
Dear friends,

 For those seeking answers in dreams, the most important aspect is to strive for the higher astral plane, rather than the lower...There are seven levels within each plane, including this one...As a rule, our thoughts within waking hours, our focus, will determine the levels of "presence" upon the astral journey, within the plane of glamours...Remember also that other people dream if their focus is resonant with your own, you may visit them, or they may visit you, upon the astral plane..Forms will constantly morph, so one fleeting moment (there is no time,) you may be seeing a friend at work, the next he/she morphs into a grand parent, remembered in childhood, next, that same person could morph into a person living up your street, in your neighbourhood, who is in resonance..

THOUGHT is a higher plane than emotion....That is why your thoughts matter, when determining your dreamscape journey..With practice, the discipline of controlled and accurate though forms can allow your dreams to be controlled, so that eventually, while dreaming, you will "awake" to being your waking self, while still asleep...Then, you will move within your dreamscape to levels preferred...As within your waking experiences...You will choose whom you meet and where...You will fly at will...You will visit masters...you will defeat dragons....But you need to train the mind to be both highly intuitive and highly logical, both....The higher and lower minds, must work together....We can compare these two aspects of mind with air and fire....And the emotions and physical selves, as water and earth..
BUT, as a rule, most get lost in their dreams and don't realise who they are and what they are doing, or supposed to be doing....

BETTER TO TRAIN THE MIND FIRST....Build the higher mind connection in mental substance, so that the higher mind can connect with the planes above manasic...
Then your answers will be pure. Your voyages under control. Your choices as to whom you meet, your own....
Build the antahkarana and enhance your astral experiences....One must meditate and serve, to build..One must raise consciousness, knowledge, wisdom, first, to benefit from dreams..

Antahkarana - Theosophy Wiki

As a rule, one drives a car, after receiving proper training. So many will not glean useful wisdoms, but crash the car, unless they learn properly. The same with dreams..

I know that some believe wisdom can be gleaned from the dream, from that journey upon the astral plane, when we dream....However, in truth, the Ascended Masters (on and off-world) warn us about it being a less than true guide, for discovering truth and wisdom....They call it the plane of illusion, of glamour, and of a distorted presentation of reality....

The way to find reality, truth and visions of truthful future events, is to probe the manasic plane, where the Masters themselves operate, when not visiting other dimensions...

Many times we dream of subjects that have been upon our minds, while awake...We may even think fleetingly upon such a matter and it will be propelled into the astral plane, while we sleep....That is why thoughts should be clear, while we are awake, lest the chaos upon the dreamscape be one of confusion, illogicality and sheer madness...The more focus and strength the awakened mind, the more control over a dream, when visiting the dreamscape...Thus we observe our dreams clearly, and the answers are there, already...
The way to glean truth is through a building of one's connection to higher spiritual planes, in mental substance...Thus, we bypass the plane of glamours...

The Tibetan himself has stated:

"I despair in making my meaning clear. How can one who is subject to the illusion of the senses, as are all human creatures, conceive of the state of consciousness of those who have freed themselves from the illusions of the astral plane, or realism the state of awareness of those forms of life which have not yet developed astral consciousness? It is the dual nature of the mind which causes this illusion. . . ." End quote from Master DK.

I'll assist comprehension for all readers with this link...


"The developed man, with an integrated personality, gradually brings the etheric body under control of mental energy, and his physical plane activity is not then so much implemented by instinct or desire, as by thought energy, dedicated to and expressing the nature of the man's plan." ( Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I, p. 699)

"The mind creates or formulates those thought-forms (or embodied energies) which express, upon the mental plane, the measure of the disciple's understanding of the Plan, and his ability to convey the embodied mental energy to the etheric body -- unimpeded by the emotional nature or by any upsurging desire." ( Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I, p. 698/9)" End quote Master DK, the Tibetan Master.

The Mental Body and Mind (Manas) (esoteric-philosophy.net)

Of course, not everyone is an esotericist, as many here are. Yet, many in the world are upon exactly the same evolution and some, of high light quotient (known or otherwise,) may be described as "genius." Such a person is able, through creative impulses and utilizing the law of attraction (intuitively,) to draw great answers to themselves...

Some may have a "eureka moment" while sitting in a bath.....Others, say for example, a skilled composer of music, may seek a new sensational piece and "hear the notes," while asleep....If he can awaken himself and rush to his piano, or other instrument, he may still remember those special notes and write them down...
On many instances, the first musician to do so, becomes the composer, officially, as there may be several rival composers around the world, dreaming of the exact same notes, for their new tune...

The same with science....Inventors may glean inspiration while awake, or asleep....The first to publish, wins....Simultaneous answers are collected by several, in different countries, who are all seeking the same breakthrough....



Selamat kasijaram zau.. (Sirian for “be blessed in the love and joy of spirit…!”) 🙏


Col. Drekx Omega

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  • Today I was informed that Earth and ourselves, have entered tier 4.3 of the astral...So will note the vibratory shift, here on this relevant blog...

    As our friend, AE, has stated, there is a "hellish madness" present, within the world today...A planet that entered the lower astral plane, in January of 2020, but is now rising again, slowly, through the mid tiers, of the now moment (you might have noticed that time behaves differently on the astral and responds to consciousness, more)....

    On the lower tier vibrations of the astral, dark and light rub shoulders, as it were...Great evil seemingly coexists, alongside good people....Evil flourishes unabated, as does goodness and the will to good deeds...Both at the same moment, in the timeless "time," of astral experience, between 4.1, to 4.4..) The criminal lives with the saint...The innocent, with the guilty. The savage with the civilised....We see this in the world today and it's more than just a plan by the dark elites, it's an esoteric truism of planetary advance.....we must go through...the tunnel that leads to the light....

    We now stand at 4.3, so very near the central septenary vibration, (4.4 and higher,) in which the dark exit our reality, forever....taking their hell with them.....to alternate realities, but away from ours, namely those of the Light, who seek ascension and planetary advance...Those who will ascend with mother Earth....Terra, mother Gaia.....(note that like the Sirians, we enjoy poetic alternative names for planets, also....;-)

    There are wars brewing around this hellscape Earth, BUT, they are but a prelude to heaven on Earth,....Have no fear....Be patient.....Be confident....Be in joy...!!!
  • Currently, Earth is on the lower astral plane, at level 4.2, which has merged with the former physical....Our objective is to raise the collective energies this year, in particular...2024 is the dark cabal's last hurrah and they are pulling out all stops...We must raise the vibes, through our focus, our ritual, our joy, our will.....Individual and collectively....Destination in 2024, must be at least 4.4, the midway point...It's only at higher astral levels, that the dark fades out of our existence, forever...

    So let us move on up, as the song is sung....Musical interlude, for all dudes...;-)

    Curtis Mayfield - Move On Up
    Single Version Part 1 from 1971Composed By, Vocal, Producer – Curtis MayfieldLyricsHush now child and don't you cryYour folks might understand you by…
  • Yes, each of the dimensional planes possesses seven sub-tiers..The Sirians can lower their natural vibes down, to visit us here, on lower astral, or as before 2020, on the physical tiers...The lower physical has merged with the lower astral, so still remains apparent, though subject to heightened spiritual law, such as the way time works and the way that we can manifest and develop psychically, now...for better, or for worse, depending on polarity and focus...Because of focus and karma resolution, humanity has been catapulted from one lower tier, to a higher octave lower tier....Solid, liquid and gas, being the physical aetheric lowest tiers, or subplanes of the aetheric..So through the more spiritually resolved higher aetheric planes, which are used/reserved by the Agarthans, along with the higher astral planes, above the fifth, and into lower fifth dimensional planes, up to level three, fifth dimension, for Earth..

    The Sirians naturally exist (most do, apart from renegades) on the sixth and seventh tiers of the fifth dimension.....The Council of Nine, who are highly evolved Sirians, exist on the second tier of the sixth dimension....so even more refined matter...
    And the Plejarens exist naturally, as a collective, on the mid 5th dimension, unlike the higher vibe Sirians..Individuals may rise higher..

    For cultural reasons, Sirians are clean shaven, albeit they can lower their vibes to grow beards, if they want to...
    All Plejare (males) grow facial hair......
  • Objective evidence abounds, that we are all upon the lower astral plane, now...The transit happened in early 2020.....And upon this second astral aether, we observe an increased human goodness, living alongside human evil....We have seen massacres and mass murder before, BUT, upon this plane, they will be and are, much more frequent....Evil and insanity, abounds....Examples are everywhere, and not just in political schemes and contrived conflicts, such as the Hamas massacre/pogrom, or the destruction of the innocent, alongside the guilty, but even manifest in the hearts of evil, as we saw in Prague recently......A pure hatred for humanity....
    We have seen these killings in the past, but they abound with repeated frequency, as the astral energies effect minds and emotions, with great vigour...

    We see the mass murder of millions, by the elites, in the covid vaxx "sudden deaths" syndrome....A mass murder that is not being discussed freely, in Parliaments, without denials and lies...
    And so we see the evil monsters toy with humanity, from their ivory towers of wealth and power...The Soros plans to flood the west with third world migrants, many of whom are terrorists and criminals....And we see corrupt officials placing the needs of criminals, above the needs of the citizens. Or we observe monsters, such as Bill Gates and his latest attempts to kill the people, with bio-weapons of mass destruction...

    Yes, monsters abound in this current world and we must all be on guard.....👹

  • Now we are living within the astral dreamscape, former dreams we had, when we were upon 3D, are now part of our daily lives.....We may dream still and when awake, continue the dream....Interesting...

  • When I stated that upon our current lower astral plane, we are observing the very worst, along with the very best, of human behaviour......My comment below on the 5th July....I meant it, as the events in Israel, on 7th October, demonstrate...

    Our current world of the lower astral, has both dark and light elements, existing together and "rubbing shoulders." When we enter the higher astral, these wicked dark elements, will cease to exist in our event horizon....

    BUT, we don't complete the lesson, until we observe, feel and taste, their evil....Not through fear and not by ignoring them, but by knowing them...Then we may grow in true awareness of both polarities and advance to the higher expressions, with fully gleaned experiences...

  • This MSM news report describes an increase in UFO/UAP sightings over the UK, as per this quote:

    "A new report has revealed nearly 1,000 UFO sightings in the UK over the last two-and-a-half years.
    An interactive map documents the full list of areas with the most and least amounts of unidentified aerial phenomena (the official term used instead of UFO) since January 2021.
    The spotter website, UFO Identified, noted a total of 957 sightings, including 410 in 2021, 494 in 2022 and 53 as of May 20 this year, with more activity seen above Glasgow than anywhere else." End quote extract...

    The explanation is that as Earth's physicality has raised vibration and merged into the lower astral, since early 2020, UFO/UAPs are more easily seen, as they vector more easily, between the dimensions...They had already been active in the lower astral, but not observed by physical dense human eyes, before the transit to higher...In fact Earth and the entire solar system, moved up a notch...

    However, we can discount the rest of this attached and linked article, as it speaks of utter rubbish, regarding thriving in "terminator zones", according to astronomers....and "exoplanets," theories from Ana Lobo, an astrophysicist at University of California....So we can ignore this irrelevance and just select the truth about an increase in sightings....

  • In contrast to the negative vibes upon the current astral plane, there are positive vibes, too....As I said, existing side-by-side....The very worst, along with the very best of human behaviour......

    Here is an example of a local council in Glastonbury, England, speaking out and defying globalist plans for agenda 2030, which include 15-minute cities, etc...

    I remember reading a New Age pamphlet, a few decades ago, in which it suggested that Glastonbury, England, was the "heart chakra of Earth," with Shamballa, the (undoubted) crown chakra.....Judging by these LIGHTED politicians, in Glastonbury council, it does seem to be the case.....👏🏻😇

  • As salient I thought it best to copy my comment from the main wall and place here...The product of a chat with Alternate Earth and Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ።, anent the case of a woman going insane, within a passenger plane...:

    Yes, it is a combination of delusions of the mind, but as an increased phenomenon, impulsed by much more than simply a "bad hair day." We see increased insanity everywhere and more so than before we entered the lower astral plane, in early 2020....Madness and weirdness has been ramped-up, since then and we see it in more and more people, including people in government, in corporations, politics, business, banking, science, media, education, medicine, et al.....
    We also see it in day to day, circumstances, too....People in lines, or queues, in shops....People driving on the highways and the planners for those highway policies, which are increasingly insane...(In London, ULEZ, for example.)

    And I will say that although the usual excuse for weird and insane behaviour, is the emotional effects of pandemic lockdowns, that is not the only factor...In fact, lockdown policy itself was as a result of the insanity of elites, in several professions....It was not just a "cunning plan," but rather a desperate measure....The insane and powerful, desperate to maintain their power...But we also see this increased fanatic behaviour and over zealous mania, in so many people.....The causeal factor was and is, the lower astral energies, that physicality has been pulled into, which has increased the vibrations of sub-atomics, within all matter, including our bodies and especially, our astral/emotional bodies, which have become almost "wild," in some cases....And especially those with low light quotients, who cannot readily absorb the higher impulses....Our planet is being subject to the full force of the astral plane and so we are all in the "deep end of the swimming pool," rather than the previous "shallow end, for kids...." Figuratively speaking.....

    Each of us, as individual souls incarnated into this higher form of matter, than before, must raise our vibes, to cope....We must recalibrate ourselves, individually and collectively, to adapt to the new dispensation....We must be a point of light, within a greater LIGHT, rather tha a leaf, lashed upon a torrent of river water....

    Of course, we should not actually judge others, even when tempted, but instead, learn through observing their behaviours and resultant events in the world...
    Only comment on their strange behaviour, if others are harmed by it...

    Those of us seeking ascension to 5D, must maintain our inner light and keep on course.....Even if others fail to understand us, or tolerate us, or even if we are hated by zealots and condemned, we must resist and be calm within, as much as possible...
    These are basic life lessons for 3D experience, also....It just gets harder in lower 4D, but when we keep on course, through meditation, service and good works, we eventually arrive at the higher astral realm, which is far more benign and lighted....It will be splendid and we can then prepare, with greater seriousness, to rise even higher, to the fifth....

    So keep on track and observe and learn........

    I have noted an increase in mad drivers, trying desperately to compete with me, of late, while out driving....As I said, EXPECT WEIRDNESS, but focus, keep alert and don't let it bother you, when people go crazy, shout abuse, or display schizophrenia in public settings....Many of them cannot help themselves, let alone help others...

    Actually I tend to smile when I see this, now.....As these poor souls flounder and cannot swim the astral seas, seemingly drowning to life lessons, with anger in their hearts.....They may even reject a helping hand, offered up....Expect this....

    And expect to observe an increase in morose people....Frankly, it's not just the economy, or world situation, or contrived threats (climate hoax) and inflation worries......It truly is a higher vibration planetary experience, which currently has higher and lower polarities, existing, side by side...

    So if people hate you, or spit at you, or misunderstand you...Better to simply move out of their way and let them stew, as only they can grow up......we cannot do it all for them...

  • Funny thing is, the deep state and it's minions, get more and more stupid, as we get brighter and sharper...They trip over and slur their spoken words, as we speak clearly and with laser sharpness....All over the world we see this decline of the demonic tulpa collective, which is lashing out, controlling hearts and minds and leaving it's hosts desperately short of their marbles, health, sanity, intelligence and many factors....
    These tulpa victims of sixth ray zeal are brilliantly summed up by certain politicians and corporates, who along with several others, make constant mistakes, physically and mentally....
    They are driven to oblivion...

    This will continue as the Piscean age energies, fade out and their light, snuffs out...👍🏻

    Meanwhile, we Aquarian age proponents, dance gracefully and enjoy life to the full...🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸

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