Dear All,
Those of you interested in knowing your potential Star Seed aspects can post your Natal Info of borth time, birthdate and birthplace. I will upload the aspects in this forum itself.
I have been giving free snapshot readings to thousands of people over the years [I do have a paid service as well when I find time from my day job] but of late I am focusing on Star Seeds. Have given dozens of snapshots of Star Seeds here:
So many Star Seeds have a strong 12th House and exact Galactic Centre Aspects. Many have Sun, Moon or Ascendant conjunct a powerful Fixed Star Exact. Time to analyze this indepth so that silent Star Seeds can KNOW who they are using the power of Astrology.
For learning Astrology:
I have put together a sequence of links to get each and every Star Seed, Indigo, Crystal or Joe Ordinary Terran like myself up to speed in Astrology.
I strongly feel that every Star Seed in the planet must know the basics of Astrology and Numerology.
Advanced Astrology involves the application of Asteroids, and they are absolutely important in special events.
Pls read my original research on Earthquakes :
Astrology is statistically a Science, and it shuold be taught. I have found many statistical evidences for its working.
One of the best is that 12 out of the top 14 recorded earthquakes with more than 100000 deaths had Asteroid POSEIDON tropically or sidereally in Capricorn. The odds of this being random chance are one in several million.
best regards,
INCA exactly opposes Galactic Center. Now this need not be a Star Seed signature, infact you do have more of an Earth Angel trait, starting on Earth itself during one of the three Atlantis Epochs [ATLANTIS conjunct True Node exact].
But you will get amazing interps and ideas about the Mayan Prophecies and anything South American dealing with New Age concepts.
You do have KARMA opposition INTERKOSMOS. You are fated to know more indepth stuff about Star Seeds.
Asc trines Jupiter, lots of luck
but dampener Saturn squares Ascendant as well. Mixed bag.
Asc conj Neptune is a very spiritual aspect to go with the dazzling insights of your Aquarius Sun.
You have a wealth of knowledge to share.
How safe!
Did you know that a predator only needs that info to be able to find you pretty much anywhere? They can figure out your real name from that.
I'm not that dumb.
I choose not to live my life based on fear.
Have a great day!
Genuine Wisdom at a young age is a Star Seed Trait :)
There has been a "wave" of Star Seed births in 1985, many from this year have enquired for readings compared to 1983,1984 or 1986 or 1987. I will post my findings on these waves [I think the biggest waves were 1968-1969 then 1992-1993. And the most sophisticated babies could have been born in December 2007]
1.50 am, glasgow , scotland
And a beautiful birthdate, 12-12, during an interesting year, 1966.
You do not have specific Star Seed signature but have very powerful Psychic Gift potential, something like a "Wise One" or Ancient Priestess type.
Born on a new Moon of Sagittarius, PALLAS and KAALi are conjunct, that is natural Kundalini Current Rising to Pineal Gland regularly.Mercury and HYGIEA are exact conjunct meaning you can grasp healing concepts and heal others with your Mind Power or verbal commands. Mercury trines PALLAS as well to boost this gift. Neptune conjunct AURA exact show a very empathetic nature, a sort of being able to read Auric Signals of others. With practice you might easily see Aura Colours.
Best is Jupiter conj KARMA, a harmonious fate involving spiritual growth.
Red flag is Saturn in Pisces 6th, karmic debts of the past lifeline may enforce job difficulties, mental stress etc. You need to consistently work on your SPiritual Gifts, and "do your Saturn" i.e master the nature of Pisces.
There are also good odds that you know some secrets of Stonehenge/Glastonbury, and have had an ancient Celtic Lifelines [Did you know that Atlantis Survivors colonized Ancient Scotland?] as well. That is why you have been born in Scotland in these important times.
You may even know the esoteric significance of King Arthur and the Grail Mysteries.