We are the Change.


First of all we need to understand the power of the consciousness andhow it moulds our reality. This is the first lesson of understanding howwe can change the present cycle we are living in.

Most people are beginning to realise the power of the mind and how easyit is to control situations and our environments and ultimately theoutcome of life itself.

Scientists today are starting to learn that our consciousness createsmatter. So in effect we create our own reality. We are all controlledmuch more than we think and if only we knew the rules of ourconsciousness and how we have come by the life we lead, we would be morein control of the world, and it would be a happier place to live. Wewould have far more abundance, there would be no starvation, and nowars, religions would unite. We would understand that we are not aloneand never have been.

You see we have only ourselves to blame for the way our lives andplanet have turned out. We have bought into everything that is offered.We have all contributed to everything around us. And I mean everything. Imean the wars. The starving millions. The suffering of nations. Evennatural disasters. Everything bad on this planet has been created by ourthought processes. In other words we can say that our collectiveconsciousness has created the reality we live in. Now whether there ourgroups at the top of society with the understanding and knowledge of howto control the masses of people ,or whether everything that hashappened on this planet is a direct result of our collectiveconsciousness, it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is we howunderstand this works, and how we can take up the challenge of change.

What we all need to do is change our thought patterns and not bedictated by our environments and ignore what we digest daily from themainstream newspapers, daily news articles, and magazines and anythingelse we might read. Don’t get me wrong its ok reading, but remember donot let the imaging of what you have read control your consciousness,don‘t dwell. Whatever thought process you adopt and you keep thatthought within your mindset, you will turn the thought into reality. As aspecies we all need to grow up and realize that we have made this messand we alone can only put it right. So we have to raise our thinkingpatterns to a higher frequency and not be dictated with all that isaround us.

Now picture different groups of people around the world. Picturedifferent countries and cultures and even the people in lands that havenot the resources to feed themselves. Do you ask why they just keepgoing around in a constant cycle and never getting anywhere. How is itthat certain groups are ok but others have not got the surroundings tosupport them or feed them. Think of all the wars around the planet thathave been ongoing for decades and decades. Perhaps some of the wars havebeen orchestrated or manipulated for greed and for support of the warmachine. But again we have only ourselves to blame for letting our mindsaccept this way of thinking and buying into this negative projection ofenergy.

Our thoughts create the reality we live in. So therefore we havecreated our planet and the way it has been shaped over the past 1000years. If we have had civilisations before, and my research has informedme we have. Then we have gone through the same old mistakes as usual.We have destroyed past civilisations by the same process. THOUGHTCREATES MATTER. Remember that. Embed those words into your minds andthink about before you go to sleep. Remind yourself that whatever is onyour minds the possibility is that your consciousness will create thematter and turn it into reality.

You can now see why we are all living the way we are. With all thepapers we are reading and different types of TV programs. This is allmoulding the life we live.

Think. Imagine you are living in a very small village that offers only avery limited choice of luxuries. You struggle every day to make endsmeet. You live in a ramshackle of hut. You only just get by each day.You live in the absolute bare minimum. With this in mind what are yourthoughts each and every day. You are feeding your consciousness with theongoing cycle and the life you have manifested just goes around in thesame old cycles. With the knowledge of how our thoughts create ourreality we could change the outcome. It doesn’t’t really matter howscarce the surroundings are, the trick is to continually feed yourconsciousness with a different picture so the outcome is not the same.We can all change the current paradigm but we need to know the rules andhow to change it.

Our thought processes have a lot to answer for and create more than wecan imagine! We all have this gift and if only we all knew how to usethis we would all be in abundance. However the way things have takencourse has led us into this reality and we all need to awaken from thisslumber. If we carry on with this current paradigm the planet will notbe able to support us and nature will take its course. You cannot carryon indefinitely with all this negative energy sapping up emotionalpockets of consciousness which in return create negative manifestationof matter. The law of karma will intervene as has also happened in thepast and mother nature decides herself how to correct the energy flow.

Lets think of another example of human consciousness in work. Justimagine a normal day in UK or US. It does not matter where because theoutcome will be the same. First thing in the morning your thoughts areprocessing what you will be doing for the rest of the day. Your mindreminds you of the chores you need to do to get by the end of the day.Whether it is stressful or not you are already conditioning yourconsciousness and creating your reality for the day. And also last thingat night you do the same, in fact any negative scenes you may havebumped into during the course of the day your mind is working overloadand again you are structuring your mind with brain conditioning. This istypical consciousness working against us. We have been conditioningourselves like this for thousands of years. We need to make a break fromthis cycle and create a New Paradigm.

Let me give you another example of the consciousness working on asmaller time scale. Ok lets say we are watching the news and they arereporting about a war going in somewhere in the world (at this timethere are 47 wars on going in this moment in time). The reporter showsus images of a war strewn landscape with trees obliterated, houses blownapart, looking like old ruins, children running scared and crying,hunger setting in and food shortages everywhere, food aid not getting tothe points, smoke bellowing from various buildings, cars ablaze andpeople cowering on every corner. I am sure you get the picture. Soanyway where do you think our thought processes will take us. Shortlyafterwards you would be thinking about this and more than likely a fewthoughts of the graphicness would filter through during the course ofthe day and further conditioning our minds to create a reality out ofyet another negative thought process. You can see why this particularvision has been created time and time again by embedding in ourconsciousness. THOUGHT CREATES MATTER. We are shaping our lives everyday. Day in day out. How many times have we seen these images streamingthrough the TV. How many times have you contributed without knowing whatyou are doing. The subconcious is all powerful. Nourish it with theright food!!

With all these examples its pretty easy to imagine why we are goingthrough these continuous cycle of living. We just go around and around.The cogs are turning around each day and nothing changes, it’s the sameold cyclical event time after time. All around the world whether itswars, starvation, working, living it’s the same old.

So what can we do?

First of all we need to combat any negative thoughts that seep into ourconsciousness. For every negative image you see on TV, in magazines,newspapers and various other sources of information you need to replacethat image within your consciousness, with a reversal of what you havejust watched or seen. So in other words if you have just seen the newswith the graphic scenery as I explained earlier here “images of a warstrewn landscape with trees obliterated, houses blown apart, lookinglike old ruins, children running scared and crying, hunger setting inand food shortages everywhere, food aid not getting to the points, smokebellowing from various buildings, cars ablaze and people cowering onevery corner!”.
Get to work on your mindset and reverse the image, picture in your mindbeautiful landscapes with trees full of bright coloured leaves, houseswith bright colours, children playing, beautiful clear flowing rivers,people talking being happy, just imagine everything in abundance. Yourconsciousness will soon take over with these positive images and create abetter reality than the other thought process you would normally adopt.This small act of thinking and transference of positive energies worksevery time. The stronger the intent the more of a reality you willcreate from thought. So try to visualize these images as clear as youcan. Now sometimes it is very difficult to train your thoughts in adifferent route whilst taking in disruptive and negative images. Buttrust me, practice makes perfect. Do this also last thing at night andfirst thing in the morning. THOUGHT CREATES MATTER.

I remember reading a good few years back about a man who was a smalltime thief. He was just a petty thief who spent most of his time injail. Now every time he got caught, the judge would sentence him to afew months in prison. Shortly after his release he would go back tostealing again and get caught almost immediately. Now this chap went toall sorts of help with various groups to break out of the habit, butkept finding himself back to square one. Back again. He was asked why hekept stealing, but couldn’t answer as to why he kept doing this timeand time again. He knew it was wrong but something took over in the actof stealing. What he did say was that in prison he finds it comfortableand free of any hassle. And that when he was released he would oftenthink about the hassle free world of being in prison. Now what this manwas doing was conditioning his ‘mind set’ with his consciousness ofbeing in prison. Whilst he was out of prison, his consciousness tookover in order to get him back where his sub-conscious mind wanted him togo. So unbeknown to him he was being steered towards what he had fedhis mind with. He conditioned his mind to go back to prison with thesedaily thought patterns thus creating what he thought into his reality.He could not break the cycle no matter what he did.

This is a perfect example of how we become trapped into our own reality.Our thought processes are continually repeating themselves again andagain. We create what we have been doing for years and years. Yes it isdifficult to get out of the cycle. But we must change the cycle in orderto evolve as humans and not be dictated to by what is presented to useach and every day.

We will reach bifurcation which ever way you look at it. The currentsystem cannot sustain itself much longer. If we carry on with the warsas they are, we will ultimately run out of money and we will have globalcollapse. Already US are trillions of dollars in debt, which ismathematically impossible to pay off the debt. So at what time do we sayenough is enough, we need to change the Paradigm. Our thought patternswill change this. As I am writing this article the US has doubled itsmilitary expenditure in just one decade!! What are we going to do withall these machines. All we are doing is feeding the war machine. The warmachine is the biggest racket on this planet. This is typical of whatwe are all engineering with our minds with the War Machine. We seenegative images on TV and various news articles, we in return instilfear into our consciousness and we subconsciously buy into the warmachine without realising what we are doing. We feed the machine day inday out. Take note of the previous examples of what happens when wewatch images of negative content. Use the tools that I have suggested toswitch your ‘mind set’ into positive vibrations.

To say the world is our oyster is an understatement. The universe isdiverse with all different types of life, it is unimaginable. We mustadopt the rules and know how to use them before we can be invited to theworld above. With our current thought patterns we will always besuppressing ourselves from further knowledge of what other secrets wehave in the Universe. Yes our thoughts have kept us out of reach of manythings that we could have been privy to. We have suppressed ourselvesto the extent that we are acting with robotic minds. We have becomecontrolled robots in our own little world which is neither reality orfiction. It is sort of a play, and we are dictating how the playunfolds, but with the wrong mind set. We need to change our thoughtpatterns towards a positive outcome. And we will.
We must all move into a creative stance, not a permissive posture. Iknow its very difficult to do with our past life experiences, but it canbe done. We have to develop a much bigger creative imagination to winover what we have created in front of us. If we sit on our laurels andwait for the times too change, it will be a disaster waiting to happen.We have got to change pattern of thought NOW. Ask yourself what sort oflife would you want your children to have? Look at what we have now, andimagine if we carry on with the present cycle, what will it be like in20 or so years time. Don’t choose victim hood. Make your stand and make abetter humanity. Take your thoughts to where you want to go. Yourlimitations are only within your mind set. The only thing that will belacking is the ability to trust that this process indeed can reach apositive outcome. Thought released will return in manifestation in areality more magnificent than we can all imagine. Please understand thatTHOUGHT CREATES MATTER. Its up to us what type of ‘matter’ we want anddeliver.

Don’t allow yourself to dwell on what we see everyday on TV and theother sources of information, but turn your thought towards what youwould like to experience. We have built a fantasy land around us andseems almost impossible to break the mould, but break the mould we will.We watch TV play with computers listen to radios and all other typesmusical gadgets, that we have no time to really think about why we arehere and where we are heading. Just sit down for a few minutes and thinkof all the distraction we have created here on planet earth. We need tofeed ourselves with some other source of food for nourishing ourconsciousness. At the moment the type of food we are taking in daily isnot what it should be. Do we want to become robots adopting a 9-5routine living each day as we pretend this is how it should be. Don’tkid yourself . There is so much more than we have given ourselves, butonly we can awaken the our thought processes in order to awaken us. Letsnot become the laughing stock of the galactic family. They know we cando this and have handed down clues for all of us to see. Just ask yourthoughts to take you where we should be.

Yes I know with the realisation of we got here and where we could go is abig shock to the system or even ego. But what I tell you here I believeis true and can be researched within the confines of your own home.With the way the internet is used, it is one of the biggest libraries wecan ever explore. The truth is out there and ‘the truth will set youfree’. Remember this is our reality. We created it. We can change it. Wealone can alter the course of our lives. Don’t be lazily caught up inwhat is presented by outlets, which are beyond our control. Yes somehave been presented in a way that we have no control over what wewitness. But it doesn’t mean we have to buy into what is on offer. Youcan visit a shop with all sorts of goodies that tempt us into buying. Ifyou don’t like the sound of it. DON’T BUY INTO IT. Take your thoughtselsewhere. Only you are in charge of your thoughts. Don’t let thenegative side hi-jack them again. It is your choice, as I have said youcan create your reality just like you create your dreams most nights,but if you do not realize your power and how you can change the ‘play’then your life will become like a flag blowing in the wind…just like apassenger on a train going around in circles. So visualize the world youwant to be in and take control of your destiny. Anything you can thinkof becomes a possibility.





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  • Yes but remember concsiousness/thought created the 'action'....

  • ...yes....visualizations are good...but actions are better....if u want change thinking only about it, wont do anything... u need to act upon it... and as long as u are only thinking...others are doing the acting for you... and they shape it the way it suits them...
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