So why do these filthy, lying zionist bastards want to delist wolves from Idaho and Montana?
Anybody got any idea?
Because then the fox populations will increase which means that the fox populations will remove duck populations.
The official explanation is that wolves hate ducks and that the wolves are mostly totally uncontrollable, unmanagable, and untamable.
The zionists have saught to present wolves as being cruel animals and wildlife as being cruel.
Consider Jaws - produced by zionist Steven Spielberg which launched a worldwide attack against the Great White Shark.
The point is that the State is declaring the wildlife to be dangerous at the expense of the wildlife itself, when it´s true that wildlife is dangerous anyways regardless of what the State says.
Bring Jews into the discussion and you get every national socialist wolf hunter against the delisting.
Because they know that wolves need to be far greater in number than just 1700 while it is undeniably true that the wolf - human realationship hasn´t always been easy.
Today, mankind hates stupid wolf hunts, but a hundred years ago those stupid wolf hunts were fashion.
They might be justifiable in some cases, but not in that many.
And why is it that those wolf hunts are decided and managed by politicians and not by people who know how to treat nature with respect?
Because them stupid fucktards who put those politicians into power in the first place have always been too damn stupid and fucktarded to see the consequences of their criminal actions.
Why is it that critics of the decision to listen to people who oppose wolf delistings have been so silent?
Because they knew that sooner or later, somebody would turn the attention to who it was that is responsible for this stupid shit in the first place.
Agreed explorer.
Zionist movement? really?, yeah ok
There is a cycle in nature, and it evens out the population of creatures everywhere.
This has been understood for many years.
The only time a cycle is broken , is at most of times the actions of homo sapiens upsetting the applecart that even eradicates some species.
Why are they all trying to play the prime creator role? This does not get anything positive except the disruption of the
natural way of gaya. I am appalled that a group would even think this.