Our Challenge Ahead

Hello everyone.

I have not been an active member here or on any social media lately for a long time.

I have mostly been in under intense meditation. Especially concerning events that have kept me off world by focus and vision.

Yesterday and the events that took place the day before was a wake up call for me, personally. AS well as many of the allies that surround the true nature of peace and prosperity.

I must say, that I am deeply disturbed at many levels with the result of what people are feeding into his win for one man and a shared set of values. A win should not mean more than just that. And yet for some reason, I see this being treated as if he's suddenly able to perform the feat of an exotic god.

I ask myself, why can't we have the same support for our missions? And why should it matter who leads or takes the charge forward in this way this deeply? Rather than being happy with participating in an inviting space for anyone able to contribute who wants to be able to openly do so free of ridicule?

To me it seems as though a lot of if not all of our embodied progress we have made so far, has been at the expense of our own sacrifices and earnings for a collective who still does not understand us in depth.

As far as I know, our challenge ahead, will be 3fold for I have witnessed 3 divergent pathways that have since called us to participate within them since we started to come in mass to Gaia.

1. Being frequency holders. Not just for our own values, but also to stand for our integrity from within the light we bring. Do not let another diminish your power.

2. Avoiding places of high conflict. We are no strangers to misaligned communities on this planet and elsewhere. But what is new and unwelcome here, are the pathways that purposely isolate and abandon the people whose opportunities and resources aren't as vibrant as others. Favoritism in this way is a sign of deep unrest, at the level of intentions brought to anxt rather than fruition.

3. Preventing needless self sacrifice as an empty status for an unfulfilled cause. We all deserve the same rights as each other is able to work towards collectively. We deserve no interference or denial in this way as we continue to pursue our personal dreams at an individual level which is meant to be heard and respected along our path.

Quite frankly I am disgusted in the political intensity that pride alone is blind to orchestrating, when there is heavy favoritism going on. And the fact of the matter is that, this lowers the frequency space for high consentration of disclosure efforts, because they at the other side of physicality are focused on trying to simply be heard. And when the veil is involved. And states of unembodied soulful unrest are at play, we start to see fractures in our aligned frequency gates which block our access to spiritual ascension.

There is a difference in the state of purposeful flows of information happening when our state of embodied physicality is being challenged where ever points of division directly occur around us. Everywhere you go, you see people mocking, attacking, trolling other people for their interests and to me I find that not being okay.

This is not about having an ego trip, being self centered or even selfless for that matter. Not when the very fundamental aspects to people's identity are ignored in favor for others that are enforced.

I know it is hard down here for anyone simulating love and peace, to be forced to uplift those who are anything but peaceful or loving by their actions towards anyone else who doesn't think, act or trust like them. This level of violent cultism is the reason we were sent here to change this from within. And so far I have been seeing a total lack of respect on this front by our allies meant to bring us forward into a light of welcoming kindness, not one of blind faith admiration for populism by fear mongering.

For a long time, I was okay with knowing this was just a matter of give and take. Where the progression of events would even out the corruption in time, and we would see a populous return to its ascension by the values contained through peaceful dialog with others be they of known familiarity or not.

What has actually been going on here, is exactly the opposite. And the internal guardians of this realm space, are doing everything they can, to insight all out soulful ddisruption where ever possible.

Why is it up to us to fix what we can't escape from ourselves down here? I am against the notion in its entirety that we are better off because of a particular decision made by a 3D personality whose fame begates their popularity by status alone.

If such an opportunity is not available for anyone else to experience, why are we so fascinated with the idea that one person is only able to achieve happiness whereas anyone else isn't strong, good or caring enough to follow in the footsteps of those who outside of this realm, have achieved such a state of things long ago.

If I were to speak to anyone about how life exists outside of this planet, it would be on the basis of what matters most at the soul level of growth, appreciation and understanding. Do not take pride or pleasure in what happened throughout our cosmic wars. For they do not represent the vibrant intentions that have united us beyond the conflict zones of a few.

They have been known to be very volatile even to their most ardent of supporters. Costing the many around them a sacrifitial position in a continuous power struggle nobody asked for. And this includes being responsible for the well being of self aligned interests, inside of which exists a place of little to no representation for the shared communal goals of anyone else, when the alignment and anchoring of which states of being is directly based around a core frequency space unable to grow or evolve acordingly to that of any outside energetic force beyond any conflict zone located herein which we are apart of dismantling.

And so this leaves us with the same fight we have always had on this planet since we stated embodying our very own lives here. The weapnization of heart messaging at the expense of value contemplation alone. What progress have we actually made to this effect? In other words, what you have equals all you have to stand on so you can get more, instead of being able to thrive with all you got as is.

Until people are willing to address this key issue head on, we are going to remain trapped in a realm space that fights us at every step of the way. Weaponizing love and compassion, for weakness and targets for abuse.

This exact level of indifference is the reason we have yet to ascend this planet. And no starseed, no lightworker, no person of greater higher power wants to remain in a pit of unwilling soulful guides for our empathic frequency space will not support the apathy sewn through division and condescension.

We are not here for the interest and benefit of being pets in a zoo - be it human born or astral made. We are here to uplift the souls who understand what this means, and not to embody the very essence of distain for our fellow friends be they in need or not.

We all suffer in a physical space that this planet holds. I am truly sorry that we are witnessing the erosion of our planetary cosmic values at the expense of this one place, which is throwing everything at us that it can, to make the rest of the cosmos seem unattainable by frequency or by intention to reach out to in our time of need. And I for one am getting so damn tired of the dream states keeping me up at night, where the collective frequency space around this realm, is forecasting nightmare after nightmare where our projections of compatible frequency spaces are being compressed, shoved away, ignored and bullied out of focus.

What is your mission on this planet? Are we here to support a movement based around a federation of providing even the basic shadow codes that our light based brethren commended since the war ended? Or are we destined to repeat the mistakes of our flawed cosmic past, because those who need to be placed in power to fix them, aren't able to ascend due to the vibrational trap that has become our source of enlightenment?

Where have our nature spirits, healers, guides, guardians, and unembodied representation gone? These are the souls who have started us on our path not towards greatness for its own sake, but rather to achieve great things through our collective communicative self worth. And to me, I will always cherish those memories back when we could find a way to make it on any planet, in any realm, where the concentration of all who exist there, weren't seen as a populous to turn against each other. But who would instead, desire change to be a relative affair for everyone to experience in their own way. And there is a clear difference being someone you desire, and desiring someone else you aren't to get there.

I am becoming increasingly disillusioned with both angelics, celestial kindred and demons alike as a whole, for they have only been beings of many false promises for our needs. I know the beings we work with and face aren't gods, but they have achieved more than we can in a realm space this caught up in its own affairs, to even think about the ones going on beyond it.

If we're at a point where we're now having to guide ourselves, straight out of the mess and look for rescue that everyone else started to embrace long ago. What does that say about our target audience anyways? And for that matter, who are we becoming in the face of our ongoing challenge to restore the frequencies on this planet of energy we originally, at least some of us, hoped to gain respect for as a whole?

Is this not why we are here? This place should matter as a place of learning and growth, and all I see are people thriving on survival and knocking others down to get to all they have and where they think they can afford to support others in need.

So tell me, please. Where do we go from here? Are we that faithless in our own frequency, that we're forced to count on another who would choose disinterest of values not of their own creation to be our best alternative? That is not what I signed up for, when being advised by the Sirian council, that Gaia, and our planet we share now, needed our help.

I feel the corruption has gone too deep with the populous here, and that it has to be reset some other way beyond the means of embodied change from within. I see a lot of eforts being useful in this regard, but we are still unable to direct any form of meaningful dialog in the way that is needed so we can ultimately ascend to better realms able to host those of us looking for what that means beyond a body in this one.

Have we ever had any allies in our corner directly, and not in their own? I really would value your input in this way. I am feeling quite lost and wishing we had more to live for than borders, corporations and expectations that go far beyond just simple law and order, and the respect of sharing in what you've been able to afford again, at the expense of those who weren't as fortunate.

That is not the culture that exists beyond this realm, and it is something I long to return to very soon. I don't know how to feel about my mission anymore, and this is the first time I've ever felt like I've lost hope in being heard, and it isn't a fun experience to go through.

This isn't about the election, or Trump. this is about us. About our voices, and not those who have made it in this realm who are on their way out after having a good run here twice as long as we have been alive. And who clearly have had more going for them at the younger generations expense due to this, and I find that hard to grasp. For opportunities elsewhere, aren't based around how much earnings you keep by any sort of token based system beyond this realm.

So when you take all those experiences away, what are we left with, exactly? What's there to change, when all we're doing, is appreciating someone else or wishing we had someone else represent us as opposed to us doing that on our own merits?

And then adding fuel to the fire, the second they don't do what is asked of them, we punish them by electing anyone who blindly obeys and listens to us to do something we want to be able to do but can't because they support the merits that very system protects against?

Who is on our side to ensure we the people are abe to have our own spotlight? If everywhere else can directly contact any being in the cosmos...what are we actually here to change then, on a planet that won't even care to see beyond the will of some out of body caretaker rather than even wanting to be their own and connect with others beyond 3d?

This honestly makes no sense to me. I thought the goal was to help people do that, so we could have friends in more than just one world and not be so alone. But clearly, the majority of people here are too focused on being worried about who does what around their physical environment, to even respect that others different to what they want to remain being used to, even are able to offer if they were sitting adjacent to them. Because they'd just dismiss it as being irrelevant or attack it for getting in their way, like they have been doing to us. Pushing the energy spirits far away from here.

As for me, well I'm almost at the point where I am done caring about the mission. I've seen enough of how things operate on this planet, to want much from what Gaia has to offer. I clearly see the flaws in our community alone, where we're simply broadcasting projections at each other that none of us directly were involved in creating or investing in with our own energy beyond being an amplifier. I just thought we had more to give than that, but I guess it is what it is.

Sirian Starlight

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  • Jai bashara e selamat kasijaram...!! 😁Try being joyful, rather than sentimental for a corroding orthodoxy, a globalist elite, who are in decline...We are all lights within a greater Light....Trump is simply following his orders from the spirit within him and within all of us....We are all leaders, not just "one man," as you assume...He will change America and through it, the world, too...As will others, working alongside him. Many, many others, worldwide...

    Trump was recruited by Earth Alliance in 2015, to run as US President...He is working for us..for we the people....His victory is our victory...What you are observing is the end of the old guard and the beginning of a new dispensation on planet Earth....A populism to replace elitism...Vox populi....Populism is not a dirty word, as the dark propagandists may tell you, it is the voice of the People...and people are spiritual beings having physical and astral experiences...moving towards a plan...a divine plan...

    Currently, we exist upon a tier of the lower astral plane, which has merged with physicality, back in January of 2020...However, it is an opportunity for growth, in spite of all the craziness the world has gone through, since that moment of transistion to astral...

    But in this lower astral plane world, gone mad, always remain a centre of lighted bliss, an eye of the storm.....in the midst of the insanity, know everything, warts and all, yet, be sane, logical, powerful, self-aware and joyous...That is the path to take....Raised, mindful consciousness and love-wisdom, the mission of the root race and Solaris.

    Objective evidence remains plentiful, that we are all upon the lower astral plane, now....And upon this third astral aether, (4.3) we observe an increased human goodness, living alongside an increased human evil....We have seen massacres and mass murder before, BUT, upon this plane, they will be and are, much more frequent....Evil and insanity, to excess...Examples are everywhere, and not just in political schemes and contrived conflicts, such as the Hamas massacre/pogrom, or the destruction of the innocent, alongside the guilty, but even manifest in the hearts of evil, as we see in an increased threat of WW3, being promoted......A pure hatred for humanity....a dark plan for population reduction. Tyranny, censorship, sexual perversions, et al...

    We have seen these corruptions, killings and wars, in the past, but they abound with repeated frequency, as the astral energies effect minds and emotions, with great vigour...
    However, the astral plane also makes for better psychic skills and should aid us all in our navigations of it, to higher astral, where a calmer sanity, prevails..

    We have seen the mass murder of millions, by the elites, in manufacture of covid19, by the Chinese, with US money, as well as the big pharma produced covid vaccine "solution," with it's inevitable "sudden deaths" syndrome....A mass murder that is not being discussed freely, in Parliaments, without denials and lies...

    And so we see the evil monsters toy with humanity, from their ivory towers of wealth and power...The Soros plans to flood the west with third world migrants, many of whom are terrorists and criminals....And we see corrupt officials placing the needs of criminals, above the needs of the citizens. Or we observe monsters, such as Bill Gates and his latest attempts to kill the people, with bio-weapons of mass destruction...

    Yes, human monsters exist in plentiful supply, in this lower astral world and we must all be on guard.....So learn to distinguish between demons and angels, is my advice. Be inuitive and logical, both...As the salient characteristic of navigating the astral plane is POLARIZATION...And we have already observed such a polarization between the covid vaxxed and covid unvaxxed, across the world...I'm of the unvaxxed, as I trust God, rather than government, but many trusted and still trust, dark governance...However, many are waking to this and learning to go within, henceforth...But a distrust of the political and medical orthodoxy, should be laced with a good degree of common sense, also, as total distrust of everything, would be a mistake...There is an increasing goodness, alongside an increasing evil, in the world and upon the astral, in particular....Polarization....However, as we navigate, with sanity, and finally attain the middle tier, at 4.4 (there are seven tiers,) we will find that many people, who turned to evil, or were fooled by it, will simply disappear from our reality.....And at 5.0, all survivors of initiate status, will ascend to the manasic plane expression, in physical forms..

    But first, one must know the dark, in detail, before one fully merges with the Light, above the planetary degrees...

    🪄✨✨✨That is the way to ascension...thou Earthly child of heaven...👼🏻

    Col. Drekx Omega, GFL Ground Crew

    Travelling On The Astral Plane With Spiritual Purpose - Dreamscapes
      Dear friends,  For those seeking answers in dreams, the most important aspect is to strive for the higher astral plane, rather than the lower...The…
    • Thank you for your reply Dreks, I find it warmly appreciated as are you.

      The point of what I am trying to say apparently was lost in my projection of putting feelings to text.

      I am grateful that those in power who are cleaning up more of the mess we never were able to before. But why has it taken this long to even do that? When only a certain few have caused it?

      In other words, this is a slow, long, and drawn out process that others who have been alive for much longer than myself are having to lead the charge on. And I find that sad, because they're doing so when the policies of yester century came into effect that they remember thriving by.

      The council we are relying on are taking their time in doing their part, making us have to wait, suffer delays, setbacks and redirections of our energy along the way. And that I find troublesome, because it is needless and could be better approached with having access to more objective means that we all know they are able to provide both us and themselves with.

      This is why, my question, is about our place as this mission is being carried out. What is expected of us here? Not elsewhere? But here in this time. I see no messages address this that speak towards the efforts of progress our interconnected missions align to, and that is what I desperately crave any news on.

      What I am witnessing, is that it requires someone who has already been here before many of us incarnated, to do the job that helps this realm ascend. In a way that absolutely puts strain on available capable people, rather than people capable to be available.

      Many of us are being forced out of capable survival work, and seeing people be unable to manifest success. In ways to where it was easier for us to do so especially prior to 2020, than it ever was beyond the latest psy-op.

      I also am not vaccinated. I saw the sham for what it was, and did not comply. But I also, think there is an adjacent one going on, happening at our expense.

      Speaking on a personal level, I want to do more than just voting someone else in office to represent our livelihoods for the most part. There is not a lot you can build, or create, when the mechanism for doing so shuts you out of having that opportunity in and of itself.

      We need to change and adapt the systems in power that force empowerment to be done by which sacrifice itself is the ultimate price to pay, for you to get a temporary reward in return.

      Why are we being forced to work with those who are making it as difficult as possible to change their frequency space by requiring outside intervention of other events just to get them to make it worth their while to be seen to lift a finger in our direction?

      When we already have a team of volunteers ready and willing to do much more than that, but are seeing continuous contracting work being done both spiritually and physically, and are seeing things move at a sloth's pace in response.

      Yes there is movement, but it could and would go a lot quicker if we had better coordination abilities given to all whose projections in specific frequency spaces are being heard from effectively.

      IS it because if we move too soon, we violate the free will of those who would work against us for the most part anyways? How far do we have to witness the mess at a personal level to where we ourselves must recover from it too, just to raise others up who are more confused because they continue to have no support even by us as it is not up to us alone to decide this?

      I believe that by questioning the approach being taken at our level, we can negate unforeseen complications as a community. This will only aid us in being able to continue to adapt coordination efforts so our concerns can be understood by mission critical people. Ones who are proactive in their ability to see our changes put through for a better cause. And it is not up to just a few people to carry the load of many. Which is what I want to entice and encourage others to look at the current work load, and volunteer their energy accordingly to help efforts along if they can.

      That is what I am concerned about being able to provide, not just for myself, but for us as a whole. Be we a family built by spiritual legacy, or biologically. I want us to remember that we still are a cosmic family, and we need to communicate our place more as one.

      I see a lot of our original founding providers, going back to the Hippie days, and the movement of free love, flower power and all the rest being pushed aside. that was when we felt most in tune with the spirit within on a mass scale, because it was a cultural value not just assigned to us, but wanted from within.

      That culture bore us the creation and knowledge of Ashtar itself. Where has that culture got us now? When all we see, is a fight for survival against a much harsher environment for people today than it was once back then in ways that we collectively enjoyed and embraced.

      And so if we can't manifest or build new cleaner and more sustainable projects both spiritually and scientifically moving forward, then why are we here?

      I want to continue to contribute to a movement personally, where we still remember the culture that guided us to spread its worth from beyond even higher astral. That helped us find disclosure to get this far in the first place, and that put equality of citizens lives first no matter the realm, or the grid gate that we anchor to.

      Remember the time when we didn't question our paranoia about others and their motives? That's what got us to mobilize, by the unity of being a better embodiment of self aspects working together.

      Our frequency should be enough to know whether the realms we vibe with, match those of our soul's desire for growth and exploration.

      We need to see more of those here, than what populism is currently amplifying under the guise of celebration and distance.

      Be it god, source, and the original visions of the higher soul kindred, I want their worth to be ours in turn.

      From the etheric, from the fae, from the light of a million realms and more. From the nexus gates, from the old council, and the new Lyran accord that the Ashtar Command still holds dear within its many councils of confederation. From Sirius, to Pleiades, to New Orion, to New arcturus, I want us to remember where we came from and put those values in our lives here. To make better livelihoods for the people of this realm, who have been cut off from this way of cosmic ascension for far too long.

      My reason for bringing up Trump, is because I don't want us to have to vote in representatives to do the work that we should be able to off of our own merits. Where we don't need politicians telling us what to do, we only need our brethren in the light of our soulful collective empowerment to belong in a peaceful animatrix of higher worlds, realms and places.

      I want to see physical disclosure of a kind that does not need to take care of the problems that we were sent here to successfully fix. That is why I am here. And I am asking for ways in which we, you, me, our collective still with us, can help do so. We are worth more than being a reporter for the efforts of others, if we know they even exist.

      I believe in the mission of old. Where we came here to make this realm safe, habitable and friendly again to higher energies, belonging to realms who do not wish to subject their active citizenry to the trials and tribulations keeping this one isolated for as long as it has. We we closer to disclosure during the latter half of the 20th century, than we are now, with cybernetic intrusion fields making a mess of lower astral. That is why the physical and lower astral realm space grids are merged together. Because of cybernetic intrusion fields, that quantum advancements in Earth based technology have tapped into.

      We know from the earliest Ashtar messages, that nuclear and atomic technology discoveries by this realm, back when World war II was at its peak, were concerning enough to cause direct interference by a guardian to stop that prospect from escalating. And now we are almost seeing an erosion of our available guardians to prevent the same thing, because their embodiment isn't enough from within, to support the message of unity and love through peace.

      They were able to amplify that energy because it was a world need as a frequency space, to make contact happen. Why was it okay to have stopped war back then, but not now? Because the frequency gates for open change, are adapting to have more shields, not less, and that is why I am upset.

      It's one thing to stop a war, but if this starts one because of the actions that are successful that we can't prepare for outside of just one man in power, when he leaves per say...then we have to somehow carry that energy forward as lightworkers and transmute it too. Because being a light guardian is all about energetic frequency shifting mass consciousness who is open and willing to want it, and having the drive to reach out for this in kind.

      This puts extra strain on our available capacity as it is, to still do the grid work to regenerate the planetary fields to have open chakras for the higher realms by energetic integrations alone.

      There is a missing link that does not tie our current missions, to the expectations of our role in being on this planet, not off of it. And I am asking for help and guidance to figure out what that is. And it has to do with a metaphysical link, between the frequency of consciousness on this planet, and the availability for this planet to willingly host portals to others.

      It is not up to god alone to settle everything through non embodied means. It is not up to a confederation of worlds to bridge realm grids together by force and expect everything to work out without change from within. It's up to us embodied here to do more than what we are, to not just vote for temporary change, but create permanent forms of better adaptability to what types of change our cosmic brethren have already settled into play long ago.

      The rigidity of this realm makes things challenging for us, but not impossible. I will be honest with you, in saying the majority of our work now rests in the application of renewal by which energy bandwidth can reutilize the frequencies of light that are available for this realm and its inhabitants to latch onto.

      But in order for them to do so, we have to build solutions that utilize them in ways that project such an outcome forward. It isn't just up to lightworkers and light warriors to clear the pathway, it's up to change bringers and way showers to utilize this cleared space effectively so we can properly host disclosure efforts. And that requires discussions around the types of maturity and capability our available frequency spaces are currently projecting.

      This is exactly why I made this post. Because the difference here, is that frequency spaces judge authentic intentions for what they are, not what they hide behind as a shield. And with having very little support in this direct way being such a strong deterrent to overcome, I am now asking, how can we make a better difference and not lose interest in the realm we're embodied into?

      What we are up against, are the embodiment of souls who are known to the confederation of worlds as being too dangerous to let lose in the cosmos. And that is the main reason why they are here. But this realm space needs to be a prison no longer. And if we're to ascend the people, we need somewhere else setup to handle the ones who simply won't comply with peaceful non violent accords moving forward.

      We need our cosmic brethren to do what they promised us, and that is bring these souls outside of this realm space, so we can go home.

      That is why I came to this planet, because I still trust that this is being worked on. I would love an update on things moving in that area, because it speaks to the heart of why I still believe we can have peaceful confederation, as opposed to active federation where we have to abide by a council of many worlds working as one, rather than many realm spaces operating in unity of many in service for common cause.

      This is a chain effect. Ultimately therefore, we need realm travel to be possible, only when the safety of our embodied presence there can be assured. I get that. So lets focus on what we can build here, even if it means they are projects that have to scale first, before they can be widely popular.

      I'm sure if we ask for these upgrades, they will come to us from our allies who want to see us succeed in our missions, as much as we are seeing others in theirs come to pass.

      We must be clear on what this looks like. And I would love to have a discussion around ways this can be possible for our involvement to interweave what tapestry is already being started to help us all become better aligned to the cosmos abroad.

      This involves ensuring our inventions match our intentions without any interventions standing in our way for the purpose of advancing coexistence with other places, times and peoples.
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