All Discussions (25)

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My name is Auguste and I am from Lithuania.Thank you for accepting me as a member in this website.I really like being here.Thank you.Namaste.

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Hello Everyone

Although I joined about a week ago, I just found this group today. I'm still feeling my way though this place and trying to learn the ropes. Upon my membership being accepted, I took the bull by the horns and just began posting

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Hello fellow consciousness

Greetings, my friends. I am excited to be here.

Back in October of 2012 I experienced what I can only conclude to be the revelation, the awakening, or the lifting of the veil that was spoken of surrounding the changes that were to occur. Some have tol

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2 Replies · Reply by Indigenous Alien Jan 17, 2021

Hello Fellow lightbeings

I'm Aces, and i am new to this group and site as a whole. I am glad to be a part of this online community although i seem to be lacking behind in so many ways. In any case abundant Love and light wishes to you all. Hopefully this marks the next phase

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Greetings Everyone

Hello fellow starseeds, I'm LoveLight and I'm from India. I added this discussion to express my love and gratitude for this beautiful and vibrant social network. I love the energy here and I love being here.. I'm looking forward to connect with more

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 Hi! I would like to introduce myself, as I am brand new to this 'star family' :) I'm a 30 year old single mother, full time student, and spiritual seeking soul :) I love astrology, metaphysics, and anything to do with spiritual growth/expansion/enli

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Greeting's fellow light- workers!

My name is Matthew. My spiritual name is 13cauac. 

This is by far one of the best (&biggest) new age sites out there!  

I am very thankful to be a member of this wonderful community!

I extend to you all a beautiful rainbow pyramid bridge of love, joy an

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3 Replies

Greetings from sweden

My spiritual name is Ayanna Healingbear. I am a 27 years old airelemented witch with some shamanic traits. 


I was so delighted to find this site cause this made me realize that I was not alone <3


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new member

hello from auckland new zealand it was an awsom exciting feeling finding this site on the web it is full of every type of info on spirituality it caters for any and every one of any beliefs my twinflame is not happy with me at this time as i wont get

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Hello fellow travellers

I'm glad to be here amongst and within this earth experience.  I guess like many  I felt I did not really belong here so I set out on my spiritual journey many years ago seeking the TRUTH and meaning in this life.  Finally I feel like I am getting so

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3 Replies

Greetings from Quebec !

Ferraù Fenzoni - Anjo tocando alaúde

hey all,

i am a former software engineer turned indie prog rocker turning sci-fi author... i am based in the beautiful province of Quebec...

i began studying and practicing Buddhism in the mid-nineties, and immediately felt a connection with the philos

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Planetary changes

Hi everyone. I am new here and love this site.

I am a metal artist living the dream in Nelson, New Zealand. I am a level 3 Reiki Practitioner and have so much desire to learn about everything spiritual, the changes and the Pleiadeans.

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5 Replies

Hi all

Just joined and saying hello. I'm a reiki practitioner(level 2), and I'm looking to learn as much as I can about pleiades..I strongly suspect that's where I originated. I look forward to learning as much as I can, and interacting with you all.


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RichRaelian posted a photo in New Members Lounge
Hi! In case your wondering who I'am I'am the unoffical greeter and a veteran member here I hope you…
Mar 5, 2023
Infinity liked Tony Bun Ly's discussion Who wants to go travel and go on adventures!? in New Members Lounge
May 18, 2021
Indigenous Alien replied to Daniel's discussion Hello fellow consciousness in New Members Lounge
"thank you for your post.... not long ago, while laying on my bed, physically sick and very…"
Jan 17, 2021
Ignas R replied to Lorenzo's discussion Happy to be here in New Members Lounge
"i m new here as well ; and we know we're not alone :)"
Jun 10, 2016
Tony Bun Ly posted a discussion in New Members Lounge
Who wants to go on amazing travels, hunting for your past lives and where your D.N.A. takes you.…
Sep 8, 2014
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla replied to 0jns0884m4we6's discussion Hi. in New Members Lounge
Jun 2, 2014
0jns0884m4we6 posted a discussion in New Members Lounge
My name is Auguste and I am from Lithuania.Thank you for accepting me as a member in this website.I…
May 30, 2014
GHOST posted a discussion in New Members Lounge
Although I joined about a week ago, I just found this group today. I'm still…
Apr 26, 2014