Sunday Call 4/11/2021 (St. Germain, OWS, Shoshanna)
James & JoAnna McConnell
St. Germain and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell
Shoshanna (Joanna’s Higher Self)
These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on April 11, 2021. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)
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SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am your Saint Germain. I am here at this time, just as each time we come together, to continue this expression.
This expression of love, this expression of oneness. This expression of the Violet Flame that has been re-gifted back to the consciousness of man once again.
For long ago, we all held this Violet Flame within us. And we knew of its existence. We knew of its connection to the all, to the all one consciousness. But we lost that. We, the ‘collective we’ of man here on this planet to experience this third-dimensional illusion. We knew that connectedness. And we purposefully let it go so that the game could be enacted, the game that is still going today.
But this game has lost its luster. Or rather, those that controlled the game have lost control of it, even though you may not know it yet, for there are still so many things happening behind the scenes.
But all of those things that are happening behind the scenes now are bringing the changes to this planet, bringing you out of the illusion dropping the veil. The veil that in essence, was never there to begin with. It is only there in your thinking process, in your programmed process.
But as your programming changes, the veil will be gone more and more. That is what you are heading toward right now, this moment. You are coming to that new higher expression within yourself, and more and more feeling the higher vibrations within you, even beginning to understand what vibration is. What higher existence is. Because those memories are returning to you. Maybe not at a conscious level, but certainly at an unconscious level, and at a subconscious level the memories are there. And they are directing now your lives.
Your Higher Self is reconnecting with all of you now in one way or another, some more than others. But your Higher Self has retaken control. Now, this does not mean that you do not have control of yourself and of your emotions and your actions. You always have that control. You, the conscious knowing self, always has that control. That will never be taken from you. You always have free choice.
But your Higher Self is becoming more and more a part of that free choice. And that is what is occurring now across the entire planet, as the Lightworking Community has awakened. Those that are not part of the Lightworking Community are becoming a part of it and they are awakening themselves more and more.
And those forces of darkness have continued to try to hold on, hold on to everything that they have known, everything that they have prepared for. They are losing that control more and more, faster and faster. And if you look within the illusion of the third-dimension, yes, they still appear to have that control. But whenever you are able to slip out, move beyond the third-dimensional illusion, move up in vibration, up into the higher fourth and even fifth and beyond dimension, then you know at that point, in that moment, that they no longer have any control whatsoever. And that is the vantage point that we have from the ships. From higher vibrational frequencies, that is what we see now. We see that they no longer have any control at all.
The only control that they have exists only within the illusion. Only within the programming that they continue to put out thinking, hoping that they can still hold you with that programming, hold you with that propaganda. But even they know at a deeper level that they have lost the battle. They have even lost the war, if you want to call it that. It is a war of evil versus good, of dark versus light.
But as you well know, darkness can never engulf the light. The light will always shine forth, will always shine through whatever darkness there is. No matter what planet it is, no matter what galaxy it is, the light will always shine through the darkness.
And that is how creation began. For there was the light. And the light shined forth through the darkness which at that time was unmanifested creation. The light shined through the dark, just as it is doing now.
As creation continues on, you are the creator and the created at the same time. So as the creator, create whatever you want in your life, moment by moment, thought by thought, create the new world, the New Golden Age of Gaia. Create it now in each and every moment as you continue to move forth. And if you do that, you as the ‘collective you,’ then all that you are creating will shine forth through the darkness and be the creation to come forever more within this planet, within this solar system, and within this galaxy.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in love, peace, harmony, and oneness. And that the Violet Flame continues to purge out all the old programming. Let it go. Let the old memories fall behind you. They no longer hold any control over you. And in its place, in its place of the old memories, feel the presence of the now. Feel the presence of the I am consciousness within you.
ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. Shoshanna is here.
And we ask you please, if you are not going to speak here, please mute your phones. It is very disconcerting for the one here, especially the one James, to allow for this continuing process to occur, with this channeling process, because it breaks the momentum, we will say it breaks the momentum of the energy. So please, here now and in the future, always keep your phones muted so there is no disconnect here that can occur. We appreciate that, and thank you.
Now we are ready for your questions if you have them. We do not have a specific message beyond St. Germain’s message, for that was a wonderful message. So, we are ready for your questions.
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: A question about what you just stated about the phone. Isn’t the organizer of this audioconference able mute everybody?
OWS: That is something that you work out with the organizer of this, the one we know of as ‘Moses.’ He is the one that can work control of this. But more than this, it is important for you, those of you that are on these calls, to monitor this yourselves. You can all do that. You have a button on your phone, do you not? You simply press the button, and you are muted. It is that simple, is it not?
Guest: Yes. I always do.
OWS: We would ask that everyone take control of themselves and do this from here on, and that in itself would handle the issue here we believe. Okay?
Guest: Okay. Can I follow that with some more questions?
OWS: Yes, please.
Guest: Can you guide us in how to remember to use telepathy?
OWS: Now that is something that you are already being guided to use. Your Higher Selves and those various guides that work with you are already doing everything they can to penetrate through, pardon the expression here, but the thick skulls that many of you have that will not allow for the communication to come through. If you would learn to quiet the mind. If you would learn to quiet the chatter within you, then that would open up the expression of communication that would bring the telepathic communication to you from your guides. And from that experience of working with your guides telepathically, you would then also be learning to work telepathically with your brothers and sisters here on this planet, you see? Shoshanna, do you have something that you can add here?
Shoshanna: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)
We can share on this. We wish to share on this. May we share on this, Dear Brother?
Guest: As always, yes.
Shoshanna: Dear Brother, how great of a desire is it for you to become telepathic?
Guest: Immensely.
Shoshanna: Then we will give you the tools for that, and we will see if you can commit to that, you see.
So in order to strengthen your already-given ability of telepathy (because all of you have this tool already), to strengthen this, you must stop talking. If you choose to stop talking, stop using your speaking voice, we’ll say for a week or so, you will find ways to communicate that you do not need to speak. And you will find that you are communicating your thoughts with others around you, and they will pick that up, you see. But this requires that you do not speak. And because humans use their voice boxes to communicate (or they think they are communicating), that is why the telepathic tool that you already have as a being is weakened, you see. Does this make sense, Dear Brother?
GUEST: Truthfully, no.
Shoshanna: We do not understand.
Guest: I don’t understand either. If I’m not speaking, I’m not communicating with anyone whether I’m speaking with my voice or my thoughts.
Shoshanna: You, Dear Brother, are always communicating.
Guest: Yes.
Shoshanna: You, Dear Brother, as a human, offer vibration of communication consistently.
We will give you an example of this. If you are in a room where before you entered the room there was a great argument, you will walk in and feel dissonance. You will feel something is wrong. That is because you are picking up telepathically what has gone on in that room, you see.
What you must decide is that speaking is not really a form of communication. It is a form of conveying something that you think the other is understanding, but they are necessarily understanding it.
The true contact of communicating comes from many different sources than the being, including vibration and including eye contact, vibratory thought, body movements—these are all forms of communication. You must broaden your understanding and spectrum of what communication is to incorporate telepathy in your communications, and not be so specific that your voice is the only way you can communicate. Namaste.
OWS: We would add here that those that are in what you would consider more of the Far Eastern philosophies, Hindu, in Tibet and China and those various places, when they are going through training to be, what we will say, the chelas of a Master, then they are motioned to do exactly as Shoshanna is saying, and not speak, to learn to telepathically communicate with the ones that are there.
Part of their training is to be silent. Silent, without voice, and even thoughts for that matter, as well, where they quiet the mind. So they learn to not only quiet the voice, but quiet the mind as well.
And when that occurs and they have moved through that expression, then they are open more to telepathic communication and find that it is not only easier to do, but brings much more satisfaction to understanding what another is thinking, but also for that other one to understand what you are thinking. To be able to fully communicate, as Shoshanna is giving here, you see? Do you understand this?
Guest: I understand the process. But how to do that with regular living, I don’t know.
OWS: No buts. There is no buts, here, Dear One. What you need to do is simply do it, when you can. We know that you have your daily life schedule and these types of things, and it can be difficult to do. But carve out some time to do it. Hours. Minutes even. Whatever it takes. Find the time to quiet the mind. This is what every child has had to do, James included, here. JoAnna as well, or Shoshanna. They had to learn to quiet their chattering mind. And that is what you need to do. If you want to become telepathic, quiet the mind: both your voice, as well as the thoughts within the mind. When you are able to do that, new worlds of expressions will open up to you. Okay? That is all we can give on this now.
Guest: Thank you.
OWS: Yes. Would there be other questions here?
Guest: Yes, I’d like to ask a question, please?
OWS: Yes.
Guest: I think I know the answers of this, but sometimes I have to have it confirmed. But that is what we’re going to be doing in the fifth dimension is only speaking telepathically. Isn’t that true?
OWS: Not entirely, because it would be difficult for you to go from, as The James likes to use, the “0 to 60 in two seconds.” You will not be able to do that, because you have spoken with your voice your entire lives. But more and more you will grow accustomed to having that telepathic communication with one another. And certainly, when you meet those of your brothers and sisters from the sky, then you will certainly need to utilize telepathic communication there. And if you do not already know how to do it, you will learn from those experiences. Okay?
Guest: Well, I do with my loved one. With my beloved one, we talk that way. And it took me a while to know that it was coming from him or my mind. That’s why it took a while. But I can understand that. There will be a lot of things that we’re gonna not jump into right away, I’m sure. Like I don’t know about sleep—we don’t have to sleep there. But if we’re used to sleeping here, will we have to sleep the first day or two, for a while?
OWS: First of all, there is no ‘there.’ You will already be there. It is not a place that you are going to. Now, with that understanding, you will require less and less of sleep, less and less of bodily intake as far as foods and things of this nature. It will become more of a thing that if your body is asking for it, then you will do it. If it is not asking for it, you will not do it. So you will be able to go days and days, and sometimes even weeks if it is called for when you will not need to sleep or even need to eat.
Guest: Oh, okay. How about, if we want to eat there, and we don’t have the solid physical body anymore. What’s the food like? We create it?
OWS: Beyond your expression of what is wonderful in your world. Beyond this. So think about the most wonderful meal that you could possibly have, and you would be able to imbibe in that and not have any effect from it. Think about that. Do you understand this? No negative effect, we are saying here.
Guest: Okay, let’s say somebody wants a beer. And they can create a beer, but possibly not with the harmful part in it like we have here.
OWS: That is correct. Even the Saint Germain loves his wine yet still.
Guest: (Laughs) He is wonderful! Well, I can see him now! So thank you so much for answering my questions. Namaste.
OWS: Yes. Shoshanna, do you have anything to add to that?
Shoshanna: We can add here, if you wish Dear Sister. May we add?
Guest: Yes. I’d love it if you would. Thank you.
Shoshanna: Dear Sister, what is difficult for most is to think about another dimension when they have not truly experienced it on that dimension. So they think of it in physical terms, you see.
All the things that you are describing are mechanisms of the physical body. So we are attempting, when we think about another dimension like the fourth, or fifth, or sixth, or seventh dimension, what it will be like based on what we are experiencing in the third dimension, but it is not that at all.
What you will find on another dimension such as the fifth dimension is that it is primarily experiential, you see. So if you wish to have a meal that is your favorite on the third dimension, it will be partaken of in the fifth dimension as an experience of the meal. You will feel it, you will feel the joy, you will feel the satisfaction, you will feel the excitement of the meal without eating it! Does this make sense, Dear Sister?
Guest: Yes. And is there any waste? Or does our whole body take up everything that we eat?
Shoshanna: Dear Sister, you will not be eating, per se. You will be experiencing a meal, not eating it. You will experience the nuances that come with the third dimensional experience on the fifth dimension. It is not consumption. You are not consuming anything. You are experiencing a meal based on all of the favorite parts of the emotions that you feel on the third dimension when you eat a meal, you see. It is difficult to explain this, but it is not consumption on the fifth dimension, it is experiential.
Guest: Oh, I see. Okay, I understand. Thank you.
OWS: And we add here, you will still have a body. It will just not be a physical as your current body is. It will be more light body.
Guest: That’s the way our body is changing now.
OWS: That is correct.
Guest: Because I tell you, I feel lighter. I don’t even feel like my feet are touching the ground anymore. It’s like I’m floating along.
OWS: Yes.
Guest: Thank you so much.
OWS: Would there be any other questions here?
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: David Hawkins was a famous Ph.D., physicist. He had written books; one was called Power Versus Force. And he developed this chart of scalar frequencies of things and people, like enlightenment 1000 all the way to 1 with fear or grief or something. And so I have been watching a series of Sasha Stone YouTube videos where they are calculating all these different frequencies of things, people, Ascended Masters, and the Moderna vaccine. The Moderna vaccine was a 20, which was very, very low. I wanted to know if this is an accurate science of scalar frequencies of things and people?
OWS: Very much so. You are gong to experience more and more the idea of frequency. Even now, more of you are beginning to understand frequency and vibration, much more so than if you looked back, say ten years ago, and what you knew about it then. You may have had it in some of your movies and things of this nature since the beginnings of it, but you looked at it then as science fiction.
Now you see the same things, and they are no longer science fiction; they are now science fact. And frequency will become so much more than what it has even been up to this point.
Science is coming around to this. But spiritual science is what the future is coming to. That is all we can say about that.
Shoshanna: We wish to share.
OWS: Yes.
Shoshanna: We wish to share, Dear Sister, may we share?
Guest: yes, please.
Shoshanna: The individual that has created this theory is very analytical and very in tune with his dimensional frequencies.
The idea here is to use instruments to measure the vibration and frequency of an item in regard to whether it is conducive to the human, you see, whether it is good for the human vibration. Whether it comingles well with the vibration of the human, you see.
So if the vaccine you speak of is, say, a 20, it will not cause difficulty, you see. That’s how it works. It matches frequencies, you see. So when you have a higher frequency, that which is a lower frequency cannot pair up with you, you see. It cannot get into your frequency unless you lower your frequency, you see.
What ultimately will happen is that as a being you will be able to measure frequencies of other things and yourself as well with no tools. You will be the instrument of frequency. Namaste.
Guest: So, quickly, Alejandro and his wife who have developed this system to test these frequencies that David Hawkins developed, are they pretty accurate in their assessment with their devices?
Shoshanna: Dear Sister, they are as accurate as they can be, given what they know. As knowledge expands, accuracy will expand. Does this make sense?
Guest: Yes it does. Thank you.
Shoshanna: Namaste.
OWS: Very good. Would there be any other questions here?
Guest: I have a quick question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: I wanted to ask about the Quantum Financial System. From what I understand, it is ready to go in all the steps, and it is just a matter of the go switch being turned on by Spirit, if I’m correct. Can you expand on that a little for me?
OWS: What we can tell you is you are accurate, what you are saying. It is ready to go at a moment’s notice, you might say, a switch being turned on, or whatever it might be. And it is there. It is ready. It just needs to be implemented. When the vibration, not the time, but the vibrational frequency, is right for it. We cannot give more on that at this point. For if we were, then we would be getting into the prediction realm of things and, as you know, we do not get into that. We deal in potential and possibility. But the potential and the possibility of your Quantum Financial System being turned on is very, very great at this time. Okay? Shoshanna?
Shoshanna: We wish to share. May we share, Dear Sister?
Guest: Yes, please.
Shoshanna: Dear Sister, we will ask you a question if we may. Why do you wish for the Quantum Financial System to be implemented? Why do you wish this?
Guest: Well, I would love to see the humanitarian projects roll out. That’s No. 1. No. 2, I have decisions and things that I’m kind of in the middle of and am teetering on which way to go with it—should I wait, should I not wait, that kind of thing.
Shoshanna: Dear Sister, we will continue, if we may.
Guest: Sure.
Shoshanna: May we continue?
Guest: Absolutely, please, yes.
Shoshanna: Dear Sister, to go forward with a new idea, there must be those that embrace the new idea, you see. So one must be crystal clear why they would like this new idea or this new process to take place. The more clarity that the humans have, the faster this will manifest. This is why we ask questions, you see. When one just wishes for something and does not know why they are wishing for it or what the projected result will be in their mind, it does not manifest. It is very important that each that wish for the Quantum Financial System to be implemented to understand completely why they want it.
Now we will tell you that there is never a reason to hesitate. It does not matter what system is in place. It does not matter what you are working with. It doesn’t matter if you are working with a dollar or a bar of gold, it is your hesitancy that creates the movement and consciousness not to take place, you see. All things are movement in consciousness, even if it is a dollar bill or a bar of gold. It represents a movement in consciousness. So when you hesitate to move forward, you hesitate to move in consciousness, if that makes any sense at all. We are trying hard to clarify our thoughts, here.
So now, you must make a decision to go one way or the other, to stop or to go forward. There is no middle, you see. This is what you must do.
And additionally, the humanitarian projects are going forward anyway. There are many on the planet of humanitarians that are using dollars to go forward with humanitarian projects. You, and all who are true humanitarians, do not wait for something to occur for them to move forward. Namaste.
OWS: Very good. Are there any other questions now before we take the e-mail questions, and then release channel? Then we are ready for your e-mail questions.
Guest: Yes, thank you, One Who Serves. The first question is: if we have our Higher Selves to help us along, why do we need outside help from Ascended Masters and Galactics?
OWS: First of all, the idea of ‘need’ is not really correct. You do not ‘need’ that. You only need yourselves. That is why we have said many times, “you are the ones you have been waiting for.” You are not waiting for the Galactics. You are not waiting for the ones of the Ascended Ones. You are waiting only for yourselves.
Now, with that understanding, as you continue to rise up in vibrational frequency (and that is what this is all about--again, it is not timing, it is frequency), as you continue to rise up in frequency, then you come closer and closer to those of us, and the Galactics, and the Agarthans to be able to receive their assistance. Because you are now doing it for yourself. You see, they cannot do it for you. They can only do it with you. And that is what is occurring. And your Higher Selves are there to help direct the entire process as a collective. The entire Higher Selves as a collective of this planet are here to continue to direct the process along. But also, they cannot do it for you, the conscious knowing self, that they overlight here, we will say here. Okay? So it is a combination of everyone, every being working together. Your Higher Selves are working with you, but so are the Galactics, and Agarthans, and we, the Ascended Ones are also working with you. Okay? Shoshanna?
Shoshanna: We will share on this. And you’ve given a full answer, but we wish to add a perspective. The perspective is, is that all is one, and all is a collective.
It is as if you ask why does a child need a math teacher? Why doesn’t the child just do math? Because the math teacher is embodied with the knowledge that it imparts upon the child, you see. But it is all one. The teacher cannot impart the knowledge of math to the student if the student did not exist. And the student cannot learn from the teacher if the teacher did not exist, you see.
It is all in concert with each other. The Higher Self is orchestrating which direction the lower being that is asking to go in, you see. If you wish to find information from a Galactic being that has a body of knowledge that you wish to access, the Higher Self will orchestrate that for you, you see. It is all one. It is all circular. It just goes around, and around, and around, you see. But we are all one. It is not necessarily our Higher Self that can guide you. The Higher Self guides you to find the knowledge from the being that contains the knowledge, you see. Namaste.
OWS: Wonderful. Wonderful explanation. And we are ready for your next e-mail question.
Guest: Yes, thank you. The second question is: Is Q coming back any time soon, or has that source of information gone?
OWS: First of all, Q, as you are saying, never left. There is no coming back, because he/they never left. They are still there. They are still working behind the scenes.
The question, though, we believe is: are you going to see the Q droppings, if you will, come back? That we cannot give you directly at this point, because the vibrational frequency has not arrived for that yet.
Back in your 2017, 2018 when Q first came on the scene, the vibration was optimum at that point for this new expression of consciousness to be able to spread forward from this. And it came to a point where at this point it was not needed to continue that expression.
But, as the times come along here further, it may very well bring back the Q expression here again. But this time it will come based on the higher vibrational frequency and those that are working that frequency, those of your President Trump and others who are a part of this continuing expression, here. Okay? Shoshanna?
Shoshanna: We do not add.
OWS: Very good. Then we are done with questions. Do you have anything you wish to impart here at the end, Shoshanna?
Shoshanna: We will share here. We wish to share that all must continue to move forward in consciousness in all ways that they can, and to understand themselves above anything else. To understand who they are, and what direction that they need to go in, and not so much look to another to see what direction they are going in, you see. It is all up to you to improve on your own consciousness. Namaste.
OWS: Very good. And we just simply add onto what Shoshanna is saying here, just continue to be true to yourself, whatever that might be. Just find the expression within yourself to continue to be that expression. Always be yourself, no matter what. No matter what obstacles come in front of you, be yourself through it. Okay?
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.
Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.
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"Believing is seeing!"
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I think the 3rd plane of consciousness or 3d is gradually fading into 4th plane consciousness-4th plane is where spirits return for an afterlife if they don't stay in the gated heavens or other spirit realms-3d is controlled so as create amnesia , we forget we are reincarnated spirits-spirits go to 4d as adults or even much younger ( their spirits enter 4d and the elements gather instantly to give them a physical body) or they are born there to people who get married again and have full lives-same world, same everything but at a different plane and more magical in that people appear and disappear -the mandella fx and other anomalies are awakening people slowly until the collective mind of people in 3d excepts the above explanation