Old post but still relevant :)

For the past two days I've had a splitting headache, been nauseous, dizzy, spent a sleepless night, felt so tired that I can hardly stand up, had trouble talking and can't focus. I'm not sick, this is what happens to me when we experience huge energy shifts like the one that began last Friday. Chances are, you felt them too. Our bodies go through many physical changes with energy downloads and they can make us feel like we have been run over by a truck. We can't change that as there is more energy coming but we can understand how to manage these symptoms so we know what we are dealing with and make adjustments to our activities.
Before I get into a list of symptoms, what they mean and why they are happening, there are two things that we can do to minimize their severity. One is to get enough rest, which means getting enough sleep at night (although one of the symptoms is insomnia) so that when these shifts happen you are not so worn out that your body crashes and you are forced to go to bed. The other is to spend time doing breathing exercises which helps ground your body. Even if you just do them for five minutes once a day, focusing on the breath helps you stay grounded so you do not have that feeling of being half here and half out in the ethers.
I knew that a big energy shift was happening because on Saturday I had the urge to clean my house. And not just run the vacuum and dust the furniture, but clean every room, wash floors, dust baseboards and ceilings and straighten out my cabinets. I even thoroughly washed and vacuumed my car. The energy downloads push old energy out and as this energy clears in the spiritual and psychic realms, we can feel it as a need to clean our physical environment. So if you get the urge, clean out your closets, your home, your car and your office. Moving furniture around, washing and dusting removes old energy and allows your physical space to absorb the new energy. This is especially true if you want movement in your life, for example, if you want to move or shift some aspect of your life.
Then there are the stronger physical aspects of energy movements, such as the nausea, dizziness, confusion, inability to focus, overwhelming fatigue and problems with thinking and speech. All of these happen because these energy shifts carry new electromagnetic frequencies that literally shut down our old circuits as we are being re-wired into new vibrational frequencies. It's the equivalent of turning off the electricity to re-wire your house. While the electricity is off, not much gets done and it's best to go to bed. While that is not always possible, as we are being re-wired, meaning our neural pathways are being configured to accept higher vibrations.
Try to imagine your pre-ascension body as being able to power a 50 watt light bulb. These energy shifts are changing your physical body so you can power a 1000 watt light bulb. All of the energetic pathways that receive and transmit energy must be upgraded to accept higher frequencies, which is why I refer to this process as re-wiring. It cannot be done at one time as our bodies simply could not take it. So it is done in stages, which occur with each energy download.
Some of this re-configuring can be done at night but some must be done while we are awake which is why we sometimes have insomnia. The work that cannot be done during the day (because the energetic interference is too high) is done at night and if we need to be awake for it, we will not be able to sleep. My solution for this is to just get up and write or read until I feel sleepy again. I find that this always happens between 3 and 6AM. And yes, I'm very tired the next day.
Food sensitivity is another symptom that is a result of the new energetic frequencies. You may find that you crave certain foods and can no longer tolerate past favorites. Processed foods, red meat, pork, sugar and certain vegetables may either not appeal to you or eating them gives you digestive problems. And this changes over time so you are never sure what you can eat and what your body will not tolerate. There are so many foods I can't eat now that my diet has become very simple, including lean protein, vegetables and salad. Anything else makes me sick or makes me gain weight (another unattractive symptom).
Listen to your body and pay attention to what it needs. The simpler the diet, the better for now. I hope that one day we will be able to eat whatever we want but for the moment, our bodies need healthy, wholesome food with few pesticides and preservatives, grown in optimal conditions and eaten in a calm, stress free environment.
Have you put on ten, fifteen or twenty pounds that you can't lose? Welcome to the club. This is a rather frustrating symptom that so many have and that won't go away. There are several reasons for this one. First, the fat acts as an energetic buffer, grounding and protection. As a buffer it gives us more physical density so we tolerate higher frequencies of energy. It grounds us and makes us more aware of our physical presence so we are less likely to be out in the ethers. With the awareness that your clothes don't fit right and your body just feels heavy you are staying focused on your physical presence, which grounds you in the third dimension. And the extra weight adds protection as we feel unattractive and are less likely to open ourselves to other people (I'll talk about this in another Ascension Insight). The weight will go away by itself when it's time. I know people who have watched the weight just melt away even after struggling with it for years.
And the weight may be bloating from water retention as our bodies also retain water to act as a buffer for these frequency shifts. You may notice that you gain five pounds or more a day or two before the energy shifts, I know I do. Then after they are over the weight will go away, until the next energy shift.
Of course this is a very uncomfortable process and despite our best preparation our bodies are really taking a hit. Fortunately the symptoms only last a few days so during that period you may not feel very active or social and then you will be stepping into a new frequency that will require a little bit of adjustment time. In the meantime, get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, eat what your body craves and take care of yourself. The body is the vehicle for ascension and a necessary part of this process. Even though it seems to be in the way sometimes, it is part of your divine trinity and you chose it as your physical presence for this lifetime.
So now that you know what the symptoms are, you will be prepared for the next download which will happen this month, after the Equinox. Stay calm, focused, and aware and remember your thoughts are creating every moment of your life. Think the best ones. 
As you ponder this and the other things that are happening at this time (and Mercury is retrograde, which is a great time for reconsideration), remember to:
Accept all gifts of understanding with gratitude and use them to apply forgiveness, release and healing to every situation.  Ask for guidance and confirmation and then wait for it to come to you.  Above all, be grateful for this opportunity to be part of humanity's amazing shift in consciousness as we all ascend into the miracle vibration.
Many blessings in these miraculous and amazing times, 
Jennifer Hoffman

PS:  Thanks for sharing your stories of how you have lost, stepped or sat on, had your dog eat your glasses.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, www.urielheals.com are included.

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  • People probably just need to work out, do Pilates or Yoga, some kind of physical exercise, and eat right :)....

  • Well...again, like with most of these lists....I'm not experiencing any of this lol I mean I was getting a bit of a panchito, like they say in Spanish lol A little bit of a belly....but that's because I was eating too much. I cut down on eating and it went away.

    I think people tend to read too much into this stuff. Like, I must be getting fat because it's part of the Ascension process, it helps to ground me and provide an energy buffer. You'd only need an energy buffer, if normally you can't handle it lol Well how come I can handle it? I mean.....there doesn't have to be some esoteric meaning for everything...you're getting fat because you're eating too much, if you cut down on eating and exercise, you'll lose weight. Pretty simple.

    I find exercising does much more for grounding and handling energy, than anything else. You feel tired, or fat...go take a jog....the endorphins will waken you up and you'll burn off the weight you gained. If you take care of your physical body like you're supposed to, you won't have these physical problems.

    I bet half of all ascension symptoms would cease if people just ate right, exercised, did their meditations....you know, do what you're supposed to do. Take care of your mind body and spirit...and you won't have these issues, you won't be tired all the time, or gain weight, or need an energy buffer because your body is too weak to handle high frequencies.

    It's weird too because all the most enlightened people I know of are always skinny lol And all the bigger people I know always have a lot of emotional baggage. That's how I look at it.

    • yes how loving of you to say fat people is their own fault, what of people with medical conditions? always is a judemental blanket term used by those with no understanding of personal differences,

      and actually if you knew about losing weight it has to do with metabolism which if you wish to increase yours you must eat more often, not eat less, when you eat less your body is afraid it wont get food again so turns the food to fat. eating often tells your body there is abundance and that it is safe to use the food to fix itself

      • Two ships passing in the night, remember? lol

        And of course it's their responsibility. Who elses responsibility is it? People just eat much more than their body actually requires. So they gain weight. This isn't some great mystery, this is common sense lol It doesn't help that most foods are packed with saturated fats and calories and sugars....well, all you have to do is eat properly. Eat fruits and vegetables, don't eat so much junk food...eat many small meals a day, not a few huge ones...that will help your metabolism. And exercise....play a sport, work out, go running, go swimming...that's all you need to do. All it takes is the will.

        And I've never had a weight problem, because I've always took care of my body. I feel bad for people who don't, but it's still their responsibility. They have to take it upon themselves to do whatever they have to do to get in shape. And a lot of times, they're lazy....and I mean I don't mean to be judgmental or anything, but it's true. They need to summon the will to be healthy.

        • you are so full of it your eyes are brown, i eat 5000 calories a day and im 5'10" and only 135 lbs, you DO NOT  know what you are talking about here and are telling people how to lose weight in a way that is not appropriate, YOU are NOT a qualified dietician or Trainer. not only is your attitude grossly judgemental you are possibly causing people DEATH if they follow your advice, each person body makeup and requirements are different. 

          you dont mean to be judgemental PFF whatever dude. all you do is go around this site and tell people they are wrong you are right fat people are lazy fat asses. you are a disgusting person, and thankfully you serve the purpose of showing others how NOT to act towards eachother. 

          and you will undoubtedtly tell me "you are doing the same thing blah blah blah" well the i challenge thee to be BETTER than i and stop with your nonsense, you misquote your teachers, you clai to be better than others . you shame your race with your nonsense

          • Well I have many overweight friends, one of my best friends growing up was overweight. I loved him. Many times I defended him when people made fun of him. That doesn't mean it still isn't his responsibility that he's overweight. That doesn't mean he shouldn't take care of himself and be disciplined. It would be better for him. He would be healthier and happier.

            I don't know what you're arguing about, honestly. I mean this is basic common sense. Eat right, exercise, be in good spirits...that's how you stay healthy. And I never heard of one person who has died by eating properly and exercising to lose weight. Not one. I have heard of many people who've died because they were overweight.

            And....you called it....what you accuse me of, is exactly what you do. It really is. I mean, nice call lol And it can be the most common sense thing in the world, like eating right and exercising to lose weight...and you'll find some way to contradict it and try to turn it into a fight. And I don't know why, I really don't.

            • Jim fix, never ate badly jogged everyday never smoked no drugs totally healthy guess how he died? hear attack while jogging.  just caus eYOU havent heard of something doesnt mean it doesnt exist. 

              and i see you CANNOT be the better man and take the high road, youturned it into WAH HE IS BUGGING ME AGAIN.  well maybe if you didnt say such ignorant stupid things i wouldnt be jumping on ya, no one else here seems to do it so i will gladly take on the task :)

              im telling you that you should not give advice to other on health unless you are a health professional, what about people with thyroid problems? oh they are just lazy fat asses too eh.  you are so ignorant, you tell people their sex experiences are not what they have had you tell people that what they are feeling from the energies of the universe is a lie you jsut want people to believe what you believe, you do not leave ANYONE a chance to have their own thoughts, and i will smack you around every step of the ay as long as you continue to use blanket statements and ignorant judgements of people

              • Heart attacks are mainly caused because peoples heart chakras are blocked...and that manifests physically as blockages in their coronary arteries. Therefore, blood can't get to or from the heart properly, which eventually will lead to a heart attack. I actually have studied this, and my fiance is a nurse, she's dealt with this before. And being overweight and not being physically active are major contributors to heart attacks. So it's not exercising that caused him to have a heart attack...it was him..all diseases are caused because their is a part of your mind, body, or spirit that is out of balance.

                And look, I can't do this with you man. This is common sense stuff that everybody knows. And you, just to contradict me...because this is about me, I know that.....just to contradict me, you have to say this stuff.

                And I can't believe you knowingly and willingly take the low road....and then criticize me for not taking the high road lol I mean what is going on here? Well I'm now going to fully take the high road and end this with you, and I please ask you to leave me alone and stop hounding me everywhere I go on this site. Thank you.

                • oh just so you can ACTUALLY learn something today MOST heart attacks are cause by arterial blockages or buildups in the arterial walls commnoly called arteriosclerosis, and then all it takes is a tiny blood clot or too much activity causing high blood pressue to choke the heart

                • yes for most people what you say is true, but you calling people fat lazy bastards is sick , you wanna insult people prepare to be insulted RIGHT BACK, you are sick and disgusting, you have no idea what his heart attack was from, but because your friends wer fat and your GF is a nurse you are wualified to diagnose this man, WTF

                  so when you catch a flesh eating virus its because you werent in balance. WAKE THE F UP PYOU MORON, you are so disillusioned about what is happeneing out there.  no its not about YOU its about WHAT YOU SAY AND HOW YOU SAY IT.  if you claim to be so rightous and so well trained by all the masters you wouldnt even lower yourself to an argument, but THER YOU ARE EVERYTIME right there to talk back and lamely defenc your digusting commentsyou will be left alone when you stop judging and insulting others and stopp telling people everything they know and believe is wrong because YOU know its not right. 

                  the others on this site dont want to get into this with you because they are not warriors most of the people here are healers .  and your words are like a disease here and i will cleanse that disease

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