Bear Found Passed Out After Stealing 36 Beers From Campers
Swift Creek Campground, a campsite that's located approximately half-way up Baker lake is often used by campers as daytime and overnight camping facility. Recently, a strange event had taken place at the prominent campsite, where members of the Department Of Fish and Wildlife encountered a black bear passed out the camp's premises. Reports are that the animal whilst wandering around the campsite found a large supply of beers in a cooler. The owners of the alcoholic beverages were not around and the wild animal decided to have a wild night out with his newly found liquor of Rainier and Busch beer.
The bear was met with slight difficulty in opening the cans as a result of possessing claws rather than opposable thumbs like his human counterparts. How ironic that beer wasn't designed with beers taken into consideration. However, was up to the task and was adamant in getting his supply of beer. He indulged in 3 cans of Rainier beer all by himself but what was surprising is that he rejected those of the Busch brand. Having opened just one can of Busch beer, the bear obviously had a preference for that of the Rainier brand.
After his wild night of indulgence, his liquor count finally caught up with him and he then passed out on the campground's lawn. So when the wildlife officials found this creature slumped over across the lawn like a drunken fratboy, they were quite shocked at the peculiar event that had unfolded before them. An agent attempted to scare the animal away from the campsite, but his attempt was futile, as the bear despite being drunk, scurried away into a nearby tree and slept for four hours. Eventually, the agents managed to get him away from the campsite but that attempt was also futile as the animal returned again the next morning.
In order to complete their mission of capturing the bear and relocate the creature, the officials had to create a plan. A bait consisting of doughnuts, honey and a special treat for the seemingly alcoholic animal. The bear fell for the trap consisting of his favorite Rainier beer. Finally, the animal was captured at the crime scene and was convicted of public intoxication, vandalism, breaking and entering along with larceny charges according to officials.
This isn't the first time a bear has been convicted of breaking and entering, however. A couple of months ago, a family of bears was caught breaking into a family cabin in Borden Nilsen, Norway. The group op beer went through the windows and just like the bear found at the campsite also had a like for bears. They drank approximately 100 cans of beers from the family stash. It seems there is a demand for beers in the beer market. A company should definitely get the ball rolling with providing supply. Whichever company decides to do so, it surely won't be the Busch beer organization.
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Probably woke up with an unBEARable headache...and has to be put in a rehabilitation centre for alcoholics.