I am seeing too many comments everywhere about ppl talking crap about jews because they are blamed about what is happening in Gaza.

I think this is no accident. Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years and I dont think this s the end of it.

So I found some interesting videos about the subject.

Palestine seems to be contributing with a great amount of montage here. And you see, arabs dont like jews very much, so this doesn't surprise me AT ALL!!

Pat Condell is right; THIS IS NO ACCIDENT; I can tell you guys that I am seeing people comment things like "all the jews should have been exterminated during the hollocaust" when the pictures of dead children "from Palestine" are shared in the social sites..


Open your eyes people!! 

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  • Raptor, with all due respect , you do not know what you talk about - or maybe you do?

    This guy is raised as a khazar jew(ashkenazi)

    He has something to tell you.

    He knows what he talks about - right?

    • now this is the truth...a shame but true and i see no one taking sides with Gaza...how did this world get so screwed up...let us all concentrate on protecting the innocent...may Divine Source keep them safe...i have nothing against jews... i have alot against war...i vote woman rule the next world

  • To my opinion wars are deliberately created to expand the weaponry industry. Most of the wars were false flag operation and it has happened even since before we were born. It is very hard for me to imagine that humans can love wars when we know it already cause too many casualties in the past. You get into war you need weapons to kill or defend yourself. But in the end who profited from wars? The corporations. Who pays the price? Innocent civilians particularly women and children, as we already know.

  • A Synopsis of the
    Israel/Palestine Conflict

    The following is a very short synopsis of the history of this conflict. We recommend that you also read the much more detailed account, "The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict."

    For centuries there was no such conflict. In the 19th century the land of Palestine was inhabited by a multicultural population – approximately 86 percent Muslim, 10 percent Christian, and 4 percent Jewish – living in peace.


    In the late 1800s a group in Europe decided to colonize this land. Known as Zionists, they represented an extremist minority of the Jewish population. Their goal was to create a Jewish homeland, and they considered locations in Africa and the Americas, before settling on Palestine.

    Historic Palestine
    more maps

    At first, this immigration created no problems. However, as more and more Zionists immigrated to Palestine – many with the express wish of taking over the land for a Jewish state – the indigenous population became increasingly alarmed. Eventually, fighting broke out, with escalating waves of violence. Hitler's rise to power, combined with Zionist activities to sabotage efforts to place Jewish refugees in western countries, led to increased Jewish immigration to Palestine, and conflict grew.

    UN Partition Plan

    Finally, in 1947 the United Nations decided to intervene. However, rather than adhering to the principle of “self-determination of peoples,” in which the people themselves create their own state and system of government, the UN chose to revert to the medieval strategy whereby an outside power divides up other people’s land.

    Map of UN-proposed partition of Palestine. Click here for larger map.
    UN Plan of Partition
    more maps

    Under considerable Zionist pressure, the UN recommended giving away 55% of Palestine to a Jewish state – despite the fact that this group represented only about 30% of the total population, and owned under 7% of the land.

    1947-1949 War

    While it is widely reported that the resulting war eventually included five Arab armies, less well known is the fact that throughout this war Zionist forces outnumbered all Arab and Palestinian combatants combined – often by a factor of two to three. Moreover, Arab armies did not invade Israel – virtually all battles were fought on land that was to have been the Palestinian state.

    Finally, it is significant to note that Arab armies entered the conflict only after Zionist forces had committed 16 massacres, including the grisly massacre of over 100 men, women, and children at Deir Yassin. Future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, head of one of the Jewish terrorist groups, described this as “splendid,” and stated: “As in Deir Yassin, so everywhere, we will attack and smite the enemy. God, God, Thou has chosen us for conquest.” Zionist forces committed 33 massacres altogether.

    By the end of the war, Israel had conquered 78 percent of Palestine; three-quarters of a million Palestinians had been made refugees; over 500 towns and villages had been obliterated; and a new map was drawn up, in which every city, river and hillock received a new, Hebrew name, as all vestiges of the Palestinian culture were to be erased. For decades Israel denied the existence of this population, former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir once saying: “There is no such thing as a Palestinian.”

    1967 War & USS Liberty

    In 1967, Israel conquered still more land. Following the Six Day War, in which Israeli forces launched a highly successful surprise attack on Egypt, Israel occupied the final 22% of Palestine that had eluded it in 1948 – the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Since, according to international law it is inadmissible to acquire territory by war, these are occupied territories and do not belong to Israel. It also occupied parts of Egypt (since returned) and Syria (which remain under occupation).

    Also during the Six Day War, Israel attacked a US Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing and injuring over 200 American servicemen. President Lyndon Johnson recalled rescue flights, saying that he did not want to "embarrass an ally." (In 2004 a high-level commission chaired by Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, found this attack to be “an act of war against the United States,” a fact few news media have reported.)

    Current Conflict

    There are two primary issues at the core of this continuing conflict. First, there is the inevitably destabilizing effect of trying to maintain an ethnically preferential state, particularly when it is largely of foreign origin. The original population of what is now Israel was 96 percent Muslim and Christian, yet, these refugees are prohibited from returning to their homes in the self-described Jewish state (and those within Israel are subjected to systematic discrimination).

    Second, Israel's continued military occupation and confiscation of privately owned land in the West Bank, and control over Gaza, are extremely oppressive, with Palestinians having minimal control over their lives. Over 10,000 Palestinian men, women, and children are held in Israeli prisons. Few of them have had a legitimate trial; Physical abuse and torture are frequent. Palestinian borders (even internal ones) are controlled by Israeli forces. Periodically men, women, and children are strip searched; people are beaten; women in labor are prevented from reaching hospitals (at times resulting in death); food and medicine are blocked from entering Gaza, producing an escalating humanitarian crisis. Israeli forces invade almost daily, injuring, kidnapping, and sometimes killing inhabitants.

    According to the Oslo peace accords of 1993, these territories were supposed to finally become a Palestinian state. However, after years of Israel continuing to confiscate land and conditions steadily worsening, the Palestinian population rebelled. (The Barak offer, widely reputed to be generous, was anything but.) This uprising, called the "Intifada" (Arabic for "shaking off") began at the end of September 2000.

    U.S. Involvement

    Largely due to special-interest lobbying, U.S. taxpayers give Israel an average of $8 million per day, and since its creation have given more U.S. funds to Israel than to any other nation. As Americans learn about how Israel is using our tax dollars, many are calling for an end to this expenditure.

  • 8114522073?profile=original

  • This is how the jews view anyone that is not Jewish. This is what children are taught.

    Within all of us we have a choice which path to follow.


    Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God

    Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.

    O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews

    Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.

    Jews Have Superior Legal Status

    Baba Kamma 37b. "If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite...the payment is to be in full."

    Jews May Steal from Non-Jews

    Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b). Sanhedrin 76a. God will not spare a Jew who "marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean..."

    Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews

    Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

    Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."

    Jews May Lie to Non-Jews

    Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.

    Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human

    ebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.

    Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

    Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.


  • Seems to me like you are the one who may be brainwashed.

    Please get your history right and the facts correct, before you go out in all praise for the doings of the zionist Israel.

    Hope the following is an eye opener for you.


    The whole damn theory of holocaust as a basis for the formation of Israel is an eyewash. Have you read Arthur Koestler's book "The 13th Tribe"? Please do if you have not read it. I would recommend reading it, specially because it will clear the whole "right to return" policy that Israel terms "ALIYAH" as a complete fabrication by the zionists who want to rule the world. Arthur Koestler was a Jew born of Ashkenazi parentage. Most people and most americans for that matter do not know that there are two types of Jews in this world. The Sephardic and the Ashkenazi. The Sephardic Jews are the blood Jews, meaning descendents of Moses, and most sephardic Jews share their blood with the Arabs of Palestine. These Sephardic Jews never left palestine ever, and co-existed with them peacefully in the same land before the land was decreed by the UN at the behest of Britain in 1948 to Israel. The Jews of Europe and specially eastern europe who went through the holocaust are the Ashkenazi Jews, who are not blood jews. Historically there is evidence of a whole country called "KHAZAR" which converted to Judaism for political reasons which was wedged between the byzantine empire and the Arab Ottoman empire. The Russian, Pollish and Mid-europe Jews are all ashkenazi, and therfore dont need to return to Palestine. All they needed to do was settle down in the same place and start again. The only other sephardic jews that reside out of Israel are the Jews of India. They are related by blood to the people of Palestine. Read more about this in Arthur Koestler's book. The convulated part is that the sephardic jews of palestine never had any problem with the arabs and christians of palestine, the ones that have problem are not the people who should be there any which ways. Tell me Philasoraptor, if one day all the native americans said, that we want all these white and black and asian and hispanic people out because they never belonged to this land anyways, would the USA, even give them the time of the day? I believe its the Palestinians who have maintained restrain over the emotions and their right to their land, when Israelis of Ashkenazi origin have no business of being there in the first place. While Germany decided to do something to erase the travesty of the Nazi inheritance by getting the Berlin Wall down, Israel is building one all around what exists of Palestine so they can crush a whole community in through subversion tactics. With the kind of lilfe they live which is no life at all, I would not blame them for resorting to destroy what for them constitutes an enemy trying to choke them to death one way or another. What do they have to lose... aren't they going to die anyways? If you want to know what's really going on in Israel I'd also urge you to delve into the stories of the Refuser Solidarity movement and try going and reading stories posted on http:seruv.org.il/english it will open your eyes more to what perpetrates from Israel. If you are not convinced by this reading, I have more links. Hope you will take out the time. Thank you for reading till now.

  • israel has been bombing gaza for years... an american journalist lost his life over there....of course he was in gaza and got bombed by israel..such is..stupid war..ok..who's illusion is this?  cut it out cause it's not mine...peace everywhere...please..think..peace...love

  • I do not support any army, more less murderous american soldiers killing innocent women and children ever since americans got duped into Korean war up until todays sensless wars in Middle east...............

    .................., anyone joining their armies is a fool

    my turn to assume.~ how many different profiles you use around here , masking the same rhetoric and language you are using here for months. you know its not that hard to figure it out ?

  • Dershowitz: Why a Cease-Fire Will Not Last
    Alan M. Dershowitz's Perspective: A cease-fire between Israel and Hamas may end the immediate exchange of rockets, but it is not likely to be of long duration. That is because every time Hamas fires rockets into Israel, it creates a win-win-win situation for itself.

    The first win is that it terrorizes Israeli civilians, killing some, wounding others and creating panic among millions of Israelis who fear being hit. This show of strength enhances Hamas' standing within much of the Muslim world.

    The second win is that by firing these rockets from densely populated areas in Gaza City, rather than from the many open fields outside of the populated areas in the Gaza Strip, Hamas provokes Israel into targeting the rockets and the terrorists who fire them. As soon as the terrorists fire the rockets, they run to special underground bunkers that are open only to the terrorists, thereby leaving civilians above ground and vulnerable to Israeli rockets.

    This is a deliberate tactic employed by Hamas over many years and designed to bring about international condemnation of Israel for inadvertently killing Palestinian civilians. Israel’s only other options would be to allow Hamas rockets to be fired unanswered into Israel, or to conduct a ground war which would result in even greater international condemnation.

    The third win for Hamas is that every time it fires rockets into Israel and provokes Israel into returning fire, it weakens the Palestinian Authority — its arch enemy in the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority has renounced violence, but it has no choice other than to support Hamas’ violence against Israel, which is popular among many Palestinians. The end result is a strengthened Hamas, which is seen as doing something and a weakened Palestinian Authority, which is seen as doing nothing.

    The proof that this win-win-win strategy is working for Hamas can be seen on television, in the newspapers, at the United Nations and among the chattering classes. Virtually everyone acknowledges that Israel has the right to defend itself, but that Israeli military actions — particularly if they are tough enough to achieve a modicum of success — do more harm than good to Israel’s standing around the world. That is precisely the reaction that Hamas has been counting on — and with repeated success.
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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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