Moses of England. However I’m sure earlier accounts can be found because this step in our evolution has been apparently planned for a long, long time.

We here on Earth have been kept in the dark about a lot of things. The existence of spirit realms has been pooh-poohed or sensationalized. The existence of different human civilizations in other parts of the universe has been ridiculed or kept under wraps. I cannot help the fact that such knowledge has been kept from us. But now it is time to put aside the ridicule and acknowledge that both spirit realms and galactic civilizations exist.

The leadership among these two groups, all of whom are well aware of such matters as the existence of God, divine law, the purpose of life, and the orderliness of existence, have been working together to arrange for the smooth out-working of this end-of-cycle advancement.

The spiritual hierarchy that is responsible for the evolution of life here on Earth has asked the assistance of space nations who seeded the Earth with the human form in the first place to come and lend assistance to us to effect this planetary transformation scheduled for 2012. They have agreed and have sent their people in abundance in ships of superior technology that remain cloaked around our Earth.

These advanced, peaceful and God-loving people from superior civilizations have assisted us in many ways and are working so far behind the scenes to clear the way for what is commonly referred to as “Ascension.”

In our case, we’ll advance from the Third Dimension of duality to the Fourth Dimension briefly and then to the Fifth Dimension of unity on or before Dec. 21, 2012. This advance is no different than attaining the Fourth-Dimensional Astral Plane after death and then later the Fifth-Dimensional Mental Plane, except that in our present case we move forward with our physical bodies. This “ascension” in the physical body is a new development in spiritual evolution.

Our space family has seen to it that no more nuclear weapons can be exploded on the planet or in space. Perhaps we’ve read news reports from people like the Hastings Panel who’ve said that they’re aware that galactics interfere with attempts to use nuclear missiles. They’ve cleaned up after us, as far as they can from their ships, when we spill oil into the Gulf of Mexico or dump depleted uranium into the atmosphere or have nuclear accidents at power plants.

They’ve mitigated severe weather, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. And they perform a wide range of other beneficent and compassionate tasks all aimed at preparing the ground for the events that are to follow.

At some point, when we’re ready for it, Earth’s own governmental leaders will introduce us to the spiritual hierarchy and galactic fleet that are already here, in an event commonly known as “disclosure.” After that, the galactics will land among us and begin the work of restoring the Earth to pristine condition, returning peace to the world, providing abundance where before there had been only poverty and scarcity, and in many other ways preparing us for the global shift in 2012.

Meanwhile, as all of this is taking place, a coordinated effort that reaches far out into the universe and may reach into other dimensions is underway that is showering the Earth in a gradually increasing fashion with the divine energy of Love. This constant beaming of energy is causing all the unusual and unprecedented events we see around us in the world. The insistence of the Arab world on having their freedom restored to them is perhaps the most dramatic effect. But freedom’s stirring is to be seen in other countries as well.

The malevolent forces of what we know as the military-industrial complex, Illuminati, secret state, or New World Order are being contained and defeated in their various plans to dominate the world. Their control over the media, their financial subjugation of the planet, and their use of technologies to subvert our freedoms have all been rolled back through the efforts of the galactics and their Earth allies, who as yet operate mainly in secrecy.

The impact of the liberating energies is gradually increasing and will continue to do so, resulting in our experience of release from old attitudes and positions and the advent of new social patterns, new aspirations, and new alliances and cooperation that will in the end transform our world. If we think back on how we felt a year ago and how we feel now, we can perhaps trace the steady increase in the energies of Love on Earth.

People are awakening and finding themselves curiously interested in whatever it is that seems to be happening on Earth. More and more sightings of galactic ships are taking place, over Jerusalem, New York City, Mexico City, Lima, Moscow, and so on. Channeled messages from spirit guides and galactic teachers are flooding the Internet. All is abuzz and astir as the secret of what is happening on Planet Earth gets out.

And it will grow in every way as time progresses and we get nearer to the crescendo in 2012. There is no need to worry, even if the Earth must clear itself of some of its locked plates and stored negativity. There will be no Armageddon, no nuclear World War III, no break-up of the planet, no worldwide flood, no planetary catastrophe of any kind, no matter who says so to the contrary.

We are headed for what is commonly thought of as a Golden Age, with health and youth restored to us, with the wisdom of masters ours, with peace and harmony returned to Earth. All the chaos and turmoil you see around you now is designed to clear the decks for this global transformation, this planetary shift to occur.

So that’s about as succinct as I can make it, to cover all that is important but not in so much detail as to overwhelm you. We have a glorious future to look forward to, in which we meet many new friends and recover relationships with many old friends. The planet’s history of want and neglect is soon to end and a new era of prosperity and abundance to begin.

There are many sources on the Internet that can tell you more of this story if you but search on 2012, Ascension, disclosure and similar terms. I welcome you to the knowledge of this Golden Age now approaching and know that the addition of your light, love, and energy will make a tremendous difference to the unfoldment of the whole.




Steve Beckow
Vancouver, B.C., Canada

The 2012 Scenario http://stevebeckow.com
First Contact http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fc/fc-index1.html

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Countdown to Bilderberg

By Mark Anderson, undated, American Free Press


As the economy tanks, AMERICAN FREE PRESS prepares to cover Bilderberg 2011 in St. Moritz, Switzerland June 9-12. The average American, the average European and countless others are much more affected than ever before by the painful policies that come from the very people who comprise the notorious Bilderberg group.
For too many years, the American press has been unforgivably silent on this global planning group, whose secret meetings about important matters—always behind sealed doors, ringed with heavily armed guards—were first brought to light by the late columnist Westbrook Pegler in the early days and then given grand exposure by AFP’s own Willis A. Carto and Jim Tucker ever since.
Tucker helped bring the European press into the fold. While the U.S. corporate media remain silent, readers of papers around the world now know about these conspirators.
Never before have there been fewer excuses for the continual U.S. press blackout on the annual Bilderberg meetings. Television reports in mid-May did focus heavily on one infamous Bilderberg member, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who headed the International Monetary Fund. The IMF has saddled several nations with impossible debt structures, resulting in major news stories. Yet, Strauss-Kahn made even bigger headlines than the IMF with his alleged sexual crime that landed him in a jail in New York. Still, his obvious Bilderberg pedigree escapes America’s reporters, editors and publishers.Remember David Rockefeller’s oft-quoted words during a 1991 Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany exactly 20 years ago: “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan . . . if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
The “national auto-determination” traditional to Switzerland is a major reason why a prominent Swiss legislator wrote a letter to a federal councilor in charge of police functions (see AFP’s May 23 issue, page 1), stressing that many Swiss do not want the likes of Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and other undesirables breaking bread for global control within Swiss borders.
Bilderberg’s ongoing plan to make crude oil cost much more and strangle national economies with their debt schemes are finally being felt by everyone—up close and personal. That is why AFP, We Are Change/ Switzerland and others are sounding the alarm more loudly than ever.
As you read this, call your local media and national media and demand an accounting of Bilderberg. Feel free to send them this article.






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Connecting with Your SELF
Suzann Carroll, June 2011, http://tinyurl.com/3szr8dd


Greetings, I am Kepier,
I am an individual expression of the Arcturian Group Mind who has taken a fifth dimensional form. My body is a hybrid of human and Arcturian, as I have merged with my grounded expression on Earth. To me this unification occurred beyond time, but to my grounded one the merging is still in process. I wish to tell you that many of the grounded expressions of the Galactic Federation are merging with their higher expressions as a component of your Personal and Planetary Ascension.
Within your moment of time, I am holding form on the Starship Athena, and my human expression of self is in the United States. This merging of your grounded self and your Higher SELF is a natural process of your return to multidimensional consciousness. Within that state of consciousness you are able to consciously experience more than one reality within the ONE moment of the NOW.

The merging of me and my grounded one and my self began in the early 1990s, but it initiated a process of “lives review,” which sent my grounded one off into another direction of exploration. This review of alternate third and fourth dimensional realities is common during the closing of a long series of third-dimensional incarnations and is especially important during the completion of living in duality. The examination of experiences gained and lessons learned on a polarized reality, in this case Earth, assists our grounded ones to understand the “source reality” for their internal confusions and conflicts. Knowing the sources of conflict within themselves and with others is very helpful.
In fact, the concept of “others” as a “separate” life-stream is likely a primary source of discomfort for many of you. I, Kepier, am of a resonance in which all life-streams flow as ONE. Even if we appear to have individual forms, our hearts, minds and consciousness are in constant communication. This communication is much like earthly birds that fly and migrate as one being. They have what appears to be separate forms that mate and roost in separate trees at night and fly individually. However, there is a constant communication so that they can respond as one being with many forms.
This type of reality is much like the one you will experience when you return to the fifth dimension, especially in the lower octaves of that reality where you still hold a form. All realities, dimensions and densities have octaves of experience. Many of us who usually hold the resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond have taken forms in the third dimension in order to experience Gaia’s great moment of Planetary Ascension.
We enter these forms by sending our seed of consciousness into a physical vessel so that we can more intimately participate in Earth’s reality. Sometimes this occurs at birth of the earth body, and other times it occurs later. You may even think of this action as logging into a virtual reality game, which is exactly correct. The third dimension is indeed a virtual reality, which only appears to be “real” while you are in your earth vessel.MERGING WITH YOUR
As you begin the process of consciously merging with your fifth dimensional SELF, you increasingly extend your consciousness into a higher dimensional expression of your Multidimensional SELF. It is this sharing that initiates your learning to live in two worlds at once. Due to the limitations of your awakening physical brain, heart and body, these two worlds are often your physical self and a lower octave of your fifth dimensional SELF. Once you have completed your transformation into Lightbody, you can more easily soar in your multidimensional reality, as you no longer carry your physical anchor.
Usually this process of merging with your Multidimensional SELF begins when you communicate with or “channel” a higher dimensional being. It is important to remember that your Multidimensional SELF can easily maintain many forms and many realities within that same moment. Also remember that, ALL grounded ones are actually Multidimensional Beings who hold forms on many planets, galaxies and dimensions. Unfortunately, this fact is usually forgotten when you take a third dimensional earth vessel.
Once your consciousness expands into the fourth dimension, you can often remember many of your myriad third and fourth dimensional realities. However, you must experience these realities one at a time, for you are still operating within a state of consciousness that is dualistic. It is only when you return to your fifth dimensional state of consciousness that you can simultaneously experience more than one reality.
When you fully integrate and activate the Multidimensional Operating System of your multidimensional consciousness, you will start remembering many of your fifth dimensional expressions of SELF. You will also remember your Purpose for volunteering to take an earth vessel during this process of Personal and Planetary Ascension. Many of you, our brave grounded ones, have chosen to maintain your third dimensional form throughout Gaia’s transformative process to assist Her as a “partner in ascension.”
Unfortunately, those who have chosen the polarity of darkness are completely cut off from their higher dimensional expressions of SELF. Darkness and fear are the absence of light and love. Hence, fear resides within their consciousness, which separates them from others, their planet and themselves. It is this complete separation that allows them to commit the atrocities that are abundant in your changing reality. It is always this way at the time of the ascension. The dark and the light become more and more polarized so that persons and planet can release their dark shells of fear and illusion to reveal their inner light and Truth.
Some brave souls have volunteered to leave their earthly form during the disasters to return to their form of light. In this manner, they may assist in the awakening of those still trapped in the denial and delusions of the third dimension. Also, many of those who survive the disasters are forever transformed by the courage, cooperation and spirituality that is necessary to recover from these situations. As the third dimensional illusions continue to collapse, more and more humans are awakening to their innate wisdom, power and love. Every day more of you are looking inside to find the comfort, Knowing, unity and unconditional love of your higher frequencies of reality.
As you continue to look within, you more completely align with the fifth dimensional expression of your SELF who has volunteered to be the one with whom you will merge before or at the time of your ascension. By merging with a fifth dimensional expression of your SELF, you can maintain a physical form while you simultaneously experience the fifth dimensional reality to which you will ascend. Through learning to live in these two realities at once, you greatly accelerate the expansion of your consciousness, as well as the process of personal and planetary transformation.
When you fully ascend into the fifth dimension, you may or may not choose that life as your primary reality. You began your physical life as a great Being of Light gradually remembering the way to function in the third dimensional reality. In the same manner, when you first return to the fifth dimension, you may again feel like an infant just remembering how to function in a fifth dimensional reality. Because of this, you may still need to have a primary reality and alternate realities until you can fully remember how to function in a multidimensional manner. You will be pleased and surprised when your primary and alternate realities all merge into ONE.
Meanwhile, your grounded expression is more intimately experiencing your fifth dimensional, alternate self, while your fifth dimensional SELF is personally experiencing ascending Earth. Your blending with your fifth dimensional SELF assists you in viewing reality, not from the perspective of the third dimension of separation and limitation but from the fifth dimensional perspective of unity and truth. From this multidimensional viewpoint, you will know that one tiny, clay form is too small to encompass your great light and love. In fact, you are not just an individual person. You are a part of the great being, Gaia, and Her body, Earth. You are within your personal, human body, as well as on your collective, planetary body to experience the great unification of Personal and Planetary Ascension.
Often, the first sign of your transformation into Lightbody is not through your Earth vessel, which is struggling to constantly adapt to the ever-rising frequencies of Earth, but through your thoughts and emotions. Gradually, you are gaining the ability to recognize and release fearful thoughts and emotions so that you can maintain a hopeful, loving, calm and peaceful state of mind. Because your mind is no longer your tormentor and your emotional body is finding your Core of Lightbody, you can maintain the resonance of unconditional love for longer periods.
Now that you are at the closing stages of your physical expression, you are discovering that you are learning to love your third dimensional life, and you are determined to protect this love. Consequently, any situations, places, people or things that threaten to lower this consciousness are released from your attention. Certain jobs are left. Some friends are blessed with your love and released from your life. Except for the purpose of healing Gaia’s energy field, there are, also, places that are avoided. Uncomfortable or confliction-based situations, which you now realize lower your resonance, are no longer interesting to you. There are even prized possessions that have become quite unimportant.
Peace and calm have become the primary motivation for your decision-making, and you try to make decisions only while you are in a loving state of consciousness. As your unity consciousness expands, you are beginning to see the world around you as elements of Gaia’s body. Because of this, your process of Personal Ascension is becoming your process of Planetary Ascension. Also, as your power of manifestation expands, you are seeing how quickly you are creating your reality with your every thought and feeling.
You are also realizing that judgment in any form lowers your consciousness. Therefore, instead of judging those who may seek to harm you, you look into your inner self to find your own inner darkness and fear that has magnetized your attention into that direction. Since you are the creator of your life, you ask yourself “Why did I create this problem?” Perhaps your ascending self is reminding you to cooperate in Planetary Ascension by loving the unlovable. In this case, you are being reminded that darkness is merely the lack of light. Light and love is the true nature of reality. Darkness and fear are merely an aberration of a polarized reality in which it is possible to shut out light.
With this realization, you remember that in the beginning all Souls were filled with light. It is the extinguishing of that light with intolerable fear that has created the person who appears to be filled with darkness. From your multidimensional perspective you can see how these persons are not filled with darkness, but devoid of light. By projecting your multidimensional light in their direction you are also sending them unconditional love. Hence, that person has the choice to accept the love and light or to remain in the shadows to avoid it. You can also assist Gaia in the same manner by sending your love and light into the wounded areas of Her body. In fact, you can work directly with Gaia’s sixth dimensional Divine Matrix.






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Archangel Metatron: Being Alone - The Sacred Divinity of Solitude,unconditional love

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Archangel Metatron : Being Alone - The Sacred Divinity of Solitude
   Greetings Beloved! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering. We surround each of you in a specially created vector of Unconditional Love. A vector of nonlinear space that is uniquely opened as each of you read these words from your own space and chosen time.
The present phase of linear time on your planet is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude. Masters many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle, find yourselves in a state of solitude, after spouses have passed, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel 'unnatural' for many of you, it is with purpose. So we tell you to use this time wisely, embrace it. You are on the cusp of a great graduation.
Now there is a recurring message in many of your religious texts that says "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."
Indeed there is a time for solitude. Divine Solitude is a noble condition, and one that offers quantum leaps in terms of growth, when understood, and recognized for its profound purpose.
You see the Divine-Self is ultimately, conclusively alone in its final pursuit of omnipotence.
In your terms, the soul enters the earth alone, and the spirit departs the earth alone. Ascended Masters that walk the Earth, have for millennia sought solitude in their incarnations before achieving Mastery. So it is with many of you now.
Dear Ones, Many of you who find yourself alone at this time, are of the belief that you must find a partner. Many of you seek your 'soul mate' your twin flame. Yet we tell you, in many cases among the advanced souls, you are alone because you have planned it. Indeed it is a special and noble undertaking. It is time for Divine Solitude.
Solitude for those seeking sanctified light, for those seeking, what is termed 'consecrated enlightenment' chose specific periods in their life plan, to be alone for a time. This does not mean you will always be in solitude, it simply means for a time you have chosen it to 'work on the self'; to achieve self love. Among souls seeking Mastery, approximately one of every three or four lifetimes, is a lifetime chosen for solitude.

Loving the SELF is a Requirement


Love of self is a condition that many, especially those from Christian heritage, have lost. Christianity with its teachings of original sin taught you that you were flawed in your nature, that you needed forgiving. You spent lifetimes prostate asking forgiveness for who you are. You lost your sense of your divinity, and found it easier to give than to receive. Balance was forfeited.
Now, we tell you that as the Earth transforms to the new Crystalline Age, the nature of energy resonance and the dimensional grasp of the planet is expanded. There is a lessening of the influence of duality/polarity for those of you that choose to extend beyond the third dimension.
You may ask whether solitude or partnerships bring greater advancement to the soul. The question is timely and especially pertinent for many of you in the dawn of the Ascension.
The short answer is that both coupling and solitude have their divine purpose.... and we underline the word BOTH. Much is gained in being in committed loving relationship. This is the natural circumstance in most sojourns on the plane of Earth.
But Masters, we tell you that there is also great purpose also in solitude. It is in fact a requisite.
It is no error that great numbers of you on the finals steps of the path of enlightenment are alone in this period. Now is the prelude to the coming Ascension. If you are among these, we tell you that perhaps your solitude is appropriate. Perhaps it is as it should be. You see it is how many of you planned it.
Yet many of you feel that the loneliness is too much to bear and that you must pursue a partner...the elusive twin flame. Dear Souls, there is much confusion around the concept of the twin flame, the 'soul mate', and the role and nature of optimal partnership in Mastery of Self.

Solitude and Nondependency


Solitude is intended to be a period of sublime reverence of self. Your life and your experience in this plane is your own creation, your own living tapestry, woven by your individual belief. Within solitude, the soul is prompted into self-review, and opportunity is given to dive deeply into the deep waters that flow within you. To swim in the ocean of SELF, and in so doing rediscover the love within, to learn what a brilliant spark of God you truly are.
Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system, and giving you feedback on what, simply stated, is working, and what is not. Detachment requires the individual to explore the self, to reacquaint with the inner horizon, and this facilitates and necessitates sovereignty. Sovereignty is the prepotency of Mastership.
A relationship of two sovereign nondependent humans has greater balance, greater creativity, and greater longevity than a pairing of two beings co-dependent on one another. Do you understand?
Ultimately each soul must clearly define SELF in order to gain Mastery. Self Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. And we tell you Dear Ones, crystallization, through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. It is a calibrational juncture in the multidimensional sojourn. One enters the void, the great mystery in the quest for fortitude and sovereign vision, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. And in the process, one discovers sublime wholeness and self completion.
Do not misunderstand our meaning; there is great validity in coupling, in the natural aspect of soul mate. But conclusively one walks the path of Mastery in sovereign detachment.
One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. Each of you must endeavor to the final conquest of what we term as 'impeccability'. Impeccability is the crystallization or uniform clarity of the soul, and it is a necessary virtue of Mastery. This involves release of dependency, the release of all that does not serve your divinity. It is a rebooting and reprogramming of all you are.
We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind. By defining oneself through impeccability one becomes crystalline, and thus more capable of Divine Consciousness within the geometric light of coherent higher planes. It is only accomplished by deciding who you are, what you believe, and then living it. Recognizing your truths, and aligning fully to them.

Question to Metatron: Are you saying that loving relationships, such as marriage, are not our ultimate union?

AAMetatron: Remember that in the highest realm you are in sacred Oneness, each a part of the Divine One. So in terms of duality experience, the answer to your question is yes. In this context, YES! Masters, in highest reality, you are a unified plural consciousness.
Relationships in the linear duality experience are a means to the end. We are saying that loving relationships are a sacred, joyful tool of achieving Self Mastery, but that ultimately in each soul's journey; there is requisite ultimate growth into sovereignty. The sovereign self is a sufficient self & truly has no dependent need of another. Such conceptual dependency can be a deterrent to Mastery.
In truth you merge in sovereignty with your other half. The other part of your soul that separated in duality expression. Each of you have a male and female component, and the other half is re-merged in the Integral Divine Self before rising into higher realm.
Many of you consider a soul mate and twin flame the same. Only the syntax is in parity. The true meanings are different. The twin flame is the other half of the same soul, split in duality, and these are rarely in physicality together. The 'soul mate' is in our terms, another soul with whom you have contracted to grow together within physical duality, as a means of development and exploration of love with another soul. Movement toward common purpose.
The seeming paradox in linear relationships, that of the 'soul mate' concept (not the twin flame) is that a relationship of two non-dependent sovereign beings, has greater joy, greater balance, greater interface with the divine, greater opportunity for advancement than a relationship based on co-dependence. Do you see?
In this time, in this now, many of you are actually merging with your etheric (non-physical) twin flame, and molding your sacred fullness into one physicality in order for you to enter the crystalline realm in wholeness. In most cases this soul reconnection is accomplished in solitude or in sovereign non dependent relationships.
So we say embrace your chosen period of SOVEREIGN SOLITUDE, it is the sign of your souls intent to enter into Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na Mastery.

The Divine Feminine


We add that many who are in this life, of the female gender, have chosen particularly effacious roles in the balancing of the planet at this time. Is it not true that the planet has been imbalanced in an overage of patriarchal energies for millennia? That is why it would appear that a vast majority of those drawn to the 'New Age' are female, you see, to anchor in the Divine Feminine. Females have been conditioned and labeled in your current paradigm as the 'weaker sex'. Nothing could be farther from the truth!
Many of the females, who find themselves now in single status, are conditioned to feel they must have a partner. Again, we say, embrace your solitude. You chose it, we honor you for the path you have chosen.
The ideal for the planet is not to be female or male, rather a perfect balance of BOTH, but it is at the moment still in an imbalance of patriarchal resonance. We honor those of you in female biology, you're strength is indeed progressing in creating the nurturing balance.
Truly the over-soul is androgynous, self-contained. Self-sufficient. That does not mean that love is not the frequencial basis of the soul, indeed it is the highest vibration. It is the resonance that is produced by the Ascended Soul to the Cosmos, and reflected back as a collective harmonic of crystalline love. There is a time when those of you have played the role of soul mates, will individualize, and in your terms, part in joy. The evolved soul in achieving omnipotence, will become consummately self sufficient, and in so doing radiate spectacular unconditional love to ALL. That is as it should be, as it must be. It is how you Ascend.

Embracing Sovereignty


The final graduation of the soul is not done in pairing, you see. It is done within the Divine SELF in universal harmonic to the All that is. Do you understand? This is the activation of Self to the divine resonance of the Quantum Crystalline Field. Separation must osmatically occur before the final collective reunion, it must occur to allow for the final coalescence into the ALL THAT IS. It is who you ARE. It is the I AM that I AM.
Our point here, is that if you find yourself in Solitude, recognize its purpose. If you are in a relationship refine it in beauty to the greater love of non-dependence. You will indeed discover the love expands and the relationship becomes more splendid in non dependency; just as you are discovering relationships of co-dependency are imbalanced one way streets, and fail.
In sovereignty humanity will see themselves in this framework as being 'whole' and not being their partner's property or someone's 'better half'. Each will bring their integral, whole SELF in fullness, in robust flow of energy into relationship, in a manner that often does not occur today. There are pre agreed points that allow for freedom of choice and for change, even if that change is to end the partnership. In sovereignty individuals share their best, without compromise of ideals. Each will recognize the divinity of the other, and retain the integrity of SELF.
They will afford their own promises, promises and choices of a new paradigm, but there will be avenues and opportunities of adjustments and the ability of reviewing terms. This will allow for greater recognition of the SELF. These will be designed to prevent energy blockage and reduce dysfunctional marriages and divorce complications and lawsuits, you see.
Some relationships in these terms will indeed last a lifetime, some will not. But the archetype of sovereignty will better support both, based on choice and mutual agreement of each individual’s terms. And as such independence becomes joyful, devoid of one partner being dominant and imposing their beliefs, morality and will over another.
Humankind, in mass today, truly does not recognize or understand their soul, their divine SELF. Self is unfortunately regulated to the realm of ego personality by the masses. It is true that a higher degree of the light quotient is awakened on the planet now, than has occurred at any other time, but it is still only about 10% of the population of eight billion plus that has awakened. That is a sufficient number to bring about the Ascension, but much has yet to be done.

Religion in the New Paradigm


Religion in the new paradigm, must be individualized, must truly recognize the nature of SELF the nature of the DIVINE SOUL. None of your world religions truly answer these questions today. None of your religions answer the questions of mans true Cosmic Extra-Terrestrial multi-dimensional origins. And that must come to understanding in the new paradigm. None of your current mainstream religions can accurately and completely express the true history of man on the earth. As such, there is no one true religion on the planet today. Most are bought and sold on preset regulated templates. Each claim to know the path to God, to be able to lead the way to God, yet none truly do. Each has its dogma; each has its hierarchy and controls.
Man searches for GOD more fervently now than at any other time in on the planet, and so this seeking in itself has the potential to bring in the light. Few religious teachers are true teachers, scholars perhaps, but not true teachers, you see. Others are charlatans, even within metaphysics and the so called 'New Age'. Few who make claim to channel Ascended Masters or Angelics truly do.



When integrity is not maintained the connection to true spirit is disconnected, and all who are human are subject to fall in and out of integrity. Truly the way in the Ascension is the ability of each soul to rise into his/her higher self. Look inside and find your own divinity within your heart. Not through blindly following a guru, evangelist, channeler or spiritual leader, but through SELF. Accept only what you discern individually to resonate as true, Dear Ones, and do not give your power to another. Each of you can and must channel your higher selves. Study, look, listen, discern, review and only accept what resonates within you.
The way to the divine, Masters, is through the sacred sovereignty of SELF, and in the Ascension, the way to the higher SELF is through self-definition, and seeking that aspect of God inside each of you, with the great desire that is embedded in each of your souls. Study, seek, and work! There is little hope for the lazy. You are here to make known the unknown! Work at it! Be a warrior of light within duality, for the true battles are within for self mastery. The path is not easy. But within Self Mastery lies an energy so exquisite that it fuels all you require to move forward and there is another level above each you ascend to. Consciousness ever expands.

You Are Never Alone


Oh Dear Human, We truly do feel your occasional despair and longing, and know that we want you to know that we honour you, know that you are never truly alone. Spirit embraces you, and we are especially available for you to find solace and comfort in the walk of divinity that you are undertaking. For we assure you, that you have chosen to be exactly where you are, and there is a great reason, a noble aspiration and goal in your celibate secular aspect.
It is the very sense of resulting loneliness that so often feels bittersweet and hollow, that compels you to seek the rich ocean of wisdom available to you in rediscovering the vast solace within your own divinity.
So we gently urge you to understand that this, for many Master Souls is precisely why you are outside of relationship at this profound time on your planet.
You are then not alone because of a failed relationship; you are not alone because you are incapable of finding a partner. Indeed you are in noble solitude because you have chosen to move higher, to focus on the inner soul. Every soul enters in solitude, and will depart to higher realms in solitude. But that solitude is an opening to your true nature of plurality consciousness, you are reconnecting to the bigger part of you, and that part does not know loneliness. Lonely only exists in duality.
Dear Hearts, use this time wisely, and embrace it., for you have chosen a path that Masters on the 'Cusp of Graduation' often select. We know it is not easy, but the very real pain you at times feel, is the motivating driver of inner reflection. You are on the cusp of a great quantum leap.



Discover your path. Discover yourself. Love yourself, love one another, love the divinity inside you and inside every one! Discover the multidimensional aspects of your true Soul. That is the nobility of solitude.
And thought the path is at times quite difficult and lonely, know that such is the challenge of duality, for above, you are whole, and lack nothing. In the higher realm, Masters, you are in your sacred nature of integral wholeness, in complete and abundant bliss.

I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I share with you these TRUTHS!
You are Beloved.
...And so it is.

The above channel is copywritten to Earth-Keeper. Posting on websites is permitted with credits and reference to website as long as it is reprinted in complete, unabridged, unedited format. It may not be published on U-Tube, journals or printed publications without expressed authorization. All Copyrights are duly registered to www.Earth-Keeper.com. For due requisite authorization & permissions please email Tyberonn@hotmail.com
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Hang On
Anica’s Notebook
Pleiadian Knowledge, Human Observations



Black clouds have not blocked the light. You have not perished. We have not ignored your requests for help and intervention on the world stage, but we have also been mindful of your need to experience the drama now playing out all around you. Right until the last minute. We will present ourselves, but not until your fear has been outweighed by your freedom-loving hearts in unison. You have nearly achieved harmonic resonance in this regard. You have only a mastery to gain from the momentary hope to the fully aware realization of the true empowerment of the human species in the face of a dread so deep it shakes you to the core.
Now is the time to ask your soul to show you what you have always been resistant to seeing. Now is the time for you to shed the last vestiges of slavery to outmoded forms of belief and self-definition. What use are they to you anymore? Have you noticed that the world has changed, that what has been kept from view is presenting itself in full view? The Earth has had its share of trouble, and is showing signs of major restructuring to come. This should not be surprising to you; you have had warnings and prophecies aplenty, and the signs of change are all around you. Yet, where can you go? What can you do? Will the Earth open up and swallow itself? You fear annihilation. There is no death, you know. Only transformation awaits. What use is fear? It is of no use, we assure you, except in the hands of those who would use it against your own will to become awake and empowered, free and unfettered from the grip of slavery’s hypnotic sleep. Be without fear, and what you will for yourselves faces no obstacle. Be without fear, for what is in the process of becoming has the sanction of your soul, individual and collective. Be without fear and your vision will be clear to see the perfection in what is to be. Do not interpret this as a call to complacency; rather, it is a reminder that fear is optional.If you will remember why you are now present on this plane of existence, you may see the possibility of a future Earth in which fear practically has no meaning. You may know what your soul put forth as life for this incarnation, and remember what was breathed into your beingness in that moment before you took form. Can you hear the whisper of time? Do you feel the stirrings of life forgotten coming alive in the eternal codes encapsulated within your body’s cells? This is what you came here to experience – this moment now. Who you are is becoming. We have said this to you before. Now you are closer to realizing these words. Who you are is becoming, and nothing – not death’s doorway, not the fissioning of Earth’s elemental body, not any harmonic of fear’s synthetic symphony of control – no person, place, or thing can keep you from your appointment with divine self realized. You have come to this temporal coordinate to know what it is to be OM. This point here, now, is the most challenging point you have come to yet. It marks the moment at which you choose to become a unified human organism and accept the perfection that is on the horizon, having no guarantee that the path before you is the one you might have wanted, had you known beforehand that your familiar landscape would come to this. Yet here you are, face to face with transformation on a grand scale. To turn away from this moment is increasingly impossible. Know that you are not alone, as you face it. Know that now, more than ever, you move into the future in tandem with your divine self, and with a constellation of kin at your side. Know that in this moment you are multiplied to the power of OM, and that there is no end to the infinity of being that you are.
Hang on. Things are hardly finished shifting the reality you know into a new form you might not recognize. Hold each other, by the hand or by the heart, knowing that the mysteries of love have yet to fully reveal themselves to you. We wait, and we are with you. Hang on.






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Our history by Sheldan Nidle and Zecharia Sitchin

by wemustknow.koen

by Sheldan Nidle

by Zecharia Sitchin



I. The first is based on the book “You Are Becoming A Galactic Human” by Virginia Essene & Sheldan Nidle Channeling Metatron et al.  


35 Million Years Ago

  • Etheric intelligent civilization created and
    are designated the guardians of Earth, but they were to find
    physical guardians also

26 Million Years Ago

  • Bipedal Dinoid with 200 IQ (from Bellatrix system in the constellation of Orion) and Bipedal Reptoid with 200 IQ colonies (from one of the lesser known stars in the constellation of Sagittarius) arrive and inhabit Earth
  • Spiritual Hierarchies of Earth send much love to these colonies
  • Mammalian species evolve to sentiency. These bipedal mammals were called the pre-cetaceans
  • Pre-cetaceans provide ample food for all 3 colonies in exchange for technology (which would in turn improve their production rate further)
  • 3 civilizations coexist in harmony trading among one another for 8 million years, all thee civilizations develop advanced forms of space/time travel
  • The pre-cetaceans develop their spiritual side extensively (psychic abilities, etc.)

10 Million Years Ago

  • Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance (from Bellatrix) ended their trade and cooperation with the pre-cetaceans – they believed they were superior and should therefore control all other beings.
  • Over the next 10,000 years the Earth Dinoids and Reptoids become more and more influenced by the Bellatrix Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance.
  • Dinoid/Reptoids decide -during these 10,000 years- to destroy the entire pre-cetacean race through various psychological war tactics
  • Pre-cetaceans sense this aggression (through their high psychic abilities) and realize the threat presented now by the Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations.

8 Million Years Ago

  • Pre-cetaceans decide to implode their fusion reactors located in the Ural Mountain range (with the Earth Spiritual Hierarchies giving them permission to do so) in a preemptive counter strike
  • Pre-cetaceans divide into two groups: one group evacuates out of our solar system (to the constellations of Pegasus and Cetus), and the other group enters the oceans to find haven. They eventually evolved over a period of 4 million years to become Earth’s present day cetaceans (i.e. the dolphins and whales)
  • Pre-cetaceans then implode their fusion reactors, thus destroying 98% of the Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations on Earth; the remaining 2% evacuated to the planet Maldek (a planet within our solar system)
  • With the Dinoid/Reptoid now no longer present on Earth, the Earth Spiritual Hierarchies and the cetaceans had to find a new suitable guardian/steward for the Earth land (since the cetaceans were guardians of Earth sea). They searched the galaxy to a distant star system 80 light years from the Sun.
  • After 2 to 3 million years of searching the galaxy, a primitive aquatic species that was starting to emerge from the oceans was discovered on the fourth planet of the Vega system. This species had creation myths, a language, and a hunting and gathering culture.
  • The Spiritual Hierarchies of the Vega system were then asked if they would permit this particular species to be vastly altered genetically to accelerate their evolution so that they may become a guardian species. The Vega Spiritual Hierarchies agreed.
  • Thus the traces of the first humans originated in the Vega star system. Their technology improved very quickly, and once they had developed star travel technology they started to migrate into nearby star systems (for a period of 2.5 million years)

4 Million Years BC

  • Galactic Federation was formed
  • Sirius B was colonized
  • Earth was selected for seeding

2 Million Years BC

  • Mars and Venus colonized
  • Hybornea colony founded on Earth

1 Million Years BC

  • Dinoid/Reptoids were building up their forces in the planet Maldek during all this time
  • Dinoids/Reptoids have a mass attack on both our solar system and also the nearby ones
  • Colonies on Earth (Hybornea), Mars and Venus were totallydestroyed.
  • Dinoids and Reptoid therefore regain control over the solar system for a period of 80,000 years.
  • In response to this the Galactic Federation planned a counterattack to reintroduce humans into this system. They arranged for a battle planet (4 times the diameter of the Earth) to come into the solar system and destroy the planet Maldek – which was the Dinoid/Reptoid stronghold. The remains of the planet Maldek are what we can now see as the asteroid belt

900,000 Years BC

  • Human colony was again founded on Earth called Lemuria (a Vedic society without rulers, laws or religion lived in Oneness with God and Nature) that lived in the 4th dimension (a higher consciousness realm) on this planet.
  • Over the next 850,000 years the Lemurians spread across the entire planet

500,000 Years BC

  • Lemurians founded what was called daughter colonies–the main ones being Atlantis, Yu (Central China and Tibet), Mu (South America), and also the Libyan/Egyptian

100,000 Years

  • Atlantis, Yu and Libyan/Egyptian colonies are declared daughter empires
  • As the empires developed the Atlanteans began to acquire a feeling of uniqueness about their culture that led to feelings of separateness from the other daughter empires.
  • After some time the Atlanteans felt that THEY should become the mother empire, and quickly began to have a strong desire to destroy the Lemurians in order to gain full power.
  • The Atlanteans then began forming alliances with renegade Pleiadians and Alpha Centaurians (which had hierarchical systems of government) to further develop their technologies

25,000 Years BC

  • After waiting patiently for many years for just the right moment to attack the Lemurian empire, the Atlanteans decided to attack and destroy Lemuria with the help of their renegade Pleiadian allies.
  • They would accomplish this by taking the Earth’s other moon (Earth had 2 moons in those times) out of orbit by using force fields until it was as close as possible to the Lemurian empire, and then the moon was destroyed resulting in a catastrophic shower of meteors. This destroyed much of Lemuria, but this also resulted in many pressures being inflicted upon the tectonic plates, resulting in the gas chambers under Lemuria to implode and thus sink most of the Lemurian

From Atlantis To The Great Flood

  • Yu empire would not bow down to the hierarchical rule of Atlantis and Libyan/Egyptian empires and was thus forced to go underground (literally). Today, they form what is known as the subterranean Kingdom of Agartha or Shamballah (not to be confused with Shambala on the Inner Spiritual Plane)
  • Power and technology-driven Atlantis forms 10 ruling districts, each with its own King. These Kings together formed the governing council of Atlantis.

25,000 – 15,000 Years BC

  • The royal governing council of Atlantis decide that a new form of government was desperately needed in which a superior ruling class could be established and sustained by their pretense that they had been empowered by a God-Force. Autocracy was thus born and was in full control enforcing a period of peace and stability.
  • The Atlanteans approved the experimenting on human genetics/DNA by master geneticists of the Pleiadian renegades to reduce the 12-strand DNA to the current double helix DNA in order to make humans more subservient and controllable (converting them into a slave race). This resulted in the dramatic reduction of consciousness, life spans, psychic/spiritual abilities, and brain usage.

15,000 – 10,000 Years BC

  • Throughout the years there were many wars among the various empires due to underground movements of people that wanted to reinstate the Lemurian “philosophy” of no hierarchy (i.e. leaders and laws). These wars led to vast destruction.
  • As a last resort the warring empires decided to attack the opponents crystal temples (which were responsible for maintaining two frozen layers of water known as Firmaments about 15,000 – 30,000 feet above ground surrounding Earth like a water base force shield which protected humans from harmful rays of the sun and also ensured a stable weather pattern at all times).
  • Unfortunately, the attacks were made simultaneously and caused the Firmament (the water layers) to be broken down and thus millions of gallons of water poured down onto the surface causing what is known biblically as “The Great Flood” (10,000 years ago)
  • The breakdown of the Firmament also resulted in the polar icecaps freezing as well as many climatic variations we have today to form.

After The Deluge

  • Only about 2 million people survived the Flood (from an original 65 million). Unfortunately many of the survivors were the mutant humans (the ones that had been genetically altered by the Pleiadians and Atlanteans into a much lower state of consciousness).
  • Also, with the destruction of the firmaments, humans were no longer protected by cosmic and atmospheric elements which resulted in further degradation of their DNA, consciousness, physique (they became smaller and shorter), brain usage and a fall of existence into the 3rd dimension.
  • A few different renegades (from Pleiades, Alpha and Beta Centauri) came to different parts of Earth after the Flood, seeing it as an opportune time to establish their own desired ideologies and also be seen as “godlike” to be revered (since there were mainly only mutant humans left, they worshipped these renegade gods). The humans were therefore easily controlled. Note that it was understood that the “heavens” from which these “gods” came was literally outer space or the cosmos.
  • These renegades established Earth’s royal houses with the concept of rulership by “divine right” (as in their heavenly or cosmic renegade ET origin–not to be confused with the Paradise Principality of The Creator). This concept of worshipping an elite has continued through to modern times whose monarchies still believe they were appointed by a divine right to rule over men. In Vedic (Lemurian) times, it was understood that no man was ruled by man.
  • Culture would rise against culture in wars claiming that the elite themselves were superior to the elite of the opposing faction–excessively ego driven.
  • We are now in times, though, that will finally bring to an end an approximate 10,000 years of sub-consciousness and regain our full consciousness that we deserve. This will be due to our entire solar system coming into contact with what is known as the the “Photon Belt

II. Another version of hidden human history: Note that Barbara Marciniak’s “Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library” references the two (Annunaki) ruling brothers as renegade Pleiadians who toyed with Earth.

“The Earth Chronicles” (Time Charts)

About the author:

Zecharia Sitchin was raised in Palestine, where he acquired a profound knowledge of modern and ancient Hebrew, other Semitic and European languages, the Old Testament, and the history and archaeology of the Near East. He attended the London School of Economics and Political Science and graduated from the University of London, majoring in economic history. A leading journalist and editor in Israel for many years, he now lives and writes in New York. One of the few scholars able to read and understand Sumerian, Sitchin has based The Earth Chronicles, his recent series of books dealing with Earth’s and man’s histories and prehistories, on the information and texts written down on clay tablets by the ancient civilizations of the Near East. His books have been widely translated, reprinted in paperback editions, and converted to Braille for the blind.”

I. Events Before the Deluge Years Ago

  • 450,000 BC – On Nibiru, a distant member of our solar system, life faces slow extinction as the planet’s atmosphere erodes. Deposed by Anu, the ruler Alalu escapes in a spaceship and finds refuge on Earth. He discovers that Earth has gold that can be used to protect Nibiru’s atmosphere.
  • 445,000 BC – Led by Enki, a son of Anu, the Anunnaki land on Earth, establish Eridu – Earth Station I – for extracting gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf.
  • 430,000 BC – Earth’s climate mellows. More Anunnaki arrive on Earth, among them Enki’s half-sister Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer.
  • 416,000 BC – As gold production falters, Anu arrives on Earth with Enlil, the heir apparent. It is decided to obtain the vital gold by mining it in southern Africa. Drawing lots, Enlil wins command of Earth Mission; Enki is relegated to Africa. On departing Earth, Anu is challenged by Alalu’s grandson.
  • 400,000 BC – Seven functional settlements in southern Mesopotamia include a Spaceport (Sippar), Mission Control Center (Nippur), a metallurgical center (Shuruppak). The ores arrive by ships from Africa; the refined metal is sent aloft to orbiters manned by Igigi, then transferred to spaceships arriving periodically from Nibiru.
  • 380,000 BC – Gaining the support of the Igigi, Alalu’s grandson attempts to seize mastery over Earth. The Enlilites win the War of the Olden Gods.
  • 300,000 BC – The Anunnaki toiling in the gold mines mutiny. Enki and Ninhursag create Primitive Workers through genetic manipulation of Ape woman; they take over the manual chores of the Anunnaki. Enlil raids the mines, brings the Primitive Workers to the Edin in Mesopotamia. Given the ability to procreate, Homo Sapiens begins to
  • 200,000 BC – Life on Earth regresses during a new glacial period.
  • 100,000 BC – Climate warms again. The Anunnaki (the biblical Nefilim), to Enlil’s growing annoyance marry the daughters of Man.
  • 75,000 BC – The “accursation of Earth” – a new Ice Age-begins. Regressive types of Man roam the Earth . Cro-Magnon man survives.
  • 49,000 BC – Enki and Ninhursag elevate humans of Anunnaki parentage to rule in Shuruppak. Enlil, enraged, plots Mankind’s demise.
  • 13,000 BC – Realizing that the passage of Nibiru in Earth’s proximity will trigger an immense tidal wave, Enlil makes the Anunnaki swear to keep the impending calamity a secret from Mankind.

II. Events After the Deluge B.C.

  • 11,000 BC – Enki breaks the oath, instructs Ziusudra/Noah to build a submersible ship. The Deluge sweeps over the Earth; the Anunnaki witness the total destruction from their orbiting spacecraft.
  • Enlil agrees to grant the remnants of Mankind implements and seeds; agriculture begins in the highlands. Enki domesticates animals.
  • 10,500 BC – The descendants of Noah are allotted three regions. Ninurta, Enlil’s foremost son, dams the mountains and drains the rivers to make Mesopotamia habitable; Enki reclaims the Nile valley. The Sinai peninsula is retained by the Anunnaki for a post-diluvial spaceport; a control center is established on Mount Moriah (the future Jerusalem).
  • 9780 BC – Ra/Marduk, Enki’s firstborn son, divides dominion over Egypt between Osiris and Seth.
  • 9330 BC – Seth seizes and dismembers Osiris, assumes sole rule over the Nile Valley.
  • 8970 BC – Horus avenges his father Osiris by launching the First Pyramid War. Seth escapes to Asia, seizes the Sinai peninsula and Canaan.
  • 8670 BC – Opposed to the resulting control of all the space facilities by Enki’s descendants, the Enlilites launch the Second Pyramid War. The victorious Ninurta empties the Great Pyramid of its equipment.
  • Ninhursag, half-sister of Enki and Enlil, convenes peace conference. The division of Earth is reaffirmed. Rule over Egypt transferred from the Ra/Marduk dynasty to that of Thoth. Heliopolis built as a substitute Beacon City.
  • 8500 BC – The Anunnaki establish outposts at the gateway to the space facilities; Jericho is one of them.
  • 7400 BC – As the era of peace continues, the Anunnaki grant Mankind new advances; the Neolithic period begins. Demigods rule over Egypt.
  • 3800 BC – Urban civilization begins in Sumer as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities, beginning with Eridu and Nippur.
  • Anu comes to Earth for a pageantful visit. A new city, Uruk (Erech), is built in his honor; he makes its temple the abode of his beloved granddaughter Inanna/lshtar.

III. Kingship on Earth B.C.

  • 3760 BC – Mankind granted kingship. Kish is first capital under the aegis of Ninurta. The calendar begun at Nippur. Civilization blossoms out in Sumer (the First Region).
  • 3450 BC – Primacy in Sumer transferred to Nannar/Sin. Marduk proclaims Babylon “Gateway of the Gods.” The “Tower of Babel” incident. The Anunnaki confuse Mankind’s languages.
  • His coup frustrated, Marduk/Ra returns to Egypt, deposes Thoth, seizes his younger brother Dumuzi who had betrothed Inanna. Dumuzi accidentally killed; Marduk imprisoned alive in the Great Pyramid. Freed through an emergency shaft, he goes into exile.
  • 3100 BC – 350 years of chaos end with installation of first Egyptian Pharaoh in Memphis. Civilization comes to the Second Region.
  • 2900 BC – Kingship in Sumer transferred to Erech. Inanna given dominion over the Third Region; the Indus Valley Civilization begins.
  • 2650 BC – Sumer’s royal capital shifts about. Kingship deteriorates. Enlil loses patience with the unruly human multitudes.
  • 2371 BC – Inanna falls in love with Sharru-Kin (Sargon). He establishes new capital city. Agade (Akkad). Akkadian empire launched.
  • 2316 BC – Aiming to rule the four regions, Sargon removes sacred soil from Babylon. The Marduk-Inanna conflict flares up again. It ends when Nergal, Marduk’s brother,
    journeys from south Africa to Babylon and persuades Marduk to leave Mesopotamia.
  • 2291 BC – Naram-Sin ascends the throne of Akkad. Directed by the warlike Inanna, he penetrates the Sinai peninsula, invades Egypt.
  • 2255 BC – Inanna usurps the power in Mesopotamia; Naram-Sin defies Nippur. The Great Anunnaki obliterate Agade. Inanna escapes. Sumer and Akkad occupied by foreign troops loyal to Enlil and Ninurta.
  • 2220 BC – Sumerian civilization rises to new heights under enlightened rulers of Lagash. Thoth helps its king Gudea build a ziggurat-temple for Ninurta.
  • 2193 BC – Terah, Abraham’s father, born in Nippur into a priestly-royal family.
  • 2180 BC – Egypt divided; followers of Ra/Marduk retain the south; Pharaohs opposed to him gain the throne of lower Egypt.
  • 2130 BC – As Enlil and Ninurta are increasingly away, central authority also deteriorates in Mesopotamia. Inanna’s attempts to regain the kingship for Erech does not last.

The Fateful Century B.C.

  • 2123 BC – Abraham born in Nippur.
  • 2113 BC – Enlil entrusts the Lands of Shem to Nannar; Ur declared capital of new empire. Ur- Nammmu ascends throne, is named Protector of Nippur. A Nippurian priest-Terah, Abraham’s father – comes to Ur to liaison with its royal court.
  • 2096 BC – Ur-Nammu dies in battle. The people consider his untimely death a betrayal by Anu and Enlil. Terah departs with his family for Harran.
  • 2095 BC – Shulgi ascends the throne of Ur, strengthens imperial ties. As empire thrives, Shulgi falls under charms of Inanna, becomes her lover. Grants Larsa to Elamites in exchange for serving as his Foreign Legion.
  • 2080 BC – Theban princes loyal to Ra/Marduk press northward under Mentuhotep I. Nabu, Marduk’s son, gains adherents for his father in Western
  • 2055 BC – On Nannar’s orders, Shulgi sends Elamite troops to suppress unrest in Canaanite cities. Elamites reach the gateway to the Sinai peninsula and its
  • 2048 BC – Shulgi dies. Marduk moves to the Land of the Hittites. Abraham ordered to southern Canaan with an elite corps of cavalrymen.
  • 2047 BC – Amar-Sin (the biblical Amraphel) becomes king of Ur. Abraham goes to Egypt, stays five years, then returns with more troops.
  • 2041 BC – Guided by Inanna, Amar-Sin forms a coalition of Kings of the East, launches military expedition to Canaan and the Sinai. Its leader is the Elamite Khedor-la’omer. Abraham blocks the advance at the gateway to the Spaceport.
  • 2038 BC – Shu-Sin replaces Amar-Sin on throne of Ur as the empire disintegrates.
  • 2029 BC – Ibbi-Sin replaces Shu-Sin. The western provinces increasingly to Marduk. Leading his followers, Marduk marches on Sumer, enthrones himself in Babylon. Fighting spreads to central Mesopotamia. Nippur’s Holy of Holies is defiled. Enlil demands punishment for Marduk and Nabu; Enki opposes, but his son Nergal sides with Enlil.
  • As Nabu marshals his Canaanite followers to capture the Spaceport, the Great Anunnaki approve of the use of nuclear weapons. Nergal and Ninurta destroy
    the Spaceport and the errant Canaanite cities.
  • 2023 BC – The winds carry the radioactive cloud to Sumer. People die a terrible death, animals perish, the water is poisoned, the soil becomes barren. Sumer and its great civilization lie prostrate. Its legacy passes to Abraham’s seed as he begets -at age 100- a legitimate heir: Isaac.


Source: http://churchofthecosmos.wordpress.com/tag/barbara-marciniak/

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 Understanding Vibrational Levels and Dimensional Shifts
DL Zeta
As energies on planet Earth elevate and intensify, more people are aligning with fifth-dimensional energies. This alignment brings glimpses and experiences of realities imbued with ever higher vibrational frequencies. Remaining in these pockets of higher frequencies can be a challenge, but with intention and awareness it is possible to activate increasingly finer frequencies in one’s energy field.
Shifting In and Out of Various Frequencies
Generally speaking, each person moves in and out of various levels at different times. There are many factors that affect our vibrational frequency. Our response to our environment is a major factor, but this is largely derived from our level of spiritual understanding.
Gaining Awareness of Frequency Levels
As we gain awareness of the various levels and frequencies common to our experience, we can choose to shift upward to the highest thoughts and emotions we are able to access within a given moment.We are all familiar with lower frequencies steeped in anger and negativity. This is at the level of blame and victimhood. When one exists in the denser frequencies, they often find it difficult to focus because their attention is very scattered. The mind may seem to jump in all directions at once. This is the level of suffering and struggle. Accidents and illnesses are more common at this level as are obstacles, barriers and personal trauma.
Falling in Love Brings Glimpses of Higher Realms
At times a person existing mostly at denser levels experiences high-vibrational realities by falling in love with another person. This is almost always conditional rather than unconditional love that is rooted in attachment and dependency. Within a relatively short period of time the spell is broken and the window into higher frequencies closes.
Substances and Artificial ‘Highs’
Certain substances may seem to give one an experience of higher realities. Glimpses into higher realities through substances such as heroin and cocaine, for example, is fleeting and followed by a crash to a lower-than-usual frequency. Marijuana provides an artificial experience of the “higher end” of lower frequency levels but chronic use can prevent a person from ascending to higher frequencies. A person vibrating at a higher frequency than marijuana would find the their energies pulled down by using it.
At higher and even at certain midlevel frequencies, a person experiences natural highs with increasingly vivid states of bliss, joy, euphoria and lucidity. Those who exist at mostly mid- and high-level frequencies almost never feel the need to use substances to elevate their feeling states.
High Functioning and Focused Mid-Frequency Levels
In the midlevel frequencies, it is much easier to bring focus and intention to bear to create specific realities in the physical world. At higher frequencies, a person’s focus is not on anything specific. The present moment is one expansive, vivid moment of now encoded with all that ever has been or ever will be. For this reason, those who exist at high frequencies may choose to move into midlevel vibrational patterns for periods of time in order to accomplish goals and to “get things done” in the physical world.
Higher Vibrational Frequencies are Blissfully Orgasmic
As one enters higher dimensions, there are able to distill from the present moment everything they need to know. They accept that every situation, person and occurrence is in their life for a reason and the message of each occurrence is immediately understood. Everything is neutral at this level; there is no good or bad. Higher frequencies are naturally blissful, euphoric and even orgasmic. All love at this level is unconditional.
Seemingly magical abilities are commonplace at higher frequencies but paradoxically, a person at this frequency has little interest in them. Similarly, those at high-level frequencies have the power to manifest intentions at will but have little interest in manifesting.
High-Frequency Beings are Natural Healers
At higher frequencies, one observes with complete objectivity the present moment unfolding. Linear thinking ends. One immediately knows and senses things around them and sees through any attempts at deception and dishonesty. Those who exist even for short periods of time in higher frequencies have an immediate healing effect on those they come into contact with.
At higher frequencies, one accepts energy as the basis of all reality. Channels at the upper end of frequency levels are not channeling a higher source for they are the source of the information.
Few beings on the planet inhabit the highest frequencies. We rarely hear about such beings because they almost never step into the spotlight. They often exist as hermits living in anonymity and avoid public settings. Some high-frequency beings choose to exist in lower levels leading mainstream lives so they can relate with the mass of humanity.
Frequency-Enhancing Activities
There are many ways to raise one’s vibrational frequency. Chanting om for extended periods brings temporary glimpses of very high levels. Mantras and breathing techniques can also bring powerful shifts. Other frequency enhancing activities include meditation, creative arts, service to others, visiting places of power, releasing all thoughts and feelings and stilling the mind.






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Benjamin Fulford, June 7,2011…”What the White Dragon Society is fighting for and why the Old World Order wants to stop it”

I'll let Ben’s message speak for itself. However, I feel that much if not all of the “drastic” measures of the dark ones to destroy lives and property will be neutralized by the Galactics and others, including ground crew, in the Galactic family. As always, I suggest reading Ben’s message with Higher Discernment turned “on”.


  • The paper work for the White Dragon Foundation was accepted by the Japanese government on June 1st, 2011… final approval is expected this week or early next week.
  • As a result… the Old World Order is waging an all out offensive on all fronts in order to maintain its grip on global power.
  • The world now faces a clear choice between the genocidal, racist religious fanatics who want to murder 5 billion people and a group that wants to end poverty, end war, stop environmental destruction and start a Golden Age.
  • If the suppressed energy technology were applied, the lifeless parts of the planet could be filled with life. This would make it possible, for example, to increase agricultural land by 300% while simultaneously creating new nature preserves.
  • The Federal Reserve Board faction… invited a White Dragon representative to visit both the Bilderberg meeting this week… or to the Bohemian grove…[and] to “meet Prince Charles, Prince William and an alien.” The invitations were declined.
  • …expect turbulence as the June 21st summer solstice approaches and during summer.


What the White Dragon Society is fighting for and why the Old World Order wants to stop it

The paper work for the White Dragon Foundation was accepted by the Japanese government on June 1st, 2011 and final approval is expected this week or early next week. As a result, there are indications coming from all over that the Old World Order is waging an all out offensive on all fronts in order to maintain its grip on global power. The world now faces a clear choice between the genocidal, racist religious fanatics who want to murder 5 billion people and a group that wants to end poverty, end war, stop environmental destruction and start a Golden Age. This map is a very good illustration of what the White Dragon plans to do:


Seawifs global biosphere; A false-color composite of global oceanic and terrestrial photoautotroph abundance, from September 1997 to August 2000. (Source: Wikipedia)

The dark green areas on land are forest, the light green either agricultural land or tundra and the tan colored land is desert. In the oceans you will see the most life where the water is red, lots where it is yellow, some where it is lime green and very little in the rest. If the suppressed energy technology were applied, the lifeless parts of the planet could be filled with life. This would make it possible, for example, to increase agricultural land by 300% while simultaneously creating new nature preserves. At the same time, as the map makes clear, the vast portions of the ocean that are now mostly lifeless can be filled with fish, whales etc. simply by bringing up nutrients from the ocean bottom. Such projects would lead to a boom far bigger than those created by either agriculture or the industrial revolution. Would you prefer Old World Order genocide instead?

The Old World Order oligarchs for their part seem to be trying to buy time for some nasty move either this summer or this autumn, as far as we can tell. In the US, the Federal government’s bankruptcy deadline has been put off until August. In the EU, the rulers have tried to postpone Greek default and the collapse of the Euro until summer as well. In Japan, the government of Naoto Kan survived a non-confidence vote only because Kan promised to resign in August.

They could simply be kicking the can just a little further down the road to buy time but they are more likely planning what they hope to be a game changing announcement.

The Federal Reserve Board faction appears to still be hoping to get their hands on the codes that will allow them to keep control of the financial system in exchange for promises to behave better. To this end they invited a White Dragon representative to visit both the Bilderberg meeting this week (June 9 to 12 in St. Moritz, Switzerland) or to the Bohemian grove in July. A different White Dragon member was invited to Wales, England to “meet Prince Charles, Prince William and an alien.” The invitations were declined.

There were also renewed threats, including threats to kill this writer made to a White Dragon Society member by George Bush Jr. and Bill Clinton among others. Somebody also phoned your correspondent in Tokyo and played a recording of the dialogue in the scene in the move the Matrix where Agent Smith is warning Neo that he had better conform.

Also, a new group emerged from the shadows claiming to be the “Red Dragon,” and producing documents signed by many members of royal families. It is still not clear exactly who or what is behind the “Red Dragon,” at this point but a couple of names are being checked out.

The Dragon groups we do know to be real include the White Dragon which has an ancient Asian counter-part, the Black Dragon (Greater East Asian Co-prosperity sphere etc.), the Dragon family (Merovingian royalty) and the Green Dragon which has roots in Iran (Persia) and central Asia. The Red Dragon may be the Nazis new name for themselves because the Odessa group (post-war Nazis) is definitely on the war path.

The Nazi faction seems to still be focused on acts of mass terror. The Fukushima nuclear terror and psy-ops show has been clearly linked by whistleblowers and other evidence to a nuclear weapon stolen from the Russian submarine the Kursk. A Pentagon Nazi source previously told us they had stolen nuclear weapons from the Kursk and that these were not under the control of any official government agency.

Our Eastern European sources tell us 4 nuclear bombs (each worth about 500 Hiroshimas) have been confirmed as missing from the Kursk and that one of them was blown up off the shore of Japan to trigger the tsunami etc. The other three are in Europe, they say.

The threat to set one of these off on June 1st never came to pass. However, we were contacted again by a self-described “Al Qaeda number 1,” who said the June 1st attack had been downgraded to a biological weapon “food poisoning” attack. He now says June 25th is the date for the big attack. The group making these threats is definitely linked to various intelligence agencies and mafia groups. However, they are also probably being closely monitored.

Overall, expect turbulence as the June 21st summer solstice approaches and during summer.






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Hilarion's Weekly Message 2011

June 5-12, 2011


Beloved Lightworkers,


The energies of these times are very intense and are galvanizing many of you to get deep within yourselves and seek a more conscious connection with your True Selves. There have been many layers and masks that you have donned during your current lifetime and from some previous lifetimes that are at this opportune time, coming up for acknowledgment and release. Many of these masks you have worn have been put on in self defense, as you learned early in your lives, that it was necessary in order that you live your lives in relative peace, turning the other cheek, so to speak, in order to gain approval from your family and loved ones.

Now, during these intense energies, these masks and layers are being dropped away as quickly as you are able to discern them for what they are and be willing to have them leave. All is about discernment of who your True Self is and this will be an ongoing process in the times that are before you. You are reconnecting with your Higher Selves and as you let go of the person you were yesterday there will be a transient sense of loss and sadness. Do not stay too caught up in this process, for all that is necessary is to recognize what comes up for what it represents to you, bless it for the lessons and expansion it has brought and watch it leave.

Those of you who got caught up in reliving your past experiences will have a harder time of letting it release but know that you have the tools within you to make it so. Determination and persistence is the key and the ability to detach from all emotional charge and recurring mental patterns within the situation you are currently working through. It is a time of self reflection and introversion, for as these layers and masks drop away, more of your True Being shines forth and more of your own personal power and sovereignty is returned to you to acknowledge and be grateful for.

Each of you is a Divine Child of the most High Father/Mother God. Your presence here on this Earth as you reconnect with your Divine Essence is helping to create and maintain the critical mass needed for the Light to continue to grow and expand through everyone and everything upon, within and around the Earth. This was and is your primary function and you have done this with great dedication and persistence to the point that success is at hand on the road to Ascension of your Planet and every man, woman and child who inhabit Her.

As you continue to work your way through feelings of inertia, lethargy, tiredness, irritation, listnessness, aches and pains in various points of your body that differ each day, remember to nurture yourselves and each other, for you are all in this together and keeping together is of mutual benefit and for the highest good of all. There is power in groups, whether a family unit or whether you join in worldwide meditational efforts to anchor more Cosmic Light and Love energies into the core of the Earth. Finding the energy each day to repeat your daily decrees or affirmations will help you re-energize.

You are all in the thick of the Ascension process and this is a very exciting development for it means that you are succeeding in the work you have come to do. Despite all current appearances in the way you might be feeling, you ARE moving forward and are on the right Path.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

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Inelia Benz: I Do Nothing Myself

Folks continue to want information on Inelia. Here are a number of questions and their answers on a most unusual individual from her blogsite. Thanks to Jeannie A.
Questions and Answers
After all these years of working quietly and invisibly, why have you now decided to go public with all this information?
I’ve always followed by intuition, my ‘Guides’, Source, and my ‘Higher Self’ – a “group” I call our ‘Entourage’. On January 2010, I received a request by my Entourage to go public – become a public figure.
At the time, and even now, I did not know why this was requested, and I did not know how to go about it.
I decided to accept the new assignment, rolled up my sleeves and began to research how to go about it.  A few days later I set up www.ascension101.com.

Throughout my life, I’ve always followed this guidance process without question. This was no exception. I knew what I had to do. It always works out.

You mentioned that choosing your ‘assignments’ (or, ‘missions’ or ‘targets’) is not your own decision. Can you say more about the source that provides you with this guidance? How does this reach you?

The information reaches me by various means. Sometimes it’s very clear.
For example, in early January 2011 I woke up one morning with the words ‘Bill’ and ‘Avalon’ in my mind, simply but clearly, and that was all. I Googled the terms, and quickly found Bill Ryan from Project Avalon. At this point, all I could do was to join his forum and let him know I existed.  Due to the laws of this particular reality, the person who has been assigned to me has to make contact with me him- or herself. All I can do is let them know I am there.On other occasions, the guidance is more subtle and consists of observed correlations and synchronicities that reach me as messages in symbolic form. I’ve learned to decode this ‘language’ for my own use and that, too, always works out.
Going back to Bill Ryan’s example, in this particular case it was more than an assignment.  We soon found out we had much in common, and had the same goal, so we decided to team up and start working together on the public arena.
Do your assignments have any common denominator? When did you first realize that you were being given assignments? Do you ever turn down any assignments, or decide not to proceed?

The common denominator (although sometimes the exact process is only clear after the event) is that my taking on the assignments has a contributory effect on raising the vibration of the planet and the human race. Sometimes the effect is large, and sometimes smaller, but it’s always there.
I realized that this was happening when I was quite a young child.
I do have the choice to turn down an assignment. But if I do say NO, then things usually go badly wrong in some way. And it is not a pleasant thing to watch someone’s life go terribly wrong when my presence might have made a difference in the outcome of their mission or situation.
Of course, there are also situations where a person, or myself, want a specific outcome to a situation.  But they have not been assigned to me by Source. In this case, there is absolutely nothing that can be done.
The reason is that, in fact, I DO NOTHING myself. I simply provide the focus or presence for Source to come through and do its job.  Why is that necessary? Because there are situations where people, for example, are being attacked from all sides, and need some support. And others where the person themselves has a block or disconnect from Source, that has them stuck in a certain situation.  Other situations require a skill that I have developed, or not lost in this life journey, and can be learned by them to help them achieve something.
Why does the source of your information or guidance want to ‘raise this planet’s vibration’? Can you say more about what this means?
This is a good question. I have no personal attachment to the planet (although I think she is absolutely beautiful both physically and as a sentient being). Nor do I have a particular attachment to the human collective.  But, I have known from the beginning that the vibrational level had to be raised.  I had no vocabulary or learning to translate this knowing as a child and young adult. I have simply known that it is what needs to be done.
The reasons why were not relevant to me.  But due to others’ inquiring minds, I have had to look at that question myself.

What I found out, was that the planet and human collective are ready to “graduate” into a higher awareness field. But there are many factors and agendas which have been intending to trick, trap and enslave humanity and the planet. My job (and that of very many others) is to counter those.
When you say ‘shift’, what do you mean exactly? Timeline shift, vibrational shift… can you elaborate?
Timeline shift and vibrational shift are closely related.
The word refers to a change in direction, a period of time/space that has a huge potential for growth. If it is sabotaged, huge destruction can ensue. If it is supported, there are no limits to how much expansion of awareness and experience can be achieved.
Certain individuals have said to me things like, “without suffering there is no growth,” or, “without evil we would not know love”.  My answer is, suffering and evil only limit the full range of experience a being can have. It is like keeping an elephant in a tiny little cage (yes, he is suffering and in darkness), but what is existence like in comparison to his wild counterparts in the planes of Africa?
But, there are organizations and beings on this planet who want humans to really, really believe they are having a good learning experience here.  One where they have to pay to live on their own planet, or die.
Pain – yes, pain is part and parcel of a physical experience, but not suffering (the holding on of pain past the incident which caused it).

However, my job is not to convince people or tell them they are wrong to believe that by suffering they will reach heaven.  I would love for them to see the other side of the coin, and it pains me to see them closing their own jail doors, but they are not my main concern. My main concern is that of putting out tools and information, and energy, which those individuals who are ready, and resonate with them, will use.
How can I assist you in this mission? I have the strong feeling I watched your video for a reason. It felt like you were talking directly to me… I’d love to help.
Start to do what you came here to do. There are almost as many variants on missions are there are people. You’ll know when you touch the right purpose when you start feeling highly energized by it each time you allow yourself to think about it.  You will feel a sense of joy and excitement when you think of it.  Also, take a look at the collective work I’m involved with.  See how you can join in and help out.  Register for my and Bill Ryan’s newsletter at http://bill.inelia.com. We will most certainly be keeping you informed on what can be done.
Also, process your fears, and other negative energy structures in your body and subtle bodies, such as negative memories, thoughts, guilt, anger – go in there and process them.  Suppressing them will make them stronger. And analyzing rarely brings resolution.
You said that anyone can develop these abilities, and use them responsibly. I understand that! But how can I learn to do this?
It’s not the abilities that are important. It’s our connection with spirit, with who we are. There are MANY practices which support that.
Start meditating, processing negativity, and looking outward to how you can improve the planet at a very direct level, either energetically or physically.
What are the most effective vehicles that you know of for personal growth and spiritual development

Each person has to do their own research and do a practice that resonates with him or her.  On www.ascension101.com you will find a ton of tools and articles that are very simple and effective.  Whenever I find or download a new tool, I will post it there. Use those if they resonate with you.  I always suggest that if you are in introvert, to do a formal type of meditation practice, and if you are an extrovert, to do something such as yoga, exercise, dancing, singing, or have deep conversations with people of like mind.
There are so many problems, events, people and situations that demand our focus, our attention. Could you please help us decide where our focus should be? What advice would you give an intelligent young person who wants to know everything and has no clue why he is alive on Planet Earth?

Follow your own counsel. Each person’s focus may be different. You each have different purposes. You can get a clue about your own personal purpose from what makes you energized and excited.  When something resonates within you, you will now.  Your body will also tell you what to pay attention to by giving you goosebumps, or cold/hot shivers, twitches, tummy rumblings (like really loud ones!) and your heart will beat so much faster.
I’m feeling rather emotional and upset after watching the video. But I loved what you are saying. It seems to have started me feeling things and thinking about stuff that I just can’t stop. Is this a problem? What should I do?
If you are upset, look in your body right now and see if you can find that upset feeling.  Once you do, simply look at it for a few minutes.  Just look at it. After a while, when you sense it, or see it, clearly, ask it for information. It might, or might not express something in the form of memories, thoughts, images, feelings or words.  After that, ask it if it is yours, your body’s or from something/someone else.  Then ask yourself if you are ready to release it.
It might take a few sessions to get release it back to Source, and free it completely, or it might go as soon as you look at it.
With regard to thoughts, thank the thoughts as they come and release them. It also helps to write them down, or record them.  Just to get them out of the system. They might contain important clues that are relevant to your own life, whether they are blockages or insights.
Can you say more about the possible future timelines for Planet Earth? You never mentioned any wars, disasters or catastrophes that many people are worried about. Can we relax, knowing that those things won’t happen?
Yes, I recently had an exchange with a friend online about this. At a very 3D experience level, we choose what we experience and who we experience it with. Even in a typical city you will see areas, neighborhoods, where a person can walk freely and safely day and night, and others where they will be attacked or killed, even during the day, for being the wrong color or having what others want. These are separate timeline experiences. A person can go their entire life feeling and knowing and experiencing this planet as the safest, most beautiful and most enjoyable experience they have had. For another, same time, same planet, it will be a living hell.
Now, with regard the separation of experience during and after this shift. This will not happen all of the sudden for the entire planet at once. Mostly, it will be a very gradual moving into more awareness, and those who choose not to advance into that awareness will be dying off naturally when their time comes and simply not be born on this planet again. Many lightworkers have taken their exit. They are dropping all over the planet, because they can now rest. At the same time, millions of babies are being born who are highly aware and awake.
For others, and this is has been happening all over the world for hundreds of years, they are meeting with end-of-the-world scenarios as they die. Japan has a death toll of over 20,000 so far from the March 2011 tsunami, and it is expected to rise. They will also have many people dying of radiation sickness in the next few decades. They had suffered radiation on a large scale before, at the end of WWII. For those people who died, the end of the world came and went. But even in the worst hit areas, there are people who survived “miraculously”! It was not their time. They did not agree with the end-of-the-world scenario.
So, for example: you and a relative who is not awake or aware. You will both have a “relative” in the timeline you are on, unless one of you exits via death. But, as we move into a more aware and empowering level ourselves, we automatically move them too. Especially if we address them directly at their Higher Level self, and request that their 3D awakens. When and if you both reach old age and have a peaceful death, one of you might very well decide to continue on Earth in Her higher vibrational level, and the other might decide to move on to an alternative lower level (3D) planet to continue to have that experience.
You state in an interview that “it’s possible to change the past”. That seems very significant! Why aren’t you going back in time to fix the problems we have now before they happen? You say that you have to be careful NOT to do that. I don’t understand why. Can you explain?
Well, the same question applies to “fixing the present”.  There are so many injustices and problems going on, on the planet right now, and, believe it or not, I did ask this very same question to “Source”.  And the answer was that this level of the “game” or “shared reality” has many players, and what we are experiencing now is a direct result of that free will (or manipulated free will).  If I were to go into the past, or the present, or future, and “fix” things according to what “I think is right”, or what someone else thinks is right, then that would be a huge violation of free will and agreement of experience on the planet right now.  I exist here on a limited human experience too, and would filter any “right” or “wrong” according to that experience. Not a good idea to go around meddling in other people’s affairs without their consent.  Plus, even if I was asked to go and fix someone, by them, that disempowers him or her. They would be at “effect” of what is “being done to them”, which they could not then replicate or improve on.
I can, however, give people the tools and information that will allow them to go and fix their own lives, both present, past and future.  That takes into account their free will, and it also empowers them to create their own reality.
Has the timeline has changed since you were a child, and if so, what were the main ‘tipping points’ when things really altered their direction?
The timeline we are on as a collective has changed. Or perhaps I should rephrase that, and say that the timeline I am in at this moment has made a major move collectively toward a more positive future. There have been, and there continue to be, movements toward a higher vibration.  As to tipping points, I can only identify a major one that happened last summer, June 2010.  At that moment, Gaia became fully conscious, aware and reconnected to the planet and the collective.   Now, the work that has been done in the background by thousands of people to liberate her from the clutches of the elite is too numerous to list.  But it did happen, and it happened last summer.
By having achieved this, we basically turned the tide, as it were.  This planet is ascending [my definition of 'Ascension' is 'The Expansion of Awareness'] – and there is nothing which will stop it.  The elite are doing all they can to stop as many humans from becoming awake and aware through mass fear, illusion of control, illusion of lack and illusion of the “power and authority of those who have money”, but they cannot stop the tide.
How many timelines are there? As in: a limited number… or an infinite number?
There are an infinite amount of timelines, but we (the singularity reading these words) are not in all of them. [I define 'singularity' as 'the sense of being an individual being with an ego'.] And some are so very different to what we are here to experience that we wouldn’t even be able to recognize ourselves in them.
You say that you’re here to make sure that the “game is played fairly and according to the rules”. What are the “rules of the game”?
There are many rules pertaining to the “game” being played on this planet at present time.  Too many to list.  However, there are some which are very interesting and important. Mostly because the elite know these rules and the masses don’t, which give the elite an advantage.
One of them, is that everything we experience in the 3D has to be “agreed” by us as individual singularities.  This goes to the most basic concepts, for example the “agreement” of what we call the “color blue”.  We all look at the color blue and say it is blue, but we have no way to know if our subjective experience of the color blue is identical to someone else.  So, what we experience in our inner experience of the outside world as “blue”, might be what someone else experiences in their subjective inner world as “yellow”.
We also agree on other levels, such as, linear time, for example.  But linear time is an illusion and a trap. We can, actually, move in and out of linear time at will, but then if everyone on the planet realized and did this, the elite would find it extremely difficult to control the masses.
Another agreed reality is that things are solid. That our bodies are solid, the ground is solid, walls are solid, all things are solid.  We need that agreement in order to function in the 3D.  However, the level of “solidity” is becoming less and less as we move into a higher awareness, and our bodies, our environments, become pliable.  We are then able to manifest all sorts of things, and change our lives for the better.
Do you have contact with others like yourself who are here right now as humans? How many of them are there? Do they all have the same ‘job’?
I have always been able to “sense” that there are others on the planet, on this same timeline, who are exactly as I am.  Some didn’t make it, some did. The same “job”, definitely, to raise the level of vibration of the planet.  Now, how they are executing that job, is probably totally different.  And no, I have not had any personal contact with them.
Some people might think you’re here to be a leader, or a teacher, or a guru of some kind. What do I say to my friends who think that you’re trying to attract followers to some kind of cult?
A cult leader will always create a co-dependent relationship with his or her followers.  He or she doesn’t empower others so they can be independent because this would leave them follower-less. My aim is to become completely unnecessary at a global and personal scale. Individuals will often come to me and ask me to heal them or fix some problem they are having. What I do in those circumstances is to point them in the right direction, or show them an exercise that they can do that will allow them to fix the problem.
As to trying to attract followers, everything I have to say is available on the internet.  People are free to “follow” me on Twitter if they like, to hear the latest adventures and discoveries I am involved in, but as to them following me personally, or me creating a cult to “take care of them”, that’s not going to happen.  It goes against everything I teach.  As to being a teacher, the role of a good teacher is to empower the student to become much more able and experienced than the teacher him- or herself  The role of the student is to become better than the teacher, take those teachings and develop them beyond anything the teacher was able to do. And surpass the teacher in all skills and knowing.  If I can accomplish that, then I’ll be able to call myself a teacher.
My friends are skeptical of the things you say you can do. Are you willing to demonstrate them?
There has been a lot of attention placed on the “abilities” that I have.  With regard to demonstrating them, the ones that I am using at the moment only make their appearence when they are needed for a particular situation or mission.  Mostly I don’t know what is going to happen until it does.  In the past, yes, they would manifest to “prove” to people what I could do, and to tell you the truth it didn’t help one bit.  The only gift I am willing to claim, and I have plently of documented proof for its effectiveness, is my ability to inspire and empower others to raise their own vibration and expand their own awareness.
The party entertainment, such as moving things around, etc., are no longer available at will, but if they come back I have no problem entertaining people with them.  For the time being, I suggest, if this is something that really interests you, to visit Uri Geller’s website and shows.  He’s very talented and can do these things at will.
Can you describe some of what you see when you travel out into the universe?
Recently a friend and I shared a bi-locational journey.  We went to a sector of the universe where sentient life is an expanse of tiny dots of energy, like a huge cloud, that hangs in space. It is absolutely wonderful to hang out with them, and they are very accommodating.
Mostly, like I suggest to others, I hang out between the Sun and Earth, taking in the sun’s energy and staying out of the dark energy which is so prominent on the planet at the moment (even though it is much less than it used to be, it is still too thick for comfort).  This allows for the “soul” to cleanse and become more “able” on this planet.  Anyone can do this. Start with imagining that you are there, simply an exercise in imagination. It will have fantastic results.
I know that many who have experienced OBEs (out-of-the-body experiences) have reported that they had 360 visual perception. But for anyone who’s not experienced this, it’s really hard to imagine. Can you describe this in more detail?
Well, it is like the sight you have now. Exactly the same.  But instead of it ending at the edge of your left and right, or up and down, peripheral vision, it continues on and has no edges.  It is exactly the same.  However, one can still see when one’s eyes are covered up or closed.  Sometimes, in OBEs, the person sees only blackness, this is because they know their eyes are closed, and feel that they mustn’t see anything. As soon as the belief is identified, they can see again.  It happened to me once, and all I did at the time was to “imagine” that I had opened my astral eyes.  It amused me that I was falling into the agreed reality even at an astral level and made a note to watch that.






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 Galactic Federation of Light (transcript), Sharon-Ann Riley, 5 June 2011


Posted on June 5, 2011 at 7:38 AM

Greetings Masters


Many of you have ascertained that the only way “to be”, is living in transparency. The energy of the fifth and higher dimensions are that of unconditional love and so anything not in alignment will come up immediately. Those who have lived in victimhood, martyrdom, difficulty in expressing, suppression and too afraid to speak their truth are being pushed out into the frontlines to address outdated energies...again. This is not to humiliate or judge you...this is to release all the illusions and fear codes so you are able live in abundance and unconditional love. The way of Humanity is not through suffering. It is time to take ownership of your lives and go within. This is Freedom. This is choice. This is the way of your God within. There is no external influence dear ones. It is time for all of you to see the wood for the trees.


Humanity is in the process of learning to be still in silence. Every day your untrained minds sponge false external information, therefore it is important for your progression to start each day with an empty cup. You are concerned with the continuation of the planet yet you ignore the contamination of the Multi-verse that dwells within your own body and spirit. What effects One effects all. Start in your own house and see the speedy changes that occur in your outer world.


We understand that this may feel like a new concept, but dear ones your inner knowing tells you differently. It is never too late to change your awareness. Take time to reassess as you are ever evolving and constant review is necessary in your new multidimensional reality.


June activates the end of linear time. The new Zero Point reality is ushered in with the shamanic energy of the Serpent. The Zero Point brings with it the vibration of eternity. New awakened creative forces will increase the accuracy of individual intuition. The energy of the serpent is that of wholeness, cosmic consciousness and the ability to experience without resistance.


As you walk into the higher dimensions so too do you download the understanding that there is equality to all creation. Holding this truth will allow positive transitions, opportunities and changes. The great mother invites all her children to accept the gift of Fire Magick and the ability to transmute energy in all dimensions.


The serpent is a reminder that even though it may seem that nothing is happening – everything is happening. The serpent has also appeared to transmute the lower base chakras with Kundalini energy. This shift will replace the primal DNA encoding with crystalline thus allowing the attainment of eternal Bliss in the physical.


3 important eclipses will take place over the next 4 weeks; starting with a partial solar eclipse on June 1st, total lunar eclipse June 15th and partial solar eclipse on July the 1st.


The eclipses open a geometrical triangle portal which activates the complete removal of the crucifixion codes from the planet. Mass religious uprisings and riots are to be expected in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Dear ones Understand that many are fighting for an idea that is not yet cognitive however all those that are part of “mass” conscious movements feel indifference. How this shift plays out is up to individual choice. Now more than ever before it is important to control the flow of your own projections and fear. When you feel negativity rising up go into meditation and release, let go and surrender until stillness returns.


The tri - portal will be fully activated and stabilised by the 6-6 gateway on the 6 of June. The energy of 6 will initiate a natural affinity for all those that have already chosen to ascend, to be in harmony with the earth. Many will elect to become environmentally conscious, aware and get involved with alternative energy campaigns.


The new moon on June 1st is a powerful day to set your intentions and goals for what you would like to achieve over the next few weeks.


The June Solstice on the 21st, Summer in the Northern hemisphere and Winter in the South, is one of the most sacred days of 2011. On this day all dimensions known and unknown will be in complete alignment with the Platinum Ray. This will give many a brief glimpse of what zero point reality will be like. Paranormal and Galactic activity will peak as there will be no veils, no illusions! Use this time to connect with the other earthly realms and galactic civilisations. Some of you might come into contact with new guides and discover new spiritual gifts. This day is truly a powerful gift....make the most of it!!


Your light body is constantly upgraded and sometimes you will experience physical symptoms. This month you can expect your skin to be more sensitive than usual. As you move out of the known physical realms your body needs time to adjust to the new lighter vibration. Skin rashes, acne breakouts and UV light sensitivity are to be expected. Blurry eyesight might occur as you higher chakras constantly morph as you connect to the lower cerebellum and as your pineal gland produces higher amounts of crystalline.


Many of you working in the astral will experience lethargy it would be advisable to consult with a naturopath to get the best supplement and nutritional advice. Please note that as you become more transparent people’s true agendas, thoughts and energies will naturally be revealed to you. As the fear codes fight for dear life to remain in the 3D, the fear frequency that others project is like ectoplasm. Holes in your aura can allow contamination of these projections. Invoke the platinum ray to heal and seal your aura constantly during the day and you should notice an instant shift.


We stress the fact that not all physical symptoms you experience are due to ascension and we recommend the assistance of a qualified physician in such cases.


To fully harness June’s energy all you need do is trust your body and stand your ground. There is no time to mince your words, talk from your heart and say what you mean. The power of intention is in the here and now.....


In closing we wish you many blessings and remember all you need to do is be yourself.


Until the next time...


The above transcript is copyrighted to www.sharonannriley.com . Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit to ©2011 Sharon-Ann Riley and website is included.


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What Will Happen During the Shift


2011 June 4
by Steve Beckow

drunvalo melchizedek 2012 shift of consciousnessLucy brings to my attention a lecture Drunvalo gave quite some time ago on what might be expected during the “shift” that we now call Ascension. There are a couple of points that some people may have a reaction to so let me mention them here.

At the end, Drunvalo says that the shift is expected some time in 1998. The Ascension was in fact planned to happen in 2000, but it was felt that many more people might choose to ascend if the date was pushed back.  Here is SaLuSa for instance on that:

“It has in fact been quite a time since you became aware of the higher plan to lift your vibrations, and you have responded magnificently to the challenge of doing so. You have had much assistance from the Brotherhood of Light, and have grounded the Light upon Earth. Where your collective consciousness is concerned, in a relatively short time you have raised your vibrations quite considerably.

“It was this achievement that led to the decision to allow your cycle to run its full course. It was seen that by the end time of 2012 a greater number of souls would have reached a level allowing them to ascend than may otherwise have done so if the Millennium had been a cut-off point.” (SaLuSa, Feb. 1, 2010.)

So Drunvalo is not amiss in expecting Ascension sooner than 2012. The second matter is his description of what occurs during the shift from 3rd to 4th dimensions. I’m afraid I cannot say whether what he says is true or not. Some of what he says fits descriptions of the Astral Planes so there is some corroboration for it.

Perhaps just read that part of his lecture for enjoyment’s sake and hold it as tentative knowledge.  We are assured of getting a full briefing on the dimensional shift before we experience it and of being guided through the process so there is no reason to feel apprehensive. In the meantime this is one of the earliest discussions of this topic I’ve seen and has a certain historical value if nothing else. It’s a keeper for me as a first of its kind, whether or not all of it holds up.

Drunvalo Melchizedek: What Will Happen During The Shift


From a Lecture by Drunvalo Melchizedek of the Flower of Life Workshop

What’s Going to Happen in the Near Future

What usually happens is that when we approach this point in the precession where this change takes place, everything begins to break down – all the social structures,etc begin to dissolve and break down. The key that does it is the magnetic field of the Earth. Which as present-day science realizes may also be the key that enables the axis to shift in the first place through magneto- hydrodynamics, where the magnetic field supports a connection where liquid aspects of the earth’s composition become solid. When the field collapses, some solids become liquid and become slippery. 

They have demonstrated this in laboratories. The magnetic field and the electromagnetic field are the key. The magnetic field is what we use to interpret who and what we think we are, and also to store our memory with. We need an exterior magnetic field to retain memory. We cannot live without some form of magnetic field. If you look at major cities all over the world, you will notice that the day before, after and during the full moon there is more rape and murder going on. The reason is that the full moon tends to cause a ripple in the magnetic field of the earth, and this change is enough to take people that are emotionally near the edge over the edge. The magnetic field affects the emotional body

The Collapse of the Magnetic Field

Imagine a planet where you are at a point on the precession where things are starting to get out of balance. Suddenly the magnetic field of the Earth, over a very short period of time (usually three to six months) starts fluctuating a lot and undulating. What happens is that people start losing it. They go crazy. That is what breaks down all the structures of the planet. Without their balance, everything falls apart. The magnetic field will go away entirely for at least three and one half days. Usually you will see a buildup of chaos.

Morphological Grid Interactions

Every time one person plugs into the consciousness grid, they increase the signal from the grid. There will come a point where people will just start remembering and start breathing this way. Children will have the least problem. The older you are the harder it is.

The Final Time of Axis Shift and Dimensional Interface

Hopefully it won’t really get crazy out there – if it does, that is where the idea of Armageddon comes in. If you look back through the records, you will see that when the axis shifted in 1400 A.D., in South America, they all started fighting and warring with each other, because their emotions got so strong. Hopefully, that won’t happen.

About five to six hours before the dimensional shift in consciousness, the process (which is usually tied to an axis shift) begins. Axis shifts and shifts in consciousness are usually tied together. In this case, the consciousness shift may happen before or after the axis shift. Usually they are simultaneous, and usually what happens in this period five or six hours before a dimensional shift is a visual phenomenon. This almost for certain will happen as 3rd and 4th dimension begin to interface, and our consciousness begins to move into 4th dimensional consciousness and 3rd dimensional consciousness begins to recede away.

When that happens, synthetic manufactured objects which consist of materials which do not occur naturally on the Earth, begin to disappear over a wide gradient, depending what the materials are. They do not disappear all at once. When the grid of 3rd dimensional consciousness begins to break down along with the collapse of the magnetic field, these synthetic objects begin to disappear over this five or six hour period. Since axis/conscious/grid changes have happened continously for millions of years, this is why there are few manufactured objects from previous civilizations (some of which have been more advanced than ours) which remain to tell the tale.

The fact that objects start to disappear really starts to make people who do not understand what is happening go crazy. That is why it is important to remember this. It is a natural process, and when this starts to happen you should get to a place that is natural, not inside an artificial structure. You want to be out on the earth. This is the reason why very advanced civilizations built structures out of natural materials, like stone. They make it through the dimensional changes and remain there.

This is also why at the Taos pueblo, which is 1,400 years old, they are not allowed by tribal law to have anything synthetic in their buildings. They know that when the day of purification comes, they go in and remain centered.

There is another phenomenon that will probably happen. As the dimensional interface occurs, 4th dimensional objects may appear in the 3rd dimensional world. They will be objects that will not seem to fit in anywhere with colors that will boggle your mind. These objects will impact your mind in ways you cannot understand. Since gradual movement through the interface is desired, do not touch any of these objects (to touch one would pull you instantly and fully into the 4th dimension) or look at them. They are mesmerizing, and looking at them will pull you more rapidly into the 4th.

If you are calm and centered, you will be able to watch all of this for a time, but not for long. As soon as the magnetic field collapses, your field of view and vision will disappear and you will find yourself in a black void. The 3rd dimensional Earth, for all intents and purposes, will be gone for you. What happens to most people during this time is that they will fall asleep and start dreaming during this period, which lasts about three to four days. If you want you can just sit there, but realize that whatever you think is going to happen will happen. Realize that you are about to literally go through a kind of “birth” process into the 4th dimension, and don’t worry about it. The process is perfect and natural, but fear is a big problem for humans on a 3rd dimensional level. This appears to be a new process, but it is very very old. You have done it before. At some time during the process you may in fact remember that you have done it before.

The Other Side

As the 4th dimensional world comes into perception, light comes back again. You will find yourself in a world the likes of which you have never seen (although you have, but you will not remember it because your memory has been erased so many times before). It will feel like a brand new place. All the colors and shapes and the feel of everything will be new. You will be perceptively just like you were when you came into 3rd dimensional consciousness, except that you will be the same size you are now. There are a lot of things that are very similar from world to world – one of them is the idea of the holy trinity (mother-father-child). As you enter into this brand new place, although you won’t understand anything, you are going to see two beings standing there – mom and dad; they are going to be very big compared to you. They are going to be about ten to sixteen feet tall. One will be male and one will be female. These beings have a bond with you and will guide and protect you during your early formative period in this world. These beings do not have the kind of attachment to you that parents on Earth might have had. From the very beginning, they know that you are part of the Creator and recognize your divine nature. You will appear just like you are now, though more than likely naked, since any synthetic clothing will not have made it through the shift.

You will come out the other side and be in this incredible reality with these two beings that you somehow feel this intense love towards, although you won’t understand why. Although your physical form is exactly the same, the atomic structure in your body will have changed dramatically. Much of the denseness of the previous physical structure will have been converted into energy, and the atomic structure will be farther apart than before. Most of your body will have been converted into energy, but you won’t know that.

The Many Are Called – Few Are Chosen Scenario

In the Bible, Jesus said “two of you shall be in bed and one of you I shall take”. This speaks of a “many are called-few are chosen”scenario, which is often what happens, but you can only do so much to help someone. You will go through this process alone. It will be determined by your character and who you are.

What usually happens is that some people go through and some do not make it through, but there is a third possibility – that someone will have just made it through. Jesus spoke of a parable about the wheat and the chaff as an analogy. The wheat that goes through had some weeds with it. Who takes the weeds out? The weeds do. You take yourself out. When you get to the 4th dimensional conscious- ness, most people don’t know that you are creating the entire world and every- thing in it second by second by your thoughts and your feelings – every- thing. It is true in the 3rd dimension as well, but it is not realized because we have culturally put all these limitations on ourselves that we can’t do anything. There, it’s all inclusive and instantaneous. If you are there and you are not really ready for it and you start thinking negative thoughts and fear comes in, you will create a scenario which will result in your being thrown back into a lower dimension.

At the same time, the “wheat” is going through, and sitting there and thinking “love, truth, beauty, peace and harmony” – and that is what happens. You start manifesting all of it. You become stable in the new reality because of what you are thinking and feeling – your character and who you are. Jesus, referring to this time, said “if you live by the sword you shall die by the sword” and “the meek shall inherit the Earth”. Those who are there and not trying to protect, kill or anything else along those lines, but just being and thinking positive thoughts – that is what manifests, and you’ve just won the game.

After the entities who are not resonant (“chaff”) are gone and the resonant entities (“wheat”) remain, one of the first things that begins to happen is that you begin to realize that “hey, whatever I think happens!”. Usually people look at their bodies in this light and begin to change their appearance to suit whatever idealized image they have in mind – it’s a childlike exercise. If you look at some of the non-terrestrial races, they are all tall, beautiful and healthy. The self-modification of body structure is a natural occurrence from the 4th dimension onward. It is a creative expression. After that, other things become more interesting as activities.

On Earth in the 3rd dimension, it takes roughly 18-21 years to go from a baby to someone who can go out and take care of themselves. On the 4th dimensional world, experientially, it takes about two years to go from your present size and state (when you first arrive) to an adult – and you start growing again. Your body grows, your head elongates in the back, and you end up looking like Ahknaton. This is what the Egyptian egg of metamorphosis what about.

All this explains why it is essential that you maintain peace within during the first few hours of the dimensional interface and progression into the next area of dimensional consciousness. Again, work on your character. The moment you establish the Merkaba during this time, you’ve made it. Its the inner technology that is most important. Helping others is very important. As you understand more of what this is about, you have a moral responsibility to help if they ask.

Your Cosmic Development

During this shift, there is a polarity with your “higher self” which merges into your current state of consciousness to the point where you and it become one.

A very high level of dimensional consciousness has as its “body” the planet Earth. You, on a high level of consciousness, have as your body the body you are currently using. Literally, someday you will become suns and stars in the sky – it is part of the process of life.

Your new “Parents”

Relative to these beings you will encounter, your new “parents”, you already will have a “karmic” bond with them; they will guide and protect you during the first two years until you can go out on your own. They realize your true divine nature as part of the creation, unlike Earth parents, many of whom view their children as “possessions” to be “controlled”. If your new parents wanted to tell you something, you would simply experience it. If they wanted to tell you about a room, you would be in it. It is sort of like an extension of a higher level of dream time from the 42+2 level of consciousness. The 4th dimensional realm is really not that much different than the 3rd dimension in some ways. It’s still a world which has a physical aspect to it.

Injection of Christ/Unity Consciousness Models Into The Planetary Grids

Many individual entities have manifested themselves on this planet in order to illustrate the possibilities in unity consciousness. After the introduction of writing, a model was need in order to inject an example into the akashic/ morphic field and into the memory of man that unity consciousness was an option. Jesus, who had been through a great number of dimensional levels, was the entity who accomplished that purpose. Because of his efforts, the IDEA of man-unity consciousness is within the MEMORY of man to act as a model. It is also within the grid around the planet.

First, you have Akhenaten as one of the Pharaohs, illustrating unity consciousness – “that which we would become”. He walked around for a few years and put that into the grid. He created the seed from which the Essene Brotherhood grew. From them eventually came Mary and Joseph, who made it possible for the introduction again of unity consciousness through Yeshua Ben Joseph, referred to as Jesus. When Jesus started telling people “love each other, love your enemies”, no one wanted to hear it – people were in duality consciousness and it didn’t make any sense. Knowing now about 4th dimensional consciousness – it should make sense. The words he spoke are powerful and true, and we need to take the knowledge and make it part of our lives.

All the efforts of unity consciousness beings who have come to 3rd dimensional Earth have been in an effort to heal the process that occurred in Atlantis.






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We Are The ARCTURIANS - June 3, 2011









Arcturians an Introduction....this information will give you knowledge of the Arcturians who are the most advanced in this Universe.
    Written by sethd8 
   We Are the Arcturians

    We are the Arcturians, and I am Juliano, one of the commanders of the contingent that is overseeing the Earth connection. We have a very strong interest in the Earth, for we view ourselves as the midwives of your spiritual birth into the fifth dimension. You would not expect a human baby to be born into the third dimension without assistance to both the mother and the baby. Therefore, we have been designated as powerful helpers for you in your birthing process. We are like a magnet that is attracting your spiritual energy into the higher realms.

    Please understand how important it is for you to have this magnetic attraction. There are many distortions and diversions on your third dimension. We know that you experience difficulty when you are trying to concentrate. We are experts on focusing energy into the higher spiritual realms. Our working with you is going to foster and accelerate your development in a way that will help you to move into the fifth dimension in a comfortable and smooth fashion. Thus, we view our coming together as part of your ascension process.

    Many of you have multiple, past life connections with different star systems, such as the Pleiades, and other galactic systems that you are not consciously aware of in your Earth knowledge base. I remind you that you connect to the other star systems through the Arcturian Stargate- through us. We are loving beings, serving the highest wisdom. We do not interfere, but only bring you to these planes as your assistants and guides.

    Connecting with the Arcturians
    It is important for you to learn how to interact with the higher dimensions and how to become more proficient at interfacing with other planetary beings who are in alignment with the goals of your development. This is most important when you are experiencing what you call extraterrestrial beings, for you must be very careful that you align with those who understand and support your chosen path of evolutionary development.

    You may think of us as highly developed spiritual beings from the fifth dimension who are assisting the Earth beings in their transition. We experienced our own third dimensional shift, our own ascension, a very long time ago. We have evolved to a higher state of consciousness, a state that many of you very much admire and wish to participate in. This state of consciousness has to do with the overcoming of primitive, basic instincts, and the moving to a higher frequency that will allow you to exist in your light bodies.

    This really is the purpose of your evolutionary path on the Earth. You wish to leave the physical and go into the light. What is meant by “go into the light”? It is your ability to be in your light body, free of the physical constraints of the Earth, free of the need for the very contracted aspects of your life, those aspects that have to do with the finiteness of the conception of your existence.

    Not only have we worked with many starseeds, but we have also seen many planets go through evolutionary shifts. It is of great interest to us to observe the Earth and the planetary shift that she is currently experiencing. Never has there been as much assistance available to a planet as there is now to the Earth. You need to know of the caring and concern that many higher beings have for the Earth, and you need to know that they are watching over you. They are also participating in the Earth evolution and her new birth. The Earth is literally being “born again”. There is a continuous death and rebirth cycle in the universe. The Earth is going through a birthing process, and you are at the cusp of this evolutionary shift.

    The Arcturian Transmissions
    We want to discuss with you the nature of our transmissions. First of all, we are studying you carefully, as well as helping you. We are studying your unfoldment as planetary beings. We are studying your resistance, your densities, and your blocks to the higher levels, including your acceptance of our existence. Part of this resistance focuses on your cultural upbringing, and your insistence in the educational process on logical understanding. On the one hand, this has been a major advancement. On the other hand, it has led you to many solid walls in your spiritual development as galactic beings.

    We need to remind you of your abilities to transform and activate through light. We can reach you through speech, but part of our major message is also an energy exchange. As we speak, our ships in the fifth dimension are centered over you. Those who are hearing these words and reading these pages, know that you can expand your awareness to the fifth dimension. Know that the light from us and our ships can reach you. Do not be afraid to activate yourselves. You have sought us out because you have sensed a presence from another part of the galaxy within you.

    Think of the excitement you will feel when you acknowledge that you exist in a galaxy in which you have opportunities to interact with countless other beings and entities. Just open up to that possibility. When you do, then you can receive transmissions from us.

    Our transmissions are on a higher frequency that is still immeasurable by your instrumentation. When receiving us, there is a slight beeping sound that comes into your auric field. This activates special electromagnetic receptors in your cellular structure, enabling you to receive our thoughts. It helps you to “let go” in order to receive these messages. Then you can translate them into your language.

    We have learned your language, and we have studied your thought patterns. We are familiar with your methods of deduction and induction. We have studied your fears, your reactions and your human aggressiveness that has been such a problem. Your jealousies, your hatreds- we have explored these through many of our contacts and observations. At times, with the permission of your higher selves, we have temporarily resided in your bodies so that we could go through days with you, or weeks, or even months when that was acceptable. We have observed you so that we could learn more about your emotional states. We have appreciated the opportunity to be with you for such periods of time.

    In return, we have offered you the reverse: we have offered invitations to you to reside with us. You can come with us in spirit to our planet, or visit our ships. The reverse, however, has been more difficult, for many of you have not adequately prepared for a higher frequency existence. We have found that, for the most part, you are in need of deep healing. The experience of being on the Earth has been very traumatic for most of you, and it requires some recovery. We are more than willing to make our technology and thought patterns available to you for your healing.

    One of our special gifts to you is our thought patterns. We have certain frequencies that can be made available to others. These thought frequencies are not necessarily transmitted in words, although there are sounds that can be voiced. When you are able to exist on our frequency, you can experience an expansion of your cells, an expansion into your light bodies, your light consciousness and your galactic selves. Open your minds to the possibility of being on a new frequency. We will be providing different sounds that will help to activate you to this frequency. If you are reading these words, simply connect with us in your thoughts, and we will be open to working with you.

    Just tuning in on our frequency will provide an upliftment and an expansion for you. Frequencies are waves that you can ride. Receive our frequency into your fields. Direct your consciousness to your auras now, and be open to receiving the frequency of the Arcturians. We are peaceful and spiritual. We seek higher development and higher ethereal contact. We can help you transcend your lower vibrations. It is through our abilities to work with frequencies that we can achieve higher states of healing, spiritual consciousness and technological development.

    The Arcturian Earth Mission
    The Arcturians have been connected with the Earth and the human race in varying capacities for the past 150,000 years. We have been very involved in the affairs of the planet Earth for the last 20,000 years. Some of us were here much earlier, but this is the active phase of our planetary involvement. We have had major contacts with you in your current historic period. We were involved with the Hebrews on Mount Sinai under the direction of Sananda and others. We have been overseeing some of the evolutionary changes that have occurred. Even more recently, we have been able to work with many of the Native Americans very directly. Now, we are again working closely with many of you as starseeds. Thus, you can see that we have a long-standing kinship with the human race.

    At this time, we have great contact and involvement with the Earth because so many Arcturian starseeds are here. We work with the permission of, and in service to, your White Brotherhood/ Sisterhood. We acknowledge Sananda to be the Ascended Master of your planet. The guidance that he offers you is from the highest galactic source. We interface with that knowledge, as well as with his work and his great love. We acknowledge all of your religious experiences, only wishing to bring you into the highest interface with spiritual light.

    It is true that other space beings are coming to your planet continually for observation. Presently, some are interacting with you. We are interacting only with certain chosen people on a modified level, but we are seeking to create an awareness of our presence. This has been authorized by the highest sources in conjunction with your planetary evolution.

    We have not been directly involved in human evolutionary changes or genetic restructuring. Those issues were left up to the Pleiadians and the Sirians. Other extraterrestrial groups have also done these things. We, however, function more in the role of teachers or overseers. We are here to help you graduate so that you can ascend into the stargate, and move into the fifth dimensional realm.

    Our current Earth mission is a very broad base mission. It is a mission of love, spiritual evolvement, and learning. It is a mission of connection, and, more specifically, a mission of energy infusion. Ascension is a form of expansion. To expand, you need to hold more energy. This is a universal law. We can help you accelerate your mental, emotional and physical systems through the process of energy infusion.

    The Earth is experiencing an interdimensional transition. The locks on the third dimensional realms are being loosened, not only for you, but for the Earth as well. This is allowing a tremendous infusion of energy to occur. If you focus your energy on higher beings, like ourselves, you can work effectively in this new energy. We are very pleased that we can now anchor fifth dimensional energy even more deeply into your planetary system, and help the Earth in her ascension process.

    With the onset of this increased energy and the openings into the higher dimensions, you need a focus. That is one of our missions to you- to provide a consistent, etherically pure and high spiritual energy focus for you. We are providing a gateway for you to meet us, just as we have a gateway to the galaxy. This is our gift to you. We want this to be a group gateway, for we communicate and work as a group consciousness.

    We want to help you raise your level of consciousness to a point where you can enter the dimensional corridors that are now opening. You can use these dimensional corridors to communicate and interact with us. We can train you to work in interdimensional spaces, and project yourselves through the corridors to our ships, and then to the Arcturian system. We can help Connecting with the Arcturians you to project yourselves to the interdimensional temples located on the beautiful mountains of Arcturus.

    It is also our mission to assist you in your purification. Come to us in your consciousness, and know that we will assist you to purify and to cleanse, so you can raise yourselves and your planet to a higher level. We know how to help you purify your thought patterns. We realized long ago that when you refine your thought patterns, you are well on the way towards your spiritual birth.

    We are a spiritual race, and we communicate telepathically. We are specialists in bringing you the highest spiritual light, and in utilizing healing chambers in order to provide assistance to you. We bring down a golden blue beam of light for you. This light is sprinkling very powerful rays that will enter your crown chakra. We personally greet each of you with this burst of energy. We recommend that you take this energy into your crown chakra and expand your consciousness even beyond your emerging awareness of the Arcturians.

    The Arcturian System
    We have a different name for Arcturus. It is in a language you would not be able to understand, but what it means is “the star that gives light” in much the way you look at a mother who is providing life-giving nourishment. It is a well-seasoned star that has been our focus for many eons.

    As you might expect, our years are not like your years. Our planet travels around the star Arcturus once every three hundred twenty-two Earth years. You can imagine the difference in time orientation. We live in a solar system that has fifteen planets, and each planet is in a different stage of development. Some planets exist solely in the third dimension. Others exist simultaneously in the fourth and fifth dimensions.

    In the Arcturian system, we live predominantly without a gravity field. There is, however, a slight gravitational pull on our etheric presence.

    We are now overseeing an inhabited planet in our system that is third dimensional like the Earth, but moving towards the fifth dimension. We are assisting those souls by helping them to reincarnate through the Earth system, and then use that energy to connect to an access point into the fifth dimension. Many Arcturian starseeds currently on Earth come from this planet.

    The Arcturian Culture
    We exist in a dimensional reality that is of a clarity that you cannot currently comprehend. The purity and the clarity on our planet would be very refreshing to you. You would immediately sense a personal purification upon initial contact with us. The extra baggage you carry on your third dimensional world would be immediately eliminated.

    We have no concerns about physical survival, security, retirement, pension, or even forms of primitive work. These matters are not included in our realm. We devote our time and space to spiritual life. This is not a life without pleasure, do not mistake that. We engage in music and in relationships. We engage in work, but it is not on the primitive level that your culture and society demands. The work is more suited to our individual desires and spiritual paths. This higher concept of work is something that you are now seeking.

    We are very focused on the color blue. We focus on intermingling with other dimensions. The whole system of our civilization is based on a group of leaders who are deeply involved in thought projection. They help to maintain the structure of our civilization, its codes, its spiritual harmony and unity. The foundation of the system is maintained through thought projection. This is the true work of our leaders. They are specially chosen, and they are trained to maintain the thought projections of our system.

    This allows others to engage in exploration. Our explorers know that they can return to our base of operation. When we travel interdimensionally, it is important that we take with us workers who will continue to connect with our base of operations through thought projections.

    Thought projection requires a concentrated effort and an ability to be extremely focused. It is used by the Pleiadians and the Arcturians for the manifestation of objects and tools. We have special training centers that teach thought projection. The first step is to remove attachments, for you cannot do thought projection for personal gain or greed. That is one of the laws of the universe. If the ego is too involved in these projections, then the task becomes impossible. Teaching the principles of thought projection involves instilling the knowledge of how to use this tool wisely.

    All beings, including humans, possess a particular frequency that allows us all to uniquely express ourselves in a mission. Your mission is a symbol and a significant sign of your starlight. We attune to that concept very early in our children's development, so that we can immediately provide the highest stimulation and direction for each child. We are not competitive, for we are trained to realize that each of us has a unique frequency, or purpose.

    The Arcturians are a very peaceful race. We have not been involved in warfare for a very long time. We do have the ability to manifest in the third dimension. We have the ability to protect ourselves on our ships, but we are not engaged in anything that is even close to any form of conflict. If we encounter a problem, we can immediately dematerialize. Thus, any object that would be projected our way would simply go through us, and not cause us any harm. Many extraterrestrial civilizations have learned how to do this.

    On Arcturus, we too experience the death of our form, but our passing is experienced in a much different sense. For it is not conceived as the end, but merely as a transitory state of our existence. Our Arcturian lives are only one of the many different multidimensional selves that is part of our complete being.

    The Arcturian Energy Libraries
    As your electromagnetic energy fields vibrate at faster rate, your memories will be activated. Go to the libraries of Arcturus in your thoughts. The libraries will be a very comfortable place for you. These libraries are not like normal libraries on the Earth plane, where you go and read books. They are libraries of energy sources. So you must imagine that when you come into a library, you are remembering energy patterns and electromagnetic vibrations.

    All of your historic religious masters have had exposure to, or elongated contact with extraterrestrial energies. Some did not even know that they were in contact with extraterrestrial sources. These contacts were experienced as gods or as angels speaking. All of your masters have reached the point of electromagnetic awareness that allowed them to experience a nonverbal, mystical energy. This is what you are moving to when you come into the Arcturian libraries.

    The Eckankar is also very connected with Arcturian energy. The light vibration from the Eckankar is Arcturian in source. The light streams in the electromagnetic vibratory arrangements are very similar in frequency to the energy you will find in the Arcturian libraries. The Eck masters have freely come and worked in the Arcturian libraries. Many of them are accessing Arcturian energy from the libraries.

    You are very verbal and very literal in your thinking processes, but you can also know and remember through an energy exchange. This has been the basis of the Eckankar process in its pure form, i.e., an energy exchange. This comes directly from the Arcturian spiritual schools where you are trained and taught through energy magnetism. Bring yourself to the point of allowing that process to occur within you.

    Form and Appearance
    We will send you an image of our appearance. Do not use the Zeta Reticuli as a standard. You may picture a slender being that is a male. In your terminology, he is approximately five feet eleven inches tall, very slender, with flowing hair. He has a cape that comes down to the waist. His face is slender. He has large eyes, eyes that are twice the size of human eyes. His ears are relatively small and slender. His mouth is slender, with thin lips. Talking is not a high priority because we use thought transmission. He is very pleasant. Can you imagine that figure?

    We are manifesting our presence to you. We will work through Gudrun for the drawing of the picture, and she will have all the necessary information and guidance. Perhaps this picture could be included with some of the writings, as many people are curious about us and we understand your desire to picture us more fully.

    This is the best form for us to assume during a third dimensional interactive state, but we can exist on many levels, and we can assume other forms. To come into this dimensional level, however, we have a specific form that we assume. Were you to meet us on another level, you would interact with us in another form. You would have no way of describing that other form in Earthly terminology.

    You would not be able to relate to our pure form now, because you are still maintaining your physical presence. Your physical presence on the Earth requires a certain confinement of thought and energy. When you are able to break out of this confinement, you will know that you are also vibratory beings who do not need to be encased in physical bodies. You are currently evolving toward this perspective. This is also the perspective that is involved in ascension. You must realize that your physical bodies are not required for your continued existence. The goal is to become more wholly invested in your light body, or vibratory form.

    You may question our physical structure and our apparent lack of physical strength. Because of our highly developed thought processes, we can use telekinesis and teleportation for moving ourselves and other objects. We do not need to use any form of physical exertion. Mental powers are so much more efficient! We do not need to create objects that are heavy. Our technology is advanced enough to make objects light and easily moveable with the mind.

    You can even sense “thought movement” on Earth when you have light objects around, such as a feather or a piece of paper. When the wind blows you know the paper may move. Sometimes you can even encourage the wind to come and that will move the paper. Such an action is a beginning sign of telekinesis. If you are interested in developing your telekinesis skills as well as your telepathic skills, then we suggest you work on very light objects in the early stages. We will not guarantee your success. You have not been trained at an early age to engage in these processes the way that we have from childhood.

    Arcturian Consciousness
    We are individual souls, but we constantly relate to our group soul. However, we relate to our group soul in a way that is not easily understood by you. You perceive coming into a group consciousness as giving up your individuality. However, coming into the group actually enhances your individuality. We are not advocating that there should be a mass giving up of individuality. We have individual souls, but we are so highly evolved that we are in touch with our group soul constantly.

    We have gone beyond the ego boundaries you still experience. We have gone beyond even the physical dimensions you exist in, such as your body form. We have developed techniques for group souls, or extended families, as you have called them. You might think that our individual selves have been given over to the group self. This has occurred in some local galactic civilizations. The Zeta Reticuli have experienced an evolutionary lapse, a weakness in their chain. Because of their complete focus on the group, they have not been able to progress. They have lost too much of their individuality, and they have begun to lose their genetic vitality. Fortunately, we did not have this problem. We were able to encompass and integrate the needs of the individual with those of the group.

    Please understand that, in our perception, we are a group energy, and we participate in group soul activity. You ask us if we are mental; the answer is yes, we are mental. We are communicating with you mentally. We are not channeling through what you would consider emotional responses. We believe you can access this emotional energy through your other great leaders such as Mother Mary or Sananda-Jesus. Our role is not necessarily to repeat that message of emotion for you, for there are others who are already bringing that vibration to you.

    To assume that when a being is mental, he does not feel love or is not emotional, is not a view we adhere to. How can one exist in a mental framework without an emotional-body presence? We feel that mental energy is not necessarily an energy of detachment. From our perspective, as you rise on the mental plane, you become the observer and the object together, without losing either boundary. It is your philosophy that has perhaps led you to believe that you must give up one of them. Our message to you is that when you merge with your group soul, you are expanding rather than losing yourselves.

    We have evolved far beyond the emotional problems that are so prevalent on the Earth. We have the ability to surpass all of the negative emotions that have been plaguing your planet. We know that many of you view us, the Arcturians, as predominantly mental beings. It is true that we wish to help you develop your mental bodies. Yes, we are very scientific beings, but we can also help you to clarify and purify your emotional bodies. Of course, we are not solely mental beings. We are very much attuned to your emotional life and to your emotional well being.

    The Arcturian Energy
    The Arcturian energy can be described as a crystal light. We are devoted to spiritual enlightenment. We know that the goal of spiritual enlightenment has to do with gathering and holding more energy. Do not think of gathering more energy in terms of having more material possessions. It really involves multidimensional holographic energy inclusion. The energy that we are working with and teaching you about is an energy that comes from all directions. It comes not just from the top or just from the bottom, or the front or the back- it is a total energy. You are not just a front, nor are you just a back. Your soul knows no bounds; your monadic self has no up or down. Your monadic self has nothing in it that you can define in your spatial perspectives.

    It is interesting that when you speak of the Mother-Father Creator energy, you often say that you cannot describe this energy. Your monadic self is also indescribable. We have to come into a consciousness that, as close as possible, has no boundaries. In your pure state, you are also limitless and holographic in nature.

    We are evolving to that state of total merging into the monadic self. In the merging process, we have developed the ability to transmute our energy into other dimensions. We have developed the ability to travel interdimensionally, both to higher levels or lower levels. When we do that, we must create a portal or a corridor. By entering your dimension, which is much denser than ours, we actually create an opening because we are bringing in higher energy. The Earth desperately needs such energy infusions. Just by connecting with our consciousness, you are helping to stabilize the energy infusion that we are offering the Earth.

    Because the Arcturian energy is a vibration that is very light, it is oriented towards a group uplifting. We are experts in working with groups. This is one of the reasons why Sananda has called upon us. We know that the group consciousness generates more energy for you. You can ride on that group energy to lift yourself up. We do not ask that you forego your individuality or your discernment. All we ask is that you come together in groups. Then you can access the group consciousness and the accompanying powerful energy surge. This group energy will help you to overcome minor blocks and detours in your personal ascension process.

    The energy of the Arcturian connection is contagious. Most of you who are lightworkers wish to resonate with us. In truth, in other lifetimes, you have been seeking an Arcturian connection. We have been designated as the high energy portal for this sector of the galaxy. It is the sector, or portal, that many have striven to reach. We work with you now to bring you to the highest level of your intuitive possibilities. We know that there are many problems that confront you in the third dimensional existence. Some of these are physical problems of health, some problems have to do with financial matters, and some problems concern your employment. No matter what level of problem that you are dealing with, remember that our energy remains connected to you.

    The Arcturian energy is like a thread of light running through your existence and connecting with us. Do not lose your spiritual awareness because of any third dimensional problems. These third dimensional problems do not mean that you are being punished, or that you are somehow spiritually inferior. Different levels and kinds of energy accumulate on this dimension, and it requires a very sophisticated perceptual awareness to be able to dodge all the different densities on the Earth plane.

    Eventually, one of the levels of densities will catch up with you. You will run into one. It is not to be viewed that you are not living up to your highest potential. But you can consider it an opportunity for you to infuse yourself with more spiritual light. You may request that the energy be stepped up if you wish to receive a higher infusion of Arcturian light. We will bring you as much light as possible that you can assimilate without losing consciousness or becoming overly burdened.

    We cannot infuse you with too much light if you are not able to tolerate the light. If this infusion would make you throw off your commitments to the third dimensional level, then this is not acceptable. We want you to be involved in your third dimensional existence. We are not trying to prematurely remove you from what you are experiencing on Earth. We recognize in all of you that you wish to be taken from your third dimensional existence. We know, for a fact, that if we were able to, or decided to, or were given permission to remove you, then all of you would leave.

    Many of you would joyfully give up what you have, because you think you would not have to conclude your third dimensional drama. However, we are also aware that these individual, third dimensional dramas are important to you and to your soul. As much as you may be distraught about that, these third dimensional dramas are, nevertheless, important to you.

    When you are in touch with this powerful Arcturian frequency, it does transform you. The Arcturian energy allows you to receive much information from us, and it can act as a healing force for you as well. When you have this Arcturian frequency within you, it will become so second nature to you that you will to be able to easily magnify your spirituality. While those around you are becoming more confused and unable to even hold a candle, you will be able to hold a great spiritual light.

    This excerpt is from the book Connecting with the Arcturians, which is available from:
    Heaven on Earth Project
    PO Box 67
    Mt Shasta CA 96067

    website: www.hoep.org
    email: info@hoep.org
    phone: 877-597-9242

    Permission is granted to copy and print this excerpt,
    so long as it is done in its entirety (including this page)
    and at no charge.

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Possible Factors Delaying Disclosure

by Steve Beckow

UFO-888.jpg What I plan to do in this article is to look at what may have caused disclosure to be delayed from the predicted end of the first quarter of 2011, the date SaLuSa gave on Dec. 29, 2010, to a a near but unknown date.

Before turning to that discussion, I’d like to emphasize two points. The first is that there is a divine deadline for disclosure and the second is that the galactics say they need secrecy to prevent Illuminati-engineered disasters and therefore cannot tell us everything that is occurring behind the scenes. The Japanese earthquake should have shown us the need for this.

Disclosure has a Divine Deadline

The first thing I’d like us to be aware of is that, no matter what happens or does not happen, there is a divine deadline for disclosure.

On March 23, 2009, SaLuSa mentioned the divine deadline for First Contact but there is one for disclosure as well. The divine decree of a deadline is the galactics’ authorization to see that disclosure takes place without needing beyond that date to respect the free will of the dark.

“There is still a specified date by which you must have progressed to First Contact. If by any chance it has not commenced in good time, there will be intervention on our part to ensure it can go ahead. That has been divinely decreed and is our authorisation to do so.” (1)

On Sept. 11, 2009, SaLuSa repeated that “we have a timetable to guide us and have absolutely no doubt that all will be completed as intended.” (2) On May 17, 2010, he said that “the Divine Plan does not allow for continued delays and there is a final date by which action is required.” (3)

On May 5, 2010, he said that “when we talk of events moving ever nearer to openly commencing, we mean a relatively short period.” (4) On July 16, 2010, he said that the “deadline date … is not that far into the future.” (5)trans.gif

By Nov. 17, 2010, SaLuSa told us that “you will not have too long to wait,” but “we do not propose to give that [date] out for obvious reasons. (6) By Dec. 29, 2010, he said “The deadline for [disclosure] is almost here.” (7)

The Need for Secrecy

Now let’s turn to the galactics’ request for secrecy. We have been told for years that there is danger in the galactics saying too much. In 2009, Diane of Sirius, a colleague of SaLuSa’s, told us: “We cannot let out details, as the dark forces will seek ways of foiling the introduction of new policies. When we can come openly it will be quite different, and we will be able to keep you well informed as to what is to occur.” (8)

On Nov. 17, 2010, SaLuSa said: “I … wish we could give precise information as to the timing of events near to materializing.” (9) On March 25, 2011, he advised: “We cannot allow you insight into everything we have done.” (10) On March 14, 2911 he confided: “Until we can all get started things will appear disjointed and at times chaotic, but we can assure you in spite of that a clear and precise plan is in operation. It is just that for the time being we cannot disclose the details of our actions.” (11)

Now combining these two – the divine deadline for disclosure and the need for secrecy – we find that the galactics fear that the Illuminati will harm us if they know the deadline date for disclosure. Atmos tells us in 2009:

“Regrettably we cannot announce the day that is the deadline for our open arrival on Earth. To do so would imperil you rather than us, as the dark Ones would strike out with all force to prevent it.” (12)

“Secrecy even for us is an important part of our strategy to keep ahead of the dark forces. It becomes vital that most of our plans and support from our allies are covert operations, as our progress may be deliberately delayed.” (13)

SaLuSa commented in May 2010 that “in view of the likely response of the dark Ones, we are reluctant to give firm predictions.” (14) However, on two occasions, SaLuSa abandoned his reluctance to give out dates. In July and December of 2010 he indicated that disclosure would take place before the end of the first quarter of 2011.

On July 16, 2010, he said: “We would like to get started before next spring, so we will do all we can to assist our allies to this end.” (15) And on Dec. 29, 2010, he remarked: “In one way or another we will expect disclosure to become worldwide within the first quarter of this coming year.” (16) It is these dates that have now passed without disclosure having happened and have given rise to irritation and frustration on the part of some lightworkers.

But, by the same token, disasters have also occurred which have led to the deaths of many thousands of people and surely have substantiated SaLuSa’s fears that the dark would harm us if they knew in advance the date for disclosure.

Let us examine the event which seems most likely to have delayed disclosure – the Sendai earthquake and tsunami – first at what Matthew Ward says of it and its impact on disclosure and then at what SaLuSa says of it.

Matthew Ward, the Sendai Earthquake and Tsunami and Its Impact on Disclosure

Matthew Ward told us on Sept. 11, 2010, prior to the Sendai quake and tsunami, that the Illuminati had used weather warfare on other occasions to block disclosure.

“Illuminati activists are trying to prevent official recognition of other civilizations’ presence in every way, and from the earthquake in Haiti and last winter’s uncommonly heavy snowfall in Washington DC to flooding in Pakistan and Hurricane Earl, their use of technology has achieved their dark purpose.” (17)

When the Sendai quake came, Matthew told us it was manmade: “The earthquake off the coast of Japan, strategically positioned to cause the tsunami, was not Mother Nature’s doing. Her only involvement was the unavoidable initial movements of land and water after Illuminati scientists triggered the quake.” (18)

He explained that the galactics mitigated the disaster, even if that is cold comfort to the people of Japan who were traumatized by what happened.

“Our space family was able to thwart their goal to level cities, flood the island and kill most of its inhabitants; however, harnessing the full force of the ocean is beyond the capability of their technology. Mother Nature isn’t causing the suspicious number of aftershocks, either, and it should be obvious to your seismologists and geologists that something is horribly awry.” (19)

He explained what the Illuminati hoped to gain from the engineered disaster:

“The peak members of the Illuminati know that their economic empire is shattered, and before the last shreds of their once impenetrable global network are completely gone, they are trying to generate a mass of negativity through creating chaos, destruction and high death toll wherever they can.” (20)

He called it va “shallow win” for the Illuminati.

“For all the devastation in the ocean’s path and the damaged nuclear power facility, compared to the Illuminati’s intent to utterly destroy Japan, it was a shallow win for them.

“There was minimal damage in Tokyo; the quake, aftershocks and tsunami released a large amount of negativity on the planet; off-planet technology is lessening the effects of radiation from the power station; and other civilizations are beaming intense light, adding to the outpouring of prayers for the Japanese people, whose resilience and resourcefulness and the assistance of other countries will restore that nation.” (21)

However Matthew also informed us that the commotion meant that it was no longer possible to give “exact timing” of anticipated events like disclosure. According to him the date of disclosure has now become unknown,

“Through the end of this calendar year and well into the next, Earth’s energy field of potential will be rife with combative activity until the momentum of the light overcomes the last shred of darkness.

“Because of all that commotion, it is not possible to determine exact timing of events that must and shall come to pass before the dawning of the Golden Age at the end of 2012. Especially the lightworker community, where the presence of our universal brothers and sisters is known, is eager to hear when those among you will introduce themselves and those above you will land.

“We don’t know when that will be because they themselves do not, and they are as eager as you for that day to come.  Do not doubt their vigilance and sound judgment as to the right timing, and until then, be assured that they are serving you in the same indispensable ways they have been for many decades.” (22)

We need to keep in mind that Matthew is on assignment outside what he refers to as “Nirvana” or the Earth’s spirit environments. He may or may not be as finely tuned to the galactics’ resolve as the galactics themselves are. That is a matter that I cannot know for certain.

SaLuSa, the Sendai Earthquake and Tsunami and Its Impact on Disclosure

Let’s turn to SaLuSa and his response to the Sendai disaster and its possible impact on disclosure. Less than two weeks after making his Dec. 2010 prediction, SaLuSa was already warning of difficult times ahead. Keep in mind his statement on March 21, 2011 that “everything has been foreseen.” Had he then foreseen Sendai and was he referring to it in this comment?

“There is a testing period immediately ahead. There will be ups and downs that will cause emotional reactions amongst you, but stay calm when it comes to the final battle between the dark and Light. The Light works in subtle ways that maintain the balance, so that it continues to transmute the lower energies.

“In the maelstrom that will occur the Light will act as a line of defense, so that the dark Ones cannot make any progress. It will ensure that they continue to be in [disarray], and there will come opportunities for our allies to push for disclosure. The pressures are mounting from many quarters for it to go ahead, and when it does it will trigger more happenings that will lay bear what has been happening.” (23)

Given that in his remarks after the quake, he does not lay responsibility for it explicitly at the hands of the cabal, it is noteworthy that, foreseeing everything, he did lay responsibility for the Chilean quake on the Illuminati. On that occasion, he also said why the galactics could not interfere and how these events relate to the karmic residue of our experience in Atlantis.

“Things are happening that signal a crucial time on Earth. The dark Ones hit out at those who have opposed them, and their wars have moved from conventional weapons to those that are very sophisticated. You have just seen further evidence of it by what has happened to Chile, and it is part of the continuing attacks within an area where leaders have opposed the dark forces, which were intent on removing them.

“As we have often informed you, we cannot just interfere with what is happening to you – unless we are given the authority to do so. However, as known to you, we are allowed to prevent an even more devastating scenario [i.e., in later events, the total destruction of Japan].” (24)

He then relates events to Atlantis.

“Bear in mind, Dear Ones, that in Atlantean times they were also very advanced technologically, and had for example developed the laser beam. It was used in such a way that it caused a weakening of the Earth’s crust that broke up, and Atlantis finally disappeared under the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

“You are now at a similar point in your experiences, as the Atlanteans were in their end times. Indeed they developed in a very similar way to you, using advanced technology obtained from Extraterrestrials, putting it to misuse and personal gain.

“The country that is the U.S. is largely populated by those souls who were in Atlantis in its demise, and the challenge has been to see out this cycle without destroying the Earth. Civilizations experience very much as individual [souls do] and where lessons are not learnt, you face the same ones until you progress sufficiently to successfully come through them.

“You will therefore understand, that we cannot take away your opportunity to overcome the weaknesses that have caused your downfall in ancient times. It is not however all left up to you, and as we have explained previously we can help in ways that often prevent matters getting out of hand. Total destruction of the Earth will not be allowed, and we protect Mother Earth and the human civilization, by limiting the extent to which it occurs.” (25)

This karmic connection then is one reason why the galactics could not intervene to stop the quake altogether.

The cabal are as much aware of SaLuSa’s messages as we are. It is significant and undoubtedly not accidental that the Sendai earthquake came just three weeks prior to the date that SaLuSa cited as the one which disclosure was expected.

We saw that Matthew in his March 12, 2011 message laid the responsibility for the Sendai earthquake directly on the Illuminati: “Illuminati scientists triggered the quake.” (26)  The closest SaLuSa has come to saying that Sendai was caused by the Illuminati is his suggestion on March 14, 2011 that earthquakes in the Ring of Fire can be caused by manmade means. He also indicated that the potential existed for Japan to sink entirely under the waves, as Matthew also said.

“Dear Ones we must mention the massive earthquake in Japan, that followed an earlier one in New Zealand. When you have countries that are in earthquake zones and actually on the Ring of Fire you are sitting on a powder keg, and there is always a chance that the big one takes place whether through natural or man-made means. At a time when Mother Earth is re-shaping the surface, you can therefore expect some more serious convulsions.

“In the case of Japan the potential exists for the tectonic plates to pass under each other, and as a result it could disappear into the waves. So we are grateful that the worst scenario did not occur, and have every sympathy and compassion for those dear souls who were affected. It is not our place to interfere, but we are allowed where possible to lessen the effects.” (27)

On this occasion, he also tells us that the galactics used the event to allow cleansing of Earth and the moral upliftment of the planet’s inhabitants to take place.

“Sometimes we are dealing with the needs of Mother Earth, and the cleansing must be completed before Ascension is possible, and as you will have noted the preparations are speeding up. Out of such disasters comes a wonderful opportunity for Mankind to help each other, and a coming together will cement friendly relationships important to the immediate future. It has been mentioned previously that all souls that pass over as a result of trauma, are carefully looked after and treated with much love. They do recover quite quickly and it is helped by them being re-united with their families and friends.

“In general what you are seeing all around the world is the final cleansing that must take place very soon, and you will see the objective in what is happening.” (28)

He then refers to disclosure, which he says will happen in the “not too distant future.” However his tone seems to have lost its stern authority. He appears to make riders on when it will happen. He seems to be either hedging his bets or else backing away from a firm date.

“At some stage in the not too distant future we will be joining you, and then you can receive every help we can give along with details of what is needed to carry you speedily forward. Until we can all get started things will appear disjointed and at times chaotic, but we can assure you in spite of that a clear and precise plan is in operation. It is just that for the time being we cannot disclose the details of our actions.

“The governmental changes are clearly most essential to our ability to work with you, and the last cabal must be and will be removed to prevent any further interference with our plans to release you from their control. In fact they have already been seriously weakened, and do not carry the influence or command over events as they did previously. Our allies have infiltrated their set up and successfully prevented an expansion of their activities. As long as they are contained, we can make progress with you and anyone who is aware and alert will notice the direction that we are going in.” (29)

Two days later, on March 16, 2011, he comes close to laying responsibility for the quake at the feet of the Illuminati, who “strike out in their last desperate attempts to delay or prevent Ascension.”

“In part you create your own future, but the fact remains that the final act will be Ascension. There is no necessity for great catastrophes or disasters, or masses of people dying as a result of them simply to reach that point in time. The only link between the two is the need to cleanse the Earth so that she is ready to ascend with you.

“So the remaining months will be filled with all manner of different happenings, which will gradually become more acceptable and beneficial to everyone. By then we will certainly have been officially accepted as visitors to your planet. In actuality we already have your acceptance, and the numbers of people turning to us are increasing each day.

“The course is set for your release from the Illuminati, and they strike out in their last desperate attempts to delay or prevent Ascension. Their days are numbered, and little time remains for them to continue in opposition to us. It will be with absolute delight that we finally remove the dark Ones from positions of power, and bring in Beings of Light that have been waiting such as opportunity to replace them. These are our allies that have already done so much to create a structure that aids our plan for your release.” (30)


On March 21, 2011, SaLuSa tells us that we and the galactics are fighting “the final battle of this cycle” between the Light and the dark. (31)  On March 23, he appears to implicitly relate the Sendai quake to Illuminati efforts.

“Remember that somewhere behind the scenes we are constantly monitoring what is taking place. Where we can we will limit any attempts to cause another major upset, but sometimes there is a lot more at stake than you imagine. As long as matters can be channelled in such a way as to serve the greater purpose, we may at times be obliged to allow a certain outworking to take place.” (32)

On March 25, 2011, SaLuSa signals a departure from his earlier statements about disclosure, telling us that “we can say no more [about disclosure] as the outcome is dependent on those who we have no control over, although our authority does carry the power given us by the Higher Councils of Light.” (33) This remark may refer to the Illuminati or it may refer to events that we have no idea about, that may even reach farther afield than simply Earth’s proximity.

This interpretation is lent strength by a comment SaLuSa made on May 17, 2010, that “the Universe is ascending and all progresses well and as planned, but we cannot allow little Earth to dictate the timing. As important as you are to the whole, you are still a relatively small cog in a very big wheel.” (34)

We find more support for this interpretation in a statement made by Blossom Goodchild’s Galactic Federation sources recently. On March 26, 2011, they seem to bring the wider needs of cosmic Ascension into the picture when they say that “universal engagements” are also part of the disclosure equation.

“We shall address and acknowledge the fact that many FEEL frustrated in that they have encountered no ‘real evidence’ that would … in your eyes … make all the difference to one’s hopes and dreams upon Earth. Again we stress to you … you may think you KNOW a lot of what is taking place …. yet you do not.

“It is not that we are being secretive. It is not of this way at all. Yet it is more of discernment. That which we ‘by law’ cannot yet divulge to you … believe us when we say ‘it is for a very good reason’. The time will come soon enough … when all that is needed to be known for the next stage in your evolution shall be given unto you.

“Do you recall in the past how we have said similar to that of ‘little point giving test 48 to one who only understands the workings of test 7?’ This is how we would describe it to you regarding matters of the Universal engagements at this time. It is neither that we think you unworthy or incapable … it is that we are ‘forbidden ‘ to do so in order to keep things on track.” (35)

Finally, on April 1, 2011, SaLuSa seems to confirm Illuminati involvement in the quake by counselling us to forgive them for unspecified criminal acts. 

“Humans sometimes have a habit of looking down at people that have been unable to find their place in the world. Yet like those who have gone astray, they need every help to find their real selves. It is time to be forgiving and set aside any judgmental feelings.

“All of you have gone through such periods traveling the corridors of darkness, but have eventually been successful in finding your true path. More and more souls will awaken to the wonderful opportunity this period presents, and with help will be able to forgive themselves and start anew.

“In the deepest recess of their heart no soul desires to permanently cut itself off from the Light, but the darkness can be overwhelming. Without prejudice and all the love you can muster, send out your highest energy to those who perpetrate criminal acts upon the people. If you can, it will be one of the most earth-changing acts you can take part in.” (36)

He then lays out for us how we should approach dealing with the Illuminati. I will have a great deal more to say about this in additional articles on the subject. He advises us to make our struggle against the Illuminati a love struggle.

“Ascension is very much an individual experience, but at the same time it is of a Universal nature and in reality every soul would like to be part of it. Some, however, cannot yet respond to the love that is being sent to them. They are weighed down by the baggage they are carrying, and have little idea of how to release it. You who have gone before them can help show the way by your example.

“Do not add to their troubles by surrounding them in negativity, as that is what they normally attract and it keeps them down. Be kind, be love and see the godspark in everyone, as it is indestructible and will always remain so. Each soul still has Guides and Angels traveling with it each lifetime, who work patiently and with unconditional love to turn their face towards the Light. When you think about it, it could not be any other way.

“When you seek changes on Earth and your desires are sent out with Universal Love, they are carrying so much more power that they will inevitably bring about a successful conclusion. In this way you have achieved so much already since the last century, and it is your willpower and determination that is giving your love that added strength. Each day the energies are becoming more powerful, and it spells the end of the Illuminati.

“They are no match for the growing mass consciousness of the people, and it is quite clear that they will settle for no less than a complete victory to restore their rights, freedom and peace.” (37)

He concludes by implying that, if disclosure is to occur before the divine deadline, it must do so by our efforts.

“Chaotic it may be but within all the turmoil the way forward is becoming clear, and we of the Galactic Federation and many other higher groups and councils are aiding and abetting your push for victory. The future may be known, but it still has to manifest through you and your intent to determine how it comes about. …

“You are doing wonderfully well, and your success is rapidly creating the conditions that will lead to our coming. What is necessary to bring us fully into the picture is again down to you, but you are not without immense help. We are excited at the prospect of our coming together, and delighted that you have earnt the right to leave the cycle of duality. …

“In recent months we have been true to our promise to make our craft more observable in your skies. Clearly it cannot be much longer before disclosure comes about, as we see opportunity is approaching and our allies will do all they can to use it. We know now that our presence will be well received, and those who deny us will have to face facts that cannot be ignored for much longer.” (38)

To be sure, we cannot say that the galactics have never warned us that there would be changes to the program. SaLuSa told us in Feb. 2010 to “allow for sudden changes and know that the times are so critical to your future, the game plan may be altered many times. We are patient and know that when we can finally move into action, it will be absolutely the right time.” (39) Are we now watching “sudden changes”?

Possible Disclosure-Related Scenarios

In light of what’s been said about the possible delaying of disclosure, there are two possibilities: (A) either disclosure will occur but just a little later than April 1, 2011, as SaLuSa predicted or (B) disclosure will occur much later. If (A), disclosure may have been put back by a few days for any number of reasons and the delay may not be a postponement per se but simply a scheduling glitch. If (B), then what scenarios may be in play behind the scenes?

I have no clear insight into what they may be. What I’d like to do is to speculate freely. Time will tell if any of these factors are in play. I follow each suggestion with my appraisal of it’s likelihood.

(1) The galactics may not wish to trigger a second Sendai during the period in which they must respect the free will of the dark. (Unlikely.)

(2) The galactics are trying to put some time between the Sendai disaster and disclosure so that they don’t risk terrestrials thinking that the galactics had a hand in the earthquake. (Possible.)

(3) The Earth allies have proven unable to force the issue of disclosure and the galactics do not want at this time to bring it about by themselves. (Possible.)

(4) The galactics have decided to play out the clock until the divine deadline kicks in and they need no longer respect the free will of the dark side. (Highly possible.)

(5) The galactics are obliged to allow us to demonstrate whether we will go the route of Atlantis or in this cycle transcend our weaknesses which led to the Atlantean tragedy by rallying against the Illuminati and ending their use of weather-control technology. (Likely.)

(6) The galactics, or more likely the higher councils, want us to play a role in bringing forth disclosure. (Possible.)

(7) There are other, wider negative forces in the universe which they are attending to, as the Galactic Federation through Blossom may have been suggesting, and this has forced a delay in disclosure. (Likely.)

(8) Other urgent factors are in play which it’s neither expedient nor permissible to discuss. (Possible.)

I personally don’t think it’s wise or advisable of us to try to drive the galactics forward with our frustration and irritation.

We’re in the middle of a battle between the Light and the dark and people can see from the Sendai earthquake and tsunami what the stakes are – thousands of lives. In my opinion, it’s the exigencies of this struggle that need to determine strategies and not whether we are frustrated or not.

A wiser course of action for us to take, I think, is to complete the experience of the unfinished business that drives our frustration and irritability. For that we have numerous articles on how to complete unfinished business in the section on this site called “Preparing for Ascension.”

In closing, I recall a comment that Atmos said which I think applies to these times: “We desire to have control of matters and have subdued them first before taking such action [as disclosure].” (40) The Sendai earthquake may have shown us why it is important for the galactics to “have control of matters” before disclosure. Never mind Project Blue Beam. Weather warfare has shown itself to be a far more dangerous weapon tht the Illuminati possess with which to fight against disclosure.

I personally believe that the galactics wish us to bring people power to bear on disclosure. I will be looking at that in one or more future articles.






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What is a Starseed? - June 3, 2011



What is a Starseed? – Part 1/2


Lisa Renee: Undoubtedly a Starseed

I’ve been asked to state the difference between a starseed and a lightworker. Basically lightworkers are all people working for the Light while starseeds are a class of lightworkers whose primary identity prior to this incarnation was with another star or planet.

Many of us are starseeds, SaLuSa of Sirius suggests: “Many of you have come from other planets and brought special skills to Earth, as your way of serving Humanity.” (1) “You are not of Earth as your real home is elsewhere,” Ker-On of Venus tells us, “and your true families will rejoin you at some stage,” (2)

SaLuSa tells us that starseeds and Indigos form the “new Man” emerging who have great wisdom to share.

“A new Man is emerging on Earth, spiritually endowed with a remarkable understanding of what is now needed to move you on. Some are the early Indigo children or Starseeds, that have grown in stature and ready to serve you all. There is great wisdom and understanding carried by them, and they know precisely why they are on Earth at this memorable time.” (3)

What is a Starseed?

Archangel Michael, speaking through Ronna Herman, defines starseeds as “Old Souls,” wayshowers and pathpavers who have had “many lifetimes throughout this Universe and perhaps even the Omniverse. … The Star Seed Souls are the ones who are in the forefront of the ascension process and who are anchoring the higher frequencies of Light on Earth.” They “answered a resounding clarion call that reverberated throughout this universe.” He discusses the wisdom they bring.

“You came from far-distant star systems, galaxies and solar systems, and you brought with you a wealth of cosmic information which was stored within your Sacred Mind for future access. There were stringent requirements you had to pass and solemn vows you had to make.

“You agreed to come to Earth during these momentous evolutionary times and to incarnate into greatly diverse and often very difficult circumstances. You made a pledge that when the time came for you to step onto the path of ascension, you would allow us to set aside your free will so that we could take whatever measures were deemed necessary to awaken you.


Reserved for your picture

“For many, it resulted in a Soul merge, and others who had already awakened to their Soul Self were ready for a  merge with a facet of his/her Higher Self. When the Soul finally merges fully with the Sacred Heart, it is a grand reunion of monumental proportions. When your intentions are composed of wisdom overlaid with love and projected with purity, you become a powerful source of Sacred Fire energy.

“This awakening resulted in a mass Divine discontent among this advanced guard. You all have experienced some of the momentous transformations that have taken place among the masses and have also observed or have been affected by the accelerated Earth changes which have occurred and are continuing on a regular basis.

“Most of you who have consciously made an effort to reclaim your Divinity, via whatever means you were/are attracted to, are among this group. You agreed to be the examples and to do everything within your power to ease the way for others by becoming sentinels of Light, wayshowers and World Servers.” (4)

Their Identity Can be Seen from a Broad and Narrow Perspective

It’s possible to see starseeds from a lofty and broad perspective or from a down-to-Earth and narrow perspective. Archangel Michael takes the broad, evolutionary view, looking at them as lightworkers who agreed to descend into duality and will carry out other, equally-glorious assignments in the future.

“You, the Star Seeds on Earth at the present time, have a vast, rich and glorious past, and this critical assignment on planet Earth is only one of the many important missions you have accepted in your long journey into the great void of unmanifested space. Many of you answered the call from the far-distant regions of the Omniverse in order to be a part of this universal experience.

“Before you began your decent into density, I promised you that we would reunite when our universal assignment was complete, and we would go forth together under the guidance and command of the Supreme Creator to the next glorious task of carrying out the mandate for the creation of new worlds and star systems, perhaps, even a new universe.” (5)


Mike Quinsey: Very likely a starseed

Diane of Sirius takes the narrower, down-to-Earth view as humans who came from other stars and planets just for this discrete lifetime and Ascension assignment. They have been coming by way of natural birth for quite some time, she reveals.

“You can thank the Beings that have joined you through natural means by birth upon your planet. They have brought the higher Light with them and a determination to draw others into it. For them the darkness must be revealed and transmuted, and for quite a few generations now they have arrived in increasing numbers and their presence is having an ongoing effect.

“They are Wayshowers that are highly spiritually and knowledgeable, and have a mission to bring out the truth and reveal the Light in other souls. Already they have helped exponentially to increase the consciousness levels of Mankind, and with all other Beings on the path of Light are part of the great upliftment that is carrying you forward to Ascension.” (6)

The Spiritual Hierarchy, speaking through Lauren Gorgo, calls them “the beloved members of the first wave, the front line and brigade of warriors to be reborn into the newly inhabited and christed grid of consciousness.  It is you who shall heed this clarion call.” (7) What clarion calls? The clarion call of Ascension. SaLuSa says that starseeds are part of “a massive effort … to ensure a successful closure to this period.” (8)

What is Their Role in Events?

Starseeds “are important links with your family from the stars,” says SaLuSa. (9) The White-Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine place them within the context of the Ascension plan.

“These Starseed-born humans have now come into their activation points and as they harness the Light and anchor the Light they block the dark timelines from manifesting rendering the dark technology ineffective.

“More and more Starseeded humans awaken to their memories every day and call towards them a reality that is fluid and not fixed. With this calling they move out of their boxes and take their places within infinite lives without boundaries. When this occurs they become empowered with the love frequency and their DNA activates and transmutes as they take their rightful place within Galactic evolution.

“Planet Earth for many generations has been cut off from the Light, locked down in darkness, unable to move out of the dense vibration of third density control and fear….

“Now she exists in a place of bright light having Ascended in vastness since that time of locked-down darkness and she is no longer the same Earth as she was before.

“Now the multi dimensional intelligences of service-to-others love can come in and make themselves known, knowing there are enough awakened Starseeded Humans who shall embrace their arrival within our Consciousness.” (10)

They will lead the effort against the dark, the Nine say.

“The darkworker Alliance have plans in place yet these are no longer calmly orchestrated as they once were in the sheer knowing that they would manifest with ease. These are hastily grabbed plans that have not been thought through and they vibrate within old energies, long gone and currently leaving and these plans have fallen before they even start.

“The dark ones have had their reign and now is the time their crown shall fall as the ones who have been predicted, the ones you have prayed for and have known in your hearts were coming are now here, the starseeded humans are opening their eyes and are taking their place within this new circular energy that is vast and abundant enough to hold all within its protection.

“As this circle grows and embodies more and more individuals into its collective vibration those living within fear and darkness shall have to make their choice, they either join the circle of service-to-others light or continue their existence elsewhere on a place that can no longer be called Earth, for Earth has Ascended into a higher vibration and she shall not lower her quotient of Light now but shall go forward and embody more and more as the culmination of the Consciousness shift draws ever closer and Earth and all Humanity return to Zero Point.” (11)

In this struggle between the light and the dark, starseeds are mapmakers and pathcutters, the Guardians through Lisa Renee tell us. They have very specific roles, she advises us.

“Some of the Starseed community have agreed to play the role of the `Evolutionary Pathcutter’ and therefore are the Map-Makers of the New Earth and other alternative realities.

“The Map-Maker is a highly specialized Starseed being accelerated now to consciously reconnect to their hidden light language and libraries of genetic code. It is this cellular alphabet (genetic code) that is needed to reconfigure the new timeline (realities) in order to build the bridge connecting between multiple dimensions. Many dimensional reality `spaces’ have recently collapsed so that this portal bridging (portal jumping) is required.

“This spiritual lineage has been the protector and `keeper of the code’ for many race lines during the cycles of the Dark Age. (Dark Age is defined as separation from God and enemy patterning within the races.) They may hold a very specific star genetic race line configuration designed to rehabilitate only a portion of that DNA history recorded in the human race line. …

“This Mapmaker group is opening the pathway that leads the human race to the Ascended timeline reality for this planet. (The Mapmaker is working to rehabilitate the planetary mass consciousness fields and human body blueprint via ley-line or grid systems, Stargates, building the architecture and language to transmit code, circuiting energy reconnections, directing intelligence frequency and repairing DNA fire letters, etc.).” (12)


How Can They be Identified?

What identifies people as starseeds is their attraction to and kinship with other galactics.

“If you feel attracted to the Space Beings it is more likely you are linked with them. Often such ones feel out of place on Earth, and sense that it is not their true home. There is sometimes an unfulfilled yearning to find what is lacking in their lives. Know that all will be found in the coming period which should prove exhilarating once it really gets under way.” (13)

Most starseeds retain no waking memory of their extraterrestrial roots, SaLuSa informs us. He tells us to look at other galactics if we wish to remember our roots.

“Look at us if you want to see the direction in which Humankind is heading. You too are Space Beings and are largely unaware of it, because you have dropped down from the higher dimensions. Your waking memory has no recollection of the times before you came to Earth. However, for some of you the link is felt when you become very attracted to our activities and us.” (14)

Mira the Pleiaidian also tells her fellow Pleiadian starseeds that remembrance will arise from contact: “Many of you come from the Pleiaides. In this we present profound opportunities to remember our connections from the past. You will find that remembrances will come easily.” (15)

Their path has not been easy, SaLuSa says.

“Those who carry a flag for us are often the targets of ridicule, but you know the truth and nothing will alter your convictions. This is sometimes because you are in fact from one of the civilizations that are members of the Galactic Federation. Your strong attraction to us therefore becomes explainable, and as time moves on you learn more about us and it will all seem so familiar.

This should not surprise you, as each one of you have come to Earth from another home in the Galaxy.” (16)


James Gilliland: Probably a starseed

Their Next Mission

“Many of you are on a mission with us. In fact you are directly connected with us and at some future time, we shall depart together,” says Ela of Arcturus. (17) SaLuSa advises starseeds that they shall be “returning to your space families in a happy re-union on your home planet. Your lives will change beyond recognition, and of course all to the good and fitting for souls that have ascended.” (18)

Some starseeds will return prior to Ascension, SaLuSa says, but retain a special connection to Earth from participation in these times.

“Of course the Earth will continue to play a great part in your lives, regardless as to whether or not you progress to Ascension with the new Earth. You will always have a special relationship with Mother Earth, because She has nurtured and nursed you through a very difficult time in duality. It is a sacrifice that perhaps not many give thought to, and is why you are expected to lovingly help restore the Earth to its original pristine beauty.” (19)


Patricia Diane Cota-Robles: Probably a highly-developed starseed

Not all will return. Ker-On of Venus says that some “will stay with us and join in our missions.” (20) Some are already members of the Galactic Federation, SaLuSa says, “and may wish to serve others through our organisation. There are also other Councils and Federations like ours dedicated to doing the work of the Creator and opportunities abound to follow your hearts desire.” (21)

Thus we may see starseeds from a broad or a narrow perspective, as either humans from unity who dropped down into duality or humans from other stars and planets who came here to assist with Ascension. They can be identified by their sense of attraction to the galactics. They came as lightworkers to push back the dark, who have been in control of the planet for ages, and to map the way to Ascension for the rest of us. After Ascension, or for some before it, they will return to their home civilizations or join the Galactic Federation in its Omniversal work of helping civilizations evolve back to Source.









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Ok...  this is getting retarded.  Yet another Alien invasion movie soon to be released.  How do you get ALL the red-neck mofo's in the US marching to "your" drum.....put out a movie like this:







I see right through you MOFO'S!!!!





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Archangel Metatron - June 1, 2011





The Eclectic Eclipse-Triad


A TRIAD of 3 Powerful Eclipses in 30 Days Beginning Next Week !


Archangel Metatron Channel

via James Tyberonn



Greetings Masters, and so we encircle you in an OMM-Wave of Unconditional Love.

And indeed this love is a calming, centering wellness that each of you will desire to carry forward in the remaining months of 2011, and indeed into 2012.

Dear Humans in June of 2011 will begin a 30-day period that will offer important shift completions and change to the Earth and indeed mankind. This period completes many of the movements that in truth began months earlier. The release of 'old-energy' scenarios, situations and relationships that no longer are in resonance with the New Earth will occur in macro and micro, globally and individually.

We tell you that the group movements in North Africa and the Middle Eastern governments are part of this 'wind of change'. You will find in individuality that relationship 'sabbaticals' will increasingly occur and that you will be severing ties, some temporary, some permanently, with those that carry energies that are, without judgement, incompatible with your own. This is appropriate. It is often the very process of separation, released in love, that is the catalyst to growth and change for greatest good. This will be enhanced by the Solstice energies of June 21.

The eclipses are a time to look inward, to heal, release and restructure. To take action on fine tuning with focus on the self. Thus each moment of this opportunity is an offering that will enable your acceleration. This happens first with the Self, and the removal of static facilitates your ability to best utilize this important flow of the 'Wind of Change'. By facing your unique challenges in this movement, you will ultimately gain and grow. But do so in love. Love is ever the key. But love requires strength, and impeccability is defined by being true to your self. Now is the time! Seize the day!

Each Moment Matters

It is so important that each of you understand and fully realize how truly important each moment you live in these accelerated energies is to the Cosmos, the New Earth and to you. Indeed there is a new energy on this planet, and this energy seeks to now further activate your awareness and light quotient. And Dear Ones, your ability to hold greater light embellishes you ability to express love. That Love begins with not only accepting , but truly loving the Divine Self. You are beginning to understand how beautiful you truly are, and that Dear Humans, is so important in these Ascending times.

You all have within you the power of God, and we call upon you to allow that recognition, that renewed self acceptance, that immaculate LOVE to wash over you.

It is your calibrated birthright and it is beautiful. You are rediscovering this ecstasy of Immaculate Love in your meditations, for a transitional expansion is occurring in this new energy. You are now opening to more clearly see how important your lives are, not just to the Earth but to the grand Cosmos as well. Oh yes, this is so true!

You see the vibrations of this deep meditative expansion is over-flowing into the physical realms that you live in...and YOU made that happen. The veil between dimensions has thinned, and the part of you that is on 'the other side' of the veil is tenderly reaching through to touch your heart. And the part of you in higher dimension is the quantum you, the real 'you' that is dreaming this profound experience of life. That higher self wants you to know, as do we of the Angelic Realm, how much you are loved, how important and magnificent you truly are. Dear Humans can you fathom this?

You Are On Path

You so often have doubted yourselves. So often felt your lives were headed nowhere. Oh Dear Ones, if you only knew and will accept the truth of what a difference you have made and are continuing to make.

There have always been the doubters, the naysayers that said the Ascension would never occur, that humanity would not consummate this sacred graduation into higher consciousness. But you have effectuated that achievement, the Ascension is now an absolute certainty. It is manifesting! Indeed it has been for two decades, and most of you do not credit yourselves for navigating it into reality. Many of you still do not realize that the work you have done on both sides of the veil over the past 25 years has changed the earth you were born on into a completely different frequency and paradigm.

You are responsible for it, and mankind does not yet comprehend what you have done or own the credit of this achievement. Masters what you have done is the very reason many of you are now reading these words that are sent from another dimension.

And so allow me to honor you as we speak of the coming month and remaining year of 2011. For you have grown much stronger than you realize. You have taken a quantum leap....and regardless of the calendar days of 2011, what lies ahead of you is indeed a leap year! It is a year of Quantum-Leap !

Equinoxes and Solstices of 2011

The Equinoxes and Solstices of 2011 are exceptional powerful and multi purposed. These are in fact Ascension catalyst and triggers. These potent days should be used for group prayer, healing, release, completion and meditation & indeed deep self review. The solstices and equinoxes remaining in the next two years are complex and flamed with multiple hologramic inserts for the Ascension of both mankind and the planet. We assure you that these astrological events are infinitely more powerful than the equinoxes and solstices in the past several millennia. We urge each of you to discern and utilize them as suggested. Gather on these days, and the power of Group Consciousness will flower exponentially.

The Potent Eclipses of 2011

In addition, 2011 will have an extremely rare aggregation of complex coded eclipses. There will be a total of 6 eclipses in 2011, and 3 of these will occur in a 30 day phase between June 1st and July 1st.

This period will be punctuated by the June Solstice.

Mid Year 'Eclipse Triad"

The powerful mid year "Eclipse-Triad " occur on :

(1) June 1 (2) June 15 (3) July 1.

The three occur exactly 15 days apart. It is two partial solar eclipses , sandwiching a full moon lunar eclipse. Barely enough breathing room, so get ready for a powerful ride. All of this is punctuated by an extremely powerful Solstice on June 21st. Whilst the two 'outer eclipses' of the Triad, are partial solar, do not think that their energies are lessened by the fact that they are not full eclipses, the energy of all 3 will be extremely potent, and felt by the entire planet, whether visible or not from your specific vector on the planet. The energy will encircle the globe and effect each of you.

The June 1st lunar eclipse is the beginning, and truly the energy of each of these events has an intersecting field that expands energetically from 3 days prior and 3 days after the eclipse.

The Energies:

The energy pattern of the Triad is around release, healing and reconstruction.

June 1: Release and cleansing, release of old energy patterns. Patterns that may be ingrained, even hidden.

June 15: Healing through acceptance of Facing the Challenge, and being true to SELF.

July 1: Strength and Completion of the 'New You'. Not only visualizing the attributes and events you wish to create, but taking requisite actions, steps forward to manifest them.

The mid summer solstice ( mid winter below the equator) is the amplification energetic flow of all of these. And in 2011 it adds a unique energy that calls forth the Gateway to 11-11-11

Indeed the energy build and sustenance of the solstice extends 14 days prior and 14 days after the June 21 event.

This is one of the most magnanimous energies of 2011, and is the gateway to the Crystalline quickening of the 11-11-11.

As such, all of you on the earth-plane are now within the field immersion of an incredible crystalline energy. The result is that your own auric fields and Mer-Ka-Na Light Bodies are, through induction, becoming extreme energy in motion. It is energy as desire expressing itself and so your work calls forth now an even finer frequency.

Imagine that if you will take vitamins for your physical body they must be such that they can be absorbed by the body to generate wellness, well being, and better health. And so it is the same with the Crystalline Transition, its frequencies and energies are indeed vitamins of light expansion for the light body.

The crystalline resonance now surrounds you in ways that allow you to absorb their pristine symmetries into your energy fields, transferring them, converting them, and amplifying them into your own work, into your desires, into your fulfillment and into all ways that touch earth and humanity.

The Triple Date Portal

The Triple-Date Portal of November 2011 will be the most potent singular day of the year. Masses of humanity will form the human grid and tie into the Cosmic Energy that is amassed in the final stages of activating the 144-Crystal Grid. On the 11-11-11 the Atlantean Master Crystals will further activate with the initial awakening of the Crystal of Multidimensional Communication in the Crystal Vortex.

This awakening will sequentially recode the 12 Golden Sun Disc around the planet.

These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field, of pure love, unconditional love, and a light-code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above.

On the 11-11-11 the Sun Disc of the Crystal Vortex will be activated beneath the area of Pinnacle Mountain in Arkansas, and this will complete the energy of the Arkansas Vortex and then network the new DNA codes across the planet.

The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blue print for the unified crystalline field in the Crystalline Transition of the planet. Indeed these are being reprogrammed by and within the Crystalline 144 Grid!

The Golden Sun Disc discs will emit a 12-strand helix, in a spiraling energy that will serve, as the prototype of the DNA for the crystalline aspect through the 144-Grid. Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth. They are energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear disc- like when viewed.

Now as your Ascension completes itself, you will have greater access to the multi dimensional aspects of yourselves. In truth, for some of you, the Ascension has, for the most part, already occurred, in terms of multidimensionality. Do you understand?

Now the Earth and Human Kind will have need for the Crystalline Transition, both of the Earth an of your energy expansions. So it is YOU that will call it forth. It will assist in many roles, perhaps more than you imagine.

It will change the way the human body receives sunlight. It will assist in the translucent luminous transformation of the body physical. It will trigger the transition of the human body from carbon to silicon base. It will in kind change the nutritional needs of the human body physical. It will defend the earth's magnetosphere by deflecting meteorites and comets, it will lessen the effects of gamma rays into the Earth's atmosphere. It will come forth by a natural and scientific effort, it is the natural offspring of the completed 144-crystalline grid.

The 2011 Eclipses

And Masters, indeed the 4:2 combination of solar and lunar eclipses in a single year, in 2011, is quite rare, so you see there is a divine plan unrolling. We tell you that Eclipses are opportunities for energizing change.

Dear Ones, the eclipses of 2011 are an offering to make any necessary shifts that you discern appropriate in your individual and collective life stream. These are best afforded by synchronizing them through the contemplation and review that are available on equinoxes and solstices.

Perfect Order

Some of you say and feel that "Everything works out as it should, all is in perfect order". But Masters, that concept is something of a is a paradox, and like a face card it is upside down either way you look at it. Do you understand?

From the higher perspective all is in perfect order, but from the perspective of humankind within duality, it is not! If it were there would be no need for lesson, no need for what you term reincarnation.

One need but take a look around and know that the plight of humankind on the planet Earth is far from being perfect. Indeed it will NOT work out as it should, until you make it so!

This applies in micro and macro. There is much to manage, much to review. All in time and Masters it will occur.


Dear Humans, in closing, let me express unequivocally that I and the Angelic Realm are in a special role of supporting you far more than you may realize. For you too are Gods in creation, sparks of the Divine becoming violet flames of the All That Is.

We love each of you, all of you, and beyond the veils you are part of us.

We spin a light vortex of great honor and appreciation to you, We are sending this energy to each one of you in the 'NOW' moment that you read these words, Can you feel it, open your heart and receive what we send forth in love.

We sincerely honor you as you move into the final two years of Earths Crystalline Ascension. And we tell you it is the Ascension of the Earth that will spawn the critical mass movement of physical humanities Ascension in two to three centuries. All in free will, all by choice. And in that time, there will be no global war, no mass starvation.

You see on December 21, 2012, the Earth Ascends, and Ascension for Humanity is available. But do not expect the 3d Earth you see around you now to instantly follow suit. That will occur in three centuries, but it is the expanded energy of the planetary Crystalline Transformation that you call the Ascension that will allow for mankind's transition...one heart at a time.

In the next two years, the love of power will begin to be displaced by the power of love. Do not doubt it, for it is already in motion. This transformation occurs one heart at a time, inside each of you. As such you must BE the change you want to see!

It is a future of Ascension that you are creating...and we tell you that this period of three centuries is the blink of an eye. We salute you. You are on the appropriate path !

Before you lies an incredible awakening and completion. 2011 is a time of omnipotent review, release, re-calibration, and restructuring. It is truly a time of quickening, amplification and indeed celebration. You each have made a difference, and you will depart this planet a greater light, than from hence you entered. And you did it your way. In Love. I invite you to feel joy, for you have earned it !

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved!

And so it is...






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Remaining Significant Energy Dates of 2011


June 2011


New Moon - June 1, 21:03

Partial Solar Eclipse. June 1 - The partial eclipse will be visible in most parts eastern Asia, Alaska, northern Canada, and Greenland. But keep in mind the Energy of Eclipses are effecting the entire planet through the Crystalline and Gravity Grids & the energy is felt by ALL. An excellent time for taking action for manifesting.

Neptune Goes Retrograde - June 3rd

June 13-Saturn Goes Direct

Full Moon - June 15, 20:14 - Extreme Power Date - Full Moon of the Purple Ray

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse. June 15 - The Full-Moon Total Lunar Eclipse will be visible throughout most of South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia

June Solstice - June 21 - Powerful Day for contemplation and creation.


July 2011

New Moon - July 1, 08:54

Partial Solar Eclipse. July 1 - This partial eclipse will only be visible off the coast of Antarctica, but is occurring during the New moon and will effect the entire planet energetically. Excellent time for meditation, inner clearing and renewal.Set intent !

Uranus Goes Retrograde- Jul 10

Full Moon - July 15, Full Moon of the Golden Ray

Southern Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. July 28, 29 - The Delta Aquarids will be in the constellation Aquarius.

New Moon - July 30, 18:40


August 2011

Aug 3- Mercury Goes Retrograde

Perseids Meteor Shower Peak: August 12, 13 -  The Perseids is one of the best meteor showers to observe, producing up to 60 meteors per hour at their climax..The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Perseus

Full Moon - August 13, Full Moon of the Blue Ray

August 15 : Comet Honda

August 22 - Neptune at Opposition. The blue planet will be at its closest approach to Earth.

Aug 26 - Mercury Goes Direct


New Moon - August 29, 03:04

Aug 30 - Jupiter Goes Retrograde


September 2011

Full Moon - September 12, -Full Moon of the Golden Ray

Sept 16 - Pluto Goes Direct

September 23 - The Autumnal Equinox occurs in the northern hemisphere at 09:04 UT.

September 25 - Uranus at Opposition. The blue-green planet will be at its closest approach to Earth.

New Moon - September 27, 11:09


October 2011

Full Moon - October 12, -Full Moon of the Silver Ray

Orionids Meteor Shower: October 21, 22

New Moon - October 26, 19:56

October 29 - Jupiter at Opposition. The giant planet will be at its closest approach to Earth


November 2011

Nov 9 - Neptune Completes Retrograde and Goes Direct
Full Moon - November 10th - Full Moon of the Diamond Ray

The 11-11-11 - Extreme significant energy. Triple Date Portal. November 11 at 11:11 am- Crystalline Recoding of the Planet - Mer-Ka-Na Transition and Activation of Master Crystals-The Crystal of Multidimensional Interface, and activation of the Crystalline Sun Disc.

Leonids Meteor Shower. November 17, 18 : The Leonids is one of the better meteor showers to observe, radiating from the constellation Leo

Mercury Goes Into Retrograde- Nov 24

New Moon - November 25, 06:10

November 25 - Partial Solar Eclipse. This partial eclipse will only be visible over Antarctica and parts of South Africa and Tasmania.


December 2011

Full Moon - December 10, Full Moon of the Pink Ray

Total Lunar Eclipse. December 10 - The eclipse will be visible throughout most of Europe, eastern Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, and the North America.

Uranus Completes retrograde and Goes Direct - Dec 10

Geminids Meteor Shower. December 13, 14 - Considered by many to be the best meteor shower in the heavens, the Geminids are known for producing up to 60 multicolored meteors per hour at their peak. The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Gemini.

Dec 14 - Mercury Goes Direct

Solstice December 21 - occurs in the northern hemisphere at 05:30 UT. The Sun is at its lowest point in the sky and it will be the shortest day of the year. This is also the first day of winter

New Moon - December 24, 18:06

Dec 25- J upiter Goes Direct

All Eclipse, Equinox & Solstice Timings Shown in UT (GMT)



Vernal Equinox

Mar 20 2011

23:31 UT


Summer Solstice

Jun 21 2011

17:16 UT


Autumnal Equinox

Sep 23 2011

09:04 UT


Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2011

05:30 UT



2011 Planetary Retrogrades:
In 2011, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto are in standard retrogrades. Venus and Mars do not go retro in 2011.
The energy of a retrograde planet is expressed more on an inner level Sometimes the individual has difficulty expressing the energy outwardly. Some part of that planets energy is held back. Retrograde planets often cause one to stop and reconsider the consequences, so that spontaneous expression is blocked in some way, yet inner exploration is enhanced. As such the outward behavior becomes exaggerated in an attempt to reconcile the inner doubts.






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Remaining 2011
Full Moon Dates

Peak Full-Moon Times are listed in Universal Time (UT -GMT)


June 15 20:13

June 15-Lunar Eclipse Total (Umbral)

July 15 06:40
August 13 18:58
September 12 09:27
October 12 02:06
Novovember 10 20:16
December 10 14:36 -
Lunar Eclipse Total (Umbral)




"Learn to speak up when you see injustice, remember that by keeping quiet you are giving permission for it to continue and so you are complicit in it. Find your voice, speak your truth, feel the Love that is released as you remove fear and anxiety from your lives. You will succeed, Truth will set you free, this is your time."



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The time is so very near now ... our dearest friends. Long have you waited. Long have we waited . Yet cannot your hearts FEEL the excitement that something is about to take place?



   Much behind the scenes that has been taking place ... is now ready to present itself in full view and there will and can be no denial of that which is presented.There is so much excitement throughout planets . You are the talk of the town! EVERYONE is preparing. They are getting out their best suits! This is the only way we can describe it to you.  

Be of great enthusiasm. Be of great upliftment. Focus only on the KNOWING that YOU brought this about by concentrating on the LOVE that is. YOU who refused to let fear take hold. YOU who by following your TRUTH allowed the transformation to take place in the days ahead. There can be no failure of this now.




Good morning my friends. I was hoping you are about for a chat ... the subject being of your choosing of course.

Dearest souls of Earth ... We greet you this day and offer to each one of you our deepest FEELINGS of LOVE that we are. We are greatly aware of so much change that is taking place upon you planet. Some of you are aware of this and some of you are not. But we ask you to accept that much behind the scenes that has been taking place ... is now ready to present itself in full view and there will and can be no denial of that which is presented.

You have been so very patient with yourselves ... with us ... and all that is emerging. You have proven to yourselves that you are Warriors of Great Light and it is now time for the ball to start rolling and for you to reap all the Highest good that you have so gently sewn.

In the days that are ahead ... and we speak in terms of days that are nearing ... what you behold will fill your BEINGS with the knowledge that all that you have steadfastly held onto within the TRUTH of yourselves ... that KNOWINGNESS that only you can KNOW ... was indeed the right thing to do. There is to come now ... the time in your world ... upon your planet ... when so much of greatness is to present itself. You will no longer be able to sit in silence about that which you KNOW to be of TRUTH, yet have been a little daunted by speaking of it to others. For it shall be that those others are now asking ... perhaps imploring for you to share your knowledge with them ... for that which they see in your skies will need explanation.

Here we must point out ... that all that we have spoken of ... all that we have shared with you ... and all that has penetrated into your hearts ... must now be encountered by the part of you that is of a HIGHER understanding.

In order for others to be free from fear of what is soon to take place ... it is imperative that those who have been awakened and KNOW that we are of LOVE ... shall be able to interpret for those who may only just be waking ... due to what is before them .... the absolute TRUTH of WHO WE ARE.

LOVE is the key throughout the entire affair. When one remains centred within their heart space ... they can FEEL the strength within ... that can only BE DIVINE ... then it is from this place in the heart that each one will discover a unity and strength among you ... that up until this time one did not know they were gifted with. By following only your hearts FEELINGS ... by listening only to the beat of your heart as more and more occurs ... will you be able to decipher that which you KNOW is righteous and that which is telling you that it is not of the TRUTH. Be aware of deceivances by those who are now so very afraid of losing all that they have built. Their kingdoms of greed and want have no place in the NEW WORLD that is being built by you ... the Warriors of Light who have come to crash down those walls and rebuild a NEW HEAVEN . A place upon Earth that as an original species of this planet ... you are once again PROUD to be part of.

The time is so very near now ... our dearest friends. Long have you waited. Long have we waited . Yet cannot your hearts FEEL the excitement that something is about to take place?

It is now then that we wish to disclose the reasoning behind why we asked of you to 'collect bottles of LOVE' from inside of you . Do you recall? We asked for you to find a space where you would visualize filling up bottles of LOVE and storing them for us. We know that many have done so and we know also that many have not always recalled the memory to do so. This is of no concern. Yet as each one CAN remember to do so ... it will be of value to the cause.

For it is this that we ask of you to do ... when the time comes ...

We would ask that when appearances of unusual vessels ... be they vast strobes of Light ... be they anomalies that one has never yet considered a reality ... when these 'events' take place ... and they shall .... we would consider it a great advantage for the unity of those of Earth and those not from Earth ... if you were to KNOW that the emptying of these bottles into your atmosphere will TRULY assist greatly in the merging of the worlds ... so to speak. We ask you to visualize with the KNOWING in your heart ... the effect that this shall have. It will be as if the 'stoppers' are removed and the energy that has been saved/savoured will flow out into the very air in which you breath ... and it shall 'meet up' with an energy that we are sending out to you. You will know dearest allies ... there will be no questioning of whether or not it is the right time to do so.

In great LOVE and joy we say to you that the very air shall be FELT because of this. For those who KNOW ... for those who have been waiting ... the trumpets shall sound! The heralding of the beginning of the next phase shall be set in motion by these events. This next step that takes you Higher into your journey of Ascension shall then take each one into a quickening of stages for not just the individual soul but for your planet as a whole. It will be difficult sometimes for you to be able to keep up with all that is transforming and occurring and yet it shall be of such delight. Wonder upon wonder shall be known to you. Things that one had FELT would never take place on your planet in terms of change ... shall in some cases ... happen in an instant ... and that which once was ... certain energies that did not serve ... shall have disappeared as if they never were of /in existence.

There is so much excitement throughout planets . You are the talk of the town! EVERYONE is preparing. They are getting out their best suits! This is the only way we can describe it to you. As if everyone has had a special regalia in their wardrobe that had a protective cloth over it ... it has simply been there ... waiting ... and NOW ... the suits are being brought out of that place and 'aired' ... It is simply a matter of the green Light for GO being shown and the time to adorn those 'uniforms of honour' will have come.

CAN YOU FEEL IT WITHIN ... OUR FRIENDS? CAN YOU? YOU ... YOU have allowed for these events to come into play. YOU who have persisted in your desires to improve and build a better world have allowed for this to take place.



The FEELING that you will recognize within you as it does so ... fills you with 'HOME'.



And as the Higher vibrations have permission to enter your planet Earth ... these Higher vibrations of LOVE ... this then is how you shall KNOW that you are of it. For the FEELING within you will connect with the HIgher Vibrations that are coming through to tell you so.

Be of great enthusiasm. Be of great upliftment. Focus only on the KNOWING that YOU brought this about by concentrating on the LOVE that is. YOU who refused to let fear take hold. YOU who by following your TRUTH allowed the transformation to take place in the days ahead. There can be no failure of this now.



Remain in the space of excitement. Keep up the vibration of joy and happiness and spread it around! For it is not long now when those that have feared us through media misinterpretation shall be shown the TRUTH and 'the little green men' syndrome shall be replaced by the KNOWING that we are Pillars of Light!

Any chance I could get a word in? Guess not! No need indeed! Yet I shall of course say ...THANK YOU. IN LOVE & LIGHT! SO MUCH LOVE AND LIGHT!




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This may be a stretch....but according to WHO, celll phones "may" cause cancer?....could this be a signal of the "switch" from cell phones to this so called hand held device running on zero-point energy allowing contact to anywhere/anyone on the planet?.... ( see below )







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