About a year ago I tore a hole in my favorite shirt while putting it on, and got rid of it :( Recently my wife and I were shopping at a resale clothing shop and found a shirt that looked very similar. Of course we both got quite excited and purchased it. Here's the strange part...... When I got home and went to put my new shirt away, my old shirt was in my closet..... Not only that, but the long tare in the sleeve wasn't there.... No sign of it what so ever!!! My wife and I were completely baffled!

I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing unusual manifestations like this as well, or if someone can tell me exactly how this may have occurred. Is the nature of our reality changing to this degree? Will I soon be able to manifest my clothes, among other things??? I hope so! haha. Thanks for any thoughts or sharing :)


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  • Hi there,

    I believe that there is something to this in our reality at present time. However, It is spiritual in nature and intention is part of it I am sure.

    I have been writing a story with one paragraph was dealing with children/ people lost in caves. Four days ago when I wrote this part my cat jumbed out of the window and got lost in a complex next door. For three days he was lost.

    I think he was trying to save the children in the cave..I have been out of my mind in worry and confusion regarding my Hobbs. My thoughts, what did I do? is it something I did, something I wrote? I finishded my story with everyone being safe and leaving the caves when a flash of light that entered the caves to free everyone, thoughts etc... My cat was found the next day and tore out of the building complex.

    I was so happy. But he still has not returned home. for Two days now.

    Please pray for Hobbs and his safe return home. He really wanted to save anyone in the caves.

    Anyway... Two weeks ago I lost my pearl earring and pearls deal with purity I was very sad and felt somewhat weakend when I lost them. They were a gift some 20 years ago.
    I asked for a miracle today about my cat coming home safe and sound.

    I know that I lost the earring out side because i looked inside for it everywhere especially in cornors. Well first I found the post under the chair where I was sitting and I though that was strange since I mopped there the other day.. then while in the bathroom right in the cornor where I first looked two weeks ago. There was my pearl earring. This is my miracle that I was looking for so now I hope this is a sign that I get to start over where I lost something dear to me in the first place and find my cat hobbs back home soon.

    Please say a prayer for Hobbs safe return who ever reads this. And when you are imagining helping others form fears please protect yourself and family from any undone thoughts. I will from now on.. Our thoughts are powerful...

    thank you
    • Hi Katherine!

      One cold winter day, a couple years ago, my wife and I were at the park with our dog. It was dark, and we were about 30 ft from this huge cotton wood tree by the river when we heard this faint "meow".... "MEEOOW".... We looked over, and saw this little angel, all alone and cold. She must have been about 4 to 6 months old. I walked towards her, and she came right up to me and into my arms. She immediately became our new family member. Her name is Leila. She is a very divine being of love and light :)

      Not long after, my wife had lost one of her favorite earrings. We searched and searched and right when we wanted to give up, Leila came up to us and spit it out of her mouth onto the floor.

      More recently... when I came home one day she didn't run right up to the door to greet me as I came in, like she always would. She is also an indoor cat. I searched the house, and all around the neighborhood thick and thin for about 2 hours.... nothing. I started to panic.... My wife was going to be home soon, and I dreaded the thought of telling her that our little angel was missing.

      So I sat down... grounded myself... and I started talking to her on a telepathic level. I let her know how special she is, and how important she is to us. And I asked her to please return. I then did this little trick I've been doing since a very early age where I fill my whole body with divine light, and I explode, or flash the light out with the intentions of a remedy for whatever the situation may be.... About 20 seconds later, I thought I saw her inside, but when I looked she wasn't there.... Then another 20 seconds later, I heard the deep rumbling of a infuriated cat outside... the sound they make when confronting another cat. So I ran and opened the door, and there Leila was!!! about to be attacked by this other neighborhood cat. I ran out and grabbed her and felt such a feeling immense joy to see her again.

      I am telling you this Katherine because I believe I am the "flash of light" in your story. :) I sent a message to Hobbs to return home, and that he doesn't have to rescue the "children in the caves", and that I would send a FLASH OF LIGHT throughout the entire area, sending loving light energy to all the "children in the caves", and that the children would be ok!

      I hope it helps Katherine. Thanks for sharing your story :)
      • Hi Mo Dality
        I appreciate your kind thought and words for Hobbs and myself. I can't imagine life without Hobbs, I promised that I would protect him and keep him safe. He was my son's cat.

        I saw a shooting star two hours ago. I feel better thank you again.
        I let you know when he returns...
  • Dunno if this counts as manifestations, but if I look closely at a spot near someone's head, I'll see about a inch-wide "aura" that is clear but distinct from the air around the person. I blink to make sure it's not afterimage. And the color white can sometimes be outlined by a sort of purplish- black UV color.
    • Wonderful :) I've been seeing auras occasionally since a friend taught me how to see my own energy between my fingers at age 12. Not long ago at the beach my wife and I both saw our dogs greenish yellow aura around his whole body, and he actually left a trail of colors as he ran (we were both sober and drug free as well). I'm so glad we're all sharing these wonderful "impossible" experiences. :)
  • I wanted to post a weird case of manifestations that happened to me but it was getting lenghty so I decided to post it as a blog.

    Its about my encounter with the number 23;

    • Amazing experiences you've had! wow! I'm especially amazed by the part where the woman gave you the ticket number 23.
      About 10 years ago I had a dream where someone gave me their phone number 122-3344. Ever since then I have had countless synchronicities with seeing 12:34, 1:23, 2:34, 4:32, 3:21 etc. on clocks, license plates, etc.... Back in my troublemaking high school days, I would always see these numbers prior to..... well, doing something I probably shouldn't have. Anyway, I believe numbers provide a gateway for humans to interact with other realms or dimensions if you will. :)
      • Had to post that I read your answer, went on to respond, checked the time; 21h23, its following me...

        But yeah Ive seen a lot of 123s or 234s too. Last saturday I was running late to go pass a computer certification, had a tire gone flat and was force to park the car and call a taxi, I was very worried but then checked the time, there it was; 1h23pm... I knew I would be ok, I arrived at the exam exactly on time (2h00 pm) even though I had a flat tire and had to take the taxi :-)

        I have so much of these experiences, its really something...
  • Hi...I to have been experiencing very different and strange events, visions and a very different perception.It all happens when my frequency and vibrational levels are very high and especially when I am in the Happiness Love Zone.So I am assuming as I have read.that we are quite often partly in the 5th Dimension at times of high frequency.Plus I truly believe anything is possible,once you have that belief it all starts to happen.I have manifested a few instant happenings,so it can happen and you can do it.I am assuming that that shirt of yours was a favorite that you were disappointed to have to throw out in the first place........So you manifested it back,......people need to be careful because we manifest so much and we don't realize it.Like all our bad luck,we make what we have to a huge degree.I don;t allow myself now to ever thing negative thoughts,I pull myself up and then go positive.My luck and good fortunes have changed so much,I feel like I have control over my life not just some random events that happen to me.

    So I would say to everyone think only positive love energy thoughts and see how it changes your life.With good happening in your life it means less worry and less stress and more time for love and happiness....................Blessings ...Love ....Peace....... :):):)
    • For many it is hard to let go of the crumbling paradigm where one is a victim of random events, and "shit happens"... but it seems that the new paradigm of oneness, unity, love, joy, happiness, and abundance for all is swiftly settling in the hearts of humanity and making it easier and easier to make the SHIFT..... because after all SHIFT HAPPENS!. :) sending Peace and Love your way. Thank you! :)
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ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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