Hi everyone, my name is Jessica from South Florida. I am known as the reincarnated Terra Ra angel named Jessica Louise Michael and the healer Camaela. I am an angel of joy and happiness. Still waiting since August 2013 to find my twin flame Anthony. I have been told he is handsome and looks like Fonz from Happy Days tv show. I love crystals, meditations, have healing hands suitable to learn reiki. I am a social media manager and go to a nondenominational Christian church. I am the only one in my family that is partially awake and using empathy, telepathy, and go astrally to work on myself and chat with Anthony. I have a small dog from neighbors, a chihuahua who is mean to people and bites other dogs. I am also German American and can speak a few words in Spanish and fluent in German. I like learning from Sananda and ascended masters and archangels. Everyone is mostly nice to me in spiritual groups like Ashtar Command website but outside spiritual groups everyone seems to be not accepting of Galactic Federation of Light. I work indirectly with Sananda and Galactic Federation of Light but don't remember my tasks that I do for them. I also have a dream of creating a humanitarian and spiritual company that everyone can participate in called JHM's World Full Service Company - The Company With You In Mind/Co-Creating a Better Life and Environment for All. You can add me as a friend on Facebook - Jessica Michael Mcfatter Technical Center/Nova Southeastern University. I am always looking for nice spiritual friends that are also genuinely psychic, light workers, reincarnated angels/archangels and/or famous people. I am also looking to find my soul family and star brothers and sisters to be friends with and to make the Earth a better place to live.
Hope everyone has a nice year, Looking forward to NESARA law and prosperity funds to come to everyone.
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Welcome Jessica.
Thanks. Love and Light to you....