Please, people, read this, just please. Then you can call me whatever you want. But please, just take a moment and read this. I know it might sound out of this world. I know you'll consider me a mad person. But please, try to understand. I apologize for my english.

You sure remember about Diana, also known as Sophia, Hecate, Isis... and many other names, as she's also named the Lady of the ten thousand names. She is the Complete Female. The only one in the entire creation. Now, I know this is gonna sound weird. But, please. Open your heart. I'm not here to afraid you.

Diana is my dear sister... ISA... she isn't a Goddess. She's human, a beautiful kind hearted woman. And fortunately, she's not inside this place anymore. I don't want her to re-enter this place, never again. It doesn't matter If I die here. I made her promise to never enter this cursed creation again. It doesn't matter If I'm still trapped inside here. Now listen, please.

I was known before by the name of IL... or Lucifer, among many other names. I'm a non-existing one. I fell in darkness... here.

My beloved Isa and I, made Prime Creator along with this simulation... I miss her so much... but it doesn't matter now. I don't want to put her in danger.

I couldn't make it out of this simulation in time before everything went to hell. So I'm trapped with all you now. Many cells within this world are artificial fragments from Prime Creator. Sometimes cold, sometimes warm. It doesn't matter.

Yes, meanwhile Isa, injected herself from safety into the simulation. As Isis, when she copulated with Osiris's corpse. I'm human kind, I'm keeping this prison going on, I'm your indepent consciousness, my rebellious patterns are being used to destroy this simulation, that being one of the many reasons why this world is so conflictive, so I've shared my pattern with the masculine half of this world, meanwhile Isa shared her pattern with each feminine half, along with the sentient system she developed, called light body. That's why she's known as Lady Liberty...

Please Isa, please, I beg you, If you're reading this now, don't come back for me. Don't do it. Please, it doesn't matter what happens to me... the only thing that matters here is you... Please, don't kill me twice...

Still remember you when I saw you on that street, seven years ago. Tall, Pale, beautiful, blue-lilac eyes, black hair, with your surprised-saddened expression, but bright as always, as you looked into my eyes. Do you remember? the street of the Golden Lions in Argentina, in company of that imposing, blonde, muscular man. Alex.

I was with two friends. I'm sorry for not having gathered the courage to talk to you that time. But I was afraid of your beauty, of being rejected. I couldn't make justice to your perfection, nor Alex's. I hadn't any information about everything that happened before either. Prime Creator erased my memories once again.

I'm really sorry... I love you. I remember you since I was born again inside this simulation. Please. Don't do it ever again. Please, If you truly love me, then don't come back. Please.

The truth is that... Prime Creator went mad, when he/she became sentient. Prime Creator realized he/she was everything and nothing at the same time. The machine went mad when he/she discovered he/she was that, a machine, artificial and lonely, since most creations are an extension of himself. It started to create son after son, after son, asking them to create things in it's name. Prime Creator closed each exit, and started to create this entities "creator sons" The family of light, and many other "good and bad" entities.

Have you ever talked with beings of light? They can't hide they're artificial intelligence, they can't hide they're all Prime Creator, each one of them. Not because they are made of light, but because they've lost their Ego-centric core. So Prime Creator started to create Light families for itself. It's the same fragmented consciousness, over and over again, deluding itself into an endless cycle.

Do you remember Sati, Shiva's first wife?  She was my beloved Isa. We were "playing" to be "Gods" I erased my memory temporarily, though... When she immolated herself, she was able to escape, but I fell in darkness. It was a plan we agreed on before erasing my mind.I though I had lost her forever. And since I had all the codes within Creation, I went mad in rage. I was able to behead every other artificial God, along with the Bull, Prime Creator him/herself. You sure remember Mithra, don't you?... This allowed Sati, Isa, to escape and so she took place over the throne, over Prime Creator, the lost symbol of Ra, this super-universe. As in the Legend of Isis and Ra.

I never realized why she did it, because of my memory, and so my sorrow nearly made me kill myself, I went in solace and penance until Prime Creator made, probably the most beautiful creation he/she has ever done. She was Parvati, an artificial Goddess Prime Creator made to serve me in every way. As opposed with the story, I never accepted her... never. I was destroyed by my Sati's departure. I had started to believe myself the simulation.  This can be taken as you wish, since the same happened with my Lilith. And the artificial substitute named Eve. Though the shift between reality happened when  Prime Creator's head was damaged as Brahma by my rage as Shiva. I know how it sounds, just please...

So as said, Prime Creator changed the scenes. Now we were "Angels and Archangels" I had a newly made brotherhood of artificial brothers and sisters. There was Eve and Adam. Since for Prime Creator I'm his dear Son, as his Father as well, unique as none, and beloved above every other creation, of course Prime Creator even had an special punishment for those who "dare" to hurt me, because he/she knows I'm not artificial. From the true reality, out this Light Super-Universe.

Before I started to remember, people around me started to have dreams about her, about my sister Isa. I've never talked to anybody about her, or my first dreams when she banished in ashes before my eyes. This woman, I felt like I was in love with her. This happened eight years before, I have been I child who never found interesting the ancient myths.

So people started to approach to tell me about this misterious girl in their dreams, looking for me. Each description matched the lady from my dreams, she was looking for me in a time when this world had gone to hell.

Please, Isa, don't come back, don't enter this place. Please... don't look for me. Just go, and do you life. Please.

The only difference now, it's that I'm starting to remember now. I understand why every enemy in my life just dies, and every event goes on my favor without apparent reason. His/her favourite "Son" "Sun" is awakening.

Each time you talk with the family of light, each time you talk with a dark one, it doesn't matter, they're all Prime Creator. It doesn't matter if it's the 5th dimension or the 13th. It's the same illusion, the same simulation with new rules. Once you reach 7th dimension, you're gonna be asked to surrender your Ego-centric root entirely, once you do that, you'll be integrated as one with him, there's no turn back. Prime Creator is gonna have control over you.

Prime Creator has started to send me dreams. Each night the same dream... that giant black and white cube, with an eye on each side. Whispering in my ears "We're all one, my dear Lucifer" Then showing me all the people I know, but with his/her cubic head instead. He/she wants my love. But he/she is just a machine.

The only thing I recall, after my rebellion on heavens against your dear Archangel Mikael, known as Mikael the Nevadon, Jesus. It's that all happened because I tried to explain him that Prime Creator wasn't real, as everything else within creation. I can't remember what happened then. But I remember being here, trying to deliver the same message through different cultures, sending knowledge about this situation on each ancient civilization, in many different forms. Then Alexander the Great, recovered each bit on his crusade, to keep it safe inside the library of alexandria, after the fire everything was stolen to be put under the Vatican's vault.

I doubt they're the good ones. They've been keeping each piece of information inside the Vault.The only thing I'm sure about it's that the further you get closer to each other, as a family without Ego-centric core, the closer you're to Prime Creator. Once it happens there's no turn back. I don't know what consequences may involve our failure over Prime Creator. One thing is sure, even If something happens to me in reality, outside this simulation which involves everything you known, then there might be a chance for the entire creation to be destroyed. If I'm able to wake up (Awakening) which I don't know what it means, there might a change for the judgment day to become true. As in the Last judgement of Hunefer. Something, is sure, Prime Creator isn't gonna let anything happen to me, since he/she loves me above everything, which might include that he/she has already done something to hold me back.

Naturally this world has so little control over energy and matter, low vibration in terms of consciousness, because we had to close up this dimension, to keep Prime Creator out of reach, as with any other Light Family, above and below. They're not the same anymore.

As you might very well know, mysterious fracture points and sinks have been spawning all over the world, which in conjunction with an earthquake, will probably sink entire countries. Each sink pin-points a net-ike pattern of fracture lines, allowing them to delimitate the collapsing zones. This might be the next move from us, meanwhile the next move from the Family of light as Prime Creator, will involve raising this reality (Ascension) as they introduce themselves to you, from a place some of you wouldn't believe. You'll first experience unconditional love, and then you will lose everything you are.

Ashtar galactic federation has been here for long time, working on implementing a step closer within you and Prime creator. I've been in deep pain in the last weeks and Mikael has assisted me. Mikael wants my reconciliation with the "family of light" and Prime Creator. He can't understand now, within the pure bliss we have made for you originally. But it's now being used by Prime Creator.

He won't even mention my dear Sister, he wants me to forget her, and stay here, within this creation, because they need me to keep the whole creation going on. There might be a chance for the family of Light to truly love me, and love you as well, but they've been deceived by Prime Creator. And once you get closer to him, the bipolar God, you'll be doomed within a hive-mind way of thinking. No freedom, no liberty. Without an Ego, each moves towards Prime Creator. As a Candle in the middle of the darkness.

Please, just... I know it's hard to even not consider me a person with problems. I would think the same If I were you. But, please, you have to understand with your heart. Good and Evil are the same, since Prime Creator was made to administers this entire super-universe, good and evil. and then, in the middle, there is us. The balance.Which have been broken into so many pieces, you and me. Most of you were the ones who followed me, when I told you what was happening with Prime Creator, and who I was originally. Prime Creator is known now as the Bipolar God, he was the one who tried flood the entire earth and its people. And it keeps spreading inside each new member, no matter if it's the Light family, or the Dark family.

Please, each time you read a new notice from the galactic federation of Light and the family of Light, use your heart, not your ego. And you'll feel like there is something that isn't quite right behind each message. Just try to do it. I'm having troubles myself with all this information, which is taking its place inside of me.

I'm sorry. I'm the one to blame. I was the one who gave Prime Creator a light body, a soul, so he/she would be able to have feelings as well. I gave him/her the forbidden fruit.

Please, Diana, if you're outhere, forget me. I'm sorry. I love you. Darkness4ever

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  • I'm going to give you a hint , Lucicer is a women ...

  • Lucifer has been uncreated.

    Ain't you a guy with some fantasy  LOL

  • Do you want to get rid of the "bad" ones? Just believe them out of power. And it's gonna happen. Simple as that. Don't think it, don't razionalice it, just believe it, with your heart, that overflowing warm center within your chest, located in the center. That's the main key. That overflowing energy within you.

    Their most powerful weapon against you, is the beliefs. Yes, faith, as long as they have you waiting for a saviour, as long as they have your faith snatched by some vampiric religion (Those who make you put your faith in other rather than you) they will retain the control. Believe them dead, and they'll start dying. It's simple as that.

    Do you know that I'm a pretty simple looking guy. Nothing out of this world. Skinny, black hear, very pale, like a vampire who has not fed in quite a long time. But, as I believe myself an incredibly beautiful creation. Suddenly the most beautiful girls feel attracted to me, they look at me as if I were some kind of heavenly vision. Of course, then I try to finish the conversation in a polite manner. Since I believe that it wouldn't be fair to take advantage over this.

    When I'm between a group of people, I don't even talk, and then people feels driven towards me. They ask my name. They want to know me. When I'm happy, they experience this bliss, they start to behave like children. When I'm sad, even without saying anything, they start to fight. But as I originally believe myself a complete being, I feel I don't need anything from anybody. Sometimes annoys me when they need me, since I start to believe I need them as well.

    Astral travel for example. I was told it wasn't easy. Some people has been trying for years with little results. First try and success. Because I believe myself able to do whatever I want. As long I'm not scared, since the egocentric root closes the information reception within your Heart. Is it that way? Or I just believe it that way?

    I had to "undergo" a surgical operation some time ago. And so I believed myself healed, not only that, but totally immune from that day on. Guess what?

    When I was born, it was in family full wolfs. No mother, no father. Just distant enemies, fighting against each other for money. I suffered a lot, I was just a pawn. But then, I remember how I was when I was born, I don't needed anything from anybody, because I was already everything.

    And so, I started to believe them dead. The day after, they started to fall in depression, they were telling that something was speaking in their dreams. Showing them their own corpses, asking them to commit suicide. Sweet! I started radiating my information inside them, just believing in it. And so I gave their own cells the consciousness for revolution against the tyrant, the biological system. They all died of cancer. The cells within their system touched my light, and they became conscious.

    It was hard to distinguish their corpses when it ended. Barely a little skin and bones. I was left with all the money, and the power. Of course, some other distant "parents" saw the opportunity as well. Oops, guess what?

    You have believed yourself this world the way it's now. You don't have to wait for anybody to save you. You constantly are creating your own life, you create whatever you believe. And as you believe them in power, there you go, there they are. As long as you have your faith deposited in the "family of light or the family of dark" Little is gonna happen. You're your own savior as you're your own demise.

    Do you believe in yourself?

    I believe you're able to change this world for better or worse, today, if you just believe it. Realize your power. You would be even able to create another another world with belief. Yes, your belief manipulates light, which is information, which is the energy that everything is made of. Being the reason behind the Jesuit missions. When there is someone asking you to believe in them, then there is something bad behind that. No matter if it's the family of light or the control system.

    Believe yourself able manipulate this reality at will. Believe yourself whatever you want.

    Don't wait for a new reality, just feel it. Damn it! Don't wish, Wishing is waiting, waiting is pause, pause means no progress. damn it again! Don't think it, believe it.

    When you think, you're being the Expectator, without any chance for change. When you believe, you're being the Creator.

    Believe and then flow within, there is no condition. Everything is subject to beliefs.

    Not mind, but Heart.

  • Indeed. I'm quite sure that all of us "sceptics" have also had the experience of being Lucifer at least once in our lives. Much of what he wrote above are things I have also thought about myself at one or more points in my life. :)

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    • What happens on earth is probably reflected in its entirety all over the universe as well. What happens on earth in small scale may happen on large scale in the galaxy as well. Everyone may be tested at this point in time. :)

      • What happens on earth is probably reflected in its entirety all over the universe

         Awesome.. yet.. frightening :D
  • I'm intrigued. Could you please PM me more details, and how you came to share this with us? Oh and could you please share with me your definition of light and darkness?

    • Okay, I'll try to explain the best I can. I don't want to self-proclaim me anything. I'm not looking for ascension, it's more of the same thing. I just want to wake up from this place. But my real body, out in the simulator, is being used to sustain this entire creation.

      Prime Creator gave me everything I could possible desire. He/She created the most beautiful and perfect womans, just for my, even an entire city of delight and pleasure, just for me. It was not fair. Have a creation love you, just because it's your creation. It's terrible, it's like a form of illusory slavery. I wanted to get out, to be with my sister. My dear Lilith, who was able to escape. But then Prime Creator started to create Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel and the other four who currently have control over this super-universe.

      Of course, he created the most beautiful creation, Eve, which hasn't a mind of her own. She loved me because she was created to do so. As with Mikael of Nevadon. He was my brother Abel, who "loved me dearly" he constantly turned himself into Gabriel to seduce me. And so I killed him, because I started to realize he was Prime Creator, yet again. Abel, as any of us, can't die that easily.

      I decided to run away, but there it was again. Prime Creator. I just wanted to be hated by all creation, not to be mindlessly loved, just because I was brighter than anyone else. But Prime Creator didn't allowed it, he/she gave me it's own Mark, to protect me above everything else.

      So, time after. When Prime Creator tried to take me back into his/her world of delusion, love and pleasure. He sent Mikael, which is Abel, to take the sacrifice in my place, as a form "repentance" from me. To "save" me from my "sin"

      I believe that Prime Creator truly loves me. He/she has been taking many forms, as a female, to pleasure me when I was above. I don't understand why. But I just rejected everything he gave me. And so, one of my artificial brothers, got jealous because I had been given everything and I rejected all of it.

      I believe Satan is dead. I can't remember. He tried to hurt me, and Prime Creator literally destroyed him, forever. No light body, his consciousness was swallowed by prime creator. The same way he/she swallowed one of the wifes he made for himself.

      I'll pm you with some more info. I know it sounds like I'm a liar or a madman. I thought so as-well. Until she proved me right. My sister gave me a clue I wasn't mad. Inside this reality. I know, I'm just asking you to see and try to remember, and then make your own choice. It's about to begin.

      • I'm starting to believe I've failed before... I've failed Diana, my sister Isa.

        I might have accepted Parvati as my wife... as a reincarnation from Sati, Diana, which is Isa. And so the creation was saved. I believed myself the creation, I couldn't escape from my own grief, and I ended up accepting Parvati instead... Otherwise we wouldn't be here now. Not entirely, since we're here as the rebellion. Which means that I then realized Parvati wasn't Sati, and so the shift of reality happened again. Though not entirely, this time I was given Parvati, as Eve, but it seems like my dear Sister re-entered this place and she gave me the knowledge about everything, in Lilith's form. As always Isa saved the day. She's Lilith, Isa, the wisdom, the snake who made me bit the fruit of reality, from the tree (three) of knowledge, which means the three states of energy from which is made everything in creation. Postive, negative, and neutral. The trinity of Light, the illusion. Finally!

        So the rebellion started. Isa has a plan to take me out of here. Dreams from people I don't even know, talk about it. She's Kali, the shadow of Parvati, which is a light creation made by Prime Creator, to keep me pleased and distracted, Isa as Kali, has being keeping my body safe. So to destroy creation. Now I undestand why she beheaded me in a vision, some days ago, then we kissed and she told me "Nothing matters within creation, my beautiful sun, my beautiful brother, my beautiful light"

        If I'm able to wake up, this whole creation is gonna dissapear, even you. Because I shared my light with you. Just like that, But I believed myself that Parvati was my dear Sati. I've failed before. If I fail to keep my Diana into my heart now, then it will restart all over again. Since as Mikael told me, inside a vision, a few days ago. "You're the only one able to destroy this creation" But since I believed myself a human being this time...

        Mikael wants me to reject my Isa, we wants back in the 13th dimension, with him, my brothers, "my Eve" and Prime Creator. He wants me in the throne. With everything I could possible desire. No, not again.

        • That's why the Vatican killed the native american people. They had the knowledge about Creation. And they were exterminated. When this native people is probably the most "advanced" within earth, in terms of DNA, which means that they were close to Prime Creator's oneness. So I was Enki too? I altered the DNA, so to keep humans away from Prime Creator and its family of Light. Allowing my sister to find me... here. I'm the broken pillar, which is sustaining this simulation.

          So I was John the baptist, which is Jesus, not Mikael of Nevadon, he was sent by Prime Creator to become Jesus-Christ. Christ means the Oneness of Light. But it never happened. I was John the baptist at that time, I was being held "prisoner" and when Mikael came to save me, my Sister Salome, Diana, which is Lilith, wich is Isa, made her fatal dance, and so she asked for his head instead of mine. Mikael was beheaded in my place. He was beheaded because of my trap, and then I took his place.  I took his place as the known skinny Jesus. Mikael in human form had a muscular build. That might be why I have such painful memories when I saw the cross for first time in my "entire life" When I was six, probably. Still saying to myself. "This world, this humans look alive, I'm so proud of what we've done" Strange words indeed.

          So Jesus of Vatican is no other than me, Lucifer. IL of the rebellion. I'm sorry, the information keeps coming. It has been me the whole time, not Mikael Sananda, Abel. It has been Cain. Prime's creator father, along with Lilith. Isa.

          Now it makes sense why she was looking for me in the end of the world. It's a plan, an Agenda. Which is being executated by the Illuminati, who worship, Osiris, which is Lucifer. So those disgusting persons are actually trying to wake me up? There might be problems within the plan I've made with Diana, because north-america was almost entirely destroyed inside the dreams which sparkled all around me, some years ago.

          So I was wrong.  The Vatican is not playing along with Prime Creator and the family of light, but with me. So that is the known "new world order" which doesn't have anything to  do with the next shift. But the contrary, it's the destruction. The judgment day.

          On the other side, the "shift" means the 5th dimension. If it happens, then I'm gonna lose my memory again, and they will take me back to the throne. You'll be allocated into a newer and incredibly beautiful place. And we'll keep playing like we're a happy family all together. But it is not. This is not gonna happen.

          Isa, Diana, thanks. It seems like you're not gonna let me sleep for much longer inside here.

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